After a certain white-haired dumpling was stunned for a moment, he immediately followed.

The Chitong sisters were left standing in a mess.

"I didn't expect to be attacked by black-feathered cranes today... It seems that we really should change places, Heitong, the dangerous species here have already regarded us as the biggest enemy, and this kind of harassment may appear again in the future. "

"Well, I think so too, sister."


I don't know how long has passed.


At the foot of the mountain, on the edge of the jungle, the middle-aged man dragged his wounded body, desperately avoiding the pursuit of the dangerous species.

The screams of despair kept echoing.

Before, they only felt that their eyes were dark, and after a while, they appeared by a small stream.

At that time, the four of them thought that they had successfully left the unlucky Harry Gott Mountain Range, and that they would soon be able to follow the creek back to Seamo Town to eat and drink, vent their emotions, and relieve the fright and fatigue of the day...

But it didn't take long, and I don't know if today is their Good Friday, the four of them accidentally ran into the territory of the dangerous "bloodthirsty demon wolf"!

This is a dangerous species that lives in groups well-known throughout the southern part of the empire!Each individual has the size of a carriage when it becomes an adult, and can swallow a rice jar in one bite. Thousands of human beings died in their mouths!

So, within a few minutes, two of the three accompanying servants died and were all buried in the mouth of the wolves, while the remaining two of them escaped from that hell with hands and feet while the wolves were sharing their prey.

Immediately afterwards, they were attacked by the earth dragon again, and the last strong man who accompanied them was trampled into meatloaf, and he was the only one who survived till now.

And as night fell, more and more dangerous species appeared in the forest, and he would encounter new monsters every time he ran a certain distance, and he was almost desperate.

"Damn whore! Damn bitch! If I, Gris, can survive this time, I will make you suffer the most painful torture in the world!"

In the jungle, the middle-aged man gritted his teeth while running wildly, and cursed viciously with red eyes.

every dog ​​has his day.

When there is too much bad luck, good luck is bound to come.

When he was desperate, there seemed to be bunches of faint fires suddenly appearing in the depths of the endless jungle.

That's the crowd!

If you look closely, it looks like a group of warriors carrying lanterns, with some "Green Armored Army" among them, it seems that they formed a search and rescue team to search for people in the mountains.

"I'm here! I'm here!"

After finally seeing hope, the middle-aged man shouted with all his might.

But at this moment, because his attention was focused on the front, his legs and feet were suddenly caught by a vine while running...

The world in front of him suddenly turned upside down, and the pitch-black earth was oncoming, and the damp and cold breath penetrated straight into his nostrils.

next moment……


The face of the middle-aged man hit a piece of bluestone, and his two front teeth broke immediately.

Before he could cry out in pain, he saw a wild wolf catch up from behind and bite his calf...


Heart-piercing screams sounded immediately.

The shrillness and desolation of his voice successfully alarmed the crowd not far away.


People shouted and rushed here together.

Among them, a wanderer galloped and leaped to the side of the middle-aged man, raised a knife in his hand, and with a flash of cold light, a ferocious wolf's head was sprinkled with blood.

"He's still alive."

Looking at the middle-aged man with his head on the ground and covered in mud, Rogue stood up with his sword in his hands, his tone indifferent.

As the crowd gradually gathered around, professional doctors lifted and bandaged the middle-aged man, and a handsome and personable white-faced young man also came over.

"Thank you Juggernaut for your help! That sword just now really admires me!"

The handsome young man clapped his hands in praise.

In response, the handsome Rogue shook his head.

"My lord, you are too polite. I am not yet a sword master, but a practicing swordsman."

"Where, where, if the Juggernaut hadn't rescued him in time, the steward below would have already..."

"Gong Zi!"

At this time, the miserable middle-aged man also recognized the young man, and shouted indistinctly with a leaky mouth, his face was full of emotion, his nose was full of tears, as if he saw his biological parents.


His own words were interrupted, and the handsome young man frowned.

"Gong Zi! Gong Zi! Wo, Wo, good pantyhose! Wo, Wo..."

While talking, the middle-aged man suddenly rolled his eyes and passed out.

Gris was saved.

Chapter 259 Chapter 240 Nine

As night fell, oil lamps were lit in the wooden house.

This is a self-made oil lamp refined from special dangerous fats, with long-lasting burning, bright flame and low center temperature. It burns relatively stable, smokeless, and is not easy to extinguish.

In addition, this seemingly simple wooden house is actually divided into two floors:

On the first floor, after entering the door, you can see the tables and chairs used for eating. On the left is an independent kitchen made of wood and stones. The whole floor is paved with stone slabs. It is actually the same as the oil pan that is usually used to cook big pots of rice in restaurants...

