
Seeing the black-haired girl holding the saber in front of her silently, the two sisters opened their mouths, their eyes trembling, but they couldn't say a single word.

With one blow, kill the super dangerous species.

This stunned them who thought there would be a fierce battle.

"Mei, Mei...you, you..."

Chitong tried her best to sort out her thoughts and calm down, but it was still difficult to express the shock in her heart.

Not paying attention to the state of the two sisters at this time, Mei looked down at the collapsed headless body, and a gleam flashed in her eyes.

"It's a pity to be buried here like this..."

As if thinking of something, she turned her head to look at the stunned black pupil.

"Do you still remember? Black pupil, what was Hachifang's original ability."


The girl subconsciously replied.

To this, Mei nodded with a smile.

"Well, after beheading the enemy, use a curse to control the opponent's corpse and turn it into a puppet that obeys your orders."

Now that the conversation is over, how can the sisters still not understand Mei's intention?

"Could it be that Mei, are you going to..."

"Come and get to know the eighth room with me now!"

Without a direct answer, Mei extended an invitation to the sisters.

A door to the unknown was officially opened to them...

Chapter 273 Chapter 260 Chapter [-] The Golden Giant Ape

"Come out! Epman!"

Under the abyss, as Mei pulled out Bafang's order, golden thunder fell from the sky.


Another violent earthquake occurred in the entire canyon, and the erupting magical torrent stopped abruptly. The cliffs on both sides even began to peel off, and huge pieces of rubble fell.

However these are not important.

When the dazzling light dissipated, an invisible coercion radiated out, and a blue-eyed giant ape with a golden body and thick vertical hair appeared in the sight of Mei and the others.

"This is...Epman?"

Looking up at the burly and huge golden-haired orangutan like a god of war, Hei Tong froze for a moment.

Back then, when she was still the owner of Teigu [March of the Dead · Eight Houses], she personally killed the giant ape in front of her and made it into a puppet.

"Epman" - the name was even taken by her.

At that time, the giant ape named Epman was no more than two people tall, and his comprehensive strength was even lower among the eight puppets. she kept.

And now...

Don't treat each other with admiration for three days.

The golden-haired giant ape in front of him was the size of several high-rise buildings, its muscles were knotted like rocks, and its hair was long and dense, like a large piece of pampas grass. It was golden and radiant, as if it showed what "powerful" was.The emerald green pupils are like two gemstones, filled with infinite brilliance and radiance.

In fact, just looking up from the angle of the giant ape's feet, she could feel the deep oppression, even with the Herrscher Barrier in the middle, it made her feel a little suffocated.

"Is this really...Epman?"

Hei Tong couldn't help muttering again, his tone full of disbelief.

"It makes me feel...more dangerous than the eclipse dragon just now."

Chi Tong said with a complicated face.

To this, Mei smiled slightly.

"Yes, since my strength has undergone a qualitative change, Murasame, Hachifu... and those who have been defeated... They all have stronger power with me."

After a pause, Mei turned her head and gave an order to the giant ape:

"Epman, connect the head of the guy next to you, it will be your new companion."


With a low growl, the giant ape nodded in a very humane way, bent down and picked up the huge head of Xilong that was chopped off by Mei with a knife, and walked towards the headless corpse step by step.

"Dong dong dong..."

Every time the giant ape took a step, there was a dull and loud noise on the ground, as if the whole world was trembling.

A golden-haired giant ape hundreds of meters high is walking step by step holding a dragon head as huge as a small island-this is like a scene in myths and legends that is now appearing in front of the sisters.

Apart from the shock, it is more of a sense of unreality.

Myself... is really too small.

"Sister... can we continue to become stronger? Just like Mei-chan..."

In a trance, Heitong muttered to himself.

"Heitong, you... should be able to do it, but I..."

Opening his mouth, Chi Tong's face was full of uncertainty.

Although she doesn't know anything about the Honkai energy, she never doubts about the topic of "whether my sister can become stronger".

In the past two years, she has personally witnessed her younger sister becoming a "weird girl" bit by bit. Her strength, speed, flexibility... and other physical qualities have even surpassed most of the dangerous species, reaching a kind of "extraordinary power". the realm of the human being.

In contrast, as an older sister, once she has no weapons in her hands, her overall strength will drop significantly, and she can be regarded as a stronger human being at best.

Human beings always have limits. In case of encountering a powerful dangerous species and losing head-on, you can only choose to use your wisdom to deal with it.

But Hei Tong, who is the younger sister, was able to defeat her with both hands and feet.

In this regard, Chitong is very self-aware.

The younger sister can continue to become stronger until no one is invincible, but the older sister cannot.

