Seeming to have been stabbed to the point, Rentaro became hesitant to speak, his eyes flickered, and he was unable to answer.

Because the big word "set foot on the battlefield" hit his heart like a hammer.

Yes, what is about to happen is war!It's not the usual "small fights" battle!

In the legion battles on the frontal battlefield, no matter how strong an individual is, it is difficult to play a big role-many modern war histories have proved this point.

Legion battle and personal battle are two completely different concepts. On the real battlefield, the value of life is infinitely reduced, and it is so fragile and insignificant that it is no different from nothing.

And I, Satomi Rentaro, a sophomore in high school, am I really ready to go to the battlefield?

The young man couldn't help asking himself.

"Rumble rumble..."

In the distance, the follow-up disaster caused by the collapse of the giant stone monument is still continuing, and the sound of people fleeing in a hurry seems to be hovering over the entire city...

Down below, birds and beasts walked together and fled in all directions, as if they had abandoned the entire city.

Unknowingly, Rentaro's back was soaked with sweat, his heart was shaken, and the light in his eyes became dimmer...


"I see... let's go! Yeonju!"

The young man took the initiative to take steps, and ran towards the battlefield, in the opposite direction from the people fleeing in all directions.

At this time, the light shining in his eyes was extremely dazzling, sweeping away the haze, leaving only firmness.


The girl with twin ponytails nodded vigorously, and followed with a vigorous smile, stepping on big boots, like a shedding rabbit.

Looking at the backs of the two, the middle-aged man adjusted his glasses.

"What an amazing junior, he is destined to be different."

The remaining three were silent for a long time.


As time goes by, the battlefield gets closer.

And Rentaro and Enju also felt the heavy pressure coming to their faces as if the doomsday was coming.

There are fewer and fewer humans ahead, and more and more debris is piled up and scattered beside the road. In order to hurry, they randomly picked up an old bicycle and stepped on the pedals to advance towards the spread of dust.

"Rentaro, aren't you afraid?"

"I'm afraid, but rather than being afraid, I think I have something more to do. Sister Mu Geng, Brother Akimo, and Brother Katagiri are still waiting for us, aren't they?"

"Yeah! Really worthy of being a concubine Rentaro! Sure enough, I like you the most, the most... the most!"

"Hey! No, don't mess around... You can't talk about such things! Yeonju! I will be taken away!"

Under the setting sun, the son of luck in this world, with a smile on his face, rode a bicycle all the way forward, heading towards the horrible battlefield where corpses would soon be strewn across the field.


The established destiny is bound to change.

Because the real "protagonist" is about to come.

Chapter 245 Chapter 230 Five Reunion with Raiden Caikui


When the giant stone monument collapsed, in the third district of Tokyo, on the empty road in front of Raiden House, two figures holding hands and just about to take action were stunned at the same place.

"Isn't it the right time for us to come?"

Looking at the dusty sky in the distance, the girl with white hair and blue eyes and double braids blinked and said in surprise.

"No, it looks like we've come just in time."

Beside her, the black-haired and black-eyed Miss Lei Dian shook her head with a delicate expression.

Afterwards, he stretched out his left hand and slightly shook the air in front of him.

In the next second, the demon sword with a black handle appeared in her hands out of thin air, and the casual clothes on her body also quickly changed styles, covered with armor, her eyes flashed with a strange red light, and she was obviously in a fighting state.

This vigilance...

Mei, you have really changed a lot.

Glancing at the beloved who quickly completed the disguise and had a dignified face beside her, complex emotions flashed in the eyes of the white-haired girl, including distress and guilt.

Because the weak senior sister who used to be has obviously disappeared completely...

These thoughts only stayed in her mind for a moment. On the surface, she still held that hand tightly, nodded, and smiled nonchalantly:

"Well, it seems that after Mei you left, something unexpected happened here."

The person concerned did not know her inner thoughts, nor did she see the change of expression on her face.

"Does it appear from wherever it leaves..."

Glancing at the familiar and unfamiliar scenery around her, a trace of trance flashed across Mei's face.

However, this is only for a moment.

Soon, she looked at the girl beside her with a forced smile.

"Qiana, we should go and see..."

But before she finished speaking, there was a surprise and inexplicable shout from behind:


familiar voice...

Mei was stunned immediately, and the words she was going to say remained in her throat.

"Da da da……!"

Before she could turn around, the sound of tight and eager footsteps came from behind her.

——It was the sound of wooden shoes stepping on the ground.

