The white-haired girl with a pair of braids behind her head seems to have returned to her "nature". She is sitting on a cushion in a "duck sitting" manner, holding a cup of hot tea that she brewed earlier, happily eating Enjoy the sweet cookies on the table.


Seeing this scene, Mei immediately choked, as if something was born in her heart.

After many days, she returned to this world and this wooden house again, and saw her familiar sister. From the beginning to the end, she did not show much nostalgia or joy.

In contrast to her, the white-haired girl in front of her seemed at ease, as if she regarded this place as her own home, she was very relaxed, like a real ordinary girl...

Just like it is now.

"Ki Ya Na!"

Almost uttering these three words between her teeth, Mei clenched her fists tightly, and lightning flashed on her forehead.

"Shh~Mei, keep your voice down, Caikui is still resting in the inner room~"

As if not noticing the sudden change in the atmosphere, Kiyana wiped her mouth, pointed to the push door leading to the inner room, and hissed in a manner.


She continued to eat the cake happily.

Seeing this, Mei felt that a string in her head was broken.

"Eat, eat, eat..."


Gritting her teeth and roaring, Mei clenched her fists tightly, her brows drooped, blood-colored lightning flashed on the tip of her hair, the scene was very frightening.

"Huh?! Wait, wait, Mei!"

Kiyana finally realized something.

But it's too late...

"Just know to eat!"


As Mei exploded, bloody lightning flashed...

The cookie that Kiyana was holding turned into fly ash in an instant.

"No! Cookies made by Mei!"

A certain white-haired dumpling yelled with a sad face, his voice was tragic, solemn... it was moving.


Immediately afterwards, the outer room fell into a brief silence.

"I won't help you to pay attention to her anymore. If she wants to run, she will run away. If you want to find it, you have to find it yourself. I don't care."

Kneeling on the cushion, Mei turned her head, put her hands on her chest, and said coldly.

Regarding this, Qiyana chuckled, looking heartless.

"Don't worry, Mei, Sirin is my envoy, and she won't get lost."

After shaking her head, the girl picked up the hot tea and took a sip. The double braids on the back of her head swayed back and forth with her movements.

"Hmm——as expected of the tea made by Mei, it's delicious~"

Narrowing her eyes like a small animal, the girl let out a sound of enjoyment, and gave her a thumbs up without hesitation.

The thumbs up "just happened" to be caught by the corner of Mei's eyes.

The anger in my heart disappeared instantly.

At this moment, all kinds of questions and words were held in Mei's heart, but she couldn't say anything.

That's fine...

Right now, isn't it exactly what I have been pursuing all along?

Constantly traveling through the world, constantly fighting with people... Isn't it just to regain this heartfelt recognition and that heartless smile again?

That's enough for now, really.

After comforting herself in this way, Mei stretched her hand to her ear and took off the earring that had always given her goals and motivation.

Looking at the colored liquid overflowing in the glass ball, she suddenly felt the urge to throw it away.

Seems like a good way to end the trip like this?

The two of them settled down and lived in this world like this, leaving behind the attachments of the past and opening up a new future...

"fair enough……"

Staring at the shining color, Mei's face was a little dazed.

"Is this the indicator you mentioned, Mei?"

Suddenly, such a voice of inquiry came from beside my ears, with heat that made people's cheeks burn.

Turning the head to look, I saw that at some time, the white-haired girl had supported the table with her hands, leaned over, and was looking at the earring in her hand curiously.

In fact, when Mei turned her head to look over, the distance between their cheeks was less than five centimeters, and the nose could even smell the faint fragrance of the girl's body.

At this moment, the calmness in my heart was broken.

too close……

If Kiana is pressed down like this, should I dodge...?

As if thinking of some unsightly plot, Mei blushed, lowered her head as if nothing had happened, and twirled her hair with her fingers.

"...Well. Before I found you, Kiyana, I have been relying on the 'power of luck' collected by it to travel around the world. But now..."

Using the corner of her eye to sweep over the ruddy and tender lips of the girl beside her, Mei forcibly suppressed the agitation rising in her heart, pretending to be calm and said:

"It doesn't seem to be needed anymore."


