
It seems to have changed back to how it was before.

very nice.

Kiyana thought so happily.

But looking up and seeing the delighted smile on her face, the rejection that Mei was about to say suddenly choked.

"No... well, I will leave the task of cleaning the ingredients to you, this pig and this fish..."

"Leave it to me! You can leave it to me! As long as it can help Mei, I'm willing to do anything!"

As if paying attention to every move of the person she loves all the time, when Mei's eyes shifted and she was about to say something in her throat, Kiyana immediately waved her hand and said, with a very positive attitude and a sincere tone.

This change surprised Mei.

"I remember Kiyana, aren't you...?"

Seeing the positive appearance of the white-haired girl, Mei tilted her head and frowned slightly.

In her impression and memory, the former was very impatient with chores like peeling and scraping scales, and she couldn't calm down to complete them no matter what. No matter in the past or now, she was in charge of the kitchen alone.

And now this kind of attitude turns 180 degrees...

In Mei's eyes, it was extremely abnormal.

This is a picture that has never appeared in memory!

Facing Mei's suspicious gaze, Kiyana patted her chest and assured her:

"Trust me, Mei, don't worry, I can do it well!"

"No, I mean..."

What she cares about is not the incident itself, but this strong sense of disobedience.

But Kiyana seemed to see the doubt in Mei's eyes, and forcibly interrupted her:

"Mei! You just need to keep the way you used to be! Well...even if it's just today. I just like to look at the original you, even if it's just a little shadow of the original...Really."

"the old me?"

Seeing the beautiful smile of the girl in front of her, Mei was stunned.

How could such a thing be done.

After going through so much, how could I become the cowardly Raiden Mei again?

What's more, the reason why I became like this is not because of you...

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Mei slowly opened her eyes wide.

Until then, the smile on Qiyana's face suddenly became a little sad in her eyes.

She finally understood.

Why since the two met, apart from her, Qiyana seems to have never changed, and even her recent performance has become closer to the "before".

Being silly, gluttonous, optimistic, jealous...these appearances on the "Student Kiana Kaslana" were indeed very reasonable, and they were also the most familiar appearance of her Raiden Mei, but...

After experiencing the destruction of everything and killing relatives and friends with his own hands - [End of the End Times], no matter how optimistic and naive people are, they should wake up, and either collapse or become decadent.

Or, just like Raiden Mei once did, she chooses to bury everything in her heart, and walks forward selflessly with a glimmer of hope...

But Kiana Kaslana in front of her seemed to have never experienced "that day", and she was still so familiar, so... so she felt at ease.

All kinds of performances seem to illustrate a fact——

The Kiyana Kaslana standing in front of her may not be "complete".

"Qiana, are you really 'Qiana'? What is the origin of the will to eliminate imaginary numbers and quantum in one fell swoop? What about the truth of the soul space? What is the future you are talking about...?"

Mei's tone was a little trembling, and she asked the question that had been suppressed in her heart in one breath.

She couldn't believe her guess.

"For Mei, I'm willing to do anything! No matter what it turns into, no matter how much it costs."

Regarding this, the white-haired girl was still smiling, and the words she said seemed to have some kind of "magic power", which calmed down Mei's choppy emotions.

Some kind of conjecture was also "erased" at the same time.

The originally clear truth was once again clouded.


The kitchen suddenly fell silent.

All this until Mei's eyes regained their brilliance.

"Hmm... this is me?"

Seeming to have forgotten the previous conversation, Mei looked around in a daze, and then her eyes fell on the floor and then on Kiana.

"Huh? Kiyana, what are you still doing here? Hurry up and process the ingredients! Otherwise, there won't be enough time!"

"Alright Mei, I'll go right away~"

After laughing and laughing, Qiyana raised her hand, rolled up the wild boar and the big fish from left to right, and started to walk out of the kitchen.

However, the moment she left the kitchen, a tired look suddenly flashed across her face.

Now, please enjoy the present, we will face the future.

Sorry Mei...

Please forgive my temporary concealment, and you will understand me later.

