Although the Tokyo District has formulated relevant response plans for this kind of disaster, and has already dug a deep underground bunker underground for refuge, but...

Access to shelters is always limited!

The asylum lottery, supervised by the Holy Son of Heaven, is a way to draw quotas for all "people" regardless of race, belief, or origin.

This leads to:

When those who were not drawn found that the monster they had been abused, scolded, and looked down on all this time—the cursed son was actually drawn...

Jealousy, anger, despair, unwillingness, resentment...etc. The negative emotions of human nature erupt suddenly.

They began to think that these "red-eyed monsters" had robbed them of their places, persecuted and cursed them crazily, and vented their emotions desperately.

And before that, seeing that the "New Gastrea Law" that advocates giving human rights to the cursed son was about to be implemented, but at this most critical time, something like this happened...

It is almost impossible to get the people to pass this bill.

Everything is really a trick of fate.

And with less than a day to go before the predicted collapse of the monolith, anger has reached unprecedented heights.Right now, I can't help but be confused——

Where is the future?



In the basement of the holy residence, in the command room of the National Security Council, faint sighs sounded again.

"His Royal Highness, you have already sighed three times for today's No.20."

An immature voice with a touch of maturity sounded, ethereal and soft, like the breeze blowing on the face, refreshing.


On the main seat of the conference table, the girl in pure white forced a smile.

Under the illumination of the cold light, her smile was full of unconcealable fatigue, like ice flowers on the water, which would shatter at the touch of a touch.

Her cheeks were thin, her lips were bloodless, her body was delicate and frail, and the deep dark circles under her eyes showed that the girl had not slept peacefully for a long time.

But now, looking at the protesting citizens on the cold light screen, the head girl's eyes are full of pain and confusion.

"I am not a qualified head of state after all..."

Every time she feels so emotional, she can't help but think of that beautiful figure who is not majestic but can always make her feel at ease.

"Mei, where are you..."

"Why, why haven't you heard from you until now..."

"Are I, and our agreement, a burden to you?"

The girl murmured, with a sad expression and a dull face, not even noticing a drop of tear slipping from the corner of her eyes.

She was the only one sitting in the meeting room, and the rest of the officials were either deploying defenses on the front line, or maintaining a precarious order above...

Yes, she can only stay here, not only for her own safety, but also because the current situation is beyond the control of one person.

Unless someone can wipe out Gastrea in one fell swoop...

But that's out of the realm of human beings.

"His Royal Highness, Big Sister Mei will definitely come back! Until she comes back, I will always protect His Highness Shengtian. This is what Big Sister Mei asked me to do before she left, and I will definitely do it!"

Beside the girl, a girl with white hair and blue eyes said so, her immature and flawless face was full of determination.

"Fair... Well, I also believe in her, she will definitely come back, and protect me and the Tokyo area as before."

The girl nodded and smiled slightly.

Although she understands that this is just a kind of self-comfort...

And at this moment, something unexpected happened:

"Master Sheng Tianzi! Stone monument No. 32...!!!"

An operator suddenly turned his head and reported something with a shocked face.

next second...


The floor... No, the whole ground is shaking slightly!


The girl suddenly raised her head and looked towards the center of the screen.

There, the albino stone tablet in the picture was slowly tilting, accompanied by soaring smoke and dust... collapsed.

It is also like her heart at this time.

The direction of the wind has changed.


Writing "Black Bullet" again feels like a world away...I was confused all day yesterday, sitting in front of the computer, hesitating, unable to write, and not knowing where to start.

The time span is a bit long, and I don’t know the buried pit and the plot without thinking about it, and even the thought of "just upload the final testimonials like this" flashed in my heart...

However, when I saw the cover of the novel "Black Bullet" and heard the OP on TV, that feeling came back in an instant... Ha, I felt relieved.

At the beginning, when I was just a reader, I wondered why the authors didn’t like to let their protagonists go back to the past and relive memories, etc. Now I understand it... (Because the pits to be buried, the There are too many characters, backgrounds, and interpersonal relationships, too messy, and too complicated! It’s easy to get confused, and it makes people confused and don’t know where to start)

My book has not yet broken a million, and those big bosses with millions of words... It's unimaginable.

Well, the new volume needs to re-read the past plots and sort out thoughts, so the update is slow, sorry.

Chapter 244 Chapter 230 Four The Collapsed Stone Monument


And the culprit that caused this accident is one of the natural phenomena that human beings can't accurately predict up to now—the airflow.

That's right, the force of the "wind" knocked down the heavily corroded monolith, catching everyone by surprise.


"Rumble rumble—"

When the monolith fell apart, its wailing echoed almost throughout the Tokyo area.

At that moment, people were horrified to find that the towering "guardian" who had been standing at the end of the field of vision would also fall down one day.