Still not noticing the change in Mei's demeanor, Kiana blinked, then sat back and continued to hold the teacup.

Seeing this, Mei sighed imperceptibly, feeling a little lost.

What a dull idiot - when she thought so...

"Keep it, Mei, we still have a long way to go!"

The hopeful and energetic voice of the white-haired girl suddenly came.

"Still far?"

After being stunned for a moment, Mei looked over, as if wanting to get an explanation.

In response, Kiyana took a sip of hot tea and said with a smile on her face:

"After Mei, you finish what you want to do, I will tell you all the truth, and about our future... Now, let's enjoy the moment!"

The girl's eyes seemed to be shining.

The blue and clear color made Mei seem to see a vast and boundless sky through it.

Road, still far away?

Before that, she always thought that finding the girl in front of her would be the end of it.

Where should we go next?go home?

Is there still our familiar home?

An inexplicable repulsion suddenly rose in her heart, forcing Mei to open her mouth.


"Dum, thump, thump...!"

But before the words were spoken, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door.

Chapter 250Chapter 240 Missy has changed!

"Miss! It's really you!"


Outside the open wooden sliding door, in the lush garden, a small basket full of fruits and vegetables fell on the grass, and several bright red apples rolled out.

And the owner of this basket—a baby-faced girl dressed as a maid, is looking at the room with disbelief at this time, her eyes and words are full of excitement and joy.

"Miss! You are really back..."

As if confirming and comforting herself, the baby-faced maid yelled again, the expression on her face gradually changed from unbelievable to deeply moved, and the surface of her eyes sprang up like springs, filled with wiping crystal clear.

In the end, tears overflowed and slipped quietly from the corners of his eyes.

"Lei Yi...?"

Subconsciously, she exchanged glances with Kiana who was sitting opposite, Mei opened her mouth, with some emotion brewing in her throat, and called out the name with a complicated face.

I remembered……

Lei Yi, a personal maid who is willing to abandon her past and name, has taken care of "her" for eight years in this world without complaint.

"Hmm...Miss, Lei Yi lost his composure..."

Hearing Mei's soft call, the baby-faced maid immediately came to her senses, while nodding in reply, she wiped away the tears on her face with her hands, and smiled like a raindrop.

"But it's great that you can come back, Miss! Whether it's the Holy Son of Heaven, the Patriarch, or the Second Miss, they've all been looking forward to your return, and now it's finally... really great!"


Seeing her look of joy from the bottom of her heart, Mei didn't know how to reply for a moment.

Although for the people of this world, Raiden Mei only "disappeared" for two months, but for her, what separated it was several times of despair and rebirth, as well as the achievement of the true god. Double metamorphosis.

It turns out that time is very subjective.When the things experienced are too bizarre and profound, other relatively ordinary daily life will gradually fade away and go away in the memory, and whenever I look back, it feels like a long, long time has passed.

For Mei, just like the original memory of the collapsed world, all the things brought to her by this world have also become blurred in these "two months", full of a sense of age, and now full of a sense of distance...

Everything is like the life experienced in the "last life".

She couldn't speak.


Eerie silence.

It was obviously a rare reunion, but the result shouldn't be like this...

At this moment, Mei's heart was extremely complicated, and she wanted to say something to break the silence, but she couldn't.

In contrast, the baby-faced maid standing in the garden, after experiencing the initial disbelief and excitement, also noticed something from the performance and expression of her eldest lady, and she froze in place.

Missy, she...has changed.

This feeling of strangeness, alienation...

It was only two months, why did it become like this?

A sense of absurdity rose in Lei Yi's heart.

You know, in her mind, there is a memory of spending eight years with the existence of "Rainbow Mei" day and night!

But right now, it's only been two months of absence, but that strange feeling seems to "negate" all the memories of these eight years...

This gap, this change caught her off guard.


Driven by a certain mood, Lei subconsciously took a step forward and stretched out his hand to grasp something, as if he wanted to grab something.


The moment she spoke, she happened to step on something round.

—an apple rolling out of a basket.


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