At this time, Ji Zi moved

"And what about me?"

With a wave of the God Meteor Sword, the Plague Gem with the same origin as the Herrscher of Flame output power, causing the fiery flame to sweep out along the wind of the sword, engulfing the spear.

"This kind of power?! How is it possible? How could a mere ant possess such power?!"

Seeing that his attack was easily disintegrated, the Herrscher of the Sky went crazy.

Seeing this, Teresa and Jizi looked at each other.

"Let's go together! Ji Zi! Take Kiyana back!"

"Of course!"

At this moment, the Twilight Knight and the Red Knight formally join forces.

In this way, Teresa and Himeko, a pair of companions who have been together for many years, worked together to suppress the Herrscher of the Sky.

Seeing this scene, Mei smiled slightly, and shifted all her thoughts to Herrscher of Ice.

"Ice Herrscher... Your birth is destined to be a misfortune."

Sensing Mei's gaze, Herrscher of Ice, who had just recovered from paralysis, was furious.


As Herrscher pushed forward vigorously, the flying snow all over the sky seemed to suddenly have "wisdom", and began to press down on Mei Yi with overwhelming force, and countless icicles also completed freezing in an instant.

The temperature in the environment suddenly became lower, so cold that one felt as if one was in a hole in the ice, his whole body was stiff and unresponsive.

However, in the face of this mighty offensive, Mei did not move from the beginning to the end.

"Not weak, but unfortunately your opponent is me."

Holding the handle of Hachifang's knife with her right hand, Mei took a step forward, leaning slightly sideways.

With a flash of lightning, two blood-colored thunder avatars emerged on the left and right sides, also holding a knife in one hand, showing a posture of cohabitation.

"Shadow clone..."

Staring ahead, Mei's face was indifferent, and her eyes seemed to penetrate the snowflakes all over the sky and land on the Herrscher of Ice.


Vermilion lips parted lightly, and she drew the knife out of its sheath.

"Shua—! Shua—!"

The two thunder clones swung forward instantly, and the bloody cross slashed the incoming attack instantly, dividing the entire ice and snow kingdom into four.

And Mei also disappeared in place at the same time, with an indomitable momentum, broke through the disintegrated barrier alone, and instantly came to the front of the Herrscher of Ice.

"Go away."

Looking at the Herrscher in front of him who was so stunned that he didn't even have time to open the ice prison, Mei slowly unsheathed Hachifang while rushing forward, without a trace of pity in his eyes.

She never shows mercy to a real enemy.



At the same time that Bafang was unsheathed, a figure suddenly stood in front of Herrscher, choosing to use his own body to take the knife.


Mei stopped instantly.

Although she was no longer merciful, she was far from killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Sheathing the half-drawn Bafang, stopped the body that was rushing rapidly, and stared intently at the new figure that appeared in front of her eyes.

"Excuse me?"

Gray hair, thick dark circles under the eyes, young age, a thick coat...


As the strong wind brought by the rush just passed by, the collar of the young man in front of him was blown away, and the exposed skin unexpectedly reflected a metallic luster in an instant.

This scene did not escape Mei's sight.

The...reformer who blocked the sword for the Herrscher of Ice?

This question flashed through her mind.

Facing Mei's staring gaze, the gray-haired young man's gaze did not evade, and he stood firmly in front of the two of them.

"Anna is still alive, please give me and Anna a chance, please."

The gray-haired young man... that is, the world snake cadre code-named "Ye Xiao" and whose real name is Chen Tianwu, begged so.


Hearing this strange name, Mei looked thoughtfully at the Herrscher of Ice behind Ye Xiao.

The white-haired Herrscher visibly flinched, but he didn't intend to attack.

Obviously, the mysterious young man in front of him has some kind of connection with the Herrscher of Ice, or in other words, the two of them knew each other before the Herrscher of Ice became a Herrscher.

If that's the case...

It's not that she, Mei Lei, is unwilling to give them a chance.

Because I was once an ordinary person.

"You only have one chance. Before she is completely controlled by Honkai and causes more casualties."

Taking her hand away from the handle of the knife, Mei turned sideways and said in a flat tone.

