Gastrea actually learned tactics!

Is this still the "brainless monster" that people know?It totally goes against common sense!

But no matter how shocked and unbelievable human beings are, the large army of Gastrea is still approaching quickly, preparing to tear apart the position of the Self-Defense Forces with their own fangs.

As the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, Keita Raiden must remain calm at all times, no matter how fierce the enemy is, he must not be afraid.

With the "Light Gun" of unknown origin, the threat to fighter jets is greater than ever.


"Order the armored troops to attack! Smash the Gastrea attack!"

"Yes Yes!"

Following his order, heavy firepower such as tanks and armored vehicles located in front of the position began to ignite, launch, turn their barrels, and crush the enemy.


When an armored vehicle passed an ordinary grass field, the ground suddenly sank!

Immediately afterwards, a huge mole-like creature emerged from the soil, with red eyes flashing, it violently overturned the armored vehicle, tearing the steel plate with its sharp and huge minions.

Immediately, sparks flew everywhere.

Human screams came and went.

It turns out that not only the sky, the earth, but also the mysterious "Light Gun", even the underground has Gastrea raids.

Heavy-duty vehicles suffered from this.

The ground is still shaking.

As the battle intensified and both sides suffered heavy casualties, the "coach" appeared behind the Gastrea camp.

"Oh oh oh oh--!"

Accompanied by a strange cry that makes the eardrums tremble, a huge creature that looks like a bird is not a bird, and a horse is not a horse is slowly approaching.

Every time it took a step, the ground would vibrate violently, and a loud sound could be heard from it;

Countless gastritis surround it, like "the moon is surrounded by stars".

Aldebaran, the stage four gastratus, is the culprit in all this.

That huge body, ferocious appearance, mighty momentum...

Despair spreads uncontrollably in people's hearts.

Is there really a chance of winning this war?

On the front, the scorpion-shaped gastroentera began to advance steadily, carrying bullets and artillery fire, and overturned a tank;

Under the ground, the mole-shaped gastratus drove straight in, destroying and disintegrating the roadblocks and traps carefully set up by humans from below;

In the rear, wriggling caterpillar-shaped, ant-shaped, spider-shaped, and even snake-shaped gastroentera formed a mighty army, as well as the "guns of light" that appeared from time to time, spreading despair and death on the land together;

From above, flying gastrectas attacked overwhelmingly, grabbing a team member into the sky from time to time, and cruelly sharing the food...

Legion battle, this is the legion battle launched by Gastrea against humans.

In this legion battle, each individual gastratus restrained their instincts, subverted the previous state of being scattered and fighting independently, gathered together, gave full play to their respective advantages, supplemented by their own huge number, and The overwhelming momentum crushed the Self-Defense Forces.

Humanity has failed miserably.

Right now, this is no longer a situation that can be reversed by just one person.

"I'm sorry, Lord Shengtianzi, Lei Dianjing has failed your high expectations, and I will live forever with this land beneath me!"

In desperation, Lei Dian Jingtai was full of disappointment and discouragement, and his self-blame and guilt made him die.

"Rena... Sakurako... Aoi... and... Mei..."

"I, I'm sorry you guys."

At this moment, thousands of words and regrets surfaced in this tough guy's heart.



With the saber out of its sheath, only anger towards the enemy remained in his eyes.


As soon as the slogan was shouted, the supreme commander of the Tokyo Self-Defense Force rushed out of the command booth with a knife.

Rather Stick to your guns.

It is the destiny of Lei Dian's family to protect the Holy Son of Heaven, and dying on the battlefield is the highest honor for a soldier!

And at this moment...

"Whoosh whoosh—!"

Houkai can affect the sky.

With the arrival of a certain Herrscher, an unexpected turning point came.


My Keli is sinking ahhhh! ! !

All the rough stones I saved are gone, all gone! ! !


I'm afraid there will be no peace tonight.

Chapter 247 Chapter 230 Seven

The auxiliary troops stationed in the rear were unaware of the tragic situation encountered by the Self-Defense Forces.

The communication was disturbed, the line of sight was blocked by the dust that obscured the sky and the sun... Various reasons led this auxiliary force composed of thousands of policemen to know that "the war on the front line has broken out" only by observing the dancing artillery fire in the dust with the naked eye. "This fact.

"Has the war started yet?"

"Can the Self-Defense Forces win?"

On the outskirts of the camp, a large number of facilitators gathered together, with their own small initiators sandwiched between them, looking at the battlefield filled with smoke and dust billowing in the distance.

Cowboys, suits, restaurants, doctors, waiters, students...they wear and dress so many and complicated that you can't even find one that is exactly the same;

As for their weapons, it is even more dazzling. In addition to the common hot and cold weapons, there are knuckle tigers, nunchucks, chains and so on.

