The murmur turned into a scream.

The turning point of the atmosphere came so suddenly...

However, it wasn't the falling plot that people thought, but Lei Yi suddenly realized something, and quickly raised his foot.

"The fruit prepared for the second lady..."

With eyes wide open, the maid immediately bent down and picked up the basket.

"Hold, I'm sorry! Miss, Lei Yi is really clumsy... woo..."

She began to bow and apologize repeatedly while picking up the apples.

Seeing this rather joyful scene, Mei breathed a sigh of relief, and the complex emotions in her heart disappeared a lot.

"It's okay, Lei Yi, Caikui has fallen asleep under our care, cook some soup for her after she wakes up, thanks for your hard work."

A familiar smile, a familiar tenderness...

This made Lei Yi, who was picking up apples, stunned again.

The eldest lady... is still the eldest lady...

She hasn't changed!

That's right!She hasn't changed!What were you guessing just now!Lei Yi!

After figuring this out, the maid began to blame herself in her heart.

At the same time, a warm current hit the eye sockets, and the nose suddenly became sour...


Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure, Lei Yi felt a little blurry in front of him.

She hastily wiped her eyes.

at this time……

"Everyone is really happy! Don't you think so? Lei—Miss Dian~! Hee hee~"

A vigorous laughter came from the source...

The white-haired girl sitting opposite her eldest lady was holding a cup of hot tea.

Such a frivolous, impolite tone...

Lei Yi deducted a few points for his first impression.

"May I ask……"

But just when she was about to ask the other party's identity...

"Stop kidding me, Kiyana, it's not funny."

I saw that my eldest lady was yelling at the girl with an expression she had never seen before, and a tone she had never felt before, but there was no trace of anger or even a hint of disgust on her face and eyes, instead there was A sort of……

Incomprehensible emotions.

How to describe it?

That demeanor and expression reminded Lei Yi of the image deep in his memory of snuggling up in his parents' arms when he was a child... Is it dependence or attachment?

It doesn't matter anymore.

The most important thing is...

This kind of emotion would actually appear on the body of the dignified Miss Lei Dian? ! !

Oh no!Patriarch, the eldest lady has really changed!

The maid groaned inwardly again.

Mei herself didn't care about or delve into the series of rich psychological activities of her maid.

After scolding the mischievous and unscrupulous Qiyana, she also suddenly thought of something when she saw Lei Yi's lowered head and troubled face (actually he was apologizing).

"By the way, Lei Yi, let me introduce you, her name is Qiyana, Kiyana Kaslana, it's mine..."

"I'm Mei's best friend!"

Before Mei could finish speaking, Kiyana put down the teacup, waved her hand and smiled at Lei Yi, with a look of "self-familiarity".

Seeing this, Mei clenched her fists tightly, her face a bit ugly.

"Qiana...can you be serious?! Don't interrupt me casually!"

"Serious?" Kiyana tilted her head, pretending to be stupid, and said, "I'm normal, Mei, what are you talking about?"


Mei was trembling with anger this time.

Fortunately, because of Lei Yi's presence, she suppressed the power in her body, otherwise the wooden house would have been annihilated in the thunder.

In this regard, a certain Baimao Tuanzi still doesn't know it, frantically testing Mei's bottom line in the "minefield".

"Don't be angry~ Mei, being angry is bad for your health, come, drink some tea to calm down~"

"I'll drink you big-headed ghost!"


Lei Yi, who was standing outside the house, was already in a daze, and he didn't even know that the basket in his hand fell to the ground again.

At this moment, she just kept repeating this sentence in her heart:

Missy has really changed!

Chapter 251 Chapter 240 Chapter [-]


When night fell, the Tokyo area that survived the catastrophe was lit up one after another.


There was heavy rain, lightning and thunder.The albino dust raised after the collapse of the giant stone monument began to fall back to the ground through the rain, so as to remember the past years of watching.

The streets are empty, only a few figures are still wandering, almost all the shops have been closed, and most of their owners have fled the city.

