To be honest, she has no appetite.

From before, Mei felt that there seemed to be something missing in her head, thinking left and right but couldn't get the answer, so she was a little agitated.

At this moment, no matter how delicious the meat in her mouth is, it is like chewing wax to her.

She didn't understand why.

What did I forget?

Or is it just an illusion?

Personally, the dinner this time can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, because she was so preoccupied that she couldn't concentrate on cooking.

But judging from the present, this "imperfect dinner" is a delicacy that has not been tasted for a long time for the Chitong sisters who have lived in the mountains for a long time...

For a moment, Mei's mood was a little complicated.

However, seeing the satisfied smiles on their faces, the irritability in their hearts will be relieved a little.

Sure enough, I still need to divert my attention...

When Mei thought so, Hei Tong inadvertently expressed emotion:

"Hmm... I still remember that it was the same when we were in the night raid. We all sat together to eat, and when the boss was away, Meichan was our chief chef... Well, it seems to be back to the past now, it's great. .”


Chi Tong deeply agrees.

"Night Raid..." Mei raised her eyebrows, and a trace of nostalgia appeared on Mei's face, "By the way, since then, has the BOSS contacted Chitong and you?"


Black pupil nodded heavily.

Chi Tong, who is the older sister, also put down her chopsticks and began to explain:

"A year ago, Hei Tong and I received an invitation from Tazmi. He and Ma Yin were going to get married with the blessing of the villagers."

"Really? I still remember that the two of them were often together when they were carrying out the mission... Now it's finally a 'cultivation', is there anything else?"

Mei has apparently entered "memory mode".

"Lubbock runs a bookstore in the new imperial capital, and Hill helps out in the store. In addition, Brand also tried to open a martial arts gym, Leone continued to dawdle in the tavern, and BOSS is still working for the new Nation building is working hard."

Chi Tong continued to speak.

"Everyone has a new life of their own... But if Hill is a clerk, then Lubbock must have a headache, right?"

Thinking of a girl with glasses who was always confused, Mei couldn't help smiling.


Seemingly thinking of a certain scene, Chi Tong also raised the corners of his mouth.

Then she thought of something else.

"By the way, when Heitong and I went to bless Tazmi and Main, we also met Iyeas and Shayou in the village. Both of their illnesses and injuries were almost healed, and they specially asked me Ask Mei about your news, and say that I want to personally thank you for saving their lives."

"Yeah, that's really nice."

Mei smiled from the bottom of her heart.

Back then, as soon as the indicator responded, she was already a senior member of the Night Raider, and regardless of the team members' obstruction, she rushed to the imperial capital overnight and rescued the pair of teenagers and girls from the countryside from the house of a fallen nobleman...

Although the original purpose was only to collect the power of luck, the reality now shows that the fate of those two people has been changed forever by her Raiden Mei.

"Maybe this is the meaning of the journey itself..."

Save others... save yourself.

Mei seems to have realized something.

"Mei? Mei?"

At this time, Chitong's doubtful voice came.

Looking up, Mei realized that the three people in front of her were looking at her suspiciously.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I was distracted. What Eyeas and the others said... I will find time to read it, um, so do the others."

"Since the disbandment of Night Raid, Heitong and I haven't seen each other properly for a while, remember to call us when the time comes, Mei."

Chitong nodded in agreement, and picked up the chopsticks again.

"By the way, I also heard that Lubbock is already dating the boss, but the source of the news is very secret, so I don't know if it's true."

"Wish him luck..."

Chapter 261 Chapter 250 Chapter [-] Future and Past

After dinner, the plates were all empty, and there was almost no food left, and it all went into the stomachs of the four of them.

Among them, the Chitong sisters and a certain Baimao Duanzi couldn't move anymore, and Mei could only take over the responsibility of washing dishes by herself.

"Is this the amount of food they eat? It's amazing as always... Fortunately, they cooked more tonight, otherwise I'm afraid there won't be enough food."

After the dining table was cleared, in the kitchen, looking at the bowls filled with three large vats in front of her, Mei wiped the sweat that didn't exist on her head, and couldn't help complaining.

As for the food intake of the three of them, she had already expected it.

Long ago, when she was still at St. Freya Academy, Kiyana could eat a whole five bowls of rice in one meal, and as long as she had enough time, she could even clean up a whole table by herself;

In a sense, the members of the Kaslana family are far superior to ordinary people in all aspects except for their disfigured personality.

As for the sisters Chitong and Heitong...

Although they came from ordinary backgrounds, they have extraordinary talents in all aspects. In the past, they were famous for eating meat in the night raid. The two of them could eat a whole head of dangerous species every day.

