Shaking her head, Mei's face was a little dark.

"What? The sisters are not..."

Subconsciously looking in the direction of the second floor, Qiyana was surprised.

"Yes, they had to separate. Fortunately, I learned this information in advance, so during the final test, I intentionally hid my strength. In the end, I was unsuccessful and was assigned to the ordinary assassination team together with Hei Tong."

Mei smiled slightly.

However, Qiyana was dumbfounded.

"Wait, wait a minute! Mei, you just said that Chitong is the child of luck in this world, right? Then why did you...?

"Why did you choose to be with Hei Tong in the end? Do you want to ask this? It's because I have a feeling in my mind, or some strange pictures. It makes me understand that perhaps Hei Tong needs more than Chi Tong. Me. As it turns out, I made the right choice."

Seemingly not surprised, Mei replied in a flat tone.

"No wonder that little girl looks very clingy to turns out that's the case."

Recalling what happened during the day, Kiyana suddenly realized.

Then she thought of something else.

"By the way, those strange pictures are the 'prophet memories' you mentioned?"

"Well. Later, Heitong and I learned that Chitong chose to betray the empire and join the night raid... In fact, before that, even though we were separated, I kept in touch with her by virtue of my own ability, and I learned the news and her difficulties for the first time..."

"At that time, Hei Tong didn't understand, and thought that her sister had betrayed her companions, because the brainwashing in the assassination team was so powerful that it could distort a person's thoughts and hearts. But fortunately, I comforted and enlightened her, and this Prevent them from going down the road of brotherhood."

"Later, through Chitong's introduction, I also got to know the leader of the Night Raider, the later BOSS, whose real name is Najie Xitan, a respectable person."

"After meeting her, I finally realized that there are still a group of people in this world who dared to resist the rule of the old empire. So, for myself and for Hei Tong, I took advantage of a mission gap to find an opportunity to let Chi Tong and Hei Tong Hitomi met again, breaking down the barrier between them."

Having said that, Mei lowered her eyes, and the corners of her mouth curled into a wonderful arc.

"In the end, I succeeded. Hei Tong changed her mind. Together, we rebelled against the imperial assassination force and joined the revolutionary army's night attack organization. The three of us reunited again."

"Afterwards, we carried out missions, assassinated corrupt officials, fought against Esdeth and her hunters, and finally overthrew the rule of the old empire. I was able to kill Minister Ornest, as a parent of this world revenge."

"It's really a tortuous road."

Qiyana couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Yes, after the founding of the new country, Night Raid was forced to disband for various reasons. Everyone in the past was separated, each doing what he wanted to do, and enjoying the long-lost peace."

"And Chitong and I chose to live in seclusion...Of course, this is only on the surface. In the end, I confessed my identity to the two of them and said goodbye to them at the same time. Finally, I got a gift from them, and then traveled to the next world……"

"Until I find you, Kiyana."

Mei looked at the person in front of her, with an inexplicable emotion in her eyes.

The two stared at each other silently, speechless for a long time.

That's all for now...

"The above is my experience in this world. Chitong and the others are my friends who have been with me for the longest time. I hope you can get along well with them, Kiyana."

"Of course! The two sisters are delicious and cute! No one will hate it, right? It's just...Mei, why does Kuroto have..."

"Honkai can, right?... That's because the Imperial Assassin Force injects drugs to forcibly increase the killer's physical fitness, at the cost of consuming vitality... Although I, as the Herrscher of Thunder, will not be affected, but Black pupil can't do it. If she is poisoned by drugs, her body will be severely damaged! So..."

"Mei, can you transform her with Honkai?"

"Well. Inject a small amount of Houkai energy into her body. As long as the amount is controlled properly, it can not only strengthen her body, but also offset the side effects of the drug... I have been thinking about this for a long time. Fortunately, her body survived, and Adapted to the subtle modification of the Houkai energy."

"Mei, you are amazing!"

The night is deep.

Chapter 263 Chapter 250 Chapter 4000 Exploration of the ruins, start! ([-])

the next day.

After breakfast, Mei skillfully tidied up the dining table and cleared away the bowls and chopsticks. The home clothes on her body also changed into an apron in a burst of white light.

“The Pork Bone and Scallion Noodles are delicious...”

Patting his belly with satisfaction, Heitong just wanted to stretch, but from the corner of his eye, he happened to catch a glimpse of Mei's "transformation" scene, and immediately became interested.

"Hey, so Mei-chan, you've been wearing that Teigu all the time?"

Hearing this, Mei, who was about to go to the kitchen with the plate in both hands, stopped.

"……Oh, yes."

Looking at Hei Tong's curious face, she explained with a smile: "The disguise ability of the evasion clothes is so easy to use. After I got it, I haven't seriously picked out clothes for a long time. It is convenient to need to dress and undress tediously, wasting time!"

