At this moment, Black Eye inserted in:

"Ah, if only I had Mei-chan's ability, then I can carry a lot of meat with me, and eat it anytime and anywhere. I'm so happy~!"

As she spoke, the girl's face was full of envy.

Take this opportunity to lighten up the atmosphere——

Seeing this, this idea suddenly flashed in Mei's mind.

Afterwards, she shrugged her shoulders and squinted at a certain leisurely white-haired dumpling.

"You have to ask Qiyana about this, maybe she has something to do."


Heitong didn't doubt it, and immediately turned his attention to Qiyana, the "foodie confidant", and began to pester her with questions, finally making the atmosphere less strange.


Throwing away the nonexistent "guilt", Mei breathed a sigh of relief, and pretended to casually glance at the place where Chitong was just now.

It turned out there was no one there.


Inadvertently, it immediately turned into doubts. Just as Mei turned sideways, she found the girl with black hair and red eyes squatting in front of the wreckage on the ground, messing with something.

"Red pupil?"

With a puzzled expression, Mei took a step forward.

"The fur is good, you can ask a tailor to make some warm clothes; collect your teeth and claws first, and if you have time, go to the jewelry store in the town and sell them for some change. If you can't, go to the blacksmith's shop to change some pots and pans; bones It can be used as a rake to turn the soil, plow the land, mash the internal organs to feed the fish..."

The above is from Chitong's broken thoughts.

Hearing this, Mei suddenly stopped in her tracks, her face was both complicated and relieved.

It turned out that at some point, she also became a qualified live-in wife...

At this moment, a certain boulder in Mei's heart finally fell to the ground.


After a while.

After a midday rest, Mei and the others headed towards the ancient battlefield again.

"This time, we have a large number of people, which attracted them. Usually, Heitong and I passed by smoothly. If necessary, we would smear resin or mud on our bodies to cover up the smell on our bodies, so that the wolves would not easily find out. We are."

"You guys know a lot!"

"It's just the killer's common sense, Kiyana, there's no need to make a fuss."

"Mei, you too..."

The four of them talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was harmonious. It was more like an outing than an adventure.

On the way, they encountered several waves of attacks from dangerous species again, but they were able to disintegrate easily every time. On the contrary, the attackers all "returned and never returned", and even the corpses were collected by Mei, as a loot.

Before that, perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, the Harry Gott Mountain Range was a well-known dangerous area. It would be fine if you just stayed on the periphery, but it would be even more dangerous once you went deep inside, especially when night came.

But for the Chitong sisters...

"The danger zone also means staying away from the crowd. Killing dangerous species is better than killing people. We have been trained as killers since we were young, and we have killed too many people so far... If it is not necessary, I really don't want to start killing again. Just like this and How nice it is to live an ordinary life together with Heitong."

Hearing Chitong's heartfelt words, Mei deeply agrees.

"That's right, enough people have died at our hands... By the way, Chitong, your weapon is this nameless sword, what about Heitong?"

"Unlike my sister, I don't have a fixed weapon! After I gave Hachifang to you, I didn't deliberately look for a Teigu that suits me. I will try to use it no matter whether it is a branch or a sword! As long as If you can catch prey, it doesn’t matter what you use~.”

Obviously, as a younger sister, Heitong doesn't care about weapons and the like.

At this moment, Qiyana seemed to think of something:

"Then tell me, will we find another 'nameless sword' from the ancient battlefield this time? That can be matched with 'two swords' or something for Hei Tong. After all, you are sisters." .”

"It's not impossible for Kiyana to say that, right?"

Mei also thought of this.

In contrast, Sister Chitong didn't care too much.


In this way, the four of them communicated while advancing, until a certain moment...


After Chitong said these words, they seemed to have stepped into a certain "field", and the sky suddenly became darker.

As we continued to move forward, the surrounding vegetation began to turn yellow and wither, and the puddles accumulated by the roadside seemed to be pools of stagnant water, with little flow.

The wind in the mountains seemed to have disappeared, and the surrounding was surprisingly quiet.

"It's interesting."

Kiyana obviously became interested, and Mei even restrained her expression.

As the four of them got closer to their destination, some strange broken walls began to appear in their sight, among which jagged boulders stood up abruptly, as if they had suddenly emerged from the ground.

At the same time, the terrain began to decline, and the further you walked, the more obvious an inexplicable palpitation became. Coupled with the increasingly dark sky, everything set off the front as if it was a forbidden area of ​​doomsday, making people feel like turning around and running away impulse.

"We have arrived."

As soon as Chitong finished speaking, Mei and the others stopped beside a cliff.

looking down...

Wow -!At that moment, it gave people a shock like meeting an oasis in the desert.

"This ancient battlefield?"

What appeared in front of Mei was a khaki valley, covering an area about the size of several football fields. The whole looked like a weathered relic. The ground was full of ancient wreckage and puddles, covered with thin mist. Gives a sense of strangeness.

