
The father and daughter remained relatively silent.

After a while...

In the end, Lei Dianjing Tai spoke first:

"Yesterday...was that you?"

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but think of the scene when the thunder fell and wiped out all enemies, obviously at that time he had already been thinking about death...


Mei still nodded in a calm manner, appearing taciturn.

But this time it's different...

After what happened just now, the atmosphere of the conversation has eased.

Before Raiden Keita asked again, Mei took the initiative to say:

"Now, I can do everything for the Raiden family, whether it's eradicating Gastrea, or helping Shengtianzi integrate the other four regions."

"I have found my own path."

The girl said in a flat tone, her purple hair was windless and automatic, with sparks of lightning dancing in it, and her purple eyes gave people a powerful momentum that rushed towards her face.

Even across the screen, the ethereal temperament is still impressive.

Raiden Keita was deeply shocked.

"Really, as a father... I am very proud and honored."

The development of Japanese culture has been accompanied by "ghosts" and "gods" for a long time. Since ancient times, there have been countless rumors about ghosts and ghosts. Until now, the older the family, the more "mysterious" it is.

Of course, this does not refer to the belief that there are such things as "strange powers and chaotic gods" in the world, but a kind of belief engraved in the bones and blood...

In awe.

All in all, you can choose to believe in [ghosts] and [gods], or you can choose not to believe in them, but you have to be in awe of them.

However, Mei seemed a little puzzled by Keita Raiden's reaction.

"Don't you want them to come true?"

Regarding this, Lei Dian Jingtai slowly shook his head, his expression was a little strange...even in awe.

"I won't force it, it's up to you to decide. After this matter is over, next month I will officially announce that I will pass on the position of Patriarch to Caikui. The Leiden family is no longer worthy of you. You are destined to be extraordinary, this I knew that from the moment you were born."

For some reason, seeing Keita Raiden like this, and feeling the vague alienation in his words, Mei felt a little lost.

Some things, once made clear, are bound to cause estrangement... She already knew it.

But even so, there is no need to hide the matter now, is there?

No regrets.


Mei's complexion was a bit complicated.

Raiden Keita nodded slightly.

"I'm getting old too. It's time to hand over the new era to the next generation. I don't need to worry about what the future will be..."

Having said that, the middle-aged father's tone changed.

"But no matter what, I just hope you can promise me one thing..."

At this time, Raiden Keita had a serious face, and looked at Mei without any fear, his tall and straight body made people awe-inspiring.

"Please say."

Mei also straightened her expression.

After a while of silence, Lei Dian Jingtai spoke:

"Please don't make Lord Sheng Tianzi sad."

A trace of surprise flashed across Mei's face, and then...

She nodded slowly.

"...Mei understands."

Communication ends.


Looking at the blacked out screen, the illustrious general was silent for a few minutes, then looked up at the sky outside the shed.

"Linnai, our daughter has finally grown up, flying higher and farther than everyone else, I think you will be very happy if you know..."

He smiled with relief, his face full of pride and pride.

But no one noticed that teardrop slipped quietly over the wrinkles...


I caught a cold and had a headache all day, and I rushed to this chapter until late at night, feeling cold all over and in a bad state.

The state of mind is getting worse and worse, it is difficult to concentrate, and it is very difficult to calm down. The 70 words have met the situation when the last book was 170 million words...

Looks like it's time to continue to pick up the pace and take the writing mileage to the next level.

Chapter 254 Chapter 240

A few days have passed since that day.

Today is the "Phantom Temple Festival".

This is a commemorative holiday specially established to thank those who died in the gastrulation war.

It is night now.

The alleys are empty and brightly lit.


The roof pavilion of the Holy House.

"His Royal Highness, are you willing to go with us?"

Looking down at the crowded streets below and facing the shining stars in the sky, Mei stretched out her hand and extended an invitation to the Holy Son of Heaven.

Beside her, Kiana, who was on wooden shoes and wearing a bathrobe, smiled nonchalantly, and continued to bury her head in eating takoyaki.

At this moment, no matter whether it is Mei or Kiyana, although the clothes of the two of them are in line with the crowds at the festival below, they give people an ethereal and ethereal feeling of "disappearing at any time", like a glow under the moonlight. Ye Ji.

Melting into the world but independent of the world of mortals...

