Even the shell is so mysterious...

What happens in the body?

She really wanted to, as if dissecting that creature with her own hands!

At that moment, the curiosity in her heart was unprecedentedly eager, but the reality was like a basin of cold water, waking her up.

Every time she thought of this, she felt that the human corpses and gastroenteric corpses she liked in the past had lost their charm.

"Hey, it seems it's time to divert attention... For example, go to that young lady? Two months have passed, she won't forget the things she agreed to, right?"

Talking to herself like this, she opened the storage compartment, pushed the gastroenteric corpse into it to seal it up, and then began to lift her own protective measures.

At this moment, the space behind her suddenly distorted.

Immediately after...

"Are you Sumire Muroto?"

A space door was formed, and the purple-haired Herrscher poked his head out of it, took off his sunglasses, and asked the doctor who had his back turned to him.

Hearing this, Sumire Muroto, who was taking off her mask, froze for a moment, and slowly turned her head.


Looking at the purple-haired girl wearing a sun hat, holding sunglasses, and half of her body protruding from the "air", she froze for an instant.

"It's really rude, you don't even kneel down when you see this queen..."

The visitor was obviously dissatisfied with Muroto Sumire's reaction.


Seeing this, Sumire Muroto opened her mouth, her brain was running wildly, trying to understand the picture in front of her.

An underage purple-haired girl... came out of the "air"!Looks like he's on vacation in Hawaii!

Is this reasonable? !Is this scientific? !Is the world crazy? !


She seemed to hear the sound of her own brain exploding.

The genius scientist crashed.

In response, the purple-haired girl puffed her cheeks and snorted coldly with one hand on her hip.

"Hmph! Looks like an idiot... Forget it, whoever made this queen promise them... I will show mercy and forgive you this time! Thank me!"

As soon as the words fell, the girl put on her sunglasses again, turned sideways and reached out from the space behind her, and took out a beautiful box.

"Hey, then, this annoying woman 'please' I handed it to you, accept it gratefully! The Queen is going to continue sunbathing with Bella, goodbye, humans, we have to get well before they come back enjoy!"

After gently throwing the box down, the purple-haired girl pushed the sunglasses, and went back with a haughty face, and the whole person disappeared into the air together with the space door in an instant.

Subconsciously catching the box, Muroto Sumire looked down...

"This is...timi crackers!?"

Black bullet, over.

Chapter 256 Chapter 240 Chapter [-] Red Pupils and Black Pupils

A cloudless, sunny afternoon.

In a lush forest, the vegetation is luxuriant and full of vitality. Strands of streams flow along the tree roots and moss-covered gravel, overcome many obstacles, and finally converge into white waterfalls on the edge of the cliff, running endlessly.

The breeze is blowing, bringing the rustling sound among the leaves and the rich smell of grass and trees in the soil, mixed with the cool and humid air, quiet and serene, creating a leisurely atmosphere together.

Where there are plants, there will naturally be animals.


Accompanied by the rustling sound, a huge red wild boar poked its head and appeared in sight.

I saw this wild boar was as tall as a man and as strong as a cow. The two fangs protruding from its mouth were as sharp as long knives. It easily cut through the bushes and overturned the bluestone blocking the road. I came under a big tree with lush branches.

"Kang Kang..."

It stopped suddenly, its snout twitched, and its amber eyes rolled around, flashing with human doubts.

Immediately afterwards, it began to turn its head to scan the surroundings, continuously raised its flat and long nose, and its four thick thighs were nailed in place, motionless, its nerves tensed, as if it was on guard for something.

After a few minutes.

There are still only the breeze blowing from time to time and the large rustling sound in the woods.

Only then did the wild boar finally let go of its vigilance and began digging up tree roots, using its tusks as shovels to dig the soil.

Not long after, when a circle of new brown soil was piled up around it, a brightly colored fruit finally emerged from the soil.

"Kang Kang!"

After finding the target, the wild boar immediately raised its head and started digging up the soil with its two forelimbs. It snorted heavily from time to time, obviously very excited.

And at this moment...


Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the air, a green figure suddenly jumped down from the tree and swung a powder fist at a speed that was difficult for ordinary people to see clearly.


This powerful punch hit the back of the head.


Immediately, the wild boar only had time to let out a scream, and its strong and fat body fell to the ground with a crash.


With a coquettish cry, the hunter who had been lying in wait for a long time turned his head downwards, supported the ground with one hand, and then pushed hard, Linglong's body performed a perfect backflip in mid-air with the help of reaction force, and landed easily.

"Successful with one hit~"

Looking at the fallen booty, the petite figure cheered, patted the dust on his hands, and at the same time sucked the suspicious liquid from the corner of his mouth.

