In fact, true peace requires someone in the dark to carry the burden, to wipe out the evil that breeds in the dark.

From this point of view, the organization represented by "Night Raid" should exist forever to serve all the people, and should not be abandoned.

Even the reason why the Night Raid was forced to disband back then, apart from the need for someone to "take the blame", I'm afraid it was only because after the overthrow of the old empire, the top leaders of the revolutionary army began to be afraid of this "sharp knife" that they personally polished.

Everyone who attacked at night from beginning to end was just a flag abandoned after being used by others.

Thinking of this, Mei couldn't help but feel a little ironic.

Human beings are like that.

Hearing Chitong's self-questioning words, the man suddenly opened his eyes wide, obviously thinking of something.

"Night attack? Could it be that you...?!"

At this time, Qiyana interrupted:

"Excuse me, let me ask why you killed this third lady?"

Hearing this, the man was taken aback for a moment, and did not answer immediately, but subtly asked:

"My lord, do you feel pity for such a person?"

Actively lowering your posture, using honorifics, trying your best to show yourself harmless, intending to arouse human beings—especially girls' subconscious favoritism of the weak...

Mei captured this abnormality keenly with her intuition.

But Qiyana, who has a big personality, doesn't seem to notice this.

"Of course not! If the third lady from Ximo Town is really what you said, then her life and death have nothing to do with us, so naturally we won't meddle in our own business."

Seeing that the girl next to her seemed to want to "forgive" the man, Mei couldn't help but want to remind her.

But before she opened her mouth...

"But... you who killed her may not be the party of justice, right? Tell me! Why did you kill her?"

Unexpected words.

Hearing these words, apart from the man, even Mei couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Qiyana turned out to be "online in IQ"!

"This... because I can't understand her abuse of civilians, and I have been beaten by her..."

Seeming to be a little guilty, the man began to hesitate.


As a result, it was exposed by Qiyana without any surprise.


The man chose to remain silent.

There is obviously something tricky in this...

Seeing this, Kiyana waved her hand.

"You're not going to tell the truth, are you? Well, bud..."

"and many more!"

Before the "electrotherapy" started again, the man suddenly spoke.

After that, he glanced at Mei and the others from left to right, then slowly lowered his head.

"I said, I... say it."

While muttering to himself, the corner of the man's mouth twisted into a strange arc, and his face hidden in the shadow became a little distorted.

Seemingly realizing this, Mei's expression also became serious, and she exchanged glances with Kiana.

If the other party really has small thoughts, she is ready to kill at any time...

"Let me tell you, you four bitches...uhhhhhh!"

Before the stinky mouth could finish speaking, Mei immediately increased the intensity of the electric shock.

Ever since, in the flashing lightning, the man's body twisted like an earthworm, and the scream was very shrill.

"Mei, don't kill him yet, I will force the words out later."

At this point, Qiyana didn't have much patience.

"I know."

Mei nodded, expressionless.

Looking at this pair of "black and white", the Chitong sisters beside them suddenly felt a chill hit their brains.

Never offend this pair of "black and white impermanence" in the future!

Not long after, when the moonlight gradually fell, the "electrotherapy" finally stopped.

The man was already dying, and fell to the ground, hanging on the ground.

"Are you willing to say it now? I think you should understand that there are some things in the world that are far more terrifying than death. No one who dares to deceive us will end well."

At this time, Qiyana completely restrained her usual silly look, and turned to be so cold that it made people uncomfortable.

In response to this, the scorched man slowly raised his head, and laughed out loud with his throat almost smoldering.

"Hey... Jin Tim, you are so funny (you all have to die here today)!"

As soon as the vague words fell, he made a move that surprised Mei and the others——


What does it feel like to have a broken tongue?

Now this man personally demonstrated to the four people what it means to "suicide by biting tongue".

Blood spattered on the ground.

"...Do you want to die like this? You underestimate me!"

After a short moment of stupefaction, Qiyana stretched out her hand to the man, exuding a strong breath of life from her body.

The power of the Herrscher of Death—reverse life and death!

In fact, it is impossible to commit suicide in front of Kiana.


The man's purpose from beginning to end is not suicide.


