Looking at the direction where the flying pigeon was going away, Willie put his hands on his hips and snorted coldly with an unhappy expression on his face.

In this regard, the deputy captain beside him smiled respectfully.

"You're right, Captain Willie. If it weren't for them, you wouldn't have turned down Miss San's invitation to play, would you?"

"What do you want to say?"

Willie squinted at his adjutant.

"Hee hee, don't you understand what this subordinate means? The reason why the third lady specially invited you to enjoy the drama this time must be because of her admiration for your heroic demeanor. Once you successfully marry, what will happen to the future of the Seamo family?" Isn't it in your hands?"

The vice-captain laughed sinisterly, with a narrow expression on his face.

"Hmph, some things can't be said nonsense, Ken."

Willie crossed his arms and snorted coldly, but he didn't mean to deny it.

"My subordinate understands!"

As if he understood something, the deputy captain saluted immediately, but the smile in his eyes couldn't be erased.

As the saying goes: "If you see the truth, don't tell the truth."

Even though he knew that the other party was just a slick tongue, Willie still felt a little uncomfortable about being punctured in his heart.



At the same time, the sound of knocking in the wooden house was still coming, and a group of people were busy moving out some worthless things, and made themselves ashamed, like a group of workers who were demolishing.

This scene was seen by Willy, and it seemed that something was ignited at once.

"Enough! Get out of here!"

Hearing his roar, the soldiers who were still searching came out one after another and stood in a row. At the same time, an honest soldier began to report:

"Report! Except for many daily necessities and a large amount of meat, we hardly found anything of value...By the way, the women's clothes seem to have been forgotten. Do you want to..."

Seeing this, Willie couldn't bear it anymore, pointed at the soldier's nose and reprimanded loudly:

"Shut up! You are the glorious Seamo's private army, not beggars who specialize in picking up trash!"


The honest soldier obviously didn't understand what happened, and his face was full of grievances.

It took so much effort to climb up the mountain, but in the end it was nothing...

Obviously, Willie was in a fit of anger at this time.

"Then captain, are you planning to...?"

The vice-captain came over again, with a wicked look on his face.

At this time, he is probably the only one who dares to step forward...

Hearing this, Willie glanced at the setting sun that was gradually setting to the west.

"Give me the torch."

"Okay, okay!"

After being stunned for a moment, he seemed to understand what he meant, and the deputy captain immediately stepped forward and took the torch for lighting from a soldier.

"Captain, here it is."


With a cold snort, Willie grabbed the torch from the deputy captain and threw it to the roof.

Immediately, the wooden house that gathered Mei and the others' painstaking efforts began to burn.

Seeing this, Willie still seemed puzzled, and spit on the lumps of meat that had been brought out on the ground.

"Bah! What a waste of time. Retract the army! To be safe, we have to rush back to Seamo Town before dark! From tomorrow onwards, each of you will take turns posting the arrest warrant for me! When the master reports this matter to the magistrate, the entire Republic will There will be no room for them in the South!"


Then, the private army team began to descend the mountain mightily, leaving the wooden house on the mountain screaming in flames and collapsing, billowing thick smoke rising into the sky under the glow of the blood-colored sunset.


"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing Heitong's words, Mei and the others stopped immediately.

Facing the gaze of the three people, Chitong touched his chest, and his expression changed several times.

"No, it's okay, maybe it's an illusion."

She shook her head and smiled forcedly.

Seeing this, Mei came to her side and comforted her:

"There is indeed a faint sense of murder in this valley. If you feel unwell, let's take a rest. Anyway, Qiyana is here, so don't worry about not being able to go back."

"That's right! Space ability is indeed very convenient in terms of traveling."

Kiyana also nodded in agreement.

Feeling the care from the heart of the two, Chitong smiled slightly and shook her head again.

"Thank you. But I'm really fine, let's move on."

Speaking of this, it's not easy for Mei to ask further questions.

"Okay. But... Chi Tong, Hei Tong, please tell us in time if you feel unwell, anything is fine."

"Then...does it count if you're hungry?"

Rolling his eyes, Heitong asked slyly.