"Huh - huh huh!"

The wind in the mountains seems to be "bound" here. The yellow sand shapes various shapes for the invisible wind. Its voice is as miserable and sharp as the scream of a female ghost, and as long and dull as the roar of an ancient beast.It hurt a little when it was slapped on the cheek.

"I didn't expect there to be such an unusual place so close to your settlement..."

Looking down at the whole valley, Qiyana's eyes shone faintly.

Chi Tong nodded, and said slowly:

"Well, we only discovered this place by accident."

"When we returned to the town, Hei Tong and I asked the locals, but they didn't seem to know that there was such a place in the mountains, until we accidentally found a descendant of a barbarian in a tavern..."

"According to what he said at the time, when the first emperor of the old empire swept across the wilderness and founded the empire 1000 years ago, the southern barbarians were unwilling and used the sorcery of sacrificing living people to summon the legendary super dangerous species to attack the empire. War, burn life."

"At that time, the First Emperor summoned many Teigu envoys, mobilized [-] elite soldiers, and personally drove the highest Teigu to fight. The decisive battle was at the Harry Goth Mountains where we are today. As for the ancient battlefield in front of us..."

"He guessed that it should be the final battleground between the two sides. Among them, he did not disclose more details to us, saying that it was the origin of the ancestral totem, and it was a secret that must be guarded to the death."

Having said that, Chitong shook her head with a trace of regret on her face.

"We haven't seen him since then."

Hearing this, Mei and Kiyana looked at each other, as if falling into silence.

After a while...

Seeming to have grasped some central point, Mei suddenly asked:

"Totem... Did you tell you the detailed pattern?"

"Uh... this, I didn't ask at the time, sorry."

Dazed for a moment, Chitong shook her head apologetically.

And at this moment...

"It's a dragon! Sister."

Hei Tong suddenly said.

"Black pupil?"

Chi Tong was obviously a little surprised.

Facing the eyes of Mei and the others, Kurotomi smiled and began to describe the scene at that time:

"I was also there at the time~ When my sister was talking to that weird man, I was watching from the side. The scarf on the weird man's head was embroidered with a dragon, pointed wings, pointed minions, and other places It looks like it is very fat and has a lot of meat..."

"How do you remember so clearly?"

Seeming to understand something, Qiyana suddenly asked with some malicious intentions.

"This, this..." Hei Tong touched his cheek, and said with a dry smile, "Dang, at that time I thought it was some new ingredient! Hehe..."


Mei supported her forehead, she couldn't help but feel ashamed.

And Chitong, who is an older sister, is no longer surprised.

"The so-called super dangerous species is actually a dragon...?"


Looking at the red sun that was gradually slanting to the west, Mei and the others seemed to be lost in some kind of thought.

Until Chitong couldn't help but interrupted:

"Um... Mei, we found that the location of this sword is probably in the middle of the valley, do you want to take a look?"

Hearing this, Mei and Kiyana looked at each other again.

"Of course!"


Chapter 266 Chapter 250 Chapter [-] The Fuze Is Burned

At the same time, when Mei and the others were about to enter the ancient battlefield, a group of uninvited guests also ushered in on the hill where the Chitong sisters lived in seclusion.

"Report to Captain Willie! There is no one in the house!"

The soldiers in charge of exploring the road reported.

Seeing this, Willie Peters, the captain of the third unit of Seamo's private army, heaved a sigh of relief, climbed up from the hillside, and patted the loess stained on the armor.

"Hmph, did you run away overnight because you were afraid of revenge from our Seamo family?"

Looking at the simple wooden house, his tone was full of contempt.

"There are four of them. Except for the pair of sisters who can hunt dangerous species with bare hands, one of them should be an ordinary person with black hair and purple eyes. Be careful about the last one with white hair! I have never seen her, but she There is an evil spell that turns people away!"

——Recalling the warning from the bed steward when he set off before, Willie couldn't help chuckling.

"What kind of hunting dangerous species with bare hands, what kind of dangerous spell... It's all a cover-up method by those bitches to scare you, old man. Go! Look around, search the house by the way, and see if there are any What cellar, don't let them take advantage of it!"


Hearing his order, a series of about a hundred or so people behind him stood up one after another.

Like Willy, they wore green armor and held cold weapons. They walked out of the hillside where they were hiding, rushed up the hill in a swarm, broke the door violently, and broke into the wooden house arbitrarily.






Tables and chairs, overturned; wooden cabinets, smashed; crock bowls, smashed; beds, lifted... In short, these soldiers in green armor were as vicious as robbers, destroying everything in sight.

At the same time, Willie also took over a birdcage from the vice-captain, and sent back the current information through the pigeons.

"The Eldest Young Master is obviously worrying too much. If the Second Young Master Bruce hadn't ordered me to come and spy on the truth, how would I have known that those who dared to offend the Seamo family were just a bunch of rabble... Hmph, what a waste of time!"

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