
"and also……"

"Thank you."

The strange girl's voice sounded beside Mei's ear, as illusory and fleeting as a dream.As Herrscher closed her eyes, her whole body turned into pure white snowflakes.


The Herrscher's core that was split in half fell to the ground, and was soon covered by frost.

Snow, stop.


Seeing this scene, Mei slowly drew the knife, speechless.

At the last moment, she could have used Hachifang's own ability to make him a Herrscher puppet.


When she remembered that she was never a Herrscher, she finally gave up.

Yaodao Murura kills the body with curse poison, absorbs the enemy's soul and uses it for himself; while Yaodao Hachifang uses curses to control the enemy's corpse and imprison his soul in the body forever.

These are two murder weapons.

"It's time to end this..."

While muttering to himself, Mei looked at the battlefield on the other side.

The combination of the Red Knight and the Twilight Knight firmly suppressed the Herrscher of the Sky, and with the Soldiers Transformation Machine sitting on the sidelines, the situation was already under control.

As for the United Fleet that came to crusade...

The moment she returned to the battlefield with the Black Dragon Descending and the God of War Transformation Machine, she intuitively stopped advancing, cowering and afraid to act rashly.

This farce has come to an end.

And just when Mei was going to look for the white-haired girl, as if sensing her inner thoughts, the northern sky suddenly brightened.

Looking up, he found that it was a familiar golden light.


As if attracted by an unknown force, the black dragon that covered the sky and the sun roared softly, and the long and magnificent dragon chant resounded across the universe.

Under Mei's gaze, a golden light landed in front of her, and finally turned into a white-haired girl in a nun's attire.


The moment she saw the girl's face, Mei subconsciously opened her mouth, but closed it quickly.

That's not Kiyana.

Because each other's "soul" is different.

Just when Mei was puzzled by this, that familiar voice appeared in her mind:

"Mei, I'm going to deal with 'them', after you finish what you are doing, come and help me when you have time..."

"By the way, the girl in front of you is me in this world, the real Kiyana. Sorry, Mei, forgive me for not telling you until now, but in fact, I have been relying on her before... As for the reason, maybe that At that time, I didn't dare to face you with a real attitude."

"Well, it's different now, I'm very happy, really... Also, it seems that some little guys from outer space are coming, you can entrust her to Principal Teresa and the others to take care of her first, and at the same time tell them, I The power enough to save the world has already been buried in her."

Everything is clear.

"Really. Kiana, since this is your idea..."

Bending down and gently hugging the sleeping nun, Mei looked at the ongoing battle.

"Then let me do it!"


Section 237 Leave of absence

Recently, the upstairs has been undergoing renovations, and the sound of the electric drill is buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, and the author hasn't had a good night's sleep for a long time, and today he even appeared upset and broke out in a cold sweat Due to the situation, I can’t move the pen, and the update is stagnant. I will send a special notice to ask for leave.



There is not much interest left, and the plot has entered a turning point... To be honest, the book has already begun to wrap up, thank you for following along, the author doesn't want to procrastinate any longer.

very very sorry.

Chapter 238 Chapter 220 Eight New Generations ([-])

A month later.

Shenzhou, Canghai City, Saint Freya Academy.

"Are you ready? The succession ceremony is about to begin, so stop dawdling!"

Outside the principal's office, Himeko in a Valkyrie uniform frowned and shouted.

"Okay! Okay! Wait a little longer! It'll be right away..."

Through the floor door, the vigorous and silly reply sounded, which made people feel nostalgic.

"Oh, really."

In response, Himeko sighed heavily, turned around, and looked down at the busy academy through the window.

"Auntie, what do you think of this..."

"It's so cute! It's not suitable for such a formal occasion..."

"The principal is really cute~ hehe~"

"Miss Mei is right, I think so too."

"Rita, you too...don't wow!"

The fight coming from inside the door... The sound of changing clothes became more and more intense and loud, making Ji Zi, who was standing outside the door with her arms crossed, grit her teeth.

These guys...

Did you take my words on deaf ears? !

Anger flashed through her mind, and soon, the fingertips that had sunk into her arms loosened.

"It's getting lively again..."

Attention was successfully diverted.

Outside the window, young Valkyries were chatting and laughing as they strolled on the street filled with flowers, some were lifting the podium, some were moving flowerpots...

