"Ha~ It's really hard work."

The visitor started to complain while laughing, looking familiar.

"you are?"

Chi Tong tensed his nerves and asked with a frown.

And the black pupil next to him also had the same expression.

As for why...

Aside from the untimely appearance of the visitor, who was dressed in a black and white dress and dressed like a young gentleman, he was also holding a gift box that exuded a strong smell of blood...

If you look carefully, you will also find that some black viscous liquid has seeped out from the inside of the gift box, and a little bit hangs in the breeze, dripping on the ground.

——It was human blood.

Faced with Chitong's inquiry, the visitor stopped.

"Long time no see, two lovely thieves."

While speaking, the man gave a gentleman's salute smoothly, but the smile on his face made people shudder.

Looking at that familiar yet unfamiliar face, a few seconds passed...

"Are you the descendant of that barbarian race?!"

Chi Tong opened her eyes wide.

And Mei was obviously a little surprised.

"He is the Chitong you mentioned earlier...?"

In this regard, the patriarch of the Eclipse clan named Ohipolix smiled slightly.

"Don't be surprised, everyone~"

As if he had participated in a certain play not long ago, the man took off the top hat on his head, glanced at the nameless sword stuck not far away, and the smile on his face deepened.

"It's really easy for me to find... Later, you will see even more surprising things."

He started out as a "riddler".

At the same time, the man moved the gift box in front of him, as if he wanted to open it.

"That is……"

Looking at the gift box that was still oozing blood, Mei and Qiyana frowned.

And relying on the increasingly pungent bloody smell, the Chitong sisters seemed to understand something.

This is amazing, even though the person involved never mentioned what was in the gift box in his hand, the four girls present all understood the same fact:

That is, the man in front of him is obviously a murderer, not a kind person.

"give it to me."



The pool of the golden goose is really crooked, especially the precision. Just one drifting forcefully stuck [-] crystals and didn't come out. Three nursery rhymes came out, and Leeuwenhoek almost got a set. ? ! !

Mentality burst.

Chapter 269 Chapter 250

"give it to me."

This time, it was Mei who opened the mouth.

As soon as the words were finished, she raised her hand and clasped her five fingers, and streaks of blood-colored electric currents emerged from the void and quickly condensed into bundles, turning into nets and covering the man.


The incident happened suddenly, seeing this scene, Chitong couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Is this the rhythm of killing people just after meeting?When did Mei become so bloodthirsty?

At this moment, she was full of doubts.

At this moment, Qiyana's voice suddenly rang in her mind:

"do not worry."

At the same time, Kiyana gave her a wink, signaling the latter to remain calm.

This move successfully suppressed the restless sisters.

Maybe the Chitong sisters don't understand, but Kiyana understands that Mei's attack is just a test, even if the person opposite is just an ordinary person, it may not be in danger of life, after all, Mei has never been in front of Chitong In the face of the sisters, he planned to kill at will.

What's more, the person opposite seems to be an "acquaintance" of the two sisters?

The above is her understanding.



Unexpectedly, just as the blood-colored electric current approached the man, it was scattered by a black-red magic barrier, and the source of this power...

It is a string of ancient rattles tied around the man's waist.


Seeing that Mei's attack failed, Chitong sisters were taken aback.

In addition, the man on the opposite side didn't seem to have expected Mei to do this, and his face was a little surprised.However, the rattle hanging around his waist seems to have given him a lot of confidence, so he remains calm overall, and even has a mood to tease:

"Hehe, the wonderful performance hasn't started yet... Miss, are you too impatient?"

"Is that a Teigu too?"

Not paying attention to the man's teasing, Mei's attention is all on the string of rattles at this time.

Because, she could feel a powerful and vicious magic power contained in the rattle, and she believed that Qiyana beside her must have felt it long ago.

Facing Mei's question, the man seemed a little nervous.

"Teigu? No, no, no, how can the garbage made from the fur of dangerous species collected by the Emperor Shi Huang be compared to it? Listen carefully, it is called the Soul Corrosion Bell, and it is a weapon inherited from our family, given by the great master , is not a mere Teigu who can be compared with him!"

It seemed that he was really discussing some kind of "garbage". His face, tone, eyes... and even all the expressions of the whole person revealed "disgust".


This passage successfully aroused Chi Tong's resentment, and Hei Tong made no effort to hide his inner anger, staring fiercely at the man in front of him.

