That is - "Light Gun".

They obviously regarded the silver-haired girl as a threat that must be eliminated.

Sirin smiled disdainfully at this.

"Hehe, little trick of carving insects."


A crisp snap of fingers.

Immediately afterwards, purple space doors suddenly appeared around the two of them, like barriers and abysses, engulfing the incoming "guns of light" one by one.

"Bugs are bugs, and they are vulnerable to the great Honkai Queen..."

Sitting in the sky with her chin resting, Sirin didn't even move her position, just watching the enemy's attack in vain, her eyes were full of ridicule and disdain.

However, the gastrula didn't seem to know what giving up was, and the "guns of light" continued to shoot out one after another, and disappeared into the depths of the space gate again.

Gradually, Sirin also felt a little bored.

Because she has seen through the essence of the "Light Gun"——

It's like a liquid... no, it's liquid metal, mercury.

The compressed mercury, supplemented by powerful kinetic energy, makes it a powerful weapon capable of piercing gold and cracking rocks.

But these are almost no threat to her.

"It's really endless... Get the hell out of here!"

After feeling bored, Sirin, who is the Herrscher of the Sky, used her ability again.


Another snap of fingers.

Taking this as a signal, purple space gates appeared again directly above the gastrea army and in front of the flying gastrea that were encircling them.

This time, what shoots out of it is no longer imaginary energy, but—"Light Gun".

That's right, space transfer.

As the saying goes: "Treat the body with the same way as the person" - this is one of the most basic applications of space ability, the nemesis of flying props, and it is also what Xilin likes to do most.

"Whoosh whoosh—!"

"Light guns" descended one after another, shooting through countless gastratus in an instant, blood and stumps splashed everywhere, and screams and roars continued.

The range of counterattack naturally also includes the forest.

Among them, a fish gastrula with a length, width, and height of ten meters and a bloated body—that is, the culprit who fired the "Light Gun" was also hit almost at the same time.

In the next second, this "human cannon" just kept spraying mercury, and fell heavily to the ground under the watchful eyes of the gastrula that "guarded" it.

The high-pressure mercury that was still spraying even accidentally injured the friendly army, and at the same time cut off several rows of big trees in the middle of the sky. The scene was very terrifying.

There is no doubt that the gastrulation camp has lost a "general".

But it's not over yet.

"Accept the trial of fire!"

During this period of time, the silver-haired girl named Bella also completed her "unique trick", turning into a red flame dragon soaring in the sky with flapping flame wings, sending out a roar that resounded throughout the universe.

It turned out that she was the newborn "Benares", a true "Dragon Lady", who perfectly retained her previous abilities.

In an instant, the clouds turned fiery red, and balls of fire fell from the sky and landed in the gastroenteric army.

"Bang bang bang bang——!!!"

The mountain was shaken suddenly, and the sound of explosions came and went one after another, and countless gastratus were smashed to pieces in an instant, and turned into ashes in the blazing flames.

This scene was like a punishment from God, which shocked all the human beings who witnessed it and will never forget it.

When the Gastrea was defeated because of this...

"Surrender to your queen!"

As Sirin raised her hand, all the previously dissipated Honkai energy began to concentrate and invade the gastroenterovirus, quickly destroying the gastroenterovirus, changing the gene and even the material structure, and transforming them into powder A white Honkai beast.

"Oh oh oh oh--!!!"

Seeing this scene, "Aldebaran" became anxious, the huge body that looked like a turtle and a horse began to move, and the slender neck like an ostrich was raised high, and let out a long cry.

As a Gastrea of ​​stage four, not many people actually know that its basic factor is "bee".

Evolved to the present, after devouring many kinds of genes, although its appearance is no longer reminiscent of a creature like a bee, it can still release a substance called "swarm pheromone" like a queen bee to attract , control other lower gastrulation.

That is to say, no matter where Gastrea exists, it can pull up an army at any time.

But now Sirin is disintegrating its "rule", just like the situation of "fighting for territory" among lions in nature...

How can it bear it?

Ever since, this gigantic monster with a hideous appearance yelled and led the surrounding "guards" to attack Sirin, completely ignoring other losses.

This also made the latter successfully notice the existence of the "coach".

"Oh? Here comes a slightly interesting guy, but unfortunately...too ugly!"

After shaking her head with disgust, Sirin looked at her family members.



Hearing her queen's call, the flame dragon seemed to understand something, roared, and sprayed a fiery dragon's breath at Aldebaran.

