Chi Tong seemed to think more.

"If they die like this, it will only bring us more trouble... Hei Tong, go get our weapons and prepare to fight!"


Heitong smiled and nodded, turned around and ran towards the wooden house.


I saw that she didn't enter directly from the main entrance, but chose to jump lightly onto the big tree next to the wooden house, and finally climbed into the window along the extended branches.

Professional killers never play their cards according to common sense.

Looking at the dexterous figure of her sister, Chitong smiled knowingly.

"Chitong, are they people you know?"

At this time, Mei also came over, looking at the four figures who were being driven around on the mountainside.

"I'm not familiar with them. They are just ordinary people. I encountered some trouble when I went to the town to buy seasonings a few days ago."


Seemingly seeing something from Chitong's somewhat unspeakable expression, Mei slowly raised her hand, her expression flat.

"Then let me..."

Just as the bloody lightning flashed, Qiyana suddenly stepped in.

"Leave it to me, Mei, just some annoying 'mosquitoes', you don't need to take action."

Baimao Tuanzi patted his chest, looking confident.


In response, Mei shook her head helplessly and withdrew her strength.

"Hello! My name is Kiana Kaslana, Mei's best friend and lover! Let's see how I am!"

Facing Chitong's eyes, after Qiyana introduced herself energetically, she closed her eyes, and her head glowed with a green light.


The buzzing sound was getting closer, and upon closer inspection, the so-called "black-feathered cranes" seemed to be bird creatures that were about the size of domestic pigs, with black feathers all over their bodies, and pointed and long beaks.

For ordinary people, encountering one of them would be regarded as bad luck for eight lifetimes, not to mention that there are not only forty or fifty of them gathered at this time?

This is simply a nightmare!


For Mei and Qiyana, no matter how many of them there are, they are just ants.

"Buzzing, buzzing, go back to where you came from!"

As Qiyana opened her eyes, the emerald green power filled and spread throughout her body, and the air flow in the mountains... no, the wind direction suddenly changed!


The power belonging to the Herrscher of the Wind was officially released, and the invisible wind gathered in the mountains, swept the forest, and swayed the clouds, blowing the group of flapping birds to pieces and falling to the ground one after another.

What's more, they were directly drawn into the center of the eye of the wind, and were instantly strangled to death by the powerful and unparalleled wind pressure, and ended up in ashes.


At the same time, the door of the wooden house was pushed open, and a certain girl with black hair and black eyes stood at the door in a daze when she saw this scene.

"This... is this some kind of rare Teigu?"

Changing the weather with one's own power, instantly turning the sky and the earth into a eclipse, changing the situation, and strangling countless enemies in an instant... This is no longer something that humans can do!

In her impression, only Tegu can do similar things.

"Bang dong!"

While muttering to himself, the katana and flamethrower (?) Heitong held in his hand also slipped to the ground, making a non-heavy sound.

Regarding this, a certain white-haired dumpling turned his head and smiled indifferently.

"It's just a small trick, not worth mentioning. By the way, my name is Kiyana Kaslana, I'm sorry just now, I went too far."

"From now on, please give me more advice~"

Chapter 258 Chapter 240 Eight Brewing Storms

The setting sun rubbed against the top of the mountain, making the surrounding clouds blood red.

After the hurricane washed away, the forest returned to calm again, and all the dangerous species hibernated, for fear that they would become the next target to be strangled.

All was silent for a moment.

But on the hill where the Chitong sisters live in seclusion, the four people from the small town are begging.

"You go back."

Chi Tong shook his head, turned sideways, his face was cold.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man with two tufts of goatee looked excited and shook his head frantically.

"No, no! Miss Chitong, you have seen it before, the forest is too dangerous! We... our people have been injured! Can you please accommodate me and let us stay here temporarily..."

But before he finished speaking, Hei Tong, who was dragging the spoils of today's hunt into the house, frowned, and interrupted with a hostile expression:

"No! Your life and death have nothing to do with me and my sister! You are the ones who want to enter the mountain, and we haven't issued an invitation, so we don't have the obligation to help you! What's more, the house I built with my sister can't accommodate so many people. Man, absolutely not!"

"My sister is right, you should go back to the town as soon as possible, before it's completely dark."

Chi Tong nodded in agreement.

This is the world of her and her younger sister, so what's the point of inserting four big men suddenly?

