Looking at the smile on Qiyana's face, for some reason, the sisters always felt that she seemed a little too excited at this time.

At this time, Mei nodded and added:

"Let's look for clues. Since there is a resonance, it means that your sword, Chitong, must be some kind of 'key', and there should be corresponding reminders around."

"it is good."

Afterwards, the four dispersed and began to search carefully from the surroundings.


"Huh? Mei, come over and have a look!"

Kiana was the first to discover.

"As expected of Qiyana, her luck has always been very good."

Sister Xiang Chitong smiled, and Mei showed a nostalgic expression on her face.

When the four get together again...

A vague pattern carved on the stone slab on the ground appeared in their eyes.

"This kind of pattern... Heitong and I seem to have seen it nearby before, but we didn't pay much attention to it at the time. Because like this one, those patterns are also incomplete and blurred. Besides, we can't see the strange words on it at all. Understand."

"Hmm! Hmm! I have indeed seen it. It's just that my sister and I were mainly hunting, and didn't have the heart to find these patterns."

The two sisters spoke one after another.

Mei, on the other hand, took advantage of the afterglow of the setting sun to take a closer look at the pattern.

"Is this some kind of snake?"

The pattern that appeared in front of the four people looked like a "snake head", the most iconic of which was the forked snake letter.

"Do you want us to find a snake? But there are no snakes nearby, not even a mouse."

Looking at the surrounding loess ruins, Heitong scratched his head with a troubled expression on his face.

But Kiyana shook her head mysteriously.

"No, you can watch again."

She stretched out her hand, and the golden light wiped away the accumulated loess and dust on the slate, and a more complete pattern appeared:

It was like a flying dragon spreading its wings.

"Eh?! So that's the case, I'll try it too!"

The four started working together, cleaning the stone slabs in their own ways, and soon, a huge stone painting appeared:

On the top of the picture is a flying dragon flying high and breathing flames, while on the bottom are people who are resisting together. The armor they wear and the weapons they hold are different from what they are now.

"It must be the 1000-year-old Empire."

Mei was the first to break the silence, with some complicated emotions flickering in her eyes.

"I saw similar armor in my former home in this world. At that time, my father told me when I was young, 'This is a treasure handed down from the ancestors of the Raiden family'... If I remember correctly."

"That's it... then what does this painting represent?"

Hei Tong blinked, his face full of doubts.

at this time……

"Wait, look! Those symbols appear here again!"

This time, Chi Tong was the first to discover the clue.

Looking in the direction she pointed... Sure enough, in the lower right corner of this stone painting, there seemed to be some words like "symbols" engraved.

Mei and the others immediately ran over.

However, after squatting on the ground and taking a close look, Heitong patted his head and said in distress:

"I don't understand..."

"After all, it is an ancient text from 1000 years ago."

In contrast, Chi Tong didn't seem surprised.


As soon as the words fell, she looked at Mei.

"I heard from the BOSS and the others during the night raid before that the Raiden family in the past seems to have some connection with the First Emperor. I don't know you, Mei..."

"Sorry, I can't understand either. Don't you know? In the past 1000 years, several emperors have made countless modifications to the ancient characters. The characters we use today are actually versions that have undergone several evolutions. Not the same."

Mei shook her head and explained.

"What should I do?"

"I am starving……"

The Chitong sisters all lowered their heads, obviously disappointed.

Now the sky is getting dark, the cold is irritating the skin, and the stomach is protesting... For the two sisters, searching aimlessly like this is monotonous and boring, it is better to go home and sleep well .

After all, this ancient battlefield has existed for thousands of years, so it's not bad for a day or two, isn't it?

Seemingly infected by this atmosphere, Mei also lost interest in continuing to explore.

"Qiana, do we want to meet again tomorrow..."

"let me try."


Chapter 268 Chapter 250

months ago.

"Da da da……"

On a cloudy winter day, an unexpected visitor ushered in the long silent ancient battlefield.

Tall and straight body, powerful steps, and resolute face... This is a young man in different clothes, wearing a bamboo hat, with black hair, his hands exposed outside his sleeves are covered with thick calluses and scars, and his eyes are piercing. Like a battle-tested warrior.

the most important is……

If Chitong sisters were here at this time, they would be surprised to find:

This man is the "descendant of barbarians" who happened to meet him and others in a tavern in Simo Town not long ago and then disappeared!

"Has the sealed land been discovered by the world after all?"

Looking at the dead and silent ruins in front of him, the man's eyes were full of complexity.