Immediately after...

"Hey~ Let's eat meat with my sister tonight!"

Seeing that he didn't even remove the camouflage on his body, he grabbed the wild boar's tail with one hand and started to walk.

Shockingly, this wild boar was actually being dragged!

What kind of strange power is this?


The hunter took her prey and began to swagger through the woods.The sun shines from among the leaves and shines on her body...

This looks like a young girl with short black hair and black eyes. Even though she is dressed plainly and covered her whole body with moss to eliminate the smell, it is difficult to hide her naturally pretty face.

"Eat wild boar~Eat wild boar~Eat wild boar~"

Along the way, the girl hummed an out-of-tune song, step by step, step by step, all the dangerous species who saw her seemed to have been frightened by something, and turned around in panic and ran away.

Gradually, the sun gradually shifted, and the girl left the forest and climbed up the hillside. The wild boar, which was two or three times her size, seemed to "lose" its weight in her hands, and it was easily lifted and dragged by its tail. .

If this wild boar is still awake, it will probably scream in pain, right?

As time passed, as the sky began to darken, she came to a peaceful lake.


As if sensing something, a splash of water suddenly exploded on the originally sparkling lake!

Immediately afterwards, a black-haired girl wearing only close-fitting clothing emerged from the water, carrying a silver fish the size of a sofa on her shoulders, and landed steadily on the shore. Those red eyes looked at the girl.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"elder sister!"

"Black pupil."

"I caught a wild boar today!"

"Really, then tonight..."

"Finally I can eat meat!!!" (X2)

The sisters cheered together.

"Then let's go back quickly, sister!"


Seeing her younger sister's impatient look, the red-eyed girl nodded and smiled, threw the big fish on her shoulders aside, bent down to pick up the clothes she took off from the bank, and began to put them on one by one.

Aside from the same beautiful and moving face, compared to her younger sister, as an older sister, she is more mature in every aspect, especially her figure...

The place that should be small is small, the place that should be big is large, with unevenness;

Although it is not plump, it is better than perfect proportion, full of youthful and beautiful temperament, without exaggeration.

All in all, it is impossible to suppress the evil fire in my heart!

Under the setting sun, the two plainly dressed girls began to move forward to the mountain, dragging a wild boar and the other carrying a big fish.

This journey was accompanied by my sister's knowing smile and my younger sister's silver bell-like laughter. The breeze was blowing on my face, harmonious and warm... The beautiful atmosphere made me feel happy, and I couldn't help but smile.

Before long, they arrived.

It was a simple wooden house, without decoration or paint, but with sharp edges and corners. Every piece of wood that made up the walls and roof was neatly cut, as if it had been measured with special tools in advance.

This is the home of the two sisters, far away from the world, where there are no people, and they have lived in seclusion for a long time.

"Sister, remember to wake me up next time you go shopping in town! I'm going to buy some more 'pig fruits'. With it, we can eat wild boar every day from now on!"


While communicating, the two sisters moved towards the house they built with their own hands.


This time seems to be different from usual.

When the two stepped on the last step, several figures who were waiting by the wooden house stood up one after another.

"Finally back... Hello, Miss Chitong."

"It's you again."

Looking at the visitor, the smile on the red-eyed girl's face disappeared immediately.

In front of him were three servants dressed in common clothes and with bare arms. Their expressions were ferocious, as if their intentions were not good;

And the one who spoke just now was a middle-aged man with two goatees and a wealthier appearance than the first three.

"It's my humble servant. I didn't expect Miss Chitong to still remember me. I'm really honored."

Facing Chitong's indifferent attitude, the middle-aged man was not only not angry, but bowed, with a habitual smile on his face, looking polite, like a scholar who has read poetry and books.

Faced with this situation, the average girl will definitely behave very cautious or flustered, and subconsciously choose to escape, so others have the right to speak.

But Chitong obviously doesn't like this.

"What are you doing here?"

Seeing her indifferent appearance, the middle-aged man's two tufts of goatee trembled unnaturally, his brows twisted, and he barely showed a complimenting smile.

"It's like this. Since the last hasty farewell, our son fell in love with Miss Chitong at first sight, and he has been sleepless all night."

Having said that, he shook his head, his face full of sadness.

"As a servant, I should be loyal to my duties. I really can't bear to torment myself like this. After learning about the lady's residence from the hunters at the foot of the mountain the day before yesterday, I specially brought a few servants to visit in person today. They worked tirelessly and were willing to do things for the lady. Once media..."

Hearing this, before the middle-aged man could continue, Heitong interrupted forcefully:

"Dream! My sister won't agree!"


Apparently, he didn't expect someone to interrupt his "performance", and a trace of anger appeared on the face of the middle-aged man.

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