They have familiar faces, different skin colors, different languages, and different styles of dressing.

The only thing that is the same is the warm and cheerful smiles on the faces of the girls and the hope that shines in their eyes.

In fact, they came from the Valkyrie training institutions located in branches of the "Former Mandate of Heaven"... that is, Valkyrie from all over the world, and some of them even participated in the previous battle against the Far East branch.

"In the future... it should be easier, right?"

Looking at those Valkyries who were full of vitality and cast off the haze, Ji Zi also seemed to be infected, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

Thinking back to a month ago...

When the black dragon descended and the law of ice dissipated, the Destiny Headquarters... no, the whole world was attacked by [imaginary numbers] and [quantum].

Quantum shadows flying all over the sky, endless Houkai beasts—they launched a general attack on the entire human civilization.

The biggest collapse of this generation happened.

At that time, countless human beings died every minute and every second.Misery, howling, and despair spread continuously on the earth. People can only watch their hometowns being destroyed and trampled by monsters they have never seen before, watching their relatives and friends turn into monsters or disappear alive...

Humanity is at stake.

They all discovered the situation through satellite surveillance at the time.

It is obviously not a wise choice to fight internally at this time.

So, no matter if it was Destiny, Anti-Entropy, or World Snake, they all made changes:

First of all, in the face of the doomsday, human beings should unite and draw in all possible forces.

Among them, even the enemy of mankind—the Herrscher.

"What kind of existence is a Herrscher? Their power...why can they become so powerful?"

While muttering to himself, Ji Zi touched his chest subconsciously, his eyes were in a trance, as if he was thinking about something.

Yes, the Herrscher's power is indeed extremely powerful.

At that time, wearing the Blank Key and driving the Plague Gem, she exerted a power that she had never imagined before, disintegrating the conspiracy of the world snake and resisting the Herrscher of the Void...

And that is only part of the power of the Herrscher of Flame.

In addition, there are other Herrscher's "rebellion".

I vaguely remember that when she and Teresa tried their best to suppress the Second Herrscher, that extremely powerful girl suddenly stepped into the battle, with such a move...

"Heart cut!"

The battle is over.

Ji Zi will never forget the scene where the lightning bolts, as thin as silk, instantly tore apart the space.

As the purple-haired girl swung a knife at the same time as the gauntlet beside her, Herrscher of the Sky, who was planning to escape, fell into a freeze.

Afterwards, "Qiana" was forcibly released.

The Second Herrscher is no longer a threat.

At that time, she and Teresa were puzzled and worried about this.

After all, everyone knows that "Kiana Kaslana" was a clone made by the Bishop of Destiny to resurrect the Second Herrscher. If the original personality is forcibly awakened, will it lead to the loss of Herrscher's power? Out of control and runaway?

But it turns out that this worry is unnecessary.

"I simulated the anti-Honkai magnetic field with the ability of the Herrscher of Thunder, and forcibly interrupted the connection between the Herrscher's core and the imaginary number space with its characteristics. Suppressed"—that's how the girl explained at the time.

Herrscher of Thunder...

They suddenly understood what was going on.

"Since that Mei is the Herrscher of Thunder from another parallel world, what is the Kiana who came with her?"

Until now, Ji Zi still couldn't help thinking about this question.


Suddenly, the doorknob on her side was twisted.

Immediately afterwards, Rita, dressed as a maid, opened the door and smiled apologetically at Himeko who was looking over from her thoughts.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Miss Jizi, I'm afraid we still need a while, why don't you come in and have a seat?"

"Will it take a while... No, I will tell the guests who have been waiting for a long time to apologize or something. I just came to remind you that there are other things to do later."

Looking at that beautiful cheek with a charming temperament, Ji Zi let out a sigh of relief, shook his head and said.

"So that's it, then Rita won't bother you."

The maid smiled and closed the door again.

Looking at the closed door, Ji Zi couldn't help recalling what happened a month ago:

"Master Youlandell! Where is Lord Youlandell?!"

At that time, after the Herrscher of the Sky was defeated, the perfect maid rushed to the battlefield with a look of anxiety never seen before, and kept scanning.

And when she found that the person she was looking for couldn't see the shadow at all...

In those charming peach-colored eyes, the rippling and charming eye waves disappeared, replaced by a kind of bone-chilling madness and coldness.

A feeling like death.

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