Regarding this, the head girl who was still dressed in pure white—Sheng Tianzi was stunned, with a sentimental expression on her face.

"Going with you...?"


Mei nodded, her eyes scanned the entire Holy House, the entire Tokyo area and even... the entire world, with a mysterious light and firmness in her eyes.

"Leave with us, there will be no one or anything to bind you in the future, you will no longer have to follow any rules, take up any burdens, and be your unique self..."

"His Royal Highness, are you willing to let go of everything and come with us?"

When it came to the end, Mei's tone was extremely sincere and serious.

But the weight of these seemingly "free and easy" words is far more "heavy" than the life that the girl of the head of state has experienced so far.

Obviously, this is a kind of oath, and what is exchanged is the future and destiny of each other.


Facing Mei's sincere gaze, Sheng Tianzi remained silent for a long time.

Her heart is struggling and entangled unprecedentedly, constantly weighing the proportion of emotion and responsibility.

Will she continue to live as an "ordinary girl" in the future, or continue to maintain the status of "Holy Son of Heaven"?

No one has an answer.

And as if seeing through her heart, Mei added again at this time:

"Don't worry, Your Highness Sheng Tianzi, even after you leave, the entire Tokyo area will gradually complete the revival under the plan of the Red Queen. Qiyana and I have decided to leave her and Sirin in this world for the time being. Together, we will maintain peace and stability in the Tokyo area."

Hearing these words, Sheng Tianzi's expression softened obviously.

With the help of super artificial intelligence and the Herrscher of the Sky—this means that the advanced technology that can completely eliminate the original enterovirus and the ever-growing army of Houkai beasts will belong to the Tokyo area to some extent.

Obviously, if this is the case, even without her as the head of state, the rise of Tokyo is a foregone conclusion.


Looking at the white-haired girl with double braids tied behind her head, who was concentrating on the feast in front of her, as if she was indifferent to everything else, the Holy Son of Heaven suddenly hesitated.

Recalling the past few days of getting along, she gradually realized a fact:

There is no place beside Leiden Mei...to be precise, there is no place for her.

In her opinion, the white-haired girl named "Kiana Kaslana" seemed stupid, simple and honest, and she was an out-and-out foodie on the surface, but she formed a kind of relationship with Raiden Mei. Wonderful "complementary".

The former is extroverted, reckless, optimistic, and sunny; the latter is introverted, gentle on the surface, delicate and sensitive on the inside... The two are thick and thin, tolerant of each other, and are almost perfect.

Not to mention their strength...

Is a mere mortal really qualified to be inserted into it?

Whenever he thinks of this, Sheng Tianzi can't help examining himself and questioning himself, even though his heart feels like a knife every time he comes to a conclusion...

She is not the kind of person who can't recognize her own position, on the contrary, she understands that she can't replace the former's position in the latter's heart.


She was not reconciled, and her inner feelings did not allow her to escape. The act of "declaring war" a few days ago showed her determination even more!

However, no comparison is no comparison, regardless of wisdom, strength, or familiarity with Mei...

She completely lost every game.

In fact, she lost that "battle" from the very beginning.

——Does such a self really want to be inserted into it and become a "third party"?

Thinking of this, Sheng Tianzi clenched his teeth and his nails sank deep into his flesh... Even though his heart was numb from the pain, he had lost any sound in his ears, and every breath seemed to become extra heavy...

But in the end...

"...I'm sorry, Mei."

These few words almost emptied all the strength of the girl.

As soon as the words fell, her whole body began to falter.


The night wind suddenly became cold and biting.

For this ending, Mei didn't feel much surprise.

"Yes, I knew it."

After finishing speaking in an almost murmured tone, the corners of Mei's mouth curled up, but she didn't smile in the end.

At this moment, she turned around, and something seemed to disappear from her eyes.

Seeing this, Sheng Tianzi tried to stand up straight, and explained with a pale face:

"Mei, it's not that I don't love you, it's just the Tokyo area...I have to realize my mother's dream myself! I am the Son of Heaven, and I am destined not to abandon everything and pursue my own happiness like an ordinary girl... …sorry."

At the end, the head of state bowed to Mei with apology for the first time, and tears fell silently.

In this regard, Qiyana also stopped the movement of her hands, wiped her mouth, and glanced at the profile of the girl beside her.


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