Time, finally.

Chapter 241 Chapter 230 The New Generation ([-])

The invasion of Houkai Beast and Quantum Shadow is only superficial after all, and the real source is attributed to the "diffusion" of [imaginary numbers] and [quantum] to the real world.

At that time, Mei knew very well that if the source was not solved, Houkai Beast and Quantum Shadow would not be able to be killed.


That girl is the only one who can sublimate her own existence to a higher dimension and confront the two wills.

For the time being, she could only believe and wait.

And the alien civilization fleet "attracted" by Honkai just became a prop for Mei to vent her unwillingness.

Let's recap roughly what happened a month ago.


In fact, Professor Lin of Shenzhou has already published the report on the abnormal orbit of the meteorite code-named "HB46" to the academic circles, and called on human beings to attach great importance to this visitor of "unknown origin" and formulate corresponding interception plans as soon as possible.

However, this incident did not cause much disturbance, and it was not even as popular as the scandal of an international star cheating on the day it was published.

For many people, this is a matter of course.

After all, not only in the field of astronomy, but similar reports appear in the whole world every year, but it turns out that in many cases it is just a meteor that coincides with the orbit of the earth. According to past experience, there are only two final outcomes:

[-]. Entering the earth by chance, and finally burning up in the atmosphere, becoming a kind of romance for lovers;

Second, it was stopped by the "satellite" of the earth - the moon, and it was not even qualified to enter the public eye.

If every time such a report appears, the state agency has to spend manpower and material resources to formulate relevant plans, it would be too ridiculous, wouldn't it?

This is what ordinary people see.

At the level of government agencies, after confirming that the report is true, many countries in the world have unanimously set their sights on the two major organizations of [Destiny] and [Anti-Entropy].

They believed that the two major organizations that controlled the high technology in the pre-civilized era must have known about this discovery and formulated corresponding plans, so they have only behaved so "calmly" and "have no fear" so far.

As the saying goes: "When the sky falls, a tall one will hold it up."

Now that the two major organizations have their own plans, it seems that there is no need to empty the budget and "work for nothing", right?

That's the mentality of most of them.


This time is destined to be different.

The result of people's habitual neglect is:

When the meteorite approached the Earth-Moon system, humans didn't even have a decent interception plan.

So, when all kinds of accidents happened and the meteorite hit the earth became a high probability event, the governments of many countries began to contact the two organizations, only to find that...

It turned out that the "big brother" they thought was busy with the civil war and didn't notice it at all.

How dramatic a development is this?

Yet this is reality.

When the governments of various countries began to panic and panic, and prepared to adopt the strategy of "seeking medical treatment in an emergency" to send various bombs into space for interception...

The so-called "a leak in the house happens to rain all night" - the invasion of imaginary numbers and quantum has begun.

The rocket launch plan was disrupted by the sudden appearance of Houkai Beast and Death Warriors.

After that, the meteorite entered the earth-moon orbit under the observation of satellites from various countries, and successfully transformed into a "star gate".

At that moment, perhaps even the alien civilization itself did not expect that the invasion would be so smooth...

Immediately afterwards, hideous and icy space warships filed out of the open star gate one after another, quickly forming a fleet that is absolutely irresistible to Earth civilization at this stage.

The doomsday bell seems to have struck.

In the eyes of many people at that time, the future of human civilization is nothing more than two kinds:

[-]. It is eliminated by imaginary numbers and quantum creatures;

Two, being annihilated by alien civilizations, or even permanently enslaved.

No matter which of these two endings is, it is enough to make people feel desperate.

However, the turning point was also at that time - when people were desperate.

Just as the gods appeared, just as the alien fleet began to gather, the entire sky was suddenly enveloped in bloody light, and it seemed to "disappear" no matter day or night.

People initially thought that some kind of super weapon of alien civilization had been activated, but...

The blood-colored light converged into a human form—to be precise, it was the outline of a young girl.

"God is a girl" - this sentence has become the "truth" believed by countless people in the future.

After that, I don’t know what happened, the bloody sky suddenly flickered back and forth for a few minutes, and at the same time, accompanied by a loud noise like a "planetary explosion", all the power facilities on the earth were paralyzed at the same time, and everything was like the creation of myths and legends scene.

Then, when all the abnormalities in the sky disappeared, and the shining starry sky and the dazzling scorching sun reappeared, the alien fleet and star gate had disappeared without a trace.

A calm sky - countless people who survived at that time were almost moved to tears when they saw this scene.

And all of this... It took only 10 minutes from the star gate's appearance to its complete disappearance, and even these 10 minutes have become "10 minutes of destiny" in human history.

This is something that everyone will never forget, even when the time of the whole world is reversed in the end, the dead people stand up again in confusion, and the previous daily life returns again...

And no one forgets.

In addition, compared to the people who were resisting the Houkai Beast and the Quantum Shadow on the earth at that time, the satellites in outer space faithfully recorded a scene in the universe:

The huge figure waved his hand, and the sun, which was 1.496 million kilometers away, responded actively. The entire fiery fireball began to "stretch its threads and cocoons", like a "silk scarf" in the hands of a fairy, destroying the entire alien fleet in one fell swoop... …

After analysis by later generations, this is an unprecedented super-large solar storm, which swept the entire solar system, but the earth was unscathed under the protection of the "bloody curtain".

This was the manifestation of God—a fact that even the most diehard atheist had to admit at that moment.


All of the above are reviewed from the perspective of ordinary people.

