Her expression didn't change much before that, like a bystander, witnessing everything, but also as if she had already grasped everything in her hands.

"You guessed it right again, Kiyana."

Mei didn't turn her head, but just stared at the front with an indifferent expression, making it impossible to know what she was thinking.

Hearing this, Qiyana scratched her head and smiled.

"Hey, who told me to be Kiyana Kaslana? But..."

Turning her head, looking at the "third person" who turned silently, with a dull expression, swaying as if she had lost her soul, there seemed to be something in her eyes.

"Give her a chance, Mei, as I told you before, our connection with this world will not be severed so easily!"

"I know."

Mei replied indifferently, then turned around and looked at the pure white girl who left the scene lonely.

"His Royal Highness, let's make an agreement."

Hearing this sentence, Sheng Tianzi was taken aback for a moment, and turned his head slowly.

The corners of her eyes were already red, and her pretty face was raining with pear blossoms.


The girl murmured like a machine, her voice was so weak that it was almost inaudible.

Mei nodded slightly.

"Well, as long as you are tired and want to let go, you can always call me in your heart...this is for you."

Speaking of this, Mei stretched out her hand to grab it and tossed it lightly, only to see a ball of colored light slowly flying towards the Holy Son of Heaven.

"This is……?"

The latter subconsciously stretched out his hand and caught the ray of light.

Immediately afterwards, she saw the light transforming into a strange small earring in her palm. Looking closely, it was exactly the same style as the earring hanging from Mei's left ear, and the shape was the same.

Until this moment, Mei finally smiled.

"When we first met two months ago, didn't you say that you really wanted one? Put it on, and treat it as a gift from me. When you finally want to let go of the duties of the Holy Son of Heaven, take it It calls me in my heart, we will come back to pick you up... this is a promise."

Looking at the smiling face under the starry sky, the girl named Sheng Tianzi was moved again.

"...Well. I will abide by the agreement, for sure!"

Pursing her lips, the girl said firmly word by word, her eyes shone with misty brilliance.

at this time……

"Mei! Take a look!"

The surprised voice from Kiyana sounded.

The two turned their heads to look at the same time, and saw that the "lantern flowers" had bloomed at some time, and they were flying and flying in the sky, clustered in groups, facing the sky full of stars, lighting up the night sky.

"Is this the Huanan Festival..."

Looking at the sky lanterns illuminating the darkness, Mei smiled from the bottom of her heart.

Then, she turned her head and once again invited the Holy Son of Heaven:

"His Royal Highness, let's take a look, this is the result of your hard work."

"Okay, okay!"

The pure white girl came in response.

There is a quiet city in the distance, and a lively street below... At this moment, the glowing fire seems to connect the former two into a whole, and jointly interpret a picture of prosperity and peace.

Among them, people's cheers and laughter are the best embellishments.

Seeing this scene, the three of them couldn't help being crazy.

"Thank you."

At this beautiful moment, the pure white girl expressed her gratitude sincerely, smiling, with the glow of sky lanterns reflected in her eyes.

Crystal tears slipped down her face quietly, this time the mood was completely different from before, there was sadness, some reluctance...but more joy.

In this regard, Mei and Kiyana looked at each other and smiled back.

"I've said it all, this is the result of your own efforts, Your Highness the Son of Heaven."

"Mei is right! But I remember that the Huanan Festival needs you to preside over it? Now..."

"Huh?! I...it's too late. Forget it, let's be a little lazy, just this time, just once..."

While comforting herself, the pure white girl quietly glanced at the person beside her, then put the earring tightly held in her palm on her right ear, and smiled again.

One left, one right.

Together, they shone with colorful light in the night.

Just this once...

Chapter 255 Chapter 240 Chapter [-] The Future of the Cursed Son

The annual Huanan Festival is over...

Overnight, the world changed.

First of all, the zodiac under people's observation—that is, the gastrulation of stage five suddenly disappeared overnight, and several gastrulation legions centered on them that could pose a threat to the whole world were also self-defeating.

This almost directly brought mankind back from the crisis of destruction.

Secondly, the new Honkai beast army also began to appear all over the world, the overall number increased exponentially, and gradually encroached on the territory of the Gastrea, but did not show the slightest interest in the human homeland.

There are even reports that they will fight with the cursed son...

In the end, the five remaining regions in Japan: Tokyo, Sendai, Osaka, Hokkaido, and Hakata passed the "New Gastrea Law" on the same day. embraced.

On the same day, the Tokyo District Government announced at the same time:

The original enterovirus vaccine has entered the experimental stage and will be released in the near future, free of charge to all the cursed children in the world.


That day, the Damned Sons called it Liberation Day.

Human rights, freedom, respect, caring...these things that they have never dared to think about have returned on this day, like a dream.

At this point, the history of this planet has turned to a new chapter.

Under the leadership of Sheng Tianzi, the Tokyo area reached a consensus with the cursed sons represented by Mayfair, established schools and orphanages, and became the first country in the world where natural persons and cursed sons coexist.


