at the same time.

"My sister is right. Please go back. For the rest of my life, I just want to spend the rest of my life with my sister in peace, and ignore and meddle in worldly affairs."

Shaking his head, Chi Tong casually threw the big fish on his shoulders to the ground.


The big fish landed heavily, still wagging its tail, its silver scales glistening, kicking up a lot of dust.


Dangerous species!

Seeing this scene, apart from the stunned three strong men, the middle-aged man in rich and noble clothes also showed timidity.

How can a girl who can hunt dangerous species with her bare hands be an ordinary person?

At least the four of them may not be able to fight together.

Seeing this, Chi Tong frowned.

"Why, do you want me to ask you to go?"

At this moment, I don't know if it was an illusion, but the four people standing opposite suddenly felt a chill rushing up their backs, their whole bodies were stiff, and they couldn't move.

If there are masters here, they will definitely be surprised to find:

This seemingly young red-eyed girl had such a strong murderous aura, as if she had once flowed through a sea of ​​blood from a mountain of corpses!

"Yes, I will take my leave!"

In the end, middle-aged people couldn't bear the pressure and began to retreat.


"Yes Yes!"

The three strong men nodded quickly and followed quickly.

Looking at the backs of them leaving in a hurry, the younger sister, Heitong, narrowed her eyes, and the corners of her mouth were slightly hooked, revealing a dangerous smile.

"Sister, I don't think they will let it go, why don't we go together tonight..."

At this moment, this seemingly harmless girl also became a little chilling, with a piercing coldness in her dark eyes.

Where are these two sheep?They are obviously two fierce beasts wearing maiden skins!

"Forget it, Hei Tong. They are just ordinary people. If it is not necessary, don't get your hands dirty again. After all... enough people have died at our hands, right?"

Shaking his head again, Chitong sighed slightly, bent over to pick up the big fish, and took steps with a complex expression.

"Since we have let go of the past and our identity, there is no need to stain ourselves with blood... If it really doesn't work, let's change places."

"Hmm! As long as my sister is there, Hei Tong's home is everywhere!"

Hei Tong nodded, with a bright smile on his face.

The sisters continue to march forward with their loot until...


On an open space in front of their house, the invisible space suddenly began to distort, and colorful rays of light escaped from it, beautiful and dreamy.


Just caught a glimpse of this scene, the two sisters stopped immediately, their feet nailed in place, their expressions dull.

Afterwards, in the distorted space-time vortex, two transparent figures were outlined by colored rays of light, which quickly filled and solidified...

"I didn't expect that the original enterovirus does not belong to the earth."

"At the beginning, I thought about this possibility."

The two figures that appeared suddenly were still talking, and seemed to have completely ignored the sisters.


When one of the familiar voices came, the younger sister's black pupil suddenly moved.

"Bud sauce!"

The girl dropped the pig's tail in her hand, opened her arms and flew towards the figure.

Hearing this, a certain purple-haired girl who had just traveled from another world was also stunned.

"Black eyes?!"


Chapter 257 Chapter 240 Seven Love Will Disappear, Right?

Wherever you leave, you will appear——

Although Mei only got this "rule" to travel through the world from the last world not long ago, she never expected that she would run into her former companion and friend the moment she appeared...

Chitong, the son of luck in this world, and her younger sister——

"Black eyes?!"

Seeing the figure flying straight towards her, Mei subconsciously opened her eyes wide, looking a little surprised.

However, when she was about to be thrown into the arms of that man...

The "Wife Protector" next to him made a move.

"Hey! Stop!"

Regarding this "third party" who interrupted the communication between herself and others, Qiyana frowned, stretched out her hand and stopped.

Space confinement!


The girl with black eyes was instantly frozen in the air, her expression dull.

"Black pupil!"

Seeing this, Chi Tong at the back suddenly tensed up, his face was solemn and concentrated, and he was obviously on alert.