Compared with their appearance, their weapons all have one thing in common:

That is, no matter what type of weapon it is, the parts that come into contact with the enemy are all black.

That is the color of chrysanthemum.

Today, these policemen are waiting for an order and a result, but no one chooses to take a step forward.

Without receiving an order, everyone unanimously chose to wait and see what happened.

As to why this is so, there are two reasons:

One, dare not act rashly or "not confident enough";

Leaving gastritis and gastrenteroviruses aside, the whole world is in the context of the "21st century". Human civilization continues to develop science and technology, with industry as the mainstream, and a modern army with well-equipped and powerful firepower...

Under this background, almost no one would think that the strength of an individual can surpass the army, not to mention that what is standing at the forefront at this time is a self-defense force with rich combat experience and an extremely developed command system?

You must know that the "Second Kanto Battle" that took place a few years ago ended with the victory of the Self-Defense Forces, and it is also because of them that the Tokyo area can be preserved to this day.

Faced with such a "big brother" full of achievements and strength, the policemen who are "junior generations" dare not presumptuously and disobey orders, let alone think that the lovely partners around them are better than the army's tanks and cannons. Even more powerful.

Two, dissatisfaction;

In addition to the regular police in the urban area, the vast majority of people in the self-defense force also have a lot of dissatisfaction and prejudice against the "baby-carrying profession" of the police, and this situation is not something that happens every day or two.

As for the reason, it was mentioned a long time ago that the essence of the civilian police is actually "a mercenary organization used to restrain and use the initiators". A unique product of this era.

For such a group of "pedophiles" who are "mixed with good and bad", "running around with potential sources of infection" and "specializing in performance and fame", not to mention the Self-Defense Forces and the police with high self-esteem, even the uncles and aunts in the market are all concerned. Avoid it.

They're a "weird bunch" - almost everyone thinks so.

Almost every policeman lives a difficult life under the puzzled eyes of people around him. Over time, they also become dissatisfied with these so-called "normal people"... especially the police and the Self-Defense Forces.

Different road non-phase plan.

Even though they are now organized as an auxiliary force due to the rules, they still "independently" separate themselves from the Self-Defense Forces, thinking that they can solve the things at hand by themselves, and have never thought of offering help in the past.

All in all, the Self-Defense Force discriminates against the civilian police, and the civilian police are also dissatisfied with the Self-Defense Force, and neither of them has the intention of asking for help or helping each other.

Humans are ultimately incapable of understanding each other.

It's just that countless fresh lives paid the price for it.


"Have you started yet?!"

Minutes after the Self-Defense Forces' encounter with the Gastrea, Rentaro and Enju finally returned to the camp.

"See you there!"

The first person to greet her was the eldest lady of the Tendo family who had been waiting for a long time——Tentong Mugeng.

It was still the uniform of Meihe Women's College, the long hair fluttering like ink, the pair of round and upright pairs...

Ahem, and I don't know if it's an illusion, Tiantongmu's complexion looks much better at this time than in two months, and his whole body is radiant, as if he has been reborn.

"Sister Mu Geng...!"

Seeing that the person he cared about the most was safe and sound, Rentaro's hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

Soon he was worried again.

"Why are you still here? Your kidney..."

Regarding this, Mu Geng smiled heartily.

"Don't worry~ Satomi, the previous kidney transplant operation was very successful, and I have punished all the sinners in the Tiantong family in the past two months..."

Having said that, she took a deep breath, her eyes seemed to be shining.

"Phew, I am more energetic now than ever before! The head of my hall, who was in charge of the police corps just now, saw my swordplay, and made an exception to let me stay, even if there is no initiator partner for the time being... After all, now It's an extraordinary time!"

"Is this also possible...?"

Seeing the heartfelt smile on the girl's face, although Rentaro was also happy about it, he still wanted to say something.


Another voice suddenly broke in:

"Hey~ Our captain is finally willing to come back. I was just wondering if you were so scared that you hid under the bed and slept...Of course, I was just joking."

With the whistle, a blond young man wearing orange glasses came out of the shed with a smirk on his face.

Katagiri Yuki, Rentaro's few close friends, is good at using steel chainsaws as weapons.

"Brother Katagiri..."

Seeing the person who came, Rentaro smiled slightly, and took a few steps forward to give him a high five.

But at this moment...

"Hey! Pervert, stay away from me!"

The sudden immature voice made Rentaro stop again.

Looking at the source of the sound, beside Yuki Katagiri, a blond loli with twin ponytails and parted in the middle was standing there with her chest upright and her hands on her hips, with a haughty expression, looking at Rentaro His eyes were full of disdain.

IP ranking 1850, spider-type gastrulation factor, Katagiri Yuzuki.

At the same time, she is also the initiator partner and younger sister of Katagiri Yuki.


Compared to Rentaro, who was at a loss in place, Enju, as a partner, was not affected in the slightest.

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