Mei was surprised by this.

"No way, how long have we just had lunch? After the expedition is over, why don't we go back and have a full meal?"

"Hey~ Mei-chan is right."

Just as Heitong was scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, Qiyana also interrupted the topic:

"I didn't expect someone to be more gluttonous than me... Back then, I was scolded by Mei every day as 'the most lazy person in the world'!"


"Of course!"

Looking at the foodie duo full of flaws, Mei couldn't help sighing with her forehead covered.

"I said... is this something to show off?"


Feeling the joyful atmosphere in the air, Chitong smiled knowingly.

Then she turned her head and glanced back.

Of course, only the dim sky and the dense forest.

Shaking his head, leaving behind the inexplicable loss and heartache in his heart, Chitong continued to take steps, moving forward with Mei and the others.

Maybe it's just an illusion...

The girl thought so.

Chapter 267 Chapter 250

The sun is setting and night is coming.

It was probably the moment when the two of Mei came to this world yesterday, and the girls officially entered the valley.

Now, the clouds above the head are dyed blood red by the setting sun, and the gusts of wind whizzed past with the yellow sand; as the sky became darker, the surrounding jungle began to give people an unknown sense of oppression, both like a dark ambush, and like A quietly dormant beast.

"Da da da……"

The ground was not as soft as imagined, but as hard as a slate.The brown soil is vaguely mixed with building fragments, as if an ancient city stood here a long time ago;

From time to time, a huge tree appeared on the side of the road that seemed to be struck down by lightning. The trunk was broken into several pieces, and the dead and dried branches were scattered randomly.

Moving forward, the air seemed to become a little stagnant, and the surroundings were quiet, not even the sound of water droplets or insects, as if it was a dead land.

The time here seems to be frozen in a thousand years ago.

Gradually, you can begin to see the reason why Chitong sisters call this place the "Ancient Battlefield":

Those were heavily corroded swords and halberds. They were either broken or stuck in puddles, like "black wheat fields", and some armor fragments scattered in the soil could even be seen.

"Maybe, there used to be corpses everywhere."

"However, 1000 years have passed. Although the soldiers' weapons and armor are still partially preserved, their corpses and blood have long been integrated into the earth and become part of the entire world."

"Yeah, time can wash away everything. For this world, 1000 years is just a fleeting moment. But looking at human history, who can survive forever?"

With emotion, the girls came to a sunken place.

"Here is...?"

"Well, the sword in my hand was inserted there."

Following the direction Chitong pointed, Mei and the others saw a small hole, the shape of which could perfectly accommodate the blade of the Nameless Sword.

But this is the only place that is special, as for the other places...

Looking left and right, there is a wasteland all around, and the slate floor covered by loess and dust is very hard.

"Then let's plug it in and try again?"

Kiyana suddenly suggested.

"it is good."

Chitong nodded, and inserted the sword in his hand into the small hole.

As a result nothing happened.


The four of them stared at each other, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"I forgot to tell you, Mei, in fact, Heitong and I tried this way when we came here a few times before, but it's still like this..."

While talking, Chitong suddenly stopped.

For no other reason-

"Mei, do you feel it?"

Qiyana, who was originally puzzled, suddenly became serious, and immediately looked at Mei.

Facing her gaze, the latter also showed a similar expression.

"Well, there is a wave of magic power coming from the ground, and it resonated with Chitong's sword just now, it can't be wrong."


Seeing the changes in their expressions before and after, the two sisters looked at each other with blank expressions.

The ground under their feet is a mixture of stone slabs and soil. It is very hard. The whole area is as large as a farm. Do they want to dig down?

You must know that there are no excavators in this world. It is not a small project based on manpower alone. Even if the two sisters work together to dig it, it will take a lot of time.

Not to mention... magic power?

Isn't that the power that only exists in the body of dangerous species?I heard that it is also Teigu's driving energy...

There is magic in such a barren place?

Thinking of this, Chi Tong and Hei Tong were confused, a little confused.

Seeming to see through their doubts, Qiyana explained with a smile:

"Well, of course we're not trying to dig it up, but trying to 'open' it."


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