Chapter 260 Chapter 250 The Future and the Past

The bright moon hangs high, and the brilliance falls.

Except for the occasional faint roar from the jungle below the mountain, the whole mountain looks very deserted under the shroud of insects and birds, like a secret place isolated from the world.

Contrary to the quiet and deep environment outside, the wooden house is in a "passionate" atmosphere at this time.


On the first floor, on the flat wooden table as sharp as a knife, there are several bowls of fish and pork placed in a circular shape, the meat is evenly fat and thin, and the oil is moderate. The index finger moved.

With the flickering lights, the heat from the bowl billows like clouds and mist, and the dishes in it seem to be plated with a layer of gold, making them extraordinarily sacred.

"As expected of Mei..."

At this moment, even Chi Tong, who is usually mature, stable and taciturn, couldn't help but widen his eyes and let out such admiration.

As for Hei Tong and a certain white-haired dumpling, they were already swallowing their saliva.

"It's not that exaggerated~"

Accompanied by a chuckle, Mei, who was wearing an apron and tied up her hair, walked over with a large bowl.

"The last bowl is fish head soup~"

"And soup? Wow—~"

Facing the exclamation of the foodies, Mei slowly placed the fish soup in her hand in the center of the wooden table, which happened to be the "center of the circle", filling the vacancy of the dishes.

Since the main ingredients are the big fish and wild boar caught by the Chitong sisters during the day, the dinner is also mainly fish and pork.

However, this happens to be in line with the unique taste of the sisters' "no meat, no joy".

"This... this must be heaven! Sister!"

Smelling the delicious smell of fish soup, Heitong was already too excited.

"Only when Mei is here can we have such a sumptuous dinner."

Akihito nodded.

Seeing this, Mei smiled slightly.

"Tonight's main course is the lean meat I specially selected, the side dish is fish head soup to keep the cold and healthy, and the rest of the main course...wait a minute."

With a mysterious smile, Mei returned to the kitchen again.

After a while, with a certain fragrance filling the room, Mei walked over carrying a square wooden tray, on which were placed three bowls of steaming large bowls of rice.

“The staple food is pork curry rice!”

While revealing the answer with a smile, Mei put bowls of it on the table.

White rice, golden sauce, fat pork...

The eyes of the three people in the seat straightened immediately.

"Long live!"

"Isn't this too rich?!"

"It's such a blessing to be alive!"

Looking at the red cheeks of the three of them, Mei smiled knowingly.

"Eat it quickly, it won't be good when it gets cold~"

Hearing this, the three of Qiyana couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks.

"I'm moving!" (X3)

However, before moving his chopsticks, Chitong suddenly remembered something.

"What about you, Yayi?"

"Yeah, how about you?"

Qiyana also looked over immediately.

"Yeah! Mei-chan, come and eat with us! Mmmmmmm..."

Hei Tong nodded and said, while devouring the meat.

Regarding this, Mei slowly shook her head, but just stood aside holding the plate.

"You guys eat, don't worry about me. To be honest, I'm already very satisfied just seeing you happy."

For this answer, Chitong obviously didn't intend to accept it, and even put down his chopsticks directly ignoring his stomach's protest.

"Then I won't eat it either. Mei, you are working so hard, but you can only watch what we eat, isn't it too strange?"

"My sister is right! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...delicious! It's so delicious!"

A certain foodie sister continued to echo, but the movements of her hands did not stop.

"Mei, come together."

Qiyana also straightened her expression.

Seeing this, Mei was silent for a while, then sighed softly.

"All right……"


"That's right. Partners should share the blessings. How can there be any reason to eat alone?"

"Mei, Mei, sit here!"


After a while, dinner was halfway through.

"Hmm... delicious! As expected of Mei's cooking, it's amazing!"

"Qiana, slow down! And Chitong and careful to gain weight after eating such meat!"

"Mei, have you forgotten? Heitong and I are both the type who can't get fat, and have been like this for a long time."

"Sister is right!"


Seeing the Chitong sisters and Kiyana who were devouring and gorging on meat, Mei sighed slightly.

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