"But Her Lady Queen, that Herrscher of Thunder..."

Seeing her lady queen's indifferent look, Bella opened her mouth and lowered her head, her tone full of worry.

She clearly holds Mei in deep awe.

In this regard, Sirin raised her brows, casually threw the snack packaging bag aside, jumped off the counter, and landed her bare feet lightly on the floor.

"Bella, don't be scared by that woman~"

While smiling, the purple-haired girl came to Bella, bent down slightly, and gently lifted the latter's chin with her hand, forcing her to look at her.

"You have to understand that there is only one person who can really let us go back, and that is Kiyana Kaslana. I believe you also know that her strength is much stronger than that woman, enough to be compared with a real god, and she is qualified Let us surrender."

Herrscher's expression was a little serious, and there was even a trace of awe in his eyes.

Obviously, ever since she experienced the power of that saint in the last world, she has had a psychological shadow, or...

Became a hidden believer.

"My Lady Queen..."

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Bella's forehead, her face full of surprise.

Seeing this scene, Sirin withdrew her hand and glanced at the surrounding shelves.

"As for that annoying woman..."

Lock on the target... Raise your hand... Spatial ability activates!

The miniature space door appeared silently, "spit out" a bag of potato chips, and landed accurately in Sirin's hand.

"Don't worry about her, go back if she tells us to go back? How embarrassing, is she the majestic Honkai Queen she can command at will?"

Raising her eyebrows, Sirin said in a childlike rebellious tone, then tore open the package of potato chips and began pouring them into her mouth.

"Mmm...the taste is really good~"

Seeing Sirin who was feasting, Bella, who was kneeling on the ground, froze for a moment, then nodded.

"I understand, Your Lady Queen."

Has Her Lady Queen already lined up...

Then I just have to follow her like before, right?

Thinking so, Long Niang stood up, looked around, and suddenly realized that she had nothing to do.

Seeing this scene from the corner of her eyes, Sirin immediately stopped eating, wiped her mouth, and her face was full of joy.

"Bella, you should find something to eat too! Although human civilization is not worth mentioning, the food they make... Well, only these delicacies are worthy of praise~ Come and try it!"

"...Okay, Your Lady Queen."

For Sirin's order, Bella didn't know how to refuse from the moment she was born.


What should I eat?

This is a problem.

Bella imitated the movements of her own queen and scanned the surroundings, and at the same time used the light emitted by her wings to move back and forth between the shelves...

Eventually, she stopped at the meat section.

"Want to eat meat?"

It was the first time for the dependents to try to eat human food, and of course Sirin, the Herrscher of the Sky, had been observing the whole process.


Nodding slightly, Bella picked up a thick and large packaged ham sausage from the shelf in front of her, and turned it upside down with a dazed expression on her face.

Unlike the low-level Houkaimon, which is classified as a silicon-based creature, her body still maintains the characteristics of a judgment-level Houkaimon even if it changes into a human form-the body is composed of pure Houkai energy.

Maybe the dead warrior and the lower Honkai beast have the desire to eat, but Bella never understands what "hunger" is, let alone the meaning of "food".For her, as long as there is enough Houkai in her body, she can live forever...

In general, Bella doesn't need to eat and doesn't "eat".

However, Sirin doesn't seem to realize this yet.

"Tear open the package first~"

From a human point of view and human thinking, it is only natural to tear open the packaging of food before eating, but for Bella...

"Tear it apart?...As you order, Your Lady Queen."

After tilting her head, Bella nodded half-understanding, holding both sides of the ham sausage with both hands, and "teared" it vigorously.

Needless to say the result...


The tough plastic packaging was not torn apart, but was "blown open", and the ham sausage wrapped in it was flattened into a paste and splashed everywhere...

If this is a human body...

Just thinking about it makes people shudder.

All in all, Bella didn't know the trick, and the force she used was too much.


Looking at the sticky paste on her hands and body, Bella's expression was a little dull, as if she didn't understand why this happened.

Seeing this, Sirin, who was almost affected by the "explosion", came over and frowned.

"Bella, you are using too much force. But I don't understand why human beings invent such superfluous things as food packaging bags...Forget it, let me teach you~"

As soon as the words fell, Sirin picked up a ham sausage from the shelf again, and at the same time used the Honkai to remove the residue all over the floor, and began to teach Bella how to "tear the package".

"So that's how it is... You really deserve to be Her Lady Queen!"

"Hmph~ Needless to say! I am the great Honkai Queen! Although I only know this from that girl's dream..."

In this way, the whole night, one person and one dragon feasted in the mall, sweeping the entire food area.

I am afraid that the owner of the shopping mall who is fleeing in other places would never have dreamed that the shopping mall that he specially locked before leaving was still patronized by "zero yuan shopping"...

It turns out that any door lock is meaningless to the Herrscher of the Void.