After several months, the altar was activated again.

The blood of Wuxi and Mo'er Clan is incomprehensible - the inscriptions from thousands of years ago are so conspicuous at this moment.

Although almost no one present could understand it.

"what happened?"

For this sudden change, the Chitong sisters opened their eyes wide.

And Mei is also ready to fight.

"Hehe...hahahaha! It's been a thousand years! It's been a thousand years! My lord will finally return to this world today!"

A man who was "resurrected with full blood" shouted so loudly.

In fact, after only being illuminated by the "Light of Life" for a moment, all the injuries on his body and even the tongue he bit off just now recovered, which is simply a miracle.

It's just that he didn't realize this extremely unusual situation at this time.

——Just like Kiana now.

"My lord?"

Looking at the circles of incantations floating on the ground, her expression was a little subtle at this time.

Is this considered to have achieved the purpose of "expedition" by mistake?

"Hahaha! You wait to die! My lord is about to break out! I was a little uncertain even if I had the blood of the Mo clan's prostitute, but now...hahahaha! This is all thanks to the two generals Bring the White Jade Sword here, and all the conditions for lifting the seal have now been fulfilled! Wait for the destruction to come!!"

The man laughed like crazy, his eyes stayed on the Chitong sisters.


Hearing this, Chitong seemed to realize something, and immediately ran over, pulling out the nameless sword stuck in the hole with all his strength.

But the unblocking ceremony was not interrupted like the one a few months ago, but entered the next stage smoothly...


As the floor vibrated violently, strange circles of light suddenly appeared in the air, and the broken walls and ruins scattered on the entire ancient battlefield responded one after another, emitting an ominous dark red light together.

At this moment, the full moon that had just risen seemed to be dyed red.

In the next second, the ground suddenly cracked, revealing the giant palace hidden under the abyss, causing the fierce aura that had been dusty for thousands of years to rise into the sky, disturbing most of the Harry Gotte Mountain Range, and countless dangerous species trembled and shivered. trembling.

And in front of the palace, there is a white jade platform standing faintly, on which is stuck a black long sword that is very similar to the nameless sword in Chitong's hand.

White jade, obsidian.

The Emperor Soldiers reappeared.

Yet this is far from over.

"Crack! Kick!"

As the thick gate of the palace was covered with cracks, the invisible fierce momentum set off bursts of yellow sand...


Under the heavy blow, the palace shattered.


The evil dragon that had been sealed for thousands of years was thus broken.

Chapter 270 Chapter 260 Disagreement

"Looks like a big, stupid guy. It's interesting."

"Well, I didn't expect the entire ancient battlefield to be located on a gathering point of magic power. No wonder the seal laid down by the predecessors can last for thousands of years..."

"Is that so, maybe this is the so-called 'Leyline'?"


On the ancient battlefield after the accident, at the boundary of a cliff, Mei and Kiyana looked down at the abyss in front of them hand in hand, as if their eyes had penetrated the bottomless darkness and reached the depths.

The Chitong sisters supported each other not far behind and stood with difficulty. Among them, Chitong, the elder sister, put away the nameless sword again, and was tensing up and constantly scanning the surroundings, as if facing an enemy.

Comparing the two, it seems that they are in completely different worlds. The former is leisurely, while the latter is vigilant...

"Mei! Should we... find a place... to hide and see what's going on?"

The ground was still shaking, and while Chitong tried to stand firm, she asked Mei and the others for advice, trying her best to maintain calm on the surface.

In response, Kiyana turned around first and shook her head.

"No need, that big guy is trying his best to restore his strength, and he probably won't come up in a while. The current situation is just because the ground veins have expanded again."


The two sisters were puzzled by the relaxed and indifferent appearance of Kiana and Mei.

It is obvious that a catastrophe is erupting right now. Any normal person would probably have been frightened and run away. How can anyone stand on the edge of a cliff like them and talk about it?

This nerve is too big, right? !

And as if seeing through the doubts in the hearts of the two sisters, Mei and Kiyana looked at each other and smiled.

"Come on, come and have a look."

Kiyana waved her hands to the sisters.

Regarding this, Chitong and Heitong expressed their bewilderment.

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