"Ah? What, what did you say?"

"Didn't you seek death in the past? What if this place collapses suddenly..."

Seeing their unresponsive look, Kiyana put one hand on her hip, with a hint of impatience on her face.

"Come here! Don't waste time, nothing will happen, I promise!"

While speaking, Kiyana hooked her fingers.

Immediately afterwards, the sisters suddenly found that their bodies were moving forward uncontrollably.

"Wait, wait a minute! This..."

After Qiyana half-forced them to come over, a mighty torrent of magic power erupted from the abyss at the same time.


In an instant, the concentration of magic power in the air increased sharply, and the originally invisible wind became like a "galaxy", brilliant and dazzling, and changing everything at the same time.

Gradually, Mei and the others discovered that the ground was slowly "crystallizing", and the stone slabs that were still extremely hard after thousands of years of wind and rain began to be coated with a layer of "crystal edge" by magic debris, and the collapsed trees were directly covered by the torrent .

The strong magic power is affecting the entire area, but the place where Mei and the others are standing is not affected. It seems that there is some invisible force resisting the torrent and storm.

Seeing that the position where she and the others were standing just now crystallized little by little, the Chitong sisters seemed to understand Mei and the others' intentions.

"Thank you."

The two sisters bowed in unison.

Mei and Kiana smiled slightly at this.

"It's okay~ Leaving aside the fact that you are Mei's friends, how can I, Kiana Kaslana, sit idly by watching the beautiful girl encounter danger? But as a price, after returning, can you give Where do I see Fat Times?"

A certain Baimao Tuanzi took this opportunity to show his "original shape".


Apparently they didn't expect such a request, and the sisters were stunned.

"H can't do it...?"

"Qiana, you suddenly look like Lubbock!"

Facing the complaints of the two sisters, Qiyana still seems not to give up.

"Then take a look... No, can't you?"


As soon as her words fell, the iron fist from "Zhenggong" landed suddenly.


Baimao Tuanzi, pawn.

Not paying attention to someone who was crouching with his head in his arms and full of grievances, Mei squeezed his fists and explained with a serious face:

"She's sick, don't pay attention to those words just now."


The two sisters nodded in understanding.

After the atmosphere became somewhat normal, Mei scanned the surroundings again.

At this time, the entire ancient battlefield seemed to be covered with a layer of "silver clothing". The original earthy yellow color had basically disappeared, replaced by a silver-white crystalline ground.

The magic rock, the magic tree, the magic water, the magic ice...it was already dusk, but these dyed the whole world in front of me white, forming an extremely rare scene.

"It seems that these erupted magical powers have been accumulated for thousands of years, and it is impossible for that dragon to absorb them all in a short period of time..."

Looking at the situation under the abyss, Mei stroked the slightly messy hair on her forehead.

"Qiana, should we wait for it to come up by itself or go down first?... Kiyana, Kiyana?"

Inquiry repeatedly failed to get a reply, Mei frowned and looked to the side.

I saw a certain white-haired dumpling drawing circles on the ground and whistling, looking like "it's nothing to do with me, just hang it high".


Seeing this scene, Mei couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and even a flash of lightning flashed on her forehead.

"You guy... If you hadn't said something like 'maintain a normal state of mind, put away your senses, and explore like a normal person', would I have let that man approach here unknowingly? Kiana, the reason why It's going to turn out like this and you're at least half to blame!"

"Yes, the remaining half is yours, Mei."

Nodding her head, Kiyana said calmly.

Seeing this, Mei was stunned for a moment, and then for some reason, an unknown fire suddenly rose in her heart.

"Qiana, you...!"

Seeing that Mei was about to get mad, the two sisters stood up to dissuade her:

"Okay! Mei, you and Kiyana have such a good relationship, there's no need to fall out over something like this."

"That's right! That's right! Mei-chan, there is no one else living around here except us, so don't worry!"

Seeing the two sisters desperately blocking her, Mei also gradually calmed down.

"Okay, you can stay here."

After finishing speaking with indifference, Mei looked away, turned around and took out Bafang from the soul space.

"Chitong, Heitong, let's go! It's fine if she doesn't come!"


Both sisters opened their eyes wide.

As soon as the words fell, Mei stretched out her hand and rolled up the Chitong sisters with the power of the Herrscher, and the three of them turned into lightning and disappeared in place.


Qiyana was the only one left on the edge of the cliff.

