At the same time, Chi Tong beside him also stood up immediately, put his hand on the handle of the knife at his waist, frowned slightly, and scanned the incoming enemy with a solemn face.

"It's a bloodthirsty demon wolf, one of the most powerful and dangerous species that lives in groups. The forest is their territory, and humans are just a kind of bait for them... If you accidentally encounter them, even the army will pay a heavy price."


Hearing what the two said, Mei raised her head and glanced at the surrounding situation, then continued to fiddle with the firewood, her expression unchanged.

"I didn't expect that we just hunted one for lunch, but a group of people came over..."

On the grass next to her, there was a gray giant wolf whose whole body was scorched black as if it had been struck by lightning(?). Most of its hair had fallen off, its tongue was sticking out, its eyes were turning white and it had lost its sound.

Apparently, that's what led to this - the war between hunter and prey.

"The humidity here is heavy, and it may take a while to ignite the fire."

As if not paying attention to the surrounding atmosphere, Mei raised her head to look at the dense branches and leaves covering the sky above her head, and said in a flat tone.

Hearing this, Heitong, who was squatting beside the fire, also stood up, and wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth with his hand.

"Is there still a while... Just right! Let's catch a few more! I was worried that one would not be enough to eat, hehe~"

Looking at the wolves in the depths of the dense forest that were staring at them and approaching step by step, there was no fear on her face, but full of energy.

In this regard, Qiyana fully agrees.

"Hei Tong is right, Mei, you can continue to light the fire, it is best to prepare a big pot, I am afraid there are too many ingredients today."

As soon as the words fell, Qiyana and Heitong exchanged glances, and rushed forward in unison.

"Wait! Stay safe!"

Chitong stretched out her hand, as if wanting to stop this "dangerous" behavior.

Fight against the whole pack of wolves with one man...

Although she believes in the strength of the two, she should be cautious in everything, right?After all, they are in a dangerous and unknown forest at this time. It is necessary to save energy before reaching the destination, right?

What's more, who knows if there will be other dangerous species after the wolves are eliminated...

Various thoughts flashed through her mind.

However, he hesitated for only a moment, and Chi Tong immediately made a choice.

"Then I too..."

She was never one to be indecisive.

With a light draw, the Nameless Sword began to unsheath, and a crystal-like cold light shone on the girl's waist.

at this time……

"Don't worry, Chitong."


Chi Tong stopped what she was doing and turned her head to look.

The black-haired girl was still fiddling with firewood, and there was nothing in her movements and expressions that could be called "nervous", as if she didn't care about the current situation.

This is indifference?Or... self-confidence?

Seemingly sensing Chitong's suspicious gaze, Mei raised her head and smiled slightly.

"Hei Tong's strength, you should be very familiar with it, right?"

"Well. Black pupil's strength and speed have been increasing day by day in the past two years, and her pure combat power has surpassed me as early as half a year ago...but Qiyana...!"

In the middle of speaking, Chitong closed her mouth by herself.

She suddenly remembered what happened yesterday.

Summoning a storm, strangling a black-feathered crane... no matter what, it's not something that mortals can do, right?

What are you worried about?

And as if seeing through her thoughts, Mei hooked the corner of her mouth again, and continued to tinker with the fire.

"Don't look at Qiyana's usual heartless appearance, in fact, her strength... is stronger than mine~"


Apparently, she didn't expect Mei to say that, Chi Tong froze immediately.

To be honest, in her impression, the seemingly gentle and kind black-haired girl in front of her was actually the strongest existence she had ever seen in her life.

Born with supernatural powers - the power of thunder and lightning;

Can easily control all the Teigu that have appeared so far;

Extraordinary assassination skills, outstanding judgment, powerful swordsmanship and physical skills, impeccable character, and the intuition of the prophet...

In fact, before meeting Mei, Chitong could never imagine what it means when all these characteristics are concentrated in one person.

Facts have proved that the reason why the night raid can survive and the reason why the old empire can be quickly overthrown...

She dare not say [-]%, but what is certain is that at least half of the reason is because "Raiden Mei joined the night attack", and the above results are just some kind of necessity.

Although he himself seems to have never noticed...

But the people who attacked at night were secretly in awe of that terrifying strength.

And now there is a "stronger person"? !

With an unbelievable expression, Chi Tong subconsciously looked at the white-haired girl.

Almost at the same time, as if sensing her sight, Qiyana, who was walking forward, paused, turned her head and smiled, still maintaining her harmless and even "stupid" appearance.

But in the next second, when three red-eyed giant wolves standing taller than adult burly men emerged from behind her...


Just when Chi Tong wanted to make a sound to remind her, even when her body was ready to sprint...


I saw sharp ground thorns suddenly drilled out of the ground, instantly piercing the three "non-martial arts" giant wolves into a sieve.

