"Hahahaha! I didn't expect Mei-chan to have such a side~."

A certain unscrupulous sister began to laugh out loud.

"Well, Mei, you usually seem indifferent and don't care about everything, but you are actually surprisingly innocent."

Chi Tong, who was always calm, also nodded to comment.

"Stop talking!"

Mei broke his merits in a rare way, with a face full of shame and indignation.

Ever since, amidst such laughter, the three of them gradually came to the bottom of the abyss.


At the same time, a certain man who has been neglected has reached the abyss first by virtue of the secret treasure of his clan.

"My lord!"

The magic firefly born from the earth veins illuminates this abyss. The huge palace that suppressed the dragon for thousands of years has now been reduced to rubble. The dense and profound runes are covered in dust, and the thick iron chains are broken. There are several sections, glowing with a cold black light.


The evil dragon roared from time to time, as if announcing its return to the whole world, at the same time...

It is also absorbing the magic power that escapes from the leylines.

Thousands of years of sealing had tortured it to such an extent that its whole body was skinny and skinny, and its broken wings due to the war could not be repaired, and only one right eye remained. It looked so miserable.

Obviously, it needs the magic power in the leylines to restore itself.

"My lord!"

A certain man shouted again, with a face full of fanaticism and excitement, waving the clan banner vigorously.

The Eclipse Clan, an ancient group that has fanatically worshiped dangerous species since ancient times, finally fulfilled their long-cherished wish today - to liberate the super dangerous species [Erosion Dragon].

For 1000 years, for a full 1000 years, their entire ethnic group relied on the township tools [Erosion Soul Bell] and [Erosion Soul Banner] to survive in the cracks, and witnessed the old empire from prosperity to poverty, and was finally overthrown by the revolutionary army. the whole process.

Obviously, the era of the empire has come to an end, so next...

"My eclipse clan will surely rise!!!"

While the patriarch was yelling crazily, he seemed to have noticed this "little one". The eclipse dragon, which was trying its best to absorb the magic power, turned its head, and stared at him closely with a scarlet vertical pupil as huge as the moon.

In an instant, as if a basin of cold water was suddenly poured from the top of his head, the man was stunned.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but for a moment, he felt that the person staring at him...was an indescribable monster.

Not the great lord who accepted the offerings of the eclipse clan and took the initiative to protect the clan in the ancestral training!

However, this kind of thought only flashed in his mind. After a moment of stupefaction, the man immediately came back to his senses, put the clan banner aside, ignored the cold and sharp gravel on the ground, and quickly fell to his knees. land.

"My, my lord! No. 80 patriarch of the eclipse clan, your people, Ohipolix, welcome your return here!"

The man swears like this, his eyes are fixed on the ground, not daring to raise his head.


The evil dragon seemed to be approaching, and its fiery breath hit him.


At this moment, the man almost held his breath, cold sweat dripping down his forehead.

after that……

That pressure suddenly disappeared.

"My lord..."

The man breathed a sigh of relief.

But before he could cheer up, the top of his head suddenly felt cold.

Looked up……

It was a giant tail that fell from the sky.

The pupils suddenly shrank to the extreme, and the throat was agitated, and the last word was spit out:

"Do not--!!!"


As a result, small earthquakes occurred in the canyon.

Chapter 272 Chapter 260 The second door leading to the unknown

It was night, and the most densely populated place around the Harry Gotte Mountain Range - Seamo Town, people were still panicking.

The incident that happened during the day—the murder of the mayor’s daughter in the theater—has been brewing for several hours, and now it has the meaning of developing into a "storm".

That night, the curfew system that had not been activated for a long time since the founding of the Republic reappeared. All those who stayed outside despite the ban were arrested and imprisoned by the city guards. Torture by private soldiers...

So far, the screams from the center of the town are still continuous.

Doomed to sleep tonight.


"Open the door! City Guard!"

"You, what are you doing?!"

"Search for suspicious persons! Go away!"

"Hey, my lords, how can we do business like this!"

In the town, another inn was forcibly broken into by city guards.

"Stop talking nonsense! If you find someone from you, you old man will have to spend the rest of your life doing your business in prison!"


Seeing the unreasonable and rummaging soldiers, the owner of the inn was angry and anxious, but he didn't dare to act rashly, so he could only collapse on the ground and stare blankly.

Starting from the location of the incident, the surrounding hotels, taverns and other places where people are easy to hide have long been turned upside down by the city guards and Seamo's private army. Many people just saw the iconic "Green Armored Army" of the Seamo family from a distance. ", they would be frightened and flee in all directions.

Business will definitely fail.

For a while, everyone was in danger.