On the bright side, the Tokyo area is guarded by the Self-Defense Forces and civilian police forces;

In the dark, there is an army of Houkai Beasts and a certain Herrscher who are responsible for eliminating all troublemakers and organizations that attempt to disrupt the peace;

On the Internet, a super artificial intelligence code-named "Red Queen" has established the world's strictest firewall to block intelligence for the former two, and at the same time observe the movements of the entire world through an increasingly perfect monitoring system. And make corresponding guidance in due course.

A spear, a shield, complement each other.

The Tokyo area has become the center of the world.

Gradually, as the cursed sons grew up healthy, they began to master a new power called "Honkai energy", and gradually entered into some kind of wonderful "contract" with the Houkai beast to fight together, protect peace, and use From this core, various new stories are derived...

Of course, these are all for later.



Tokyo Ninth Ward, Affiliated Hospital of Gota University.

"Shusha...! Rustle...!"

In the dark basement, Sumire Muroto, a doctor known as "Japan's No. [-] Brain", was dissecting the corpse of a gastrulation.

The target was lying on his back on the operating table, his head was pierced by some kind of sharp instrument, brown blood flowed down the circular wound, staining the pure white table.

This is a gastroenterate of stage one, the erosion of the gastroenterovirus has not affected all parts of the body, and after the head, which is the key, is broken, its own self-healing ability can no longer take effect.

"Shusha...! Rustle...!"

Under the control of Sumire Muroto, the sharp scalpel moved like a butterfly dancing, easily cut the skin and peritoneum, and blood gushed out, carrying the heat on the face.

The purple internal organs are faintly visible, and the disgusting fishy smell begins to permeate——

But Sumire Muroto was used to it, and her expression didn't change much from the beginning to the end. She even put her hand into the water basin after putting the filthy scalpel into it...

"……found it."

After a while, Muroto Sumire found another vital point of the gastrula - the heart, cut it off with another scalpel that had been prepared, and threw it into the formalin solution beside it.

"Today's fifth..."

Looking at the horrifying headless corpse on the operating table, Sumire Muroto took off her gloves with a flat face, picked up the paper and pen on the table, and started to record.

In normal times, she only gives people the impression of being "sloppy" and "lazy", she looks like she hasn't woken up all day, and she has no good temper with anyone.

Nowadays, it is only when she is working that she can see her serious side.


On the pale wall, the old-fashioned wall clock rings faintly. The long second hand seems to have a "self-attitude".


Under the dim light, the tip of the pen dances on the paper, leaving winding handwriting along the way.Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Sumire Muroto turned her head and looked at the silver-white locker.

This is not only her dissecting room, but also one of the morgues of this hospital, and the lockers are actually corpses...

A veritable "mortuary cabinet".


After a long silence, Sumire Muroto sighed quietly.

As a professional doctor and a knowledgeable scientist, she naturally does not believe that there are strange stories like "strange powers and gods" in the world, but...

Every time she thinks that there are a lot of gastratu carcasses brought over recently, but she still has no ideal "goal"... She feels upset.

"Those guys... when will they send me the remains of a Houkai Beast?"

Honkai Beast.

The term popped up out of nowhere on the internet to refer to "white creatures" born out of thin air and hostile to gastrula.

In fact, before this term came out, people called those creatures "white beasts", "sacred beasts", "angels", etc... With the differences in regions and cultures, the names have become various.

But just some time ago, the upper echelons of various countries suddenly adopted the name "Honkai Beast", and jointly popularized it, unifying the name of this new species.

As a result, people began to call it "Honkai Beast".

"There isn't even a single complete sample...Humanity is truly hopeless."

Shaking her head, she casually threw the autopsy report back on the table and began to tidy up the operating table.

That look of not being interested in anything... Apparently, a certain "nihilist" is back.

However, this cannot be blamed on others.

After observations so far, people have found that after the death of a Honkai beast, most of its body will dissipate out of thin air, leaving only scattered fragments, which are extraordinarily hard and extremely resilient.

At the current stage, people still dare not take risks to fight against the Houkai Beast, and can only secretly collect their fragments for research, which makes each fragment extremely precious.

Enterprises that develop the material industry are particularly jealous of it. Every day they dream of understanding the mysteries of the fragments, so that they can be used to make new weapons and protective materials, setting off a "reverse tide".

After all, like critical resources such as oil and gold, chimney is unevenly distributed around the world. If we can find a substitute for chimney...

There is no doubt that an anti-monopoly revolution will be set off!

Therefore, almost none of the remains of the Houkai beast ended up in Sumire Muroto's dissecting room.

This is no longer a problem that can be solved with money, because many research institutions are offering huge rewards for such fragments. Even Sumire Muroto only got a small fragment after spending a lot of manpower and material resources.

I still remember at that time, the first time she got it, she tried to scratch it with a scalpel, but in the end, there was not even a trace left...

This aroused Sumire Muroto's curiosity even more!

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