"Aw! Aww——!!!"

Blood splattered everywhere, and blood-red spikes protruded from the body. Just as the howling of the giant wolf sounded, it stopped abruptly as if it had been cut off by someone.

Afterwards, Kiyana didn't see any movement, and the thorns seemed to grow "eyes" one by one, and continued to spread and spread, instantly killing the giant wolf who wanted to pounce, wanted to escape, and was still in place. pierce.

Chi Tong was stunned by this scene.

She couldn't help thinking of the strongest enemy she had ever met in her life...

One is a ground thorn and the other is an ice pick. At this moment, their backs seem to overlap.

"The power of the Herrscher of Rock... I thought she would directly burn this forest."

Until the whisper from Mei awakened Chitong from her memories.

"Yan... Herrscher?"

Looking at the dazed Chitong, Mei smiled slightly.

"It's the power of our world, but... Kiyana hasn't told me how she obtained these powers until now. I hesitated when I asked her, and I'll know after I say something... There are many more She's been hiding everything from me."

While talking, a trace of loneliness flashed in Mei's eyes.

But soon, she pulled herself together again and looked to the other side:

There, the short-haired girl named Heitong was ending the enemy in an incomparably tough way.

"Drink! The eighth one!"

The girl yelled coquettishly, and punched the giant wolf in front of her that was nearly twice her size.



The Fenquan, which seemed as thin as a wicker, actually knocked the wolf's head forcibly, and the sound of bones breaking resounded through the forest, which was extremely crisp and terrifying.

The moment a giant wolf rushed towards her, the girl had already disappeared in place. She was as strong as a monkey and as agile as a rabbit. The enemy couldn't get close to her at all.

However, from Mei's perspective, Heitong is constantly emitting Honkai energy.Although the intensity is very weak, even so small that it may require corresponding precision instruments to accurately measure it, it is still very conspicuous——

At least for her.

"Hei Tong...she can be considered the first 'Valkyrie' in this world, right? Maybe you can try to make a stigmata for her..."

When Mei thought this way, a pair of scarlet vertical pupils suddenly appeared behind her!

It turned out that seeing the frontal battlefield retreating steadily, this wolf pack changed its strategy and planned to go around and attack the "weak" enemy first!


"Be careful, Mei!"

When Chitong drew her sword and shouted, a bloody light also illuminated her face.


At this moment, Mei turned into Thor, even if she didn't move, dense electric currents suddenly appeared all over her body!

And it was a coincidence that the giant wolf that was rushing just "bumped" into the power grid...

This time, there was no time to make a miserable howl, and when the flashing lightning disappeared, only a smoking "wreckage" fell on the ground.

"Well, take off the outer layer and you can sprinkle seasonings on it and eat it immediately, 'no need to poke the needle'."

After taking a look, Mei commented in this way.


Chi Tong silently accepted the knife.

Facts have proved that if she stays with a group of "monsters", even her originally "inhuman" strength becomes slightly "normal".

Is this some kind of "weakening" in disguise?

Chapter 265 Chapter 250

After lunch, the sun gradually set in the west.

On the tree, the sun is burning; under the tree, it is dark and damp.

Although there are only dense branches and leaves in the middle, it seems like two completely different "worlds" up and down.

"Thank you for the hospitality~!"

On the grass specially arranged for meals, Qiyana and Heitong held their big bellies, lying or leaning on them, enjoying with their faces full.

"Mei's cooking is really addictive... hiccup~"

"I... think so too. Hiccup~Mei-chan, don't leave, okay? My sister and I can't live without you!"


Regarding this obviously unanswerable question, neither Mei nor Kiyana wisely chose to keep silent.

Yes or no, this is not just a simple answer.

Aside from other factors, he himself... No matter Mei or Kiyana, they are all people who pay attention to promises. Once they promise, it means that they must be fulfilled.

Conversely, if it is destined to be impossible to complete, then no matter what, it cannot be promised.

Seemingly noticing this, Chi Tong silently lowered his head and began to put away the seasonings in glass bottles one by one, sealed the bottle mouth with a cork, and then put it into the interlayer of the animal skin coat to carry with him.

There was no word during the whole process, and a lonely person was busy...

Although there was no sound, it seemed that they were talking about something, and the surrounding atmosphere became a little stagnant because of this.

And Mei also seemed to have found a way to divert attention, and began to stuff rice spoons, cauldrons, tables and chairs, tablecloths and other items into the "air"—that is, the soul world.

"I'll save the rest of the wolf meat for you, and I'll give it to you when I get back to the cabin."

In response, Chi Tong raised her head and smiled slightly.

"Then I'll trouble you, Mei."

The two looked at each other. Although they were smiling, there seemed to be something indescribable in their eyes.

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