"Master Ulandal... Is it them? Rita will avenge you, definitely!"

At that moment, the maid bit her lips tightly, held a sickle, and, ignoring the obstruction of her teammates, suicidally attacked the people present.

Immediately, the cold wind that had already dissipated roared again, and the Azure Knight was melting himself no matter the cost.

But at that time, a sentence from the purple-haired girl made all of this disappear:

"She's on the back of a dragon."

"You... what did you say?"

Seeing the maid's wide-eyed, sluggish face, the purple-haired girl slowly took the knife, her expression unchanged.

"I didn't kill her. Although the positions are different, she is indeed a real Valkyrie, which I admire very much."

The girl spoke in a flat tone, and raised her head to look at the sky.

"Qiana and I don't belong here after all, the future of this world still depends on yourselves to protect... Don't worry, she was only slightly injured and fell into a coma temporarily. In order to get out of that world bubble, I had to do this. Do."


As if sensing something, the indescribably large black dragon in the sky roared softly, and at the same time as the sound resounded through the sky... I saw it flapping its huge wings, twisting its body, and "shaking" a figure along its tail down.

"Master Youlandell!!"

Seeing this scene, the maid immediately threw down the scythe, opened her hands and ran over with all her strength.

The black dragon's tail was as huge as a "ladder to the sky", and the defeated Valkyrie was like an ant sliding down a page, falling...falling, until finally she was successfully embraced by the maid with her hands raised high.

"Thank... thank you! Your generosity Rita will always be in my heart! I will never forget it."

The maid's words of gratitude became the beginning of the cooperation between the United Fleet and the defenders of the headquarters. The two sides no longer obsessed with defense and offense, but focused on resisting the invasion of Quantum Shadow.

With the arrival of anti-entropy support troops, the leader of the World Snake and the Bishop of Destiny actively joined the battle and initiated communications. Destiny and the anti-entropy organization, which have been fighting each other for half a century, formally formed a human alliance to jointly resist [imaginary numbers] With 【Quantum】.

However, this is far from over.

Chapter 239 Chapter 220 Nine The New Generation ([-])

"It really recovered..."

In the central church of St. Freya Academy, I saw Tesla in a gorgeous dress sitting in the front seat, looking down and flicking something in surprise, with the twin ponytails trembling behind his head. It makes people want to grasp the urge.

Sitting next to her was her "old partner" Einstein.

"I've said it a long time ago, Dr. Tesla, those things cannot be explained by science."

Einstein, who was dressed in neutral clothes, said in an unhurried manner, holding a cup of green tea in his hands and taking a sip with a calm expression.

"Of course I know that! Jiwotou, but this...isn't this incredible?!"

As Tesla spoke, he shook the portable terminal in his hand, and at the same time couldn't help standing up, his face full of disbelief.

Her fiery personality was in stark contrast to her ladylike gentle and elegant appearance at this time.

As a matter of course, the surrounding Valkyries who played waiters and the guests who were chatting and laughing all focused their attention.

This overwhelming feeling...success made Tesla realize his gaffe.

"Cough cough!"

She quickly fake coughed twice, sat back as if nothing had happened, lowered her head, to hide her embarrassment.

However, Einstein beside him didn't change his face the whole time, as if he had expected this result long ago.

"Maybe so for us. But...their existence itself is unbelievable, isn't it? The world is always full of unknowns and mysteries, and there are still many things you and I don't know, just look away , Dr. Tesla."

"I heard what you said, Jiwotou...it's true."

Tilting his head, Tesla buried himself in tinkering with the terminal again.

At this moment, what is displayed on the portable terminal seems to be the picture of the earth and the universe. From the point of view, it should be synchronized by the reconnaissance satellite launched by the anti-entropy organization.

"Can time really turn back?"

Looking at the quiet and mysterious earth in the picture, Tesla flicked the screen with his slender white fingers, constantly switching perspectives, and fell into silence.

Recall that a month ago, the entire human civilization fell into catastrophe. Enemies from the imaginary number and quantum worlds were numerous and inexhaustible. piece of wasteland.

At that time...

The city has become a large slaughterhouse.

The countryside has become a paradise for Houkai beasts.

In order to save human civilization, Destiny, Anti-Entropy and even the three major organizations of the World Snake joined forces, dispatched all mechas and Valkyries, and launched rescues to various places, and even the headquarters of Destiny itself was reduced to ruins in the subsequent battles.

On top of that, the state machine is also crazy.

Countries around the world began to pour artillery fire into their territories, and a large number of missiles and bombs rained down, carpet-bombing areas densely populated by Honkai beasts.

At first, this worked somewhat.


With the increasing concentration of Houkai energy, soldiers who have no resistance to Houkai energy can no longer hold on, and various symptoms of discomfort appear in various bodies, even the officers who command the battlefield in this way.

The battle was completely chaotic, and the soldiers who were tortured by pain could not exert their effective combat effectiveness at all.

Even if the erosion of the Honkai energy is ignored, ordinary individual combat weapons will not cause much damage to the high-ranking Honkai beasts.In the mountains, infantry carrying RPGs often need to make huge sacrifices to wipe out a Honkai Emperor;

On the plain, the mass firepower of tanks and armored vehicles was absorbed by the temple-level Honkai beasts holding large shields and advancing horizontally;

In the sky, the flying fighters have to face the harassment of the advanced Honkai beasts that cover the sky and the sun, and crashes happen all the time...

