It seemed that she didn't expect Mei to be so serious, and the girl looked a little surprised.

How did my sister become...?

Immediately afterwards, her face was full of panic, her knees softened, and she knelt on the ground all of a sudden.

"Caikui knew it was wrong, my sis! Please don't leave again, Caikui will definitely be obedient in the future!"

At this moment, the girl didn't care about the sharp pebbles on the road stinging her delicate skin, but just grabbed her sister's white pantyhose, like a drowning man pulling a straw, and kept bowing her head to apologize.

The voice was full of panic, helplessness, and deep fear, and tears even overflowed from the corners of his eyes...

At this moment, the girl felt an unprecedented sense of strangeness and alienation in her sister, as if the latter would suddenly disappear in the next second and never reappear.

It made her feel like she was being torn apart.

It wasn't until this moment that Mei also came to her senses and realized that something was wrong with her.

The one kneeling in front of her is her own sister in this world!The blood flowing in her veins is the same as her own!

Is a unique blood relatives!

"...Sorry, Caikui, what I said just now was not intentional, get up quickly."

While apologizing, Mei hid the sword in her hand, bent down and hugged the girl.

"My lord... have you really forgiven Caikui? Are you sure you won't leave Caikui again?"

Hearing the begging words of the girl in her arms, Mei was taken aback and nodded slowly.



Feeling the familiar warmth, the girl narrowed her eyes slightly, with a smile on her lips, and the corner of her eyes was full of attachment.

However, when she saw the rising dust in the distant sky through the gap between Mei's arms, her face changed drastically again, and she broke free from her embrace.

"Not good! My lord! No.30 No. [-] megalithic monument collapsed one day earlier! The war in the outskirts... Father, he..."

While talking, the girl suddenly closed her eyes, and she collapsed directly.

Seeing this, Mei opened her eyes wide and immediately hugged her.

"This... Caikui?! Caikui!"

Looking at the unconscious girl in her arms, Mei seemed a little excited.

Hearing this, Qiyana, who had been silent all this time, turned around suddenly and looked at the unconscious girl.

Then her expression relaxed again.

"Don't worry, Mei, she just got too emotional suddenly and didn't have a good rest for a long time, and she fainted from overwork, just let her take a good rest."

These words managed to calm Mei down.

"Really, it seems that caring is messy. I didn't expect that I would... Thank you, Qiyana, it's good to have you by my side. By the way, I am a little concerned about what Caikui just said, should we..."

"Don't worry about that, let's settle her first."

Facing Mei's questioning gaze, Kiyana slowly shook her head and smiled.

"Just now, while you guys weren't paying attention, I asked that guy who was clamoring to come out all day long to take a look for us. With her current strength, she won't be in danger in this world."

"Well, just do as you say..."

After nodding, looking at the unconscious girl in her arms, a trace of firmness flashed in Mei's eyes.

"It looks like it's time to fulfill the promise we made when we left."


Chapter 246 Chapter 230 Six Tragic Legion Battle

Tokyo No.40 Ward.

After the collapse of the giant stone monument, white-gray dust was set off all over the sky, covering the sky and the sun, spreading with the wind, causing great trouble to the Self-Defense Forces stationed several kilometers away:

First of all, the huge stone monument collapsed a day earlier-this huge error in intelligence largely caught them off guard;

Secondly, the flying dust fell like heavy snow, buried the positions they had already dug, disrupted the formations that had been rehearsed in advance, blocked the sight of many gunners, and even isolated the remote sensing observations of the satellites...

As we all know, one of the decisive factors in modern warfare is radar and satellites.Because they are inseparable from the communication between team members and the guidance of missiles, their importance can be called the "eyes" of the modern army!

And once they lose their support, needless to say the consequences, this war will fall into a natural disadvantage.

In the end, the bleaching dust is still essentially chironium, a heavy metal that is abundant near volcanic islands.

When they are inhaled by humans, they will cause serious damage to the lungs and even cause fatal complications. Only by taking protective measures in time can a large amount of inhalation be effectively avoided.

But the fact is:

Due to the sudden occurrence of the incident, the vast majority of members of the Self-Defense Forces had no time to wear relevant dust-proof products. Instead, they had been focusing on avoiding and finding the enemy. Almost no one cared about the harm caused by the dust itself.

It is foreseeable that after inhaling a large amount of albino dust, the physical condition and combat effectiveness of the team members will definitely drop significantly...

In general, for the Self-Defense Forces, bad news can be described as "following".

However, the collapse of the monolith and the series of subsequent disasters had no effect on the enemy—the gastrulation that had already been prepared outside the barrier.

Not only that, but the reality is just the opposite.

The disappearance of the steel magnetic field instead caused the protovirus in their bodies to fall into an "excited" state, because the inhibition was lost, and the degree of activation was greatly improved!

Its performance is:

Strengthen the host's physical fitness, self-healing ability, bloodthirsty instinct...etc.

All in all, the human camp is constantly being affected by the collapse of the giant stone monument, and its combat effectiveness continues to decline, while the gastroenteric camp has been greatly strengthened...