Afterwards, he sighed softly, took off his bamboo hat, took out a blood-red scarf from the small cloth bag he carried, and tied it on his forehead.

Just like Heitong said, the front of this scarlet veil is embroidered with a black dragon like this:

With fangs, sharp claws, and cattail-like wings, the edges and corners of the body are obviously mighty and huge, giving people a fierce aura that rushes towards the face.

In the eyes of ordinary people, its style is completely inconsistent with the girl's "looks very fat and fleshy".

Maybe the latter only cares about "delicious" and "not delicious"...

"The No. 80 patriarch of the Ancient Erosion Clan, Ohipolix, came to bother you, my respected master."

After tying up the scarf, the man seemed to be praying for something, clasped his hands together, pressed his fingertips to his forehead, and muttered words.


Natural silence.

In this regard, the man did not give up, but closed his eyes tightly, put his hands together, and began to walk forward step by step.

"Da da da……"

The sound of his footsteps penetrated the icy and stagnant air, broke the dead silence, and resounded throughout the ruins. Every step he took seemed to have been carefully measured, and the distance he took was exactly the same.

In this way, the man continued to move forward in this wonderful state, all the way around the collapsed tree trunks and broken stone walls, and came straight to the middle of the valley like a god, and happened to stop at the place where Mei and the others were standing several months later. position.

After opening his eyes and scanning his surroundings, the man bowed deeply to the void in front of him.

"Thank you, my lord."


Still no response.

After saluting, the man took out a special small dagger from his small cloth bag.

"Since this place has been discovered by outsiders, your servant can only try to lift the seal now, so as not to hinder the descendants of Seamo. Please forgive me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he drew out the dagger, threw away the scabbard casually, and then without blinking an eye, started to draw the cross on his palm with the tip of the knife.

"Tick! Tick!"

The skin was opened, the flesh was bruised, and bright red blood gushed out, dripping all the way down to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, as if something was "activated", the stone slab under the man's feet vibrated slightly, and dark red lines began to emerge.

Stone painting, "lived" over.

At the same time, if someone overlooks this scene from a high altitude, they will find that the entire stone painting is actually located in a huge circular altar, and the position where the man is standing is exactly in the center of the altar.

"The eroding dragon invaded our southern country, conspired against the spirit of heaven and earth, devastated hundreds of millions of living beings, and committed crimes with extreme greed."

"And I and the people of the world raised swords and halberds together, gathered dozens of emperor's tools to cut them down, and finally cut off one of their wings and crippled their left eye."

"However, the source of the erosion dragon has long been connected to the earth, and a rash crusade will cause disaster. Therefore, the emperor's soldiers, white jade and black obsidian, were divided into upper and lower levels, and they were towned on the bank of the South China Sea. The blood of Wuxi and Mo's two clans is incomprehensible."

—The above is the inscription written on the altar.

Because it is an ancient script of the old empire, after thousands of years, there are very few people in the world who can understand it.

It just so happened that this man was one of them.

"Hahaha...hahahahaha! 1000 years have passed, and your empire is now destroyed! And the master that our eclipse clan has enshrined for thousands of years is about to appear... This is destiny! Hahahaha!"

Looking at the inscriptions floating in mid-air and "coming alive" together with the stone paintings in front of him, the man laughed heartily and his words were full of sarcasm.

"Nowadays, no one in this world can stop the rise of the eclipse clan! In the near future, the master will lead our clan to flatten the mainland!"

That being said...

But there was no new feedback from the altar under his feet for a long time. Instead, he himself became a little weak due to the loss of essence and blood in his body.


At a certain moment, the light also disappeared.

"what happened?!"

Looking at the once again hidden stone painting under his feet, the smile on the man's face froze.

The next second, as if thinking of something, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the left eye of the flying dragon in the stone painting - the empty sword-shaped hole.

"...Where's the White Jade Sword?!"

As soon as the question arose, two faces suddenly appeared in his mind.

"It's those two guys!!!"

Anger exploded uncontrollably.



Back to the present a few months later.

"let me try."

It wasn't Kiyana who replied, but...


Turning their heads in the direction of the sound, Mei and the others saw the figure walking towards the setting sun.

"Originally, I planned to forcibly break the seal today. For this reason, I even spent several months playing another person in Seamo Town, flattering those high-ranking officials and nobles like a clown every day, and I finally caught him. Opportunity tricked out the prostitute daughter of the Seamo family..."

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