The people present looked at each other one after another, with puzzlement and surprise on their faces.

However, Qiyana didn't care about their expressions, and just said [prophecy] to herself:

"After the two major wills of imaginary number and quantum are eliminated, there must be 'successors' to inherit and divide their authority. Leaving aside the quantum side, every human being on the imaginary side who can control the Houkai energy...including you Inside, they can all be called the [Original God of Houkai]..."

"Congratulations! The future of this world is in the hands of you 'Original Gods'! In contrast, Herrschers, whose number is fixed and whose inheritance will be cut off one day, are completely past tense. negligible."


The future described in Kiyana's words is so magnificent that the anti-entropy practitioners, including Dr. Einstein, are stunned.

In the end, thousands of words converged into one sentence in Einstein's mouth:

"The future of mankind is still in the hands of mankind, right?"

"of course."

Kiyana nodded without hesitation.

"What about the alien civilization? Just like the fleet that appeared before... To be honest, the leader has been worrying about it recently."

Stretching out his hand and gesturing a few times in mid-air, the president, Raiden Ryoma, said slowly, with a complicated expression on his face.

In response, Qiyana smiled slightly, and looked up at the blue sky.

"Actually, after the previous incident, I don't need to tell you that you should know that besides human beings, other civilizations in the universe not only exist, but are also endless! No one can wipe them all out, and sooner or later, they will discover the earth. , found humans."

Qiyana's tone suddenly became a bit intriguing.

"At that time, the result will depend on the development of human beings themselves. I can't answer it, and I can't answer it for you."

"And... this is not a good thing. After all, from the current point of view, only the driving force and oppression of external forces can move forward! Human beings are like this. When there is no external threat, they like civil war. The so-called 'born in sorrow, die Yu Anle' is the truth."

Speaking of which, she seemed to see something, and the smile on her face suddenly became extremely bright.

"She's here... I should go too."

"wait wait wait!"

Hearing what Qiyana said, Tesla and the others subconsciously wanted to keep her.

And the white-haired girl's body was already slowly fading.

"But don't worry, one day if human civilization faces catastrophe again, the power of 'saving the world' left by me and Mei will come in handy, although I sincerely hope that day will never come."

As soon as the words fell, the golden sunlight falling in front of the window suddenly became extremely dazzling, and the smiling girl dissipated like bubbles in the light, becoming an unforgettable scene for everyone present.

Immediately after...


The door of the office was pushed open forcefully, and several white figures rushed in, scanning the entire room back and forth.

"Where is Kiyana-chan from another world?! Where is she?!"

Among them, a beautiful young woman with white hair and blue eyes asked eagerly, but the tenderness and...deep maternal love in her eyes were so thick that they couldn't be melted away.

Seeing this, Einstein gave a fake cough twice, and while sorting out his thoughts, he said in a calm tone as much as possible:

"Ms. Cecilia... well, she was there just now."

Following the direction Einstein pointed, the four people who broke into the office looked over one after another.

In the end, all he could see was the clear blue sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows and the warm sunlight pouring in.

At that moment, she seemed to understand something, and the young woman's eyes were sparkling.

"She's gone."

Einstein added.

"As expected of our daughter... you say yes, Cecilia."

The one-armed man next to the young woman hugged her silently.

At this moment, the mother named "Cecilia" couldn't bear it anymore.

"I, I just want to... just want to thank her, thank her..."

Tears fell silently.

The two daughters standing behind the couple looked at each other with different expressions.



Above the sky, Mei looked at the silent girl beside her, as if she wanted to say something.

"Needless to say, Mei, just like you, I also have my own difficulties."

The white-haired girl shook her head and forced a smile.

But her eyes were always on the young woman who was crying in her husband's arms, and some kind of emotion was surging in the dark.

"Is it……"

Glancing at the middle-aged president who was writing a report at his desk and seemed to be always busy, Mei seemed to have realized something and stopped talking.

Although the two of them are gods detached from the world, some things can never be completed, and they are destined to leave regrets.

Life is so...

After a long silence, Qiyana took a deep breath, patted her cheek, and then stretched out her hand as an invitation.

"It's time to leave, Mei, let's go together to find our real world and our home!"

"Well, as long as you're here, I won't feel tired no matter how long the journey is, thank you Kiyana."

Mei smiled and took it up.

"Me too."

Kiyana nodded, and the two held hands tightly.

The hearts connected to each other will never be cut off by foreign objects.

"Please give me more advice for the rest of my life."


The volume of Honkai III is finished, and the next volume is the last volume, which is mainly used to fill in the pits and end.

In the last part, many details that I thought about and the foreshadowing that I planted are all mentioned in one stroke, and my heart hurts.Originally written according to the detailed outline, it is enough to write another ten or twenty chapters. If the entire book is laid out at the beginning of the detailed outline, it will probably break a million words... Even the original goal of the author is to more than the last book...

Hey, let's not talk about it.

