In the manor of the largest revolutionary family in Seamo Town—the Seamo Family, the most powerful and handsome son, Esther Heber Seamo, is listening to his housekeeper, Gris Fern, who is seriously injured and lying in bed, telling about how he lived in the mountains during the day. experienced things.

"Grand... Meter! That's how the mothers and mothers of the tower gate insulted you! Not only did they fool the three Fuktas, but they also nest... threw me directly into Shan! I am so miserable ah!"

Lying on the hospital bed, Gris was covered with bandages almost all over his body, and his right leg and face were the thickest. Tears and snot were overflowing, and he was crying miserably, as if his parents had died.

Hearing his cry, Mr. Ximo standing beside the bed had a handsome face full of gloom, and his eyes flickered with a frightening chill.

"Since I was young, I, Esther Heber, have never been insulted like this... This is not only my personal face, but also the shame of the Seamo family!"

Seeing this, a retainer standing behind him volunteered and said:

"Master Seamo, I, Parker, will go up the mountain now and chop off the heads of those women to make amends for you!"

He is more than two meters tall, with a bare upper body, his arms are as thick as horned dragons, and his voice is like thunderclaps...

There are knife wounds on his face and body after many battles, his short hair looks like reeds by the water, his eyes are as big as copper bells, and he carries a huge ax half a person's height on his shoulder...

"Giant Ax Parker", the feared "Hundred People Massacre", the "meat grinder" on the battlefield, the "nightmare" in the eyes of the enemy... His deeds are quite famous throughout the old empire, and he is a mature and experienced man. A strong warrior who is fierce and brutal.

At this time, another person standing beside him spoke:

"Forgive me for speaking bluntly, going here at this time is tantamount to asking for a dead end."

Wearing a windbreaker, a dagger around his waist, a straight back, and thin cheeks... This man seems to be the swordsman who cut off the wolf's head with a single sword and rescued Gris from the wolf's mouth.

His strength is obvious to all, but what he said was too straightforward.

"What did you say?! How dare you look down on me? Believe it or not, I tore you alive with one hand!"

Greataxe Parker was clearly enraged.

"My humble sword will only be faster."

The long-haired swordsman replied neither humble nor overbearing, without fear.

"Then try it! Let's see who is the first..."

"Alright, both of you!"

At this time, Mr. Ximo acted as a peacemaker and said;

"I believe in your strength, Parker, but what Mr. Juchuan said is also reasonable. People in the entire southern region know that the Harry Gotte Mountain Range at night is very dangerous, with dense concentrations of dangerous species, and there are even rumors that there are super dangerous species appearing and appearing, so it is not appropriate to act rashly."

Now that the matter has come to this point, Parker the Great Axe did not choose to continue entanglement, but went down the ladder given by Mr. Seamo:

"Hmph! For Mr. Ximo's sake, I won't argue with you this time."

In this regard, the long-haired swordsman did not say much.

"However... I am a person who always repays all grievances. There is only one end for those who dare to offend the Seamo family."

While talking, Mr. Ximo looked out of the window, facing the silvery moonlight, the light in his eyes made people shudder.

"When they step into Seamo Town next time, I will give them a big surprise, haha."

Chapter 262 Chapter 250 Chapter Two Future and Past (4500)

In fact, it's the same as it has been so far.

When Mei came to this world for the first time, she was also endowed with a brand new identity by some kind of "luck":

The only daughter of an old aristocratic family.

"At that time, when I opened my eyes, I found that my whole body was "smaller"...Small palms, small body... I took a mirror and found that I had turned into my childhood appearance... ...the whole person was stunned."

When it comes to the memories of the past, even Mei today can't help feeling a little bit emotional.

"That must be fun! After all, children can act like a baby in the arms of their parents, and they can also stay at home all day, eating, drinking and having fun, without having to go to school or work... And Mei, who was a child... well, must be very cute! I really want to cuddle in my arms~"

Kiyana seemed to be looking forward to that situation, her tone was full of joy and excitement.


Seeing her like this, Mei couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth.

"Qiana, you are really..."