For those involved, she just used the power of the Herrscher of Thunder to set off a solar storm, suppress the alien fleet, and strengthen the earth's ionosphere. As for the result, it is inevitable.

Facts have proved that as long as the two fields of [electricity] and [magnetism] are not separated, no matter how developed a civilization is, there are still opportunities for the Herrscher of Thunder.

And the alien fleet that attacked this time is among them.

When the solar storm swept across, under the influence of Herrscher's magnetic field, they couldn't even maintain the most basic energy barrier, and turned into "charcoal burning".

In fact, compared to destroying such a "weak" space fleet, the experience of launching the "True Body of God" for the first time brought more surprises to Mei:

It turns out that the feeling of releasing power to the fullest is so wonderful!

After all, the so-called true god has never been as "harmless" as she has shown in the past. Several other characteristics:

The god ring, connected to the gods and souls, generates shelter on its own, and prevents mortals from seeing the true appearance of gods;

Divine power, originating from the soul, frightens ordinary time and space, making it impossible for extraordinary people to deal with it in numbers;

God's domain, the expansion of the law, the personal domain of the gods, is independent of the causal law of the current world.

As for the subsequent law suppression, law artifacts, etc., it is a way for gods to fight, and it is an existence that ordinary people cannot understand and match!

After using her true strength to destroy the alien civilization's fleet, Mei once again felt the world's rejection of her:

Advanced life forms should not exist!

[Imaginary Number] and [Quantum] do not allow such existence to break the binary balance that has always existed.

And just when Mei was about to suppress her divine power again and become an "ordinary person", she received a request from that girl——

Come with me to end them!

She readily agreed to this.

This day should have changed long ago!What should not exist are those two great wills that have ruled the world for hundreds of millions of years!

The future of human civilization should be controlled by oneself, instead of being contained and obliterated!

Ever since, when people thought that the god had disappeared and returned, she was actually only invited to the real battlefield—the battlefield against [imaginary numbers] and [quantum].

After all, the disasters on the earth must be dealt with by the people on earth.

Chapter 242 Chapter 230

After the threat from outer space disappeared, the human beings on the earth began to struggle to survive under the guidance of the three major organizations of Destiny, Anti-Entropy and World Snake.

Many relics from the pre-civilization era were opened in advance, and the strongest warriors came to their senses, and gathered many god keys and their holders to restart the [final sanctuary] - Noah's Ark.

The first Herrscher remodeled her body, the second Herrscher was reborn, and the third Herrscher awakened for the first time...

This is a magnificent chapter belonging to the civilization of the earth.

In the end, they successfully dragged back in time:

When the battle at the high-dimensional level is over, everything is like a dream, and all the comrades who died in the battle are miraculously reborn on the battlefield, looking around blankly.

Time began to turn back and the world was repaired...

From that moment on, Honkai completely "disappeared" on this planet.

Those who died in battle, soldiers and civilians alike, have been resurrected to a happy ending.

And there is one person...

He is still searching for his own answer, for which he even got lost in the endless turbulence of time and space, becoming a lonely wanderer.

You say he is ridiculous?

No, he finally achieved his goal and arrived at the beginning of truth and law.

It is a pity that he, who has been persistent for more than 500 years and committed many crimes, finally made a circle, but missed the answer he wanted most.

It's sad and deplorable.

Today, under the leadership of the new Bishop Teresa Apocalypse, the newborn Destiny Organization and the anti-entropy leader have reached a consensus to stop the half-century-old struggle, and around the Human Contract Alliance, the two parties each set up a charity organization and scientific research company.

The former sponsors and adopts children from all over the world every year; the latter is responsible for entering the aerospace field and spreading human footprints beyond the sun and beyond the galaxy.

The future has already taken shape.


"No, you are wrong, Dr. Einstein. The collapse is not disappearing, but 'degenerated', because the consciousness that originally controlled it is gone, and the current collapse tends to be 'disordered' in general, just Like the air around us, do you understand?"

[Anti-Entropy] On the top floor of the headquarters of the company ME (Massive Electric), Kiyana, dressed in casual clothes and braided, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, with one hand on her hip, explaining playfully.

And in this president's office, the main members of Anti-Entropy—Einstein, Tesla, Raiden Ryoma, and Cocolia are all listening carefully, except for the people of the Destiny Organization, the Anti-Entropy leader, and even our protagonist Mei Nowhere to be seen.

"Like air?"

Hearing this description, everyone in Anti-Entropy fell into deep thought.

However, they reacted quickly.

"It didn't disappear, but it was like air... Doesn't this mean that it can still be collected and used?"

Tesla rubbed his chin in thought and said every word to the point.

"Bingo!" Kiyana snapped her fingers crisply, her orange eyes were full of smiles, "You guessed it right, but don't worry, although the current Honkai still exists, it will no longer be autonomous. If they accumulate and silt up, they will not cause a catastrophic event."

"As for the Herrscher... then there is no need to worry. Even the 'God' doesn't exist anymore, so why is there a reason for the 'God Envoy' to be born?"

Having said that, Kiyana turned around and looked out the window.

"The remaining Herrschers in this world can be said to be unique existences. Since no one has the right to grant the new Herrscher's power, the condensation conditions of the Herrscher's core will become unimaginable..."

"to be frank……"

Kiyana turned her head sideways, with an enigmatic smile on her face.

"I advise everyone to let go of the past and accept the reality as soon as possible. After we leave, you need to be more concerned about every person who can perceive and control the Houkai than worrying about the return of the Houkai and the rebirth of the Herrscher. human beings!"


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