Standing up, looking at the bloody shooting star gradually fading under the abyss, Qiyana's face was suddenly full of exhaustion, it seemed that she had deliberately pretended to be unruly before and indifferent just now.

"Haha... How long can this 'past body' last?"

Looking at her looming palm, the white-haired girl muttered to herself, her azure blue eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist.

"Past, present, future... With the frequency of 'it' appearing and the strength of recovery getting stronger and stronger, the situation that could be easily suppressed only by 'present body' no longer exists, and now even with the addition of 'it' In the future, the strength of my body will be a little bit difficult..."

Looking at the dark abyss, like a true portrayal of her heart at this moment, Qiyana's face is full of haze and melancholy.

"When the power of this 'past body' is forced to return to its place, you, Mei, who is in this world, will become a person again...I'm sorry, from the beginning until now, I have always been so useless , let you down again and again..."

"I'm really sorry."

At this moment, the girl felt confused about the future from the bottom of her heart.

Chapter 271 Chapter 260

In the abyss, Mei used the power of the Herrscher to form a barrier, blocking the oncoming wind or the torrent of magic power, and brought the Chitong sisters down quickly.

"Mei, don't be angry."

"Yes, yes, anger is the worst thing, Mei-chan."

On the way, the Chitong sisters inside the barrier kept comforting Mei.

"I'm not angry."

Regarding this, Mei's tone was very flat, and she didn't turn her head when she spoke, so the sisters couldn't see her expression clearly at this time.

"Then you just..."

"Just leave according to her wishes."

Mei turned her head to the side and said lightly.

This time the sisters saw her fuchsia eye shadow through the light from the barrier.

It is worth mentioning that, compared to the usual attire before, Mei's whole body is covered with armor at this time, and her temperament has changed a lot. She is indifferent and aloof, making it difficult for people to approach.

But the sisters didn't care about it.

"Follow your will...to leave? Kiyana-chan, she...want us to leave? I don't understand."

Hei Tong tilted his head, looking confused.


After a long while of silence, the indifferent aura surrounding Mei seems to have dissipated a little.

"Maybe you don't know..."

Mei said suddenly, and at the same time raised her head and glanced upwards.

"Qiana... has never been an irresponsible person. No, on the contrary, she used to be a hot-blooded fool who couldn't see any injustice and wanted to have a hand in everything."


Looking at Mei's purplish red eyes that seemed to be shimmering, the Chitong sisters couldn't help being stunned.

However, the former didn't care about these, and just said to himself:

"Anyway, this matter has a lot to do with us right now. Since we caused the breaking of the evil dragon's seal, we naturally have to bear the obligation and responsibility to deal with it. Neither she nor I will go to Avoid these."

"Then Kiyana didn't want to care about it just now..."

Chi Tong was also confused.

In response, Mei raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and her vermilion lips parted slightly:

"Fake it."


Obviously not expecting this, the sisters opened their eyes wide.

But Mei lowered her head with a complicated expression, chuckled twice, and continued to look down.

"Hehe, she thought she was pretending well... But since she wants to force me to leave, I might as well do as she wants."

"Then...Mei-chan, you were so aggressive with her just now, will she be angry?"

Scratching his hair, Hei Tong frowned and asked.

"This...shouldn't be..." At this point, Mei's tone also contained a trace of uncertainty, "She is a person who gets angry quickly and calms down quickly, and never puts something unpleasant Leave it to the next day."

"Yes, in a sense, such people are easy to get along with."

Akihito nodded.

At this time, Hei Tong, who is the younger sister, suddenly asked: "But if she is really angry, what are you going to do, Mei-chan?"

This question made Mei frowned, and fell into some kind of thought.

"I'm really angry... Well, cook a meal for her myself? Kiana, she likes to eat my dishes the most."

"What if it doesn't work?"

Obviously being interested, Heitong still pursued the question without giving up.

"Then... I don't know what to do."

Mei shook her head.

Seeing her slightly distressed look, Heitong seemed to remember something.

"By the way! Doesn't Kiyana like to watch Fat Times? After you go back, Mei, why don't you show her in private? Then she will definitely calm down!"


Hearing this suggestion, Mei became unsteady, and almost brought the two sisters into a steep rock wall.

"This... this, H can't do it, at least I'm not ready yet..."

After correcting the direction, Mei seemed to have returned to her youthful school days, shaking her head with flushed cheeks, and her speech became hesitant.

The scene clearly amused the sisters.

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