"Not here, let's go! Go to the next one to search! We must find that actor tonight!"


After destroying all the decorations and furnishings in the hotel, the city guards came and went in a hurry, leaving the hotel owner to look at the mess on the ground and cry without tears.

Outside, the street that was still lively during the day has become very deserted.All kinds of vegetables, melons and fruit stalls didn't even have time to collect them, so they were randomly piled up by the roadside, and some of them were even dumped.

At this moment, even the oldest Orion closed the door early and turned off the lights. The young and old in the family huddled together, not daring to make the slightest sound, for fear that the sound of horseshoes outside the door would approach...

The entire Simo Town was as silent as death.

Yet this is far from over.


When smoke and dust suddenly rose in the forest outside the town, and the ground began to shake slightly...

The dangerous species who were frightened by the coercion of the erosion dragon and left their nests collectively became the last straw that crushed people's hearts.

The beast tide is coming!


"This is... a super dangerous species."

"That man..."

With the help of the magic fireflies flying around in the abyss, Mei and the others witnessed the tragic death of Ohipolix as soon as they arrived.

"It seems that the thousands of years of imprisonment have exhausted its wisdom... But that guy can be regarded as his own fault, and he can't blame others."

Just glanced at the huge eclipse dragon, Mei retracted his gaze, looked at the pile of minced meat stuck in the crevice of the stone and muttered, without the slightest pity on his face.


After killing his only remaining believer, the eclipse dragon let out a low growl, closed his one-eyed eye again, and absorbed the magic power with all his might.

It doesn't seem to find that there are a few more "uninvited guests" on top of its head.

"It's really big."

"It's the first time I've seen a dangerous species much bigger than Destaguru."

Regarding this, Sister Chitong couldn't help but sigh again.

Just as Heitong said, the evil dragon light nestling at the bottom of the abyss in front of her is nearly twice as big as the super dangerous Destaguru she and Mei once hunted together!

In contrast, the two are like an adult and a child who has just entered elementary school, and the former can completely beat the latter.Even when the dragon was fully standing, the decisive weapon of the old empire, the Supreme Teigu, was a head shorter than it.

It's hard to imagine, just looking down at it from this position, it's like facing a stretch of mountains. If ordinary people stand on it, it's probably like a thorn on a hedgehog, very inconspicuous.

Imagine the destructive power...

As a super dangerous species, Destagulu can easily change the landscape, and above it, the super dangerous species that once only existed in legends... can only go high, not low. All countries are possible!

"It's no wonder that guy wanted to unblock it before. If it really helps, then the so-called Republic may be in trouble, right?"


For Mei's conjecture, Sister Akahito fully agrees.

Apart from its size and strength, the appearance of this evil dragon is actually similar to that of a "Wyvern". It has dark red scales with a faint glow, and its dark black claws penetrate deep into the rock crevices. It has no horns, and its tail is very long and thin. When absorbing magic power, two black flames will be ejected from the nose...

"After all, it's just a beast without wisdom, far worse than my Kurikara."

Shaking her head, Mei made her final evaluation.


The red pupil sisters who are in the barrier and isolated from the outside world keenly grasped the name.

"Ah, I will explain this to you when I have a chance. I will deal with the matter in front of me first."

After holding back temporarily to deal with the curiosity of the sisters, Mei stared at the evil dragon, and slowly pulled out the Bafang in his hand, the power of the Herrscher in his body had been condensed to the extreme in the dark.

Maybe Sister Chitong didn't know clearly, but she knew very well that the evil dragon in front of her seemed powerful, but was actually in a period of weakness after getting out of trouble.Through perception, its overall strength is no more than an ordinary king, and there is a gap between heaven and earth with her, a true god.

Such an enemy is simply not enough to make her serious.

"Let's fight quickly."

After looking up at the top, Mei raised the eight chambers.


The power suppressed to the demigod level suddenly exploded, the entire abyss was illuminated by bloody lightning, and countless fireflies dissipated in an instant.

A crescent-like blood-colored sword light appeared above Mei and the others, and the continuously erupting and rising torrent of magic power was abruptly cut off!


The eclipse dragon was awakened suddenly, raised its huge head, and the last scene was reflected in the scarlet vertical pupils——


With a soft drink, Mei swung down the Bafang in her hand.


This sword spanned distance and time.

Before he even had time to react, the huge island-like head of the eclipse dragon was cut off instantly by the blade light.


There was a long silence.


The huge mountain-like dragon body collapsed suddenly, and the dust and broken rocks that were thrown up hit Mei and the others like a sandstorm and meteorite rain, and were finally blocked one by one by the Herrscher Barrier.

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