Coupled with the existing quantitative gap between the two sides...

The combination of various factors seems to have already doomed the outcome of this war.


Self-Defense Forces camp, inside the command shed.

Keita Raiden, the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, is using a telescope to observe the situation on the front line.

The brows that were almost wrinkled into the shape of "Chuan" showed that he was in a bad mood at this time.

"Report to Chief Thunder!"

Suddenly, a signal soldier whose whole body was "stained white" broke into the shed and saluted eagerly.

With his movements, scattered white dust was shaken off.

Hearing this, Keita Raiden put down the binoculars and looked over with a solemn expression.

"what's up?"

"The frontline sentries have discovered flying gastratus! The number is unknown, and they are attacking our camp!"

The signal soldier straightened his back and said loudly word by word.

"I saw it..." Keita Raiden raised his binoculars again, his expression unchanged, "Order the air defense force to get ready and activate the anti-aircraft guns! By the way, the team members must take precautions against dust. , not the snow in my hometown.”

"But Chief Lei Dian, our communication has been interfered by these ash! I'm afraid that what you said... can't be conveyed immediately!"

"Then give me a semaphore and a light sign! If it doesn't work, let your teammates run around the position and pass the message for me in person! In any case, the command of the headquarters must be delegated to every glorious self-defense force In the hands of the team members!"


Looking at the back of the signal soldier going away, Lei Dianjing sighed too imperceptibly, and then turned his attention to the battlefield again.

The huge stone tablet collapsed, and a large amount of debris and dust were still accumulating, sweeping across the ground, indirectly blocking the enemy's "ground troops".

However, the flying gastrula have wings, and their bodies are strong enough to allow them to ignore the dust that blocks the sky and continue to attack in the direction of humans.

Facing them menacingly, the plane obviously cannot play.

I don't mean to look down on modern fighters, but the military industry in Tokyo has not fully recovered since it experienced a catastrophe ten years ago, even after two months of cooperative construction with the Osaka area.

Every current fighter plane is very precious and cannot take too many risks. It must be used at other most critical moments.

For Keita Raiden, instead of ordering the already scarce air force to fight and fight against the flying gastritis, it is better to wait until the army of gastrulation arrives and have a "carpet-like baptism" to achieve fruitful results.

And as his order was issued, the anti-aircraft guns that had been placed in advance were revealed by the team members, facing the rain of dust floating in the sky, aiming at the incoming enemy.


The piercing chirping of gastrella came from afar, and the waves of sound rippled through the clouds.

The sky is getting darker, and everyone is holding their breath, waiting for the enemy to enter the range.


Dense "red-dotted dark clouds"—that is, flying gastrula with flapping wings—appeared.


At this moment, whether it is the eye-catching semaphore, the language of lights, or the sound of loud horns, all orders are issued together.

"Boom boom boom...!"

A series of large-caliber anti-aircraft guns, anti-aircraft guns ejecting high-energy bullets, mortars loaded with special ammunition, etc. were fired one after another.

In an instant, countless flames spewed out and sparks splashed, illuminating the entire dust-shrouded area; the shouts of the team members and the whistling of shells filled the entire world.

Immediately after...


Countless pitch-black bullets and shells shot into the air like fireworks, tearing apart the wings and limbs of the Gastrea.

In an instant, ear-piercing screams sounded one after another, and colorful blood rained down, accompanied by shattered limbs.

The "dark cloud with red dots" began to collapse.

The first wave of Gastrea offensive was suppressed!


Before the human camp could cheer, the sky in the distance was suddenly "lit up"!

"what is that?!"

At that moment, the expressions on people's faces froze.

next second...

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

Beams of light... No, it was "Light Spears" that crossed the sky and earth, like a punishment from God descending on the world, and the gods were angry. While illuminating the entire sky, they also swept across the human battlefield.

Just like the maid's "big cleaning", where the "Light Gun" goes, the team members have their limbs cut off from time to time, or they are pierced through the body, and some even lost their heads...

Compared with the previous two cases where life was worse than death, the last one was a kind of relief.

"Whoosh whoosh—!"

The "Light Gun" was still descending, one anti-aircraft gun was destroyed, and a large number of flying gastritis also took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack, wantonly harvesting fresh lives.

The human side was fooled.

There is no other reason. Since the first Kanto battle ten years ago, there is no doubt that all human tactics against gastroenteritis are based on the premise that the latter will not use [flying props].

But now, this common sense has been broken by the "gun of light", before the human cannon fire can be launched, it is "carpet bombed" by the gastritis...

Despair and shock are the reflections of the hearts of the vast majority of SDF members at this time.

However, things are far from simple.


When the human position was baptized by the "gun of light", the ground under their feet also began to vibrate.

Suddenly a black "smoke" appeared in front of the position...

That's the gastroenteric army.

During the period when human beings were preoccupied, they successfully removed the fragments of the giant stone tablet and cleared a path, and now they are launching a violent attack in an orderly manner.


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