As the exploding black air spread, spreading death, Murasame standing beside him also seemed to have sensed it, and the incantation engraved on the handle of the knife immediately lit up with a scarlet light.


In an instant, the invisible murderous aura rushed straight into the sky, turned into a wave of air and swept all the way, even dyed the sky above the mountain red with blood.

The world has changed.

Feeling the terrifying murderous aura that soared into the sky, all the flying insects and beasts in the entire area were silent, shrinking their nests, lying on the spot trembling.

The whole world seemed to suddenly "quiet", not only the sound of insects but also the sound of wind disappeared.


Seeing this series of "chain reactions", Chi Tong and Hei Tong were dumbfounded, unable to recover for a long time.

Obviously, this is no longer the power that those two Teigu had at the beginning, but a higher-level murder weapon...

Anyone who touches it will die.


Looking at the black-haired girl who instantly suppressed the two murder weapons, an indescribable sense of gap arose in the hearts of the two sisters.

How strong is Mei?

"elder sister……"

"It's okay, Heitong. Your Hachifang and my Murasame, they are not what they used to be. It's not that it rejected you, but we are no longer qualified to control them."

Shaking his head, Chitong said comfortingly.

The atmosphere is a little heavy.

In fact, not only for Mei, Murasame and Hachifang also represent a precious memory of the two sisters.

Now, the memory has "deteriorated", how can they be happy?


Sheathing the knife again, Mei slowly walked over with a complex expression on her face.

"Sorry, I thought this kind of rejection wouldn't happen, after all, their real owners..."

It's you!

Before these words could be uttered, Chi Tong seemed to have seen something in advance, and shook her head with a smile.

"No, Mei, their owner is already you, and it has nothing to do with us. As early as the moment Heitong and I gave them to you, we have already made up our minds. You don't need to apologize for what happened just now. After all, we were a little curious and wanted to see it before.”


Faced with such an understanding Chitong, Mei didn't know how to speak for a while.

However, Chitong is still recalling what happened just now:

The black air that makes everything wither and die, the murderous aura that makes everything shiver like an abyss of blood...

Even thinking about it now makes her shudder deeply.

"Murura and Bafang...they have become an extremely terrifying existence, Mei, you have to pay attention, and be careful not to be bitten by them."

After a long silence, Chitong said solemnly, with a very serious tone.

To this, Mei nodded seriously.

"I understand this. As a person who practices swordsmanship, I know very well that the weapon itself is innocent. No matter how powerful it is, the most important thing is to see the character of the person who uses it."

"Well, what Mei said makes a lot of sense. After all, the so-called magic sword and magic sword depend on whether the person using it is a god or a demon? I believe in Mei, not only because of her strength, but more because of her. Always be a gentle person, no matter what happens."

Kiyana smiled appreciatively.


Instead of looking at each other, Mei suddenly thought of something, and looked at Sister Chitong again.

"By the way, yesterday I saw Heitong take out a sword from the that?"

"A nameless sword."

Chitong obviously understood what Mei was asking, and the words came out of his mouth.

"The sword of Nameless...?"

"Ah, wait a minute, Mei-chan."

Seeing the doubts on Mei's face, Heitong returned to the wooden house in the same way as yesterday without saying a word.

After a while, she rushed back with yesterday's sword.

"Here, Mei-chan, my sister and I found this on the ancient battlefield in the mountains!"

"Ancient battlefield?"

While receiving the sword, Mei chewed on these three words.

The whole Taidao is not heavy, it is lighter than ordinary iron swords, and the scabbard is made of wood, without any traces of processing and decoration;

This is Mei's first impression of it.

Then, she looked at the handle of the knife.


The shape of the handle is also very ordinary... Even the workmanship is a bit crude, there are almost no handguards, patterned knife handles, etc. It looks like a bare "column", but the material it is made of...

Like jade but not jade, it is bright and lustrous, and when you stroke it gently with your palm, it seems that a coolness rushes straight to your brain, making you feel comfortable and at ease.

Most importantly, Mei sensed that the inside of the handle contained a strong magic power!It seems that the whole sword has its own "magic gathering" effect!


Pull out the Taidao, the bright and clear blade is like crystal, reflecting the dazzling sunlight, with a golden luster on the whole, and the blade has its own cold light, giving people an illusion that "cutting gold and jade is easy".

"Nice knife."

Mei gave an evaluation with a smile.

Seeing this, Chi Tong smiled and nodded.

"Well, I think so too. But the strange thing is, except that the scabbard was made by myself, when Hei Tong and I picked it up, its handle was a bit black, not as white and bright as it is now. The blade is also full of stitches, which once made me think it was a useless sword."


