"Long time no see, Gongyue~"

"Meet you again, Yeonju~"

The two little lolis looked at each other and smiled, and quickly fought hand in hand.

"Ah..." Seeing this scene, Rentaro sighed slightly, scratched his hair, and fell into self-doubt.

Meanwhile, Mu Geng and Katagiri Yushu beside him suppressed their smiles.

"You're back, see you."

At this time, two figures, one big and one small, also came from the other side of the tent.

"Brother Zhangmo..."

Seeing the tall and thin figure among them, Rentaro was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"Well, I'm back. It's a pity that I didn't invite those two helpers... But even so, Yeonju and I will fight side by side with you!"


If Mei was here at this time, he would find that the person who came was the white-haired man who once had a relationship with him before he left this world-Nazawa Akima.

He is also Rentaro's senior brother, capable, humble, and a master of the Tendo style.

Similarly, beside Akima Nakizawa was also following his initiator—a white-haired cat-eared loli wearing a big witch hat and wearing a long braid.

Busch Cui, the cat-type starter, ranked 970th in IP!

"The Self-Defense Forces have already fought Gastrea. The specific situation is unknown, but I have a bad feeling. It is recommended to prepare for the battle."

Natsuzawa Akima said in a flat tone, his eyes were sharp, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


Rentaro was obviously a little surprised.

"Well... I, I also smell the smell of destruction, on... many, many people."

Busch Cui nodded, clutching the corners of his clothes with both hands, eyes flickering, and said timidly.

When the people present gathered their gazes, she immediately pulled down the big hat on her head again, showing a cowardly and endearing look.

They have been teammates for several days, and everyone including Rentaro understands that this cute and shy "cat girl" has a special ability called "smell divination".

That is to say, to some extent, she can "smell" the future and destiny of others.

When catgirls start talking, it means things are really screwed up.

Rentaro began to think about the possibility.

"It would be great if the eldest lady was here, so that not only Tina and Xia Shi would follow, but you could also talk to Lord Shengtianzi at any time to learn about the latest situation...Damn it, where did she go? It happened at this time ..."

Hearing his muttering, the others also fell silent.

"The eldest lady of the Leiden family..."

Akira Nakizawa frowned, with a subtle expression on his face.

Rentaro suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Brother Zhangmo, have you seen her?"

"Yeah." Nakizawa Akima nodded, his face unchanged, "But it was two months ago. At that time, I went to look for you at Mr. Muroto's place, but I was in vain. When I left, I was in the corridor of the hospital. I met her once online, and I was very impressed."

"So that's how it is..."

Rentaro looked a little disappointed.

But Natsuzawa Akima didn't care about these, just lowered his head and said to himself, as if he was recalling or thinking:

"The feeling she gave me at that time was unfathomable and indescribable. Even Master Zhuxi, who taught me Tiantongliu since childhood, never gave me this feeling, just the pressure I felt when I passed her by. It made me doubt the martial arts I practiced..."

"How can there be such a mysterious person in this world?"

Hearing his words, the people present had different expressions.

"It can make the overly strong Nizawa brother express such emotion, it seems that the legendary lady of the Raiden family is really a monster! But..."

As he was talking, Yushu Katagiri suddenly took off his orange glasses, glanced wretchedly at Mu Geng who was standing beside him with his arms crossed, and smiled lewdly.

"In my mind, the goddess Mu Geng is stronger!"

"Katagiri you...!!!"

Rentaro gritted his teeth angrily.

"Pervert brother! You idiot! Go to hell!"

Katagiri Gongyue immediately left the two playmates behind, jumped over and threw an uppercut.


A certain yellow hair was punched and fell to the ground.

And Tiantong Mugeng himself didn't even look at him from the beginning to the end, blatantly ignoring him.

After Katagi Yushu's interruption, the atmosphere on the field became more joyful, and it was no longer as heavy as before.

After beating someone who tried to "beastize" a few times, Rentaro regained his energy.

"Okay, anyway, we still have to get ready and Gastre..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted again!

But this time, it came from a distant battlefield.

Chapter 248 Chapter 230 Chapter 4000 A Curtain Call ([-])

"Honkai, come~☆"

When the front was in a hurry and the rear was fishing, the Herrscher of the Sky named Sirin appeared.

The coordinates are located high in the sky, and the edge of the space door has a gorgeous golden pattern, which is mysterious and noble, and there are family members behind it.

At this time, she looked about fifteen or sixteen years old from the outside, with long purple hair, a pair of special golden eyes, and a strange dress... A familiar body and familiar power, all of which made her come from the bottom of her heart. feel happy.