"After all, it is Teigu..."

Chi Tong on the side nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Kiyana raised her hand and retorted:

"I don't think it's good!"


Mei immediately looked over.


Facing Mei's suspicious gaze, Kiyana touched the back of her head, and said with some embarrassment: "Dressing, undressing, etc., if Mei you find it troublesome, you can leave it to me! Anytime Where, I promise to complete the task!"

The tone is full of malice...

Seeing this, Mei narrowed her eyes, and a "kind" smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Really, Kiyana, you are really kind, understanding, human, and willing~"

At this moment, I don't know if it was an illusion, but the two sisters who looked at each other suddenly felt that the air around them became hotter, and a feeling of tingling rushed into their brains, as if some crisis was about to come.

From Kiana's perspective, Meiqi with a "kind" already covered with electric currents that are so subtle that they cannot be seen by the naked eye. They "burn" the air, violently destroying its material structure and molecular bonds , trying to create a "vacuum" environment.

Obviously, "Thor" is angry!

"Wait, wait! Mei! I, I'm kidding! Chitong and the others are still here, you won't..."

I saw Qiyana shaking her head vigorously, explaining frantically, trying to redeem something.

Once the power of the true god breaks out and this place turns into a vacuum, not only the two sisters with blank faces beside them, but even the wooden house and even the mountain they are in will be razed to the ground!

Fortunately, Mei finally succeeded in "reining in the cliff".

"Yes. I'll let you off this time, if there is a next time... You can sleep on the floor for me in the future!"

Seeing the sneer on Mei's face, a certain white-haired dumpling suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"No, don't wow!"

Howls resounded through the cabin.


Seeing this, Mei snorted coldly, ruthlessly shook off someone's hand, and continued walking towards the kitchen with the dinner plate in hand.

at this time……

"That...Meichan, Hachifu...are you still there?"

Hearing this, Mei stopped and turned her head.

Facing Mei's gaze, Heitong touched his cheek, looking embarrassed.

"Well, yes, Bafang and Murasame are here, do you want to take a look?"

Mei nodded and replied with a smile.

Seeing this, the two sisters looked at each other.

"...Hmm! Please, I just want to take a look."

"No problem! Let's go outside after I finish washing the dishes."


After a while.

Mei took out Murasame and Hachibha from the soul space, removed the scabbard, inserted it into the loess, and showed it to the Chitong sisters.

"This is... Murasame?"

"The eight rooms too! They seem to be different from before..."

With curiosity and confusion, Heitong slowly approached his former partner.

"Be careful! Black pupil!"

Suddenly, Chitong, who is the elder sister, stopped her with a solemn expression.

"What's wrong? Sister."

"Hachifang and Murasame have changed, and now they give me the feeling... very dangerous, not as familiar as before."

Regarding this, Hei Tong smiled, somewhat disapprovingly.

"How could it be? Elder sister, Hachifang and Murasame were our former partners, how could there be any danger?"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and walked to the eighth room inserted on the ground again.

"Black pupil..."

Chi Tong was still worried.

At this time, Qiyana beside her comforted:

"If Heitong wants to try it, let her try it, and Mei will watch from the side."

Following Kiana's gaze, Chitong and Mei met their gazes.

The latter nodded in response.

Only then did Chi Tong feel relieved.

Facing the eyes of the three, Heitong slowly came to the front of Bafang, gently put his hand on the black handle, and stroked the familiar lines.

"Look, sister!"

As if he had won, Heitong turned his head with a bright smile on his face.

"I'll just say it's okay, how could Bafang..."

In the middle of the story...

As Heitong grasped the handle of the knife and wanted to pull Bafang out of the soil, the spell engraved on it suddenly lit up!


I saw that the snow-white blade suddenly began to turn black and purple, and an ominous black air emitted, like a living thing, began to spread along the blade and handle to Hei Tong's hand!


Seeing this, Heitong immediately opened his eyes wide, with a look of disbelief on his face, he even forgot to withdraw his hand.

Fortunately, at this moment, Mei rushed over suddenly and put her hand on the knife...

"Give me quiet!"

Immediately, the black air spreading upwards exploded in an instant as if it had encountered a "natural enemy".


The strong air current shook the black pupil back again and again, and the surrounding grass instantly withered and turned black until it turned into ashes.

At the same time, Qiyana also stretched out her hand, covering the palm of her hand with golden light, catching the retreating black pupil, and dispelling the strands of black air entangled in her body.

"Black pupil!"

Chitong was obviously frightened by this series of accidents.

"...I'm fine."

Shaking his head, looking at the familiar but unfamiliar sword, Heitong said in a lonely tone, with a look of loss.

"It's just that Bafang rejected me, sister."

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