——This is a path destined to part ways.

And right now, someone happens to be able to open "another door" for Chi Tong.

"Chitong, you can too! As long as you have this idea and are willing to pay the price, you are welcome to come to me and Qiyana at any time. We can help and open up a new world for you."


"Well, if you have power beyond human beings, you naturally have to give up the ordinary and daily life of being human, right?"


The two sisters fell into deep thought, constantly weighing the pros and cons in their hearts.

In this regard, Mei smiled slightly, did not speak again, and turned to look forward.

In fact, she had said similar words to others in the last world, but the pure white girl finally chose to shoulder the responsibility and mission of being the head of state, so she and Kiyana left Sirin and the red queen behind. Down, give him a helping hand.

In today's world, what choice will the pair of sisters next to them make when facing the same problem?

Mei is looking forward to it.


Whatever the outcome, she doesn't twist it by force.

Because they are friends.


Back on topic.


In front, the broken part of the dragon's head was still bleeding, and the black liquid with strong corrosiveness fell on the giant ape, and was actually evaporated by the dancing electric light on the golden hair, turning into hot steam.

In addition, the place where the dragon's head fell before has now turned into a "blood pool", and the surrounding palace fragments that have suppressed the evil dragon for thousands of years have been corroded to soften and deform, even including the magic power that escaped from the leylines. They're all polluted!

Erosion of the blood of the dragon is so terrifying!

"No wonder the Emperor Shihuang chose to suppress it instead of destroying it thousands of years ago."

Wherever the eroding dragon goes, not a single blade of grass grows.

Frowning, Mei instinctively felt that something was wrong, but she didn't know what went wrong.

"Dragon erosion is nothing to me. Although the blow I just had was only at the demigod level, the law of thunder and lightning has already given all my powers the effects of [exorcism], [suppressing evil], and [judgment]." Nature, unless the monster that was recruited wants to resurrect from the ashes, it is absolutely impossible..."

"This place is far away from the village, and it is located under the abyss of [-] meters. Even if the blood of the erosion dragon itself is unknown, it shouldn't cause too much impact, right?"

While she was thinking this way, the great ape Epman had already placed the dragon head on the corpse.


After completing the task, the giant ape kept the posture of splicing the dragon's head on the dragon's body, and immediately called out to the bud monster, as if reporting.

"Okay, here we come!"

After recovering, Mei immediately flew over with the two sisters who were still thinking.

Like the reborn bone dragon Daistagulu, today's giant ape Epman has also become full of "life", and it is completely impossible for people to associate it with a "moving corpse".

"Even the eclipse dragon itself is going to become my new puppet, what's wrong?"

With deep thought, Mei stood on the body of the dragon, and inserted Bafang into the dead host according to the usual method.

Immediately afterwards, she did not see any movement, and a strong black energy surged from the body of Bafang's knife again, and the spell on the handle of the knife also lit up simultaneously.


Seeing this scene that just happened in the morning, the sisters immediately tensed up and couldn't help but take a step back.

They have already experienced the danger of black air in the morning, and now they are afraid that they will be infected if they don't pay attention.

This is no joke!

"do not worry."

Seemingly aware of the tension in their hearts, Mei turned her head and smiled and comforted:

"What happened before was just an accident. At that time, I thought that you, the former masters, would not be rejected... In fact, both Murasame and Hachifang are under my control. Generally speaking, they are not There's going to be a runaway."

Hearing Mei's words, the two sisters nodded and relaxed a little.

Then, similar to Murasame, the curse that belonged exclusively to Bafang began to spread inside and outside the body of Xilong, leaving behind the curse, together with the reattached head.

In the end, the body of this evil dragon was completely cursed to "take it as its own".

"The contract is complete!"

When the last ceremony was over, a black light emerged from the bodies of Mei, Bafang, and the corpse of the dragon.

In this way, with Bafang as a connection, Mei and the corpse of the dragon entered into a "death contract" or "death curse":

As long as the former does not die, the latter "never dies", and as a price, the former needs to provide vitality for all the actions of the latter.

"Rumble rumble..."

The moment the contract was completed, the channel was stable, and the power from the true god level poured in, and the corpse that had lost its vitality suddenly moved.

Eclipse Dragon, resurrected!

Not only that, but in Mei's eyes, her broken right wing and blind left eye were restored under the contract;

Cells rejuvenate; muscles grow again;

The dragon's body became strong and mighty again, full of power after a long absence, regained its peak posture, and even became stronger, breaking through the previous limit in an instant!

This body no longer belongs to the world, so it should have the power to match it and surpass the world!Break the shackles of the rules of this world!


The crimson flying dragon, bathed in black flames, has since ushered in a new life.

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