As soon as the relevant picture appeared in Mei's mind, a gust of fragrant wind came from behind——

Faced with this sudden situation, Mei subconsciously wanted to evade, defend and even fight back, and even complained why the girl next to her was just watching but doing nothing...

That call from the heart shattered all of this.


A soft body clung to her from behind.

At the same time, a crooked wooden shoe slipped by his feet.

Apparently the visitor kicked it off carelessly because he was too excited.


A lot of words came out of her heart at once, some asked Kiana, some said to the people behind her... Mei opened her mouth, but found that she didn't know what to say.

According to Lei Dian's tradition, wooden shoes can only be worn indoors.And once you wear it, you must change your shoes when you go outdoors, otherwise it will not only dirty the soles and the floor, but also be very inconvenient, and it is easy to happen that the current shoes are thrown off.

On top of that, it's rude and will cause trouble for others.

And the family motto of Lei Dian's family makes everyone in the family work hard not to cause trouble to others.

But now the one behind...

Mei didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Sure enough, it's my sis! Caikui read it right! My sis is really back! That's great..."

The girl's immature and unique voice came from behind. She didn't know what Mei was thinking at this time, but her tone was trembling slightly, even crying.

That familiar breath, familiar temperature, familiar softness...

Suddenly blocked all the reprimands that Mei wanted to say.

Turning her head slightly, looking at the petite figure behind her who was only wearing a school uniform and barefoot, her complexion suddenly became a little complicated.


At this time, Kiyana's soft calling came from beside her.

This call successfully brought Mei back to her senses, and she turned her head to the other side, just in line with Kiana's gaze.

Accept it.

At this moment, the white-haired girl moved her lips, said three words silently, and smiled slightly.

Mei realized instantly.

"Cai, Caikui?"

Hearing Mei's slightly unfamiliar address, the black-haired girl who was holding her tightly behind her back trembled, and slowly raised her head, revealing a pear-blossoming cheek.

Two months later, the sisters reunited again.

However, the eyes of the former were a little strange, while the latter was still full of attachment.

"Sister! You are finally back! Caikui, Father, His Highness Sheng Tianzi, and Fei'er and the others... Everyone has been looking forward to the return of Sister! We have always believed that Sister will definitely come back to help everyone, Save Tokyo!"

The girl named "Lei Dian Cai Kui" said a lot of words in a series, with an excited expression, panting like a cow, her little face was red like a cooked goose egg.

Seeing the girl's abnormally excited appearance, Mei frowned.

"Caikui, how long has it been since you slept well?"

"Ah I……"

As if she had been stabbed to the point, the girl suddenly became hesitant, her eyes wandered, and she even looked at Qiyana who was waiting for "a good show" as if asking for help.

"My... my lord sister, she is..."

"Don't interrupt!"

The scolding from Mei shattered the girl's last fantasy.


As if she knew she had made a mistake, the girl slowly lowered her head, not daring to meet Mei's eyes.

Seeing this, Mei frowned even deeper.

Don't blame her for being so serious.

The reason is that Lei Dian Caikui is obviously out of shape at this time. Not only is her hair disheveled, her face is pale to gray, her dark circles are very thick, and her eyes are bloodshot...

This sloppy image is far from the "sensible sister" in Mei's impression.

At the same time, Mei couldn't help raising her head to look into the distance.

Only then did I realize that the Lei Dian House had become deserted at some point, and so far no one was seen, and no one cared or stopped even the dignified Second Miss from running out in such a posture.

"What the hell happened? What about the rest of the family?"

Mei's complexion became a little ugly.

Seemingly sensing something wrong with the atmosphere, Raiden Caikui finally chose to tell the truth:

"Uh... Except for Lei Yi and a few maids who are responsible for guarding the house, everyone moved back to the old house in Sendai District the day before yesterday, and the school was also closed. My father will stay on the front line to command..."

"Why don't you go with them?"

Mei continued to ask.

The girl raised her head, took a quick look at her sister's expression, and then lowered her head like a small animal.

"My lord, Caikui wants... to stay and wait for you. I believe my lord will definitely come back! In order to stay and wait for my lord, Caikui had a big fight with her mother. She was very angry and ignored me. It's..."

At the end, the girl raised her head again, her face full of grievances.

However, Mei didn't appreciate it.

"As a result, you made yourself into what you are now? What if I never come back? How far do you want to destroy your body before you give up?"

"Sister, my lord?"

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