Chapter 253 Chapter 240 Three Confessions

The next day.

Tokyo No.40 Ward.

The replacement megalithic monument will take four days to complete. During this period, the self-defense force and the auxiliary force composed of civilian police still need to be stationed here to prevent the gastrulation from organizing another attack.

In fact, they have other things.

——For example, observing the movements of the Houkai beast army.

That's right!

With the advent of the Herrscher of the Sky, a large amount of Houkai energy has already spread to this world, but they did not disperse, but concentrated on the Houkai Beast.

Don't hurt humans at will - this is Mei and Kiana's warning to Sirin.

And the Houkai Beast born from the Herrscher of Space also followed this warning.

When the original enemy, the Gastrea, was killed by Mei with a single blow, these Honkai Beasts did not attack other humans on the field, but turned their guns to attack the more peripheral "unexplored area", intending to Expand the "territory" of Honkai.

This brings up a question:

Gastrea and Houkai beast, which one is stronger and weaker?

First of all, the former has strong erosiveness and strong self-healing ability, and its physique is several times stronger than that of normal creatures. It deeply hates human beings, but most of the time they fight on their own, like "Aldebaran" Individuals capable of launching clan battles are the exception.

And what are the advantages and disadvantages of the Houkai beast we are familiar with?

The body is made of silicon base, strong enough to resist modern munitions, no bleeding, no fear, no pain, no individual consciousness, collective combat, the strength and speed of the outbreak are amazing, because of the Houkai energy, it has a special ability ...

The most important thing is that they are not human beings, they will not be actively attacked by gastrulation animals, and they are not afraid of the erosion of gastroenteroviruses!

In addition, due to a large amount of Houkai energy attached to them, when the Houkai beast fights the gastroenterology, the Houkai energy released from its body will attack the latter's body unconsciously, Eliminate the original enterovirus and transform its hosts one by one into "our side".

In fact, the growing army of the Houkai Beast came from this.

The results are already obvious.

Not afraid of viruses, not afraid, fighting collectively, strong, secretly eroding...The combination of these factors makes this originally inconspicuous army of Honkai beasts move forward all the way, like a sharp knife stabbing a gastritis. The key.

In this way, a dramatic scene happened. Gastrea not only failed to invade the Tokyo area, but were pushed back. The number and area of ​​activity are constantly decreasing...

This is simply a magic weapon!

All human beings who have observed this situation through satellites are all so emotional.

People even wondered wonderfully, if the number of this group of unknown creatures was a little more, a little more...would it be possible to recover all the land lost in the past without spending a single soldier?

At the same time, corresponding ambitions are flooding:

Since this brand-new creature can be called the "natural enemy" of gastrulation, then just find a way to domesticate it, raise it in captivity, and finally control it in your own hands...

At that time, doesn't it mean that in the future, you can wantonly search for resources in unexplored areas, restore your national strength first, and seize the opportunity. After you become stronger, the future of this world is not up to you?

The world is still as peaceful as before, but the conspiracies and tricks surging in the dark are more active than ever.


Self-Defense Force position, inside the command shed.

Most of the monitoring equipment is closely watching the outlying area... especially the movement of the Houkai beast army, but there is only one - a communication equipment belonging to the commander-in-chief Keita Raiden is not among them.

"Mei, you're back."

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar daughter on the screen, Keita Raiden still had a solemn expression.


Mei with long hair shawl and wearing a black kimono nodded with a flat face.

Where have you been for the past two months?

The general's father just wanted to ask this question, but he felt stuck in his throat.

Like the maid Lei Yi, he also found that his daughter...


Not only the appearance...especially the conspicuous eye color, but also the aura exuding from the inside out...all changed.

It's like being "another person".


Lei Dian Keita didn't speak, and Mei didn't intend to speak. The father and daughter just looked at each other through the screen, and the atmosphere was a little delicate.

at this time……

"Hello father-in-law! My name is Kiana Kaslana~"

A white-haired girl he had never seen before suddenly appeared on the screen, with double braids tied behind her head, wearing a white kimono, and bowed respectfully.

Immediately after...

"What?! This matter... Caikui will never agree to this matter! No one can take my sister away!"

Appearing on the screen was the youngest daughter, Saikui Raiden. She looked very annoyed at this moment, and she wrestled with a girl who called herself "Qiana" as soon as she appeared, completely out of her usual restraint.

"You two..."

The eldest daughter, who was sitting in front of the screen, frowned, not showing off her anger.

"I'm sorry! My lord sister, my lord father, I will take her away right now!"

The little girl bowed one after another, and dragged a certain white-haired dumpling away.

"Huh?! Xiao Caikui, don't be so rude..."

"I will never let you snatch my sister! Absolutely not! I will declare war on you!"

Even after leaving the screen, the voices of the two still came faintly.

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