However, this is only the enemy on the [imaginary side].

When the Quantum Shadow, which can change shape at will and is immune to most physical damage, appears on the battlefield, a nightmare comes...

It was a one-sided massacre.

In this way, the army collapsed, the government collapsed, the people panicked, and the modern order completely collapsed.

People are living in a hell.

Do you think it's over?

No, apart from the earth itself, there is also a fleet "attracted" by imaginary numbers in the universe...

That's right, a fleet of alien civilizations.

This is simply bad news.

"Alien civilization..."

Thinking of the fleet of alien civilizations that briefly appeared in the detection of major satellites, Tesla subconsciously swiped the screen and pointed the camera at the universe beyond the earth.


Calm, dead silence.

As usual, the universe is still like a curtain studded with "gems", showing its mysterious, desirable and inexplicable side.

"What, maybe it's just a coincidence. After all, they were wiped out all at once, aren't they? Maybe they won't dare to come here in the future."

Laughing self-deprecatingly, Tesla closed the terminal.

Yes, the invasion of imaginary numbers and quantum, the arrival of the alien fleet...all of these came and went suddenly.

As for the reason, probably only a small group of them know.

It was the two girls from other worlds who fought in places where people could "see" and "where they couldn't see", and led human civilization through this catastrophe.

Now, a month later, the "trauma" caused by the catastrophe has disappeared, as if it never happened.

Time is rewinded.

But people's "memory" has been preserved.

I don't know if those two girls did it deliberately, but no matter what, thanks to the catastrophe, the three major organizations at this time... No, the entire human civilization is united like never before.

Even if the catastrophe has disappeared, half a month ago, on the basis of the original United Nations, the "Human Contract Alliance" that abandoned the concept of a country and integrated all human beings has been formally established.

Different from the United Nations, the newly-born "Human Alliance" aims to concentrate the earth's resources and unite all human beings to strengthen civilization and jointly deal with "natural disasters" and "man-made disasters".

As for whether the so-called "natural disasters" are natural disasters, and whether "man-made disasters" are caused by humans...

Only those who really know understand.

In addition, the "Church of Destiny" and "Valkyrie" in Europe, the "Anti-Entropy Organization" and "Mecha Titans" in the United States have also been officially exposed to the public's view, and at the same time set off a "faith craze" and "machine armor". Armor Fever", attracting countless believers and mech lovers yearning for it.

As for the World Snake Organization, it still chooses to hide in the dark. As the "dark part" of the Human Contract Alliance, it follows the instructions and teachings of the leader and secretly eliminates the harmful factors that hinder the advancement of civilization.

And what is being held at St. Freya Academy today is the succession ceremony of the new bishop of the Church of Destiny.

"Did you know? I heard that the new bishop is a little girl!"

"Yes! I have seen it from afar..."

Outside the church, reporters from the People's Federation gathered together to discuss something.

In the church, as the guests arrived one after another, the atmosphere became more and more lively.

"The two doctors from the former anti-entropy organization have arrived early. I wonder if the legendary and mysterious anti-entropy leader will show up?"

"Who knows..."

"By the way, the new bishop was the headmaster of this academy, right? Since she has become the new bishop, who is the new headmaster of this academy?"

Most of the visiting guests are high-level governments of various countries. They are full of curiosity about the two former "behemoths" of Destiny and Anti-Entropy... especially their leaders, or probing, or asking, or clinging... Each has its own way the goal of.

However, the words they discussed intentionally or unintentionally have successfully aroused the vanity of a certain artificial intelligence.

"The new principal? Of course I love sauce!"

The cabbage head girl who regained her "entity" stood on the seat, with one hand on her hip, and said with a full face, her mouth almost turned up to the sky.

This scene immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Love sauce?"

"Where is this girl from?"

There was a lot of discussion.

And their dense gaze made the girls sitting with Ai-chan feel uncomfortable.

"Sister Bronya..."

Xi'er shrank her body, with a timid expression on her face.

And Bronya held her hand tightly.

"Don't be afraid of Seele, Bronya is here."

"Idiot Ai-chan! Come down quickly!"

At the same time, Rosania tugged on Ai-chan's trousers and shouted loudly.

"Rosania, are you an idiot too?"

Little sister Lilia complained expressionlessly.

"No! Don't catch me! Ai-chan is St. Freya's new headmaster! The boss said it herself..."

Ai-chan struggled hard, and said with a face of reluctance.

And at this moment...

"Stop dreaming! When did I say that I would pass on the position of head of the school to you!"

With the immature and lovely child's voice coming from outside the door, the audience suddenly fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, under everyone's gaze, Teresa, wearing a custom-made bishop's uniform, strode into the church with her hips akimbo and puffed cheeks, followed by Raiden Mei, Kiyana and Rita.

"Who said that the successor bishop can't continue to be the head of the school? Who said that? I paid for every brick and tile here, and no one can drive me away!"

All the guests present froze when they saw that little loli who was so loud and energetic.

Is this the new leader of the Destiny Organization?

In such a strange atmosphere, the succession ceremony officially began.

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