Chapter 240 Chapter 230 The New Generation ([-])

While the succession ceremony was taking place, it was above a ruin in the Siberian permafrost.

"Principal Teresa is really cute."

The white-haired girl opened her eyes and said with a smile.

"Yeah, a maturity that is completely different from her appearance... She is like this in every world."

Nodding, the black-haired girl beside her also opened her eyes.


A brief silence.

The icy cold wind whizzed past on the snow, and the rolled up fine snow looked ethereal and dreamy like a veil under the warm sun.

After a while, the black-haired girl with a ponytail, a battle skirt, and purple eyes spoke first:

"Qiana, are you sure you don't want to see Uncle Siegfried in this world?"

"No need."

The white-haired girl in the clothes of a saint shook her head, and a certain image seemed to flash in her orange eyes - in the medical room of the academy, the one-armed father stood firm in front of the hospital bed, with a guilty expression on his face. Looking at the biological daughter who has not seen for many years in her sleep.

There are already two "Qiana" in this world, and there is no need for her, an outsider, to intervene.

Even if there is really a little wavering in my heart...

"'s unnecessary. The father's love, the two of them happen to be half of each other, which is pretty good, isn't it?"

Muttering to herself, the girl concealed the loneliness in her heart without leaving a trace.

Her left hand was quietly held.

Feeling the warmth from the palm of her hand that could melt all the coldness in the world, she raised her head, looked at the black-haired girl, and smiled tacitly at each other.



Because this bond has already surpassed any language.

"By the way, Mei, you should think about yourself before asking me, right? Isn't there an Uncle Lei Dian in this world... no, is there a father-in-law? Why don't you go and see?"

Turning her eyes, the white-haired girl blinked suddenly, and asked in a slightly playful manner, especially when addressing a certain address, her tone was aggravated.

However, consciously or not, the black-haired girl deliberately ignored this point.

"No, I'm different from you. Kiana, it's true that you haven't seen Uncle Siegfried for a long time, and I... Maybe you don't know, in the previous few worlds, I was forced to have Digital fathers. To be honest, the concept of 'father'..."

The girl shook her head, and the single ponytail behind her head followed suit.

"I am very confused and vague now. In fact, I have always known that there is only one real father...but everything about him, his appearance, voice, and memories are mixed with too many other things. , makes me feel upset."

"I don't want to add to my troubles anymore."

The tone is flat, the expression is indifferent...

This is the state of the girl at this time.

Along the way, everything that has been experienced is diluting the original memory...

Coupled with the achievement of the true god, the vision of looking at ordinary things is completely different from before.Unknowingly, for her, apart from everything about the girl beside her, other things are no longer important.

A lot is gained and a lot is left behind - such is the nature of travel.


The white-haired girl seemed hesitant to speak, but in the end she remained silent.

For this journey across the world, she has actually been watching it all the time, but she can't stop it or go along with it.

Even before the black-haired girl took the initiative to start "a certain stage", she couldn't even show up.

The realm of the true gods is just the beginning, the beginning of the two being able to walk side by side.

As for everything that happened before that...

It's an unchangeable fate.Even if she could go back in time in the entire world, she couldn't rewrite the story that happened during that period.

"Qiana, it's almost time to say goodbye to this world."

"Well, after we finish the last thing, the future development will depend on them."

The two fell from the sky while talking.

In the ruins, a girl with long purple hair and a translucent body also raised her head.

That seemed to be the Second Herrscher Sirin.

"Are you sure it's here?"

Kiyana asked seriously.

"Of course! How could I remember wrongly, it was those hateful humans at that time..."

Seeming to have thought of something, the purple-haired girl gritted her teeth with an expression of indignation.

In response, Kiyana shook her head and forcibly interrupted her.

"Okay! Okay! There's no need to talk about the previous things, you come here first, and leave the rest to me."


The purple-haired girl nodded and walked over obediently.

But on the way, she stopped suddenly.

"Wait a moment!"

Before Kiana could speak, Mei frowned first.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

"Human you...!"

The purple-haired girl seemed a little dissatisfied, but she didn't dare to vent it.

"I, what I look like now..."