Thousands of words are finally turned into a sigh, the plan will never keep up with the changes, and the reality will always be crueler than imagined...

Let’s end all of this as soon as possible. Before the author’s last interest is exhausted and his mentality collapses, it can be regarded as an explanation to put an end to this book.


Chapter 243 Chapter 230 Chapter [-] The Third Kanto Battle

Tokyo District, July 2031, 7.

Two full months have passed since the informal talks between the leaders of the two major regions in Osaka and Tokyo.

The hot summer is here, although the sun is shining brightly and the heat waves are rolling, but whenever the salty sea breeze from Tokyo Bay blows into the urban area, it will bring the unique coolness and fragrance of the seaside, drive away the sweltering heat, and make people feel comfortable from the bottom of their hearts .

Since the elimination of the Gastrea in Stage [-], Scorpio, and the official cooperation with the Osaka area, the Tokyo area has ushered in a peaceful period with few Gastrea infestation and rapid development in all aspects.

In the past two months, countless news, large and small, have surged and fallen like ocean waves, and then returned to calm.

From the original "Tokyo's mysterious single-digit ranking starter", "Scorpio's cause of death report and conjecture" to "A new era is coming! The cooperation of the two regions"... The theme of the news has also changed over time with.

And now...

Two months have passed.

Everything changed again.


"Get rid of the red-eyed monster! The new law must be repealed!"

"Monsters don't deserve human rights! Red eyes are unforgivable!"

In the first district of Tokyo, in front of the holy residence, the originally most prosperous and orderly street is now flooded with crowds.

They held signs and banners, with "awe-inspiring justice" expressions on their faces, chanting extremely cruel slogans regardless of the scorching sun or the cool sea breeze.

The parade filled the entire street, completely paralyzing the traffic, the police were helpless against them, and the Self-Defense Forces were nowhere to be seen...

On the tall buildings on both sides, scattered people stood by the windows and looked down at all this. What flashed in their eyes was no longer the hope of two months ago, but the fear and gloom of the future.

In today's Tokyo area, one-third of the people are hiding underground, one-third fled to Sendai and Osaka with their families, and the remaining one-third...

Most of them, like them, were blinded by anger and despair, gathered together in various ways, and vented their inner unease to others, vocally or silently, all day long.

And all this because...

The Tokyo area is about to usher in the day of destruction.


It all started six days ago.

In the early morning of May 2031, 7.

In District No. 40 of Tokyo, the Self-Defense Forces guarding around the stone monument numbered [NO.0032] were suddenly attacked by Gastrea, and all were killed in the end, and no one survived.

The next day, July 7, the latest findings revealed a desperate truth:

The No. 30 No. [-] megalithic monument in the outskirts of Tokyo, one of the guardians of Tokyo and one of the destroyers of gastroenteria, will collapse in six days.

At that time, the magnetic field created by the megalithic monument will disappear, and the gastrula outside the barrier will also swarm in, destroying the Tokyo area.

And it will take ten days at the fastest to make a new megalithic monument.

The old monolith will fall in six days, and the new one will take at least ten days to make...  

How did Tokyo survive four days with thousands of gastrulations?

This is where the problem lies.

The culprit of all this is a stage four gastroenterate code-named "Aldebaran".

This is a very special Gastrea. The body fluid it secretes has the effect of corroding the steel and making its magnetic field ineffective. During the Gastrea War, it teamed up with [Taurus] to destroy three human cities, indirectly killing Tens of millions of people died...

Generally speaking, this is a demon who is hated and feared by countless humans.

But now, it hides outside the Tokyo area and waits for the moment when the giant stone monument collapses and the barrier disappears, and it swarms out with other gastratus to feast on it.


In the face of this fact, in consideration of stabilizing public opinion, the Tokyo District Government initially chose to conceal it from the public, and at the same time ordered the relevant departments to rush to make a replacement megalithic monument.

However, paper cannot contain fire after all.

With the passage of time, "white spots" began to appear on the surface of No. 30 No. [-] megalithic stele—this is the manifestation of the corrosion of the steel, which is very conspicuous, coupled with the huge size of the megalithic monument itself... …

Even if the government wants to hide it, it is impossible now.

Ever since, when the media photographed the albino monument and reported it through various channels, the entire Tokyo area suddenly exploded.

Because similar situations had happened in the previous two wars, people quickly revealed the truth.

The monolith is about to fall!

When voices of doubt and anger came like a wave, the head girl in the Holy House did not choose to play dead, evade, and shirk responsibility like other officials. Instead, she bravely stood up and announced the fact.

The Tokyo area is about to usher in the end.

Since that day, the stock market in the Tokyo area has dropped to the limit one after another. A large number of people have sold their properties and brought their families to escape here. It was sold by "scalpers" at several times or even ten times the original price.

Airplanes, trains, trams, ships...their seats are all fully booked, and not many owners of private cars dare to drive out of the barrier.

As a result, most people can only stay and hope that the government's asylum lottery will draw them.

But the reality is:

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