"Kiana wait! They are my friends."

Seeing that the "accidental injury" was about to happen, Mei immediately recovered and explained.

Hearing this, Qiyana "turned pale with shock".

"What? Could it be that they are again... woo, Mei, how many 'affairs' have you had! Me, me...don't you love me...?"

A certain white-haired dumpling shook his head, and took half a step back, with a completely "betrayed" expression on his face, and his tone was full of grievances.


Seems like she didn't expect things to develop like this suddenly, and Mei also seemed a little overwhelmed.

"No, it's not what you think!"

She began to explain tentatively.

In fact, after the "Sheng Tianzi incident", the former seems to have misunderstood the definition of "friend".

Although at the time, Qiyana acted generously and freely, as if she didn't care much about this matter, but in fact her heart became a little sensitive because of it...

Of course, these are just Mei's own guesses.

However, since there has been a misunderstanding between each other, it must be eliminated as soon as possible!

Otherwise, with the passage of time, the misunderstanding may be magnified by various factors and form a misunderstanding, so the distance between the two hearts will be widened, and the future paths of each other will be offset...

Even "parted ways"!

This kind of thing must not happen! ! !

In just a split second, many "possibilities" appeared in Mei's mind.

In the end, with the determination of "If you don't succeed, you will succeed", she temporarily put aside all the affairs of the Chitong sisters, and sincerely explained and enlightened Qiyana.

"Qiana! Listen to me, Chi Tong and Hei Tong..."

"Woo, love will disappear, right? Mei, you don't love me anymore..."

Facing Mei's sincere words, the latter covered his face with his hands and kept "sobbing" loudly, but the corners of his mouth curved up secretly.

Hum hum!

This is Xia Mawei!

Mei, she belongs to me alone~

Looking at the two sisters with sluggish faces through the gaps between their fingers, a certain white-haired dumpling thought so, the tuft of dumb hair on the top of his head stood upright in the wind, with a great air.

But what she doesn't know is...

"elder sister……"

"She's strong."

Chitong still tensed up, looking at Qiyana with vigilance in his eyes.

And Heitong was also shocked by the latter's "finger in the void" just now, and sat slumped on the ground for a long time, unable to recover.

You know, the two sisters were once the top killers of the old empire, and countless strong men died under their knives, but when they met just now and were subdued...


It is impossible to have.

If Kiyana is really the enemy, then the younger sister, Heitong, is already a corpse at this time!

The sisters deeply understand each other.

So, here is the situation:

Mei wants to clear up the non-existent "gap" between herself and Kiana, and resolve the misunderstanding between each other;

On the other hand, Qiyana enjoys the feeling of being valued and cared by the former, and wants to use this to "deter" the sisters who try to take away this vanity;

In the end, the Chitong sisters who were born as killers were also shocked by Qiyana's strength just shown, and did not dare to act rashly for a while.


In general, they were not on the same "channel" throughout.

This "three-legged confrontation" situation lasted for several minutes, and finally, "God" seemed to be unable to stand it any longer.


A sudden hum breaks the silence of dusk.

I saw a group of black "big birds" suddenly appearing in the forest below the mountain, as if they were startled by something, they flew straight towards the mountain, covering the sky and the sun.

If you look closely, they seem to be chasing several figures.

"Miss Chitong! Help—!"

It turned out to be the four people who went down the mountain before.

Seeing this, Hei Tong immediately recovered and got up from the ground.

"Sister, it's a black-feathered crane that lives in groups and is dangerous!"

"It seems that they broke into the black-feathered crane's nest by mistake..."

Looking at the four figures scurrying around with their heads in their hands, Chitong frowned even deeper.

"Sister, we..."

Heitong looked at his older sister with questioning eyes.

For those four people, she didn't have the slightest liking for them, and even felt a little disgusted.

If her sister chose to stand by and watch, her black pupil would never do anything for them!

As a former killer, it was kind of him to think that way.


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