So what if the opponent is the two Herrschers?

Dressed in the Blank Key and transformed into a true red knight, she is not afraid of anyone!

Today, she Wuliangta Jizi wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods with a mortal body!


Meanwhile, in the command room.

"That guy Jizi...she does this every time! What do you think of her own life?! She never thought about what would happen to us who worry about her if something happened to me!?"

"No! I must help her! It's too dangerous to face two Herrschers alone!"

After much deliberation and venting, Teresa finally made such a decision.

At this time, only Leiden Mei was by her side.

"Principal, is this really okay? Without your command, in case something unexpected happens..."

Raiden Mei looked a little confused.

Everyone is going to the battlefield, and I am the only one left here. This feeling seems to be isolated, abandoned, and belittled...

She instinctively didn't want to see this happen.

Theresa, however, was determined.

"Don't worry, Ai-chan and Miss Honghou are in charge! As for the Quantum Shadow, Einstein and Dr. Tesla have already tried their best to stop it, Mei, you just need to stay here, and notify in time if there is any emergency Let's do it!"


"That's it! It's time for me to perform well, and I just took this opportunity to try the new function of [Yuehuang Armor]... I'm counting on you, Mei!"

As soon as the words fell, Teresa left the place impatiently.


As for Leiden Mei, she could only watch blankly as her back disappeared from sight.

For some reason, at this moment, the words that Mei said before suddenly appeared in her mind:

"It seems that the pain you have endured is far from enough. You are still so naive, and you have some unrealistic illusions. You have to wait until everything is away from you to know..."


Yes, everyone...including the white-haired girl has come to the front, only her—Raiden Mei still stays where she is, afraid of everything and change.

Is this really good?

The girl touched her chest and stayed where she was, unable to recover for a long time.

Chapter 234 Chapter 220 Five Herrscher of Space VS Herrscher of Ice

"Vice-captain! Vice-captain, wake up! Vice-captain! Vice-captain..."

Drowsy, listening to this familiar call, Rita Rossweisse slowly opened her eyes.

Immediately, the rest of the senses began to recover.


The bitter cold wind roared in her ears, and the bone-piercing chill invaded the body and mind of this "blue knight" from bottom to top. What caught her eyes was the sky full of snow and the tragic battlefield.


Rita immediately opened her eyes wide, and her body trembled violently, not knowing whether it was because of the biting cold or the shock in her heart.

As the owner of the Valkyrie Armor [Blue Knight·Moon Soul], she has always been the maker of this scene before her.But now, she who controls Frost actually feels the cold...

How ironic is this?

"Vice Captain! You finally woke up! Great!"

A voice of surprise came from beside him.

Suppressing the irritability of being interrupted, Rita turned her head to look.

It was a blue-haired girl dressed in [Blade of Immortality] standard armor, with a single ponytail, leaning on a weapon, with a look of joy on her face.


Looking at the face that still had a lively smile even though it was flushed from the cold, Rita struggled to get up, patted off the white snow covering her body, and scanned her surroundings.

"What happened before? I remember that we were not attacking the Herrscher of the Sky? It seemed that we were suddenly attacked..."

"It's the Herrscher of Ice!"

The blue-haired girl suddenly shouted excitedly.

Hearing this, Rita frowned.

"The Herrscher of Ice?"


The girl nodded, and began to describe the situation vividly and vividly:

"Vice-Captain, although it's unbelievable, according to the situation, one of our Valkyrie troops suddenly became a Herrscher! It was the cold snap that erupted when she was born and hit us from behind!"

"At that time, including you, the vice-captain, everyone was concentrating on breaking through the obstacles of the Houkai Beast and creating a chance to defeat the Herrscher of the Sky, so they didn't pay attention to the situation in other places. I also kept an eye out in advance. We sent a reconnaissance plane to hover over the battlefield to obtain this information..."

"Vice-captain! Everyone... almost everyone... I just thought you too..."

At the end, the blue-haired girl's words were filled with tears.

Seeing this, Rita quickly comforted her:

"Don't cry! Alvette, it's not time to be sad yet! How many people do we have now? The Herrscher of the Sky... and the Herrscher of Ice you mentioned, where are they now?!"

"Hmmmmmm! I am a member of the Immortal Blade, be strong! Don't cry!"

The blue-haired girl nodded vigorously, wiped her eyes, sucked her red nose from the cold, and comforted herself.

Then, she pointed in a direction.

"The Herrscher of Ice is in that direction! It's about [-] kilometers away from this place, and the Herrscher of the Sky has also passed by. Although both of them are Herrschers, they don't seem to be in harmony..."