This scene is like a war described in myths and legends.

Fiery red flames spewed out from the dragon's mouth and landed on the monster as huge as a mountain.

"Oh oh oh oh--!!!"

Immediately afterwards, a painful neigh came from Aldebaran's mouth, and that huge body couldn't dodge at all, and was burned by the flame dragon's breath, piercing a hole.


In the next second, I saw that the charred hole healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!Like a sponge that recovers after being squeezed.

What kind of terrifying self-healing ability is this? !

"Oh? Interesting."

Seeing this, Sirin was not only not angry, but her face was full of surprise, her eyes sparkled, as if a little girl had found her new toy.

"So powerful? Then let me see where your limit is~"

With a wave of his hand, countless Argonian spears appeared from the imaginary number, and the spearheads shone with a cold light, and fell on Aldebaran's body like raindrops.

"Whoosh whoosh...!"

The dense sound of breaking the air sounded.

Aldebaran had no way to avoid it, so he could only watch them fly. The flying gastratus in charge of the guards screamed desperately, trying to block them, but they were burned seven times by the dragon's breath falling from the sky. scattered.

"Oh oh oh oh!!!"

With the painful cry of Aldebaran, the largest "hedgehog" in history was born.

However, the wound is still healing rapidly.

"Hehe~ Interesting! It's so interesting!"

Sirin laughed and continued to launch the offensive.

Constantly wounded and healed, a terrifying and bloody "game" has already begun.

During this series of tossing, the out-of-control gastratus army began to scurry wildly, constantly attacking in all directions, and even the surviving Self-Defense Forces were attacked.

But only Sirin seemed to be fascinated. While laughing loudly, she shot out pieces of archon's spears, constantly punching holes in Aldebaran's body.

At this moment, this Herrscher of Space seems to be transformed into a "Master of Acupuncture and Moxibustion".

When the situation on the field started to spin out of control again...

Finally, someone couldn't stand it anymore.


The cold female voice resounded throughout the world.

Immediately, the whole place was silent.


Suddenly, a blood-colored thunder descended, piercing the sky and the earth, as if dividing the whole world into two halves.

In an instant, the world was overshadowed.

With the disappearance of the bloody thunder light, Aldebaran, the stage four gastroenterate shrouded in thunder, had turned into flying ash and disappeared with the wind without even leaving a trace , the entire existence seems to be "erased" out of thin air.

Self-healing abilities are completely useless.

The power of law is terrifying!

And at the place where Aldebaran disappeared, a purple-haired girl in a samurai dress with a thunder and lightning ring on her back stood with a knife, and slowly opened a pair of purple-red eyes.

That seemed to be Mei in her strongest form.

Scanning the battlefield... Especially after glancing at Sirin in the sky, Mei fell silent, turned her back and took the saber silently.

"Come back consciously and be punished."

The faint words dissipated between heaven and earth, together with its owner.

In the next second, all Gastrea on the battlefield... no matter how big they were, whether they were in the sky or underground, a long bloody knife mark appeared on the surface of their bodies.


Split in two, blood splattered everywhere.

The face of a certain Herrscher of the Sky turned pale.

"It's over..."

The third Kanto battle came to an end.

Chapter 249 Chapter 230

With one blow, he will destroy all enemies.

In less than half a minute's appearance, compared with Sirin and Bella, Mei's wave of shock is just as shocking.

Although at that time, she was located some distance away from the human camp, almost no one could see her face clearly, and in all the pictures, her whole body even turned into a ball of dancing thunder for no reason, making her People can't figure it out...


It happened that the two words she said to Sirin when she entered and left the stage were recognized by the familiar people at the first time.

Among them, they include Raiden Keita who is fighting in the Self-Defense Forces position, Setenko who is in the rear command room, Rentaro and Yanzhu who are in the auxiliary force.

So far, the Tokyo area has completely exploded.

If the disaster of Herrscher's awakening two months ago was erased from people's memory due to the last time regression, then this time, it can be said to be truly "big news".

However, no matter how jubilant the outside world is, these are not within the scope of his own attention.


"I said, Kiyana, she won't take your words to heart at all..."

Thunder House, the exclusive house of the young lady.

With the return of the principle avatar that completed the task, Mei opened her eyes with a cold expression on her face.


To this, the white-haired girl sitting opposite only replied with two indistinct syllables.

Frowning, Mei looked over.

only see...

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