The funny thing is……

The third Kanto battle began... The third Kanto battle ended—the interval between them was less than an hour, which was too fast and beyond everyone's expectations.

In fact, when the good news from the front line comes, people's first reaction is - don't believe it, don't want to believe it, don't dare to believe it.

But with the passage of time, they found that the gastrula that should have invaded in a large scale disappeared at all, and even after the initial hissing sound from afar disappeared...

A dramatic scene appeared:

Some people wept with joy, some cried with their heads in their arms, some felt guilty, some were ecstatic, and some were full of uneasiness...

The whole is a living tragicomedy in the world.

Now, this rain has extinguished despair and anger, and it has also drawn the curtain for this farce.

Perhaps starting tomorrow, the Tokyo area will usher in a mighty "returning wave".



In the third district of Tokyo, in front of Raiden House, a black stretched luxury car stopped.

With the soundless lowering of a car window, a thin, tired but hard to hide beautiful and luxurious face was revealed, silver-gray eyes silently staring at the quiet house, and the dim street lamps beside it were even more gilded. A layer of melancholy.

"Mei... is she really back?"

Facing the cold wind blowing towards her face, feeling the coolness splashed by the raindrops, the girl in pure white was at a loss.

The visitor seemed to be the head of state of the Tokyo area - Sheng Tianzi.

No one could have imagined that, logically speaking, the war had just ended, and this should be the busiest time for her as the head of state. Countless documents and affairs were waiting for the girl to review and deal with, but she chose to suppress them, even ignoring Führer's duty sneaks up here...

What is driving her?

"His Royal Highness?"

As if awakened by the coolness from outside the window, a white-haired little girl opened her eyes and looked over with a puzzled face on the expensive leather seat beside the Holy Son of Heaven.

The girl's blue eyes seem to have magical powers, making everyone who looks at her feel as if they have been seen through, which makes people shudder.

"Ah, Mayfair... sorry to wake you up."

Hearing the girl's voice, Sheng Tianzi immediately came back to his senses.

"We're here, get out of the car."

This sentence is said to the driver.

"Master Sheng Tianzi, the Minister of Lightning is still busy in No.40 area..."

Looking around, the security officer acting as the driver showed embarrassment.

The Holy Son of Heaven didn't have any plans or arrangements for his trip tonight, not even a decent guard job, if something happened...

As if seeing through his thoughts, Sheng Tianzi nodded without changing his expression.

"I know."


The most powerful, youngest and most beautiful woman in all of Japan is watching him——that overwhelming feeling told him so.

Normally, this middle-aged security officer might still be excited about it, but now...

He just felt a lot of pressure.

"What, is there a problem?"

The Son of Heaven suddenly said.

"Subordinate, how dare a subordinate?"

The guard was shocked and shook his head hastily.

"Then please."

Sheng Tianzi began to organize his clothes and put on the white hat again.


After nodding, the security officer parked the car, picked up the umbrella, opened the car door first and got out of the car, quickly put up the umbrella and came to the car door where the Son of Heaven was.


The car door was opened from the outside by the security officer. The girl in pure white got out of the car first, and the girl with white hair picked up the umbrella from the other side and followed closely behind. The splash of heavy rain on the ground wet their high heels and pantyhose together.

black rain.

There was no one on the entire road except them, and the surroundings were surprisingly quiet except for the sound of rain.

A slight chill invaded and penetrated straight into the bone marrow.

"came back……"

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar mansion, the white-haired girl named "Fei'er" froze for a moment, then slowly closed her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, under the circumstances that ordinary people could not see, a strong and pure spiritual power suddenly radiated out from the center of the girl, and quickly enveloped the Raiden House.

She subconsciously wanted to see if there was anyone in the house.


When the girl's spiritual power approached, a spiritual power as vast as the universe suddenly emerged from the house, capturing the former in an instant.

The next moment, the latter seemed to judge it as "harmless" and bounced it back.


It was obviously the first time for the girl to encounter such a situation, and she couldn't help exclaiming, her face full of bewilderment.

"what happened?"

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