In case one of them had a wrong idea in the middle of the night, would she have to dirty her hands for it?

The most important thing is that once this incident sets a precedent, there will be a second time after the first time. Wouldn't the two sisters have to keep him overnight every time someone breaks in?

Although the two sisters used to be killers, they don't care what the outside world thinks of them, but it's about a girl's reputation...

Think about it, two girls of the right age but unmarried frequently take in outsiders to stay overnight-this fact in itself is enough to make the sisters a talking point in his population, and they are all pointed out by others.

You know, although the two sisters live in seclusion in the mountains and forests and don't care about world affairs, they are not cut off from the outside world. Every once in a while, they have to go to the small town to buy the necessities of life!

If the scandal continues, how will the two survive?How to find a quiet place?

In general, this kind of thing must not be the first of its kind!Otherwise, troubles will follow!

Faced with the "cold-blooded" answer of the two sisters, the middle-aged man still did not give up.

"No! Please, let us stay here for one night! We can pay, we can pay!"

In his opinion, the dense forest at the foot of the mountain was like the huge mouth of a ferocious beast. Once they entered it, the four of them would definitely go there and never return!

This is a matter of life, how dare they make a decision easily?

In short, the four of them have been terrified by what happened before, and they want to stay no matter what.

Red pupils, black pupils, Mei and Kiyana who appeared mysteriously have become synonymous with "safety" in their eyes.

"Pay? Just rely on your current appearance?"

Heitong smiled coldly, eyes full of disdain.

It is worth mentioning that the three strong men who originally followed the middle-aged man up the mountain were now covered in bruises, and they were no longer as fierce as before, with no one in their eyes. It was pecked by the crane's sharp and long beak.

In contrast, although the middle-aged man in the lead was also covered in dust, the rich hat on his head disappeared, and he looked very embarrassed with sweat on his head, but apart from a few scratches, there was no major damage. injury.

This situation also shows the class gap between the four from the side.

The hardest and most tired are always the poor...

Hearing Hei Tong's ridicule, the middle-aged man opened his mouth.

"Wait, when we get back to the mansion, young master, he will give..."


Hearing the word "Young Master", Chitong's face suddenly became colder.

"go back."

These two words are cleaner than before, without the slightest emotion.

"Small red pupil..."

The middle-aged man stretched out a hand, as if he wanted to grab something.

"Don't make me say it a second time."


While speaking, Chitong pulled out the Taidao that Heitong took out from the wooden house before. The snow-white and bright blade reflected the blood color of the setting sun in the sky, making one's hair stand on end.

Until then, Kiyana, who had been standing silently watching Chitong make up her mind, said:

"Oh, what are you four big men doing so blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Don't make so many excuses."

The tone was as lively and nonsensical as ever, but this time the words were like an invisible sword, piercing the hearts of the four of them, tearing off the "fig leaf" on their faces.


The middle-aged man was trembling with anger, and the wrinkles on his face writhed like caterpillars.

"Want to go back? Okay, I'll give you a ride, it's free~"

Kiyana smirked and waved her hand.


In the next second, the four of them were suddenly swallowed by the distorted space.

Seeing this, apart from Mei, Chi Tong and Hei Tong opened their eyes wide.

"This... you killed them?"

Facing the gaze of the two sisters, Kiyana smiled and shook her head.

"No~ It's just four ordinary people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. Killing them is too dirty for me. I just teleported them away, so as not to continue to dawdle here endlessly, which is very annoying."


Chi Tong subconsciously chewed these two words.

"Hmm! Random!"

Kiyana nodded and added, smiling brightly.


Seeing the smile on Kiyana's face as if he suddenly understood something, Heitong couldn't help but shrink back.

Could this person be the legendary "white cut black"? !

Mei's best friend and lover... This person named "Qiana" is dangerous and mysterious, and she should not be an enemy.

——This is Chitong's thoughts at this time.

However, Qiyana herself did not know this.

"Yes, although I won't kill them, but if they want to go back depends on their own luck."

A certain white-haired dumpling laughed very darkly and "evilly".

In this regard, Mei only said one sentence:

"Qiana, you have changed."

"Mei, do you like it?"

Kiyana tilted her head, and a "God's reply" came.


Regarding this, Mei didn't say anything, just walked towards the wooden house.

"Huh? Mei wait for me!"

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