Now it's not just Mei, but even Qiyana who is on the side is interested.

Facing their eyes, Chitong continued to explain:

"In fact, we didn't do anything. We just brought it back and soaked it in the water. It became like this the next day. And I also tried the sword afterwards, and it was extremely sharp. Although the blade looks a little fragile, But the tenacity is comparable to that of Murasame..."

"This... is this a peerless famous sword? How could it be 'nameless'?"

Mei was a little surprised.

And Chitong shook her head even more, with a little confusion on her face.

"I don't know either. It's a pity that Hei Tong and I went to it several times later, but we didn't find any clues about it, so we can only call it the Nameless Sword."

"Is that so, a sword that contains magic power... I am afraid that the ancient battlefield you are talking about is not simple."

Mei frowned, lost in thought.

Kiyana came over at the right time.

"Mei wants to go and see?"

"Will it be too far?"

Mei raised her head and looked at the two sisters.

"It's not too far~"

Heitong smiled and shook his head, turned around, and pointed towards the back mountain facing the rising sun.

"Leaving the top of the mountain where we live, and walking for about half a day to the depths of the Harry Goth Mountains, you can reach the edge of the ancient battlefield! However, because it is located in a valley, it is shrouded in thick fog in the morning and evening, so only A clear afternoon will reveal the full picture."

"Well, what Hei Tong said is correct. I heard that it was the place where the first emperor of the old empire fought with the barbarians from the outer domain 1000 years ago. It is close to the sea, and even super dangerous species appeared. In short, it is very mysterious, and the local barbarians dare not Get close, and think that it is full of evil spirits."

Chi Tong nodded and added.

Hearing this, Mei's curiosity grew stronger.

"Chitong, do you have any plans for today?"

"No! Mei-chan, my sister and I only think about hunting wild boars, catching big fish, eating meat and sleeping well every day! There is no arrangement~"

"Well, eat well and sleep well, enjoy the hard-won peace, stay away from the killing and hustle and bustle of the past... Except that we regularly go to Ximo Town to replenish the condiments at home after running out, our life is like this, because we are two people, so won't feel alone."

"It's so good~"

Hearing what Hei Tong and Chi Tong said, Mei and Kiyana looked at each other.

"Let's do the same in the future! Mei."

"As long as Qiyana is willing... But I will trouble you today, Chitong, take us to see it!"

Facing the eyes of Mei and the others, the two sisters also looked at each other, smiled and nodded.

"Of course! My sister and I are already familiar with the mountain road to the ancient battlefield. Today's weather is also very good. We can start at any time!"

"Mei, what preparations do you need to make?"

In this regard, Qi Ya and the two also smiled back.

"We don't need to prepare, we can go now!"

"Take it as an adventure, tomorrow we will visit our former companions."


"Go on an adventure!"

The four of them embarked on the road of adventure.


It’s another [-]-word chapter. The author seems to be inspired these days. Every time I write a big chapter, I write it all night. My head feels hot and sour.

Well, but if it is interesting, I will continue to write. Leaving aside the grades, immersing yourself in creation is a kind of fun in itself.

Chapter 264 Chapter 250 Four Non-Martial Morals in Various Senses

There are three poles in the sun, and the sun is shining brightly.

Noon is the warmest and brightest time of the day, but this common sense does not seem to be practiced in the Harry Gott Mountain Range.

In fact, as time goes by, the more you go deeper into the mountains, the less sunlight will successfully shine on the ground through the barriers, and the road ahead will become darker.

In addition, probably due to the rain in the past few days, the ground is very wet now, with moss and moss scattered everywhere, and short branches of leaves are everywhere. If people step on the smooth rocks and don't pay attention, they will slip and fall.

In addition, there are bursts of coolness that stimulate the bone marrow, as if the winter has come, making people lose hope and shrink back...

This is the "Forest of Death" in the storytellers - Harry Gott!At the same time, it is also a paradise for dangerous species, a deserted land.



In the dim dense forest, a wolf howled from the ground, "awakening" the entire forest.

The birds rose up and went away, the reptiles burrowed into the ground and disappeared, and the beasts screamed and fled... as if avoiding some kind of "disaster" that was coming.

Immediately after...

Pairs of scarlet vertical pupils emerged in the darkness, like will-o'-the-wisps, silently staring at the uninvited guest who broke into the territory.


The low roar echoed, and the encirclement slowly tightened like a noose around the neck of a hanged prisoner. The air was filled with a suffocating murderous aura, and time seemed to have come to a standstill.

And in the very center of the encirclement—on a specially organized grassland, Qiyana crossed her arms, looked left and right, and said with a flirtatious tone:

"Huh? Looks like we got into trouble~"

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