Immediately afterwards, the birds began to flee in groups, the ground shook continuously, and the dust shot straight into the sky like magma ejected during a volcanic eruption, forming a towering cloud of dust pillars, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

If you zoom in and enter the No.40 area, you will find that the albino fragments that burst when the giant stone tablet collapsed are flying around like meteors, sweeping and destroying big trees and even forests with incomparably huge kinetic energy. As much as possible, the ground was plowed out with traces.

This is not a volcanic eruption, and its destructive power is no less than that of a volcanic eruption.

Meteorologists estimate that the dust from the collapse of the megalithic monument will rush straight to the upper part of the troposphere, affecting the climate of the entire Tokyo area in the next few months or even a year, and completely changing the landscape of No.40 and the surrounding peripheral areas.

Soon, the weather will become extremely bad, with no sunshine all day long and "dust rain" falling day after day.

But this is not the worst...

Right now, the huge stone monument has collapsed, and the magnetic field of the steel has disappeared, which means that there is a gap in the barrier protecting the Tokyo area.

Gastrea's "carnival" is coming.


After the collapse of the monolith, No.30 Nine Wards outside Tokyo.

At the gate of a newly-built campus—[Tokyo District No.30 Ninth District No. [-] Primary School], a young man in a high school uniform with messy hair like a chicken coop recovered from his sluggishness.

"The monument collapsed prematurely... Yeonju, we have to go back quickly!"

Looking at the soaring dust in the distance, the young man still had some disbelief on his face.

Beside him, the loli with twin ponytails wearing a blue and white sailor uniform nodded vigorously, with a look of energy and no fear on her face.

"Yeah! Let's go! Rentaro!"

One of the police codes:

Whenever a major crisis comes, all registered local police partners are obliged to form an auxiliary force and join the army in coordinated operations. This is the "auxiliary system" of the police.

However, before rushing to the front line to support the battle, the boy named Rentaro Satomi looked at the campus with hope.

"Can't you really come and help us?"

Hearing his words, the two lolis who were also wearing sailor uniforms and standing inside the school gate like "door gods" looked at each other.

Among them, the platinum-haired Loli shook her head slowly, and refused with a sleepy look.

"I, Tina Sprunt, will only believe in Mei-san now and in the future, and I am only willing to fight for her. I am no longer the initiator, and I will not recognize other facilitators as partners, sorry .”

Although her tone was lazy, it contained an unshakable belief.

At this time, another loli with short yellowish hair shook her head.

"Natsushi is the master's maid, and she once swore to dedicate her life to her master. Please don't say anything about 'form a policeman with other facilitators to fight', Mr. Rentaro, I will not agree."


Looking at these two stubborn loli who don't like oil and salt in front of him, Rentaro is really angry and anxious.

If it were other weak cursed sons, it would be fine, taking them to support the front line might only become a burden, but these two in front of you...

One is the top 98 and one is the top 1584.

No matter which one is much higher than his current ranking, it goes without saying about his strength and combat experience.

But this is what made him feel uneasy.

Now that the disaster is coming, two such powerful "former initiators" actually choose to guard a school?Don't they know the truth of "cold lips and cold teeth"?

Once the frontline battle fails, the Self-Defense Forces and the Civilian Police are defeated, and the No.40 District falls... How can the No.30 Ninth District where they are located now survive alone?

Rentaro thought bitterly.

And as if seeing through his inner thoughts, the short-haired little loli named "Qianju Natsushi" with an IQ of 210 bowed in style, shook her head again and added:

"We all promised the master to protect the companions in Area 39. When Mr. Rentaro was still in the front camp this morning, someone wanted to use bombs to hurt everyone on the campus. Fortunately, I discovered it in advance... "


Hearing this, Rentaro seemed unbelievable.

At this time, another sleepy loli named "Tina Sprunt" also took up the words appropriately:

"This is the school established for us by Lord Shengtianzi, and it is also the result of Sister Mei's hard work. We must stay here to prevent similar situations from happening again."


Faced with this reason, Rentaro couldn't find an excuse to refute for the time being.

Yeah, what if those radicals broke into the school and hurt the other cursed children as soon as they left?Those are some poor children who don't know how to resist, don't know the world, and live in the sewer for a long time!

Are you fighting for everyone, for the entire Tokyo area, or are you fighting to protect your teammates and your own campus?

For the country or for the family?This is an age-old problem.

However, for the cursed son who has been abused and persecuted, it should belong to the latter.

Because they have never received love from human society since they were born. On the contrary, most of the time they often only face the endless malice from human society.

Rentaro suddenly felt that he seemed to be taking things for granted.


As if in agreement, my partner looked over worriedly.

"Satomi-sensei, are you really ready to step onto the battlefield?"

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing glasses walked over slowly and stared at him.

That look seemed to see through him, full of deep meaning.

"Senior Matsuzaki? I..."

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