It can be seen that the daily appetite of the sisters is beyond ordinary.

As for the right side is a spiral wooden staircase, you can go up to the second floor, the whole floor is covered with wooden floors, and there are two wooden beds on both sides, covered with fluffy animal skins, near the window, Wide field of vision, once there is danger, you can jump out of the window to escape or meet the enemy at any time.


"It's changed a lot. I think when I left, the upper boards had just been laid."

After visiting the wooden house from bottom to top, Mei couldn't help expressing emotion.

"Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs..."

Kiyana beside her nodded in approval.

"Not really."

Hearing their compliments, Chi Tong, who was leading the way, turned around and shook his head, and the oil lamp in his hand illuminated the girl's beautiful and determined profile.

"After Mei, you left, Hei Tong and I explored most of this mountain range. This house has been gradually perfected into what it is now in the past two years. We don't pay much attention to the interior decoration, just want to It’s just a matter of making ordinary life more comfortable and convenient.”

"Well! My sister and I just want to eat and sleep well every day, and we don't have to go hungry! We don't care about other things!"

Black pupil on the other side nodded and added.

Regarding this, Qiyana seemed to think of something, and suddenly patted Chitong's shoulder with a malicious expression:

"Then where do you usually take a shower?"

"Bath? In the back mountain."

Raising his eyebrows, Chitong replied without thinking, completely ignorant of the deep meaning of the former's words.

"Back Mountain?"

Qiyana was obviously a little surprised.

And Hei Tong added in a timely manner:

"That's right! There is a lake not far from the back mountain. The water there is very clean and cool, and there are dangerous species in the water! Every time my sister and I take a bath, we will grab one or two and throw them on the shore. After washing, take it back and bake it! It’s delicious~”

While talking, Hei Tong smacked her lips with a look of greed, as if her mind had thought of that taste again, all kinds of performances showed that she seemed to be a full-fledged foodie.

Seeing this, Mei couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

"Hei Tong really hasn't changed at all~"

"I've always been like this!"

Hearing Mei's words, Heitong smiled indifferently, and then suddenly thought of something.

"By the way! Mei-chan, let's wash it with my sister later! Grab a few more for dinner!"

"Hei Tong, you really should go wash it."

Seeing her sister's dirty appearance at this time, Chi Tong, who is a sister, nodded slightly.

Seeing that the "wind of bathing" has already blown, a certain white-haired dumpling also began to play with the wind with different thoughts:

"Kurotomi is right! Mei, let's go together later! I will help you rub your back, rub your chest, etc... Hehehe~"

As if thinking of something indescribable, Qiyana swallowed with a flushed face, and moved her index finger, as if possessed by a doctor octopus.

"Qiana, is this...?"

Sensing the puzzled eyes of the Chitong sisters, Mei couldn't help sighing.

"You go, Hei Tong, don't worry about me. As for her..."

While talking, Mei picked up the ear of a certain pervert and started to go downstairs.

"I'll fix it."

"It hurts! Mei! I was wrong! Let go! I was really wrong!"

Under the bewildered gaze of the Chitong sisters, Mei dragged Kiyana down with a "kind" expression.

"Their relationship is really good... sister."

"It seems so."


After a while.

"Here, Mei-chan, I'll leave the cooking to you! My sister and I really want to eat Mei-chan's cooking again!"

"All the condiments you need are locked in the closet, and the key is hung on the door. I'll leave the dinner to you, Mei."

After the two sisters finished speaking with serious and expectant expressions, they left the wooden house with the clothes that needed to be changed and headed for the back mountain.

In terms of "eating", the two are unexpectedly consistent.

"As expected of sisters..."

In the kitchen, Mei looked at the pots and shovels in front of her and the unconscious pig and fish on the floor, and became dazed.

Does this count as...

Return to old business?

Thinking about it now, how long has it been since I have seriously entered the kitchen and prepared a table meal?

Although you won't feel hungry after becoming a true god, but...

The meaning of cooking is not only to fill the stomach, isn't it?

"Well, let's take it as a return to the original intention."

Convincing herself in this way, Mei temporarily took over the position of "cook" and began to prepare dinner hard.

The first is to wash the pot, set up the cutting board, and tie the apron;

The second is to open the closet, take out the seasoning, and sharpen the blade;

And finally...

"Mei, let me help too! I haven't eaten your cooking for a long time!"

A white hairy dumpling with red ears suddenly walked into the kitchen.

Looking at Mei's appearance at this time wearing an apron and sharpening her knife, her face was full of nostalgia and joy, as if she saw something that had disappeared.

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