She lowered her head, looked at her ghostly form at this time, and opened her mouth, looking like she wanted to cry but had no tears.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of Kiana and Mei, she spit out the following sentence:

"Mom will be terrified if she sees it!"


Mei and Kiana blinked and looked at each other.



Qiyana took the lead in breaking the merits.

Looking at the two who were trying to hold back their laughter, the purple-haired girl stomped her feet immediately, annoyed.

"You, you...!"

"No! You read it wrong! I'm not laughing, I'm not!"

Kiyana shook her head and tried to explain.

"Well... that's right, Kiyana and I just thought of a happy thing."

Mei nodded and echoed, quite a feeling of "the husband sings and the wife follows".

"You're just laughing at me! Don't lie!"

The girl blushed.

Regarding this, Qiyana suppressed her smile and looked her up and down.

"I said, you are now my [God Envoy] just like Xiao Xilin, you are immortal, you can travel don't need to care about your mere physical body, right?"

"No! I don't accept it! Obviously I was the Queen of Houkai before, and I still had a body of my own before... It was all you guys! It's fine to return my body to that white-haired and blue-eyed girl without authorization, You also left her the core that God gave me!"

"You... unforgivable!"

The girl's reaction was still fierce, just to match her current appearance... Not only was she not vicious, but she also had a cute feeling of "cat blowing fur".

Seeing that the development of the matter was gradually endless, Mei gently squeezed Kiana's palm.

The latter understood and nodded slowly.

"Okay, isn't it just a Herrscher's core? I'll just make one for you. After all, we have the final say on the entire imaginary number now. Come here first, or if you will be involved in the turbulence of time and space later, we will I won’t go looking for you~”

Hearing this, the girl's face changed obviously, and she started to walk reluctantly.

But halfway through, she seemed to remember something.

"Um... well, Bella... well, how is she?"

Speaking of this name, the girl seemed to be a different person, speaking hesitantly, with an unnatural expression on her face.

Her eyes contained some extremely complicated emotions.

This made Qiyana, who was a little impatient, restrain her displeasure.

"We don't seem to have promised you... Well, let's make an exception to help you for free, just this once. Mei, take out the remains of that Houkai beast."


Without asking why, Mei nodded lightly and waved her hand.

The surrounding space suddenly fluctuated, and the next second, a dying dragon-shaped Honkai beast appeared on the snow.

Faded dragon scales, damaged dragon wings, broken dragon claws... This once glorious judgment-level Honkai beast now looks lifeless.

Seeing this, the girl felt distressed.

"Bella...? You guys, why didn't you save her?! Didn't you agree..."

"No, it's not dead yet."

Facing the angry gaze of the girl, Kiyana slowly shook her head.

"It's Mei, she hanged its life in time and maintained its soul. Although its current body has completely lost its vitality, it can even be said to be almost dead, but it is still alive. And I want to save it , it's just a very simple thing. But..."

Having said that, Kiyana raised her hand, and at the same time turned her head to look at the dull purple-haired girl.

"One question is, do you want the original Honkai Beast, or the 'Bella' you mentioned?"

"Is there any difference?" the girl subconsciously asked.

"Of course there is."

Kiana nodded and looked at Mei.

"I believe you, Mei, have also sensed it? In the body of this Houkai beast, there is a broken soul, and it is disappearing every moment..."

"Well, that's why I rescued it from the battlefield. The Honkai Beast has a soul... Different from other puppets, it's unique."

Mei nodded slightly.

Then, Kiyana looked at the purple-haired girl again.

"If you choose the former, I will erase that soul for you and restore a Houkai beast that is completely loyal to you; and if you choose the latter, then the newly born Houkai beast may have some kind of evil spirit because of that soul. Special changes, perhaps no longer what it used to be."

"Do you understand it?"

Hearing what Kiyana said, the purple-haired girl slowly lowered her head, as if hesitating for something.

Soon, however, she made a decision:

"I want Bella!"

"Really, it seems that that soul has a special connection with you. Bella... a nice name."

After a slight smile, a golden light glowed on Kiyana's body.

"Then, let me finish it all at once, your mother and Bella will be resurrected soon, watch!"

Looking at the dazzling and familiar light, Mei couldn't help but think of what happened a month ago...

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