"Then what's next for Mei? What happened next? Are the father-in-law and mother-in-law still in this world? Do you want us to visit tomorrow..."

"...No, they're gone."

Shaking her head, Mei's tone became a little flat.


Hearing this, Kiyana opened her eyes wide.

"Yes, they have already passed away, the year I came to this world...'Raiden Mei' was ten years old."

Nodding, Mei bent down and took out a dinner plate from the jar, and began to wipe it with a rag.

"That year, because the father of this world was dissatisfied with the minister's manipulation of the young emperor, he acted recklessly in the court hall and repeatedly made admonitions regardless of dissuasion. As a result, he angered the faction of the minister."

"The treacherous officials are in power, and the people live in poverty. It is ridiculous that the Leiden family in this world is one of the founding meritorious service. It was once valued by the first emperor. The title has been passed down for 32 generations and has a history of thousands of years. In the end, the young emperor listened to slander Ordered to exterminate the family..."

"Father was shot and killed in court, and mother committed suicide at home after entrusting me to the old housekeeper. All the branches of the family fled in all directions like frightened birds. The large family business of the Lei Dian family and the wealth accumulated over the millennium were all captured by the minister. and its faction lackeys to carve up and annex..."

"Everything will eventually come to naught."

Hearing this, all the thoughts in Qiyana's heart disappeared immediately, she just walked forward silently and hugged the girl.

"Do you know? Kiyana, in fact, I was able to kill those lackeys back then. Even though my body has changed to what I was when I was a child, I am still me. Herrscher's core and herrscher's power still exist in my body. but……"

Speaking of this, Mei's eyes were full of confusion.

"Maybe it's unreal. In fact, I didn't put myself into the identity of 'Raiden Mei' at all that year, and I didn't care about everything that happened in this world and the Raiden family. I just blindly looked for the way to leave. method……"

"Can you understand me? Kiyana, it feels like being on stage to play a certain role. At that time, I just watched all this happen, watching myself... my family was destroyed. I never stopped it from beginning to end."

Mei put down the bowl, her face full of disappointment.

"Actually, about this world... my father, my mother, their memories are still in my mind. It's just me at that time... even now, I think it's too far away and too strange. That's not me , and it's not something I've ever experienced..."

"But it's a fact that I'm dying. Even the housekeeper... and my parents don't think I can do anything. They just hope that I can live in peace and health..."

"Since then, I have started to reflect and change. Every time, I try to put myself into every world, even if they are 'fake', even if I have never really 'experienced', I also want to serve 'I' have memories of what people do."

Seeing Mei's hard thinking, Qiyana was stunned for a moment, then buried her head in her black hair, sniffing the fragrance.

"I understand, Mei. I've worked hard for you all this time."


Feeling the warmth coming from her back, Mei smiled knowingly, and continued to complete the task at hand in a small way.

"Since the fall of the Leiden family, the old housekeeper took me, who was only ten years old at the time, to leave the imperial capital overnight and settle in another country. However, we soon understood that other than the imperial capital, other places are also full of filth and darkness. The old empire The corruption of the world is from the inside to the outside, there is no pure land in the world, and there is no place to rest..."

"Then a year later, we tossed and bumped back and forth several times, and migrated for a full four times. The fatigue of the journey, the difficulties of the local sheriff, the threats of roadside thieves, and the relationship that took a lot of effort to open up and curry favor each time... …these deeply troubled us.”

"In the middle of the journey, I showed my strength and personally eliminated several waves of guys who were hostile to us, but I soon discovered that there are many things that cannot be solved by brute force... The old housekeeper was also surprised by me The ability, and repeatedly told me to pay attention to hiding myself."


Mei sighed deeply.

"But it turns out that people's desires are unlimited."

"Whether it's the money we hurriedly took away when we left the imperial capital, or the strength I displayed, they all deeply attract those people with malicious intentions... wave after wave of harassment."

"Everywhere we go, we will encounter all kinds of difficulties and malice. During that time, it was really tiring. Even if I can wipe them out again and again, there will always be new enemies emerging from the shadows..."