Having said that, she looked at Rita again with a downcast expression.

"Vice-captain, as for our Valkyrie troops... less than [-]% of them can be contacted. Most of them are moving towards the landing area, intending to join the fleet."

"Is there only four left..."

Rita closed her eyes, facing the snow falling all over the sky, as if mourning deeply for those comrades who passed away.

Does this fight really make sense...

Feeling the coldness melting on her cheeks, at this moment, even she, who is extremely loyal to the destiny, couldn't help being a little shaken.

"Master Ulandal, what should I do next..."

Her own strength is no different from an insignificant snowflake in front of the Herrscher of Ice, and the poor compatibility between them makes her, an S-rank Valkyrie, almost unable to exert any effect.

But now a person has to make a decision.

And now in this battlefield, who else is qualified to take on this important task besides her?

Everything returns to the original point.

A sense of powerlessness invaded Rita's body and mind...

At this time, she missed the invincible Xinghui who represented the strongest.

at this time……

"Buzz rumble...!"

A huge monster flew over their heads, accompanied by a heavy bass, rolled up the wind and snow all over the sky, and flew towards the direction the blue-haired girl pointed just now.

"That is……"

Rita's eyes widened suddenly.

"It's the strange mecha that left suddenly! Is it coming to drive us all to death?!"

The blue-haired girl opened her small mouth slightly, her face ashen.

Yet Rita instinctively felt that something was wrong.

"No, not necessarily! Let's go! Alvette, let's go there quickly!"

After finishing speaking, Rita bent down, picked up her sickle after rubbing it in the snow, shook off the snow stains on it, and immediately ran forward quickly.


Looking at her back, the blue-haired girl was stunned, and hurriedly followed.

"Wait, wait for me! Vice captain!"


At the same time, the much-anticipated battle of the Herrschers has begun.

"In this world, there can only be one Honkai queen, and that's me! And it can only be me! The new guy, bring your playful snowflakes, get out of here!"

The Herrscher of the Sky, who was still in a state of anger, raised his hand without saying a word.

"Whoosh whoosh...!"

As the space doors opened one after another, a large number of subkong spears shot out from them. The spear tips shone coldly and pierced towards the enemy with the sound of piercing through the air.

"Ho ho..."

Regarding this, the new Herrscher wearing an ice cap and a cloak smiled strangely, and also raised his hand.


Opposite to the Archon's Spear, there are extremely sharp ice thorns, which are condensed by the Herrscher of Ice, have a strong penetrating effect, and are numerous.

"Bang bang bang bang...!"

The two collided, and the dense and ear-piercing sound resounded through the sky, and various sharp fragments were scattered everywhere, causing the surrounding buildings and the Houkai herd below to suffer.

In addition to the "barrage duel" between the two Herrschers, the Houkai beasts and dead soldiers who "loyalty" to them-the "pink and white army" with a relatively common size and shape and the "ice blue army" transformed by frost Legion" also fell into a fight, making the battlefield chaotic.

"Ho ho...Pipeustis lupus, nest... lure."

The Herrscher of Ice, with white hair and slurred speech, laughed and pointed.

In the next second, a powerful humanoid Honkai beast wearing ice armor suddenly appeared on the battlefield. It didn't take long to put a heavy pressure on Herrscher of the Sky's "Pink and White Army" , which once caused the balance of the scene to be broken.

This is obviously a high-level Houkai beast.

However, this situation once again stimulated the sensitive and fragile nerves of Herrscher of the Sky.

" are courting death!!"

The Herrscher of the Sky was completely angry, and following her words, densely packed space doors almost covered the sky.

The Ice Herrscher's subordinate, Honkai Beast, reminded her of her life-or-death giant dragon.

"It doesn't matter whether you are dependent or not, you will be completely reduced to ashes!!!"

"This is the time of judgment!"


Following the indifferent and angry words of the Herrscher of the Sky, and with her snapping her fingers as a signal, energy fluctuations from the imaginary space suddenly appeared on the other side of the space gate!

Immediately after...

"Boom boom boom...!"

A burst of "cannon fire" fell like raindrops, pouring on the battlefield, washing away everything in front of us.

This is an energy blow from the imaginary space!

At this moment, countless Honkai beasts were smashed to pieces, whether they belonged to one's own side or the opponent's; the entire battlefield was devastated, and some airport facilities even swayed off and fell to the ground.

However, both herrschers can fly without using foreign objects.

Faced with this mighty attack, Herrscher of Ice did not remain indifferent, but chose to create a thick ice prison to protect himself and his family in it.

Maintaining the status quo.

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