Ever since, when these three "big stomach kings" sit at the same table, it will naturally evolve into the current situation.

"Well, let's start washing."

After sighing lightly, Mei forced herself to enter the state.

Cooking, washing dishes...

Although these are just daily chores, they give her a very nostalgic feeling, and they can always bring back memories in front of her eyes, and the previous upset gradually fades away in this feeling.

——If you can’t figure it out, just don’t think about it.

She knew very well that only by diverting her attention could she feel a little better.

After all, this is a different kind of relaxation, isn't it?

Wiping the dinner plate, Mei slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

at this time……

"Hey, Mei, I'm here to help you! Hiccup—~"

A certain white-haired dumpling walked into the kitchen with a full belch, waved his hand, and smiled silly.


Turning her head to take a look, Mei shook her head slowly, her face was calm, and she continued to complete the task at hand.

"No need, I'll wash by myself, go and accompany Chitong and the others, you seem to get along very well."

Hearing this, Kiyana nodded, slightly agreeing.

"Yeah, I thought I had two more 'rivals in love', but I didn't expect them to be pretty good, and they can eat as much as me."

Do you judge whether a person is good or bad by eating? !

Mei just wanted to complain, but was interrupted by Kiyana's next words:

"The two of them are already asleep! I came to find you when I have nothing to do."

While talking, Kiyana leaned over.

"Fell asleep?"

Mei frowned.

"Sleep right after eating, is this how they usually live? There are strangers at home, so they are so careless..."


Kiyana interrupted Mei again, with a mysterious smile on her face.

"No one will be wary of their trusted companions, right? Maybe I am a stranger to them, but you are not! It can be seen that they really trust you."

Hearing this, the movements of Mei's hands visibly paused.


After being stunned for a moment, she continued to wash the dishes.

"Perhaps you are right, Kiyana."

Seeing this, Qiyana smiled proudly, then turned her head and glanced around, and at the same time said intentionally or unintentionally:

"Tazmi, Maine, Lubbock, Hill, Brand, Leonai, BOSS, Iyeas, Sayu... Who are they? Why have I never heard Mei you mention it? What? I'm really curious... huh?"

With inquiries, she once again shortened the distance between the two.

"Mei, how did you meet the sisters Chitong and Heitong? It seems that you are very familiar with each other... I just saw how happy and selfless you said, completely excluding me... "

"I'm jealous~"

Every time she said a word, Kiyana would approach step by step with a narrow smile, jealousy all over her body, and the last sentence was almost spoken in Mei's ear.

"Qi, Kiana..."

Feeling the ambiguous tone and the hot air rushing towards her face, Mei's cheeks flushed, and she almost couldn't hold the bowl steadily in her hand.

At this moment, she wanted to explain, but she didn't know how to speak.

And Qiyana didn't give her this time:

"Can you tell me your story, Mei-san~"

With a malicious smirk on her face, Kiyana said softly against Mei's earlobe, and put the bracelet around her waist.

"Kiana...too, too close."

"Really? I don't think so!"

Looking at the appearance of Mei in her arms, who was obviously ashamed and angry but couldn't escape, she could only lower her head and endure silently... Especially at this time, her curvy white apron and those slender hands wiping the dishes were even more impressive. It made Qiyana feel extra excited.

Is this the so-called "apron PLAY" and "wife fan"?

Kiyana didn't understand, she just felt that Mei at this time was more charming than usual.

As the saying goes, after drinking and eating, you should...

As if thinking of something, Qiyana's eyes became hot in an instant, as if her eyes penetrated those layers of thin fabrics to the depths, stroking the flawless body of the beauty in her arms.

However, this feeling of "like a light on her back" made Mei twist her body involuntarily.

Then, as if resigned to her fate, she lowered her head and bit her lips tightly, and said in a voice almost as thin as a mosquito:

"Okay...Since what you want to hear, Kiyana...I'll just say it. Let me go first, it's very hot! Aren't you afraid that Chitong and the others will suddenly come over?"

"Ah, that's right."

Hearing this, Kiyana subconsciously withdrew her hand.


As soon as she regained her freedom, Mei immediately turned sideways and opened a distance. After a little relief, she put the washed dishes in her hands into the closet.

She doesn't want to lose her virginity in weird places...

After taking a deep breath and calming down the hotness and anxiety in her heart, Mei began to talk about her experience in this world:

"Back then I..."


At the same time, Ximo Town, an important town of the revolutionary army outside the mountain.

"What? How dare they...!?"

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