After all, they used to be Tegu envoys anyway.

"What the hell are you here for?!"

Facing Hei Tong's questioning, the man smiled indifferently.

"Don't worry, my lovely thieves~ Don't worry, you just have to be a good audience, the next thing has nothing to do with you, anyway, no one can stop me..."

Before he finished speaking, his arrogant attitude, as if he had never put Mei and the others in his eyes, was broken.

"Oh, really."

Also smiled back, Mei moved a little "real" this time.


Just raised his hand and waved lightly, and the bloody electric current hit the man again with the sound of thunder.

For the first moment, the latter still didn't take it seriously.

"It's useless, there is no...human...!?"

While talking, in the next second, the "indestructible" barrier in the man's mouth was weakened and exhausted by the blood thunder until... collapsed.


The overload force even directly broke the rattle hanging on the man's waist into several pieces, completely destroying it.

"What... um...uhhhhh!"

As soon as the barrier is broken, "electrotherapy" begins.

The man's screams echoed in the strong wind, and the gift box in his hand fell to the ground.

This time, the Chitong sisters did not stop.

At the same time, as the gift box fell to the ground, the lid was thrown open, and a loose head of blood-stained green hair first appeared in Mei and the others' sight. Accompanied by an even more disgusting smell of blood, an oval object get out...

It looked like the head of a young girl.

"Who is she? Why did you kill her?"

Until then, Kiyana finally spoke, her face full of seriousness.

On the other hand, Mei is in charge of controlling.

As the latter intentionally weakened the intensity of the electric shock, the screams gradually stopped.

"Forgive, spare!"

He seemed to understand that he had offended an extraordinary being. At this time, the man was full of fear and tears, and he was no longer the arrogant and high-spirited man just now.

Regarding this, Kiyana showed no mercy and winked at Mei.

The latter will understand.

"answer me!"

While Kiana was speaking, Mei also simultaneously increased the output of the current.


How can the taste of "electrotherapy" be tolerated by ordinary people?

"Ughhhhhh!!! I said, I said!!"

The brawny man who had an arrogant face just now recruited immediately.

And Mei also reduced the intensity of the current in due course.


Facing the eyes of the girls, the man panted violently, and began to slowly explain the reason:

"She, she is the third lady of the Seamo family, Phyllis Seamo. She was doted on by her father since she was a child, and she has developed a willful character. Will order the Seamus private army who followed her to punish her..."

Hearing this, Chi Tong frowned.

"Wait! Why do people like this still exist? Obviously the old empire has already..."

"That's because the Seamo family was the hero who overthrew the old empire!"

The man suddenly yelled, his voice was full of grief, his nose was full of tears, and he seemed to have been deeply abused.

For this, Mei and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

Immediately afterwards, the man began to reveal the secrets of the year:

"Don't you know? When the Revolutionary Army revolted in the south, Celeste Seamus, the Patriarch of the Seamo family, was the first to respond. He took the initiative to help the Revolutionary Army regain the area around the Harry Gotte Mountain Range, and paved the way for the subsequent revolution. The army made great contributions in conquering the south..."

"As an important trading hub in the south of the old empire, Seamo Town was originally called Harry Gott Town. It was because of the hard work of the Seamo family that it was renamed Seamo Town since then, in order to remember the Seamo family. for the merits of the revolution."

"This is not over. Since the old empire was overthrown and the Republic was established, Celeste Seamo was also nominated as the mayor of the town, awarded a hereditary viscount, enjoyed private troops and partial autonomy, and was a veritable grand master in the southern region. family!"

"Just ask, at the moment when the Republic has just been established and many problems need to be solved urgently, who would care about the mistakes made by a savage young lady? No! No one would offend the famous Ximo family for this! Throwing aside the revolution Merit aside, it is also an ancient family that has existed for thousands of years!"

These words obviously made Chitong shaken.

"Such a person has been able to be arrogant and domineering in the new country and survive for so long... Then why did we fight for the night attack? Isn't all our efforts in vain?"

Black pupil also lowered his head.

Mei and Qiyana looked at each other, and they didn't feel much surprise.

They have long understood that even with god-like powers, they will never be able to wipe out all the bad guys in the world.The same is true for countries, even if dynasties change and times change, the birth of evil cannot be eradicated, and no matter how wise a leader is, he can only keep most of his people away from darkness.

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