"I am finally free~"

The standard lines of the big devil.

"Finally I can't hear my mother's annoying voice!"

"What hair can't be too long, clothes can't be too revealing, can't eat too much sweets..."

"I've had enough!"

"Is there a need for a world where you can't eat sweets at will? It's better to destroy it!"

"Just let her chatter with that little one for a while!"

"Stop bothering me!"


The painting style changed suddenly, and the big devil turned into an ignorant little girl.

In this regard, the family members behind her not only did not laugh, but instead looked serious, as if they took her complaints as the truth.

"My Lady Queen is always right!"

The so-called "Family" - a young girl with a waterfall of silver hair swears so.

Her eyes are as blue as the sky, her upper body is in a white tights and her lower body is paired with black hot pants, and the purple wings of light flapping behind her are very conspicuous. If you look closely, the overall color scheme of this girl is very similar to that of the dragon-shaped Honkai Beast. "Benares" is quite similar.

"Well, well said, Bella~"

Sirin squinted her eyes and praised, with a happy expression on her face.

Immediately afterwards, the ongoing war below attracted their attention.

"War... It's war again. It seems that no matter which world you are in, stupid human beings are still obsessed with self-destruction. It's ridiculous~"

Seeing the incomparably tragic situation, Sirin raised the corners of her mouth and mocked with the mentality of watching a "good show", with an indifferent appearance.

Obviously, she has forgotten the purpose of being "cast" here in the first place.


The silver-haired girl behind opened her mouth, as if she wanted to remind her, but she closed her mouth in the end.

As long as Her Lady Queen is happy...

As she thought so, she forgot all other things.

Soon, Gastrea, who had the upper hand on the ground battlefield, found the two uninvited guests above him who were watching a show.


In this regard, the first responder was the flying gastrula.

They are mainly composed of dragonflies and mosquitoes, and the smallest ones are as big as a washbasin, and there are a lot of them.

For these two "unknown creatures" with human appearance, they regarded them as "food" without thinking, and began to carry out routine hunting and hunting.

However it turns out:

This will be the decision they regret most in their lives.

While Sirin was indulging in admiring the blood and death brought about by the war, the silver-haired girl behind her who was called "Bella" discovered the enemy first.

"That's... don't even think about getting close to Her Lady Queen!"

The momentary surprise turned into seriousness in an instant, and with a scolding sound, the girl stretched out her hands with hostility, and spread her wings behind her back.

"What's the matter? Bella~"

Only then did Sirin turn her head, with an uncomfortable smile still on her side face.

In the next second, a flash of lightning shone in her pupils...


There was a deafening bang.

Like a long rainbow spanning the sky and the earth, the silver-haired girl named Bella released a powerful plasma cannon with one hand, and the light wings on her back shone with electric light, and her shape was almost solid.

Under the bombardment of the plasma cannon, the attacking Gastrea instantly turned into fly ash and disappeared with the wind.

This scene also successfully attracted the attention of the entire battlefield.

Seeing this, Sirin froze for a moment, and the corner of her mouth curved into a dangerous arc.

"It turned out to be them. I said that since just now, there have been buzzing sounds in my ears. I thought it was annoying mosquitoes, but I didn't expect... Hehe, I am looking for a dead end! Bella, you know what to do do~"

"Yes! Bella will destroy all existences that dare to offend Her Lady Queen!"

The silver-haired girl nodded, closed her eyes, and the wings behind her suddenly shone brightly.

From this moment on, I don't know if it is an illusion, but people in the nearby area suddenly feel that the air has become hotter...

Unknown forces are brewing.

At the same time, Sirin, who is the Herrscher of the Sky, has not been idle.

"How dare you provoke me, who is the Queen of Honkai, are you inferior bugs ready to be judged?"

Looking down at the battlefield, she raised her hand while talking to herself.

With just such a movement, a huge amount of Houkai energy began to emerge from the void with her as the center, spreading in all directions.

The sky suddenly changed.

At the same time, the albino dust in the air was indirectly dispersed by the invisible and colorless Houkai energy, and the biggest source of interference disappeared. Both the auxiliary troops in the rear and the satellites in outer space were able to recapture what happened on the battlefield.

After two months, the world was once again eroded by Houkai energy.

In this regard, the gastrulation army seemed to be keenly aware of something, and immediately shifted the target, and even gave up the attack on the Self-Defense Forces.

The first to come is...

"Whoosh whoosh—!"

A series of "beams of light" appeared from the depths of the forest in the distance, shooting at Bella who was "reading" at an unsightly speed.

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