"You know, Kiyana, we will never be able to completely wipe out all the bad guys in the world, even with the power of the Herrscher."


Kiyana nodded, a mysterious gleam flashed in her eyes.

As the strongest god and the incarnation of law, she certainly understands that in any world that is born and operates naturally, light and darkness always coexist.

They balance and restrict each other, and it is never possible to completely eliminate a certain party, and they will only remain at a relatively stable level.

The same is true of human nature.

If there is no "evil" in human beings, then they cannot be called "human beings", but another species...

Having said that, Mei has washed more and more bowls, and a large tank has already bottomed out, leaving only muddy water with grease floating in it.

Start moving to the next stage.

"In the end, the old butler died of illness on the bed, and I started wandering without any accident. Everything until that day..."

After a pause, a few flashes of lightning flashed on Mei's hand, and the water stains evaporated in an instant, then gently removed the hand around her waist, and went to the next big vat.

"I hid my power of the Herrscher, and used physical skills to kill a few drunkards who were plotting against me in a deep alley. At that time, the captain of the assassination team, Gozzi, passed by, and he was very impressed by what I showed The strength is very interested, and wants to invite me to be a member of the assassination team and serve the empire."

"Of course I wanted to refuse at first, and I even made up my mind to leave or kill him, but at that moment, the indicator responded..."

"The indicator responds? Doesn't that mean..."

Kiyana opened her eyes slightly.

"That's right, he has 'luck' on him."

Mei paused, turned her head and nodded, the earring on the left was shining brightly.

"That's what I need to leave this world, and it's also what I've always been aiming for. Before meeting you, Qiyana, I must gather enough power of luck to go to the next , I finally accepted his invitation."

Turning around, Mei continued to walk, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"Facts have proved that my choice was correct. In the assassination training camp, besides me, there were many orphans who were collected. It was there that I met the children of luck in this world—Chi Tong and Hei Tong and the other two sisters."

"Meet them in the assassination training camp?"

Qiyana obviously didn't think of this.

"That's right. Through the experience accumulated in the last world, I found that as long as I follow the son of luck, I can easily collect a lot of power of luck. The efficiency is better than that of me usually wandering aimlessly alone. much faster..."

"So, I started to pay attention to them, and tried every means to get closer to them, to get to know each other and become friends... Hehe, although I really don't want to admit it, but at that time I did approach them with a purpose."

Turning her head and smiling sheepishly, Mei continued to bend down and began to wash the dishes.

"Fortunately, whether it's red pupils or black pupils, they are very kind girls. Since becoming friends with them and getting along with them, ordinary life is no longer boring."

"In this way, I spent that time with them in the assassination training camp, exercising and hunting together during the day, eating and sleeping together at night..."

"Sleeping together?! Mei, you—!?"

Kiyana immediately took a step back, her eyes wide open, her face full of shock.


Mei was stunned for a while, as if she didn't expect such a reaction from Kiyana.

But soon she thought of something.

"No, it's not what you think! Qiyana, the three of us were really young at the time, and Chitong and the others were used to living a hard life, and they didn't understand anything. Nothing happened between us!"

"Mei slept with someone else... slept with someone else..."

But a certain white-haired dumpling was still repeating this sentence, his whole body seemed to be petrified, and he didn't respond.

"This... what is this!"

Mei was a little dumbfounded.

After a while.

After Kiana's emotions calmed down, Mei continued to tell the past:

"Later, I learned by chance that the assassination force will set up an elite team to assassinate important figures of the Revolutionary Army, and its personnel will be selected from the best performers in the training camp."

"Mei, if you are so powerful, you must be in the waiting list, right?"

Kiyana asked without thinking.

"Yeah. But... Chi Tong and Hei Tong are also there."

Nodding her head, Mei's tone was rather complicated.

Qiyana was a little puzzled by this.

"Isn't that good? The three of you have such a good relationship. Is there anything wrong with continuing to stay together?"

"No, Kiyana, you don't understand. There is a rule in the elite assassination team, that is, there are no blood relatives in the team."

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