She also wants to see if the Herrscher of Ice can be rescued by humans like herself, so as to restore herself.

Ye Xiao was grateful for this.

"thank you very much!"

After solemnly bowing to Mei several times in a row, Ye Xiao couldn't wait to turn around and look at Herrscher behind him.

"Anna! Wake up..."

Not finished yet.


The sound of flesh being torn apart came.


Feeling wrong, Mei suddenly turned her head.

As a result, I saw the scene of Ye Xiao being pierced by the Herrscher of Ice.

Chapter 236 Chapter 220 Chapter Seven

A year ago, a collapse occurred in the port city called Manila.

Countless people became dead and roamed the streets, and a large number of Houkai beasts were spawned, destroying everything in their path.

It was hell for the living, scarier than any disaster movie.

As usual, the Mandate of Heaven, which shouldered the mission of fighting against the Houkai, sent troops of the Valkyrie to rescue, but suffered heavy casualties. Among them, the team of the Valkyrie named "Anna Shaniat" was the only one who survived.

In the collapsed ruins, she was the one who survived, but successfully rescued a teenager from the brink of death.

Her smile, her innocence, her kindness, her strength... all her beauty is like diamonds, embellishing the empty heart of the young man.

That collapse took away the boy's most important person, but sent another most important person in front of him.

Although the two separated in the end, that necklace—the most important necklace for a girl—has become a constant concern in each other's hearts.

Since then, the girl has continued to serve the destiny, bathing in supreme glory as a Valkyrie.

In order to find the girl and understand everything about her, the boy faced the darkness and became a member of the snake. In order to survive, his body was transformed into a machine...

Now, the two finally meet again.


"An... Na...?"

Looking down at the icicle protruding from his chest, Ye Xiao muttered with a dazed expression, as if he wanted to say something.

However, blood kept spilling from his mouth, making the already intermittent words even more blurred.

And the outstretched hand was still groping and holding in front of the Herrscher of Ice, as if trying to grab something.



The man named Chen Tianwu fell heavily on the ground, the blood gradually formed puddles, and his pupils became dull and dizzy.

Frost mercilessly covered his body.

"Ho ho..."

Looking down at the rapidly freezing corpse, Herrscher of Ice let out a strange smile as he merged into the wind and snow, as if mocking something.

Kill the person who wants to save himself with his own hands...

Obviously, at this time, she has been completely controlled by the will of the Houkai, and her humanity has been wiped out.

"It seems that she is different from me."

Seeing Ye Xiao's unrepentant appearance, Yai said slowly, curling the corners of her lips, but there was no smile on her face.

At this moment, she has no hesitation.

"Do you think you can escape?"

Looking at the Herrscher who was eager to distance herself from her, Mei grabbed the handle of Hachifang's knife again.

At the same time, the gauntlet on the right was suddenly grasped.


Thunder burst.

With the clenched fist of the gauntlet as the center, the blood-colored thunder spread out in a circular shape, penetrated into the ice layer, and quickly formed an electromagnetic field.

At this moment, even though Herrscher of Ice was eager to distance herself and began to fly with all her strength, the area she was in was still shrouded in lightning.

"Uh ah ah ah...!"

The Ice Herrscher captured by the domain screamed, struggled to break free from control, turned around and pushed hard, and the ice cone and cold current formed again.

The battle of trapped beasts...

Seeing this, Mei closed her eyes, locked on the enemy with her perception ability, and gently pulled out the sword...

She has no patience to continue.

"Let me set you free..."

As soon as the words fell, everything in the entire area fell into a stillness.

Only thunder and lightning dance here.


Converging the power in both hands and concentrating on the blade, Mei opened her eyes.

"Pull out the knife!"


With a slash from the air, the blood-colored thunder surged like a torrent, enveloping and annihilating the flying snow all over the sky.

A red light flashed, and the building in front was cut off by the middle, disappearing into nothingness.

The Herrscher of Ice froze, her expression and movements remained the same as before, but a knife mark slowly appeared on her body.

At the very end, when everything returned to flow again, maybe it was an illusion, but a gleam of light flashed in Herrscher's eyes.

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