Kiana and Mei gave affirmation successively.

"Then, let's call it Obsidian!"

Regarding this, Hei Tong was also full of curiosity while finalizing the chopping board.

"Sister, how did you come up with the name 'Black Yao'?"

Mei and the others also looked over.

Facing the eyes of the three people, Chitong frowned, tilted his head, and said with an uncertain expression:

"By the way, I never thought about it before..."


Hei Tong opened his eyes wide.

"Well, it seems that this is some kind of fate."

Kiyana suddenly said meaningfully.


This time it was Mei's turn to be puzzled.

"Yeah, fate. By the way, I forgot to mention. When you guys went down, I had nothing to do, so I used a special ability to try to translate those inscriptions. 'White jade' and 'black obsidian' are actually The original names of these two weapons."

Kiyana nodded and explained.


The Chitong sisters were obviously a little surprised.

"Before I specifically asked you sisters if you want to change your name, in fact, I just wanted to see if I could change something... Now it seems that the fate of this world is still closely related to the two of you."

Kiyana rarely pretended to be "deep".

"Turning back in time..."

And Mei also seemed to understand something, and suddenly fell silent.

"Fate? Time? What and what."

Only the two sisters still looked blank.

Regarding this, Qiyana didn't say much, but just raised her head to look at the silver moon above her head.

"Should we go back too?"


Hearing this sentence, the sisters were stunned.


"So hungry!"

"I'm so tired."

The sisters Chitong and Heitong collapsed almost at the same time, and looked at Mei and Qiyana with help-like eyes.

"Want to eat..."

"I want to go back..."


In this regard, Mei and Qiyana looked at each other, and they saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

"Okay, let's go back to dinner."


With Qiyana's thought, the invisible space immediately enveloped several people.

The next second, the girls disappeared.

The entire area fell into dead silence again, the silvery moonlight was quietly falling, and the rocks reflected a bleak luster.

However, at the bottom of the ground...

Because the gap has been filled, the filthy magic power can only continue to go deeper and deeper along the veins until...

The sea to the south of the mainland.

The matter is far from over, and a bigger crisis is brewing!


The weather suddenly turned cold, everyone, please add more clothes, don't be like the author...Ah!Being, being attacked by a cold that doesn't talk about martial arts... Hit, hit.


Chapter 275 Chapter 260 The fifth chapter is all tomorrow!

"General Najie Xitan, according to the final decision of the parliament, we will appoint you as the general of Zhennan, who will be fully responsible for suppressing the beast tide incident on the southern border."

"We know your concerns, so we have ordered in advance that Viscount Seamo, who is guarding the Harry Gott Mountain Range, cooperate with you. If there is an emergency, you have the right to issue instructions as soon as possible on behalf of the Supreme Council. Please rest assured to do so."

"Everything is for the future of the Republic!"


After receiving the appointment, Najie Xitan, who left the palace, did not choose to return to the general's mansion, but immediately went to the military camp to dispatch relevant personnel, instructed the troops to prepare for the attack, and then flew overnight in the fastest travel tool of the Republic under the eyes of everyone Headed south.

And walking with him, in addition to Susano who is both Teigu and his partner, there are...

"Na, Najie!"

On the eagle-shaped dangerous species named "Speed", a green-haired young man who sneakily "hitched into the car" scratched his cheeks in embarrassment, and shouted in a tone almost begging for help.

And in front of him not far away, Najie Xitan in a windbreaker stood with her chest folded, her face indifferent, her left eye and the mechanical arm on the right were shining coldly under the moonlight.

"The efficiency of traveling at night is too low. The army will have to wait at least tomorrow for the day before they can rush to the south. What we have to do is to go to the border to confirm the situation as soon as possible, and formulate an effective suppression plan before the arrival of large troops, and strive to minimize losses. .”

The voices of the two became trivial under the washing of the high air current, and it seemed that neither of them could hear what the other was saying.

In response, a green-haired young man dressed as a soldier stood up unsteadily, and threw his helmet aside casually.

"Na Jie, we are going to go ... hey hey?!"

Obviously, he underestimated the ferocity of the high-air flow, and was overturned before he could stand still.

And at critical moments...

"Please pay more attention!"

The doll Teigu standing closest reaches out and grabs him just in time.

"Thank you, Susanoo."

Smiling and waving his hands, the green-haired youth withdrew a kind of transparent silk thread.

At the same time, the receding scenery below also slowed down.

Najie Xitan finally turned her head.

"Don't force yourself, Lubbock. This incident is no different from the past. According to Susano's judgment, the sudden beast horde may be related to the previous roar."

"It may be an extremely powerful and evil dangerous species."

Tegu, the first-born humanoid with two horns, added in a timely manner.

Seeing this, the green-haired young man barely stood firm smiled and said indifferently:

"Am I the kind of timid person? Najie, it's not like you don't know, I'm not like Tazmi..."

Speaking of this, it seemed that something had come to mind, and the green-haired young man named "Lubbock" looked envious and jealous.

Damn it now, let it all explode! ! !

Najie Xitan didn't know what he was thinking at this time, but after hearing his words, her face suddenly became a little complicated.

"It's been so many years... You should also know what I think, Lubbock. Before the Republic is completely on the right track..."

"Of course I know that! Najie."

Before she could finish speaking, Lubbock recovered from his "jealousy" and interrupted.


Looking at him without fear, Lubbock once again declared:

"This is my lifelong goal! No matter what happens, even if I sacrifice my life, I will never give up! Najie! Come to your senses! I know you are busy building a new country and don't have the heart to care about other things, but I can wait !"


"When this country no longer needs you at all, when you feel tired, my arms will always be open to you!"

"Pop... plop..."

The big eagle at the feet was still flapping its wings, and the cold night wind blew past its ears.

Susanoo silently witnessed this confession.

My current owner shoulders a heavy responsibility, and usually forgets the fact that she is a woman; and a young man named Lubbock is deeply in love with her, and is willing to spend his youth waiting...

He understands all this.

So far, what else can I do besides blessing?

"Is the shop alone?"

As if being burned by Lubbock's fiery eyes, Najahitan, known as the "Iron Lady", turned her head away and silently took out a cigarette pouch from her pocket.

"Hill will look after the store for me. Um...probably."

Rolling his eyes, Lubbock replied with some uncertainty.

At the same time, a confused girl who had just poked her head out of the sea of ​​collapsed books to look for her glasses suddenly sneezed.

"Really... Am I really worth your waiting?"

Looking ahead, Najie Xitan showed a trace of confusion on her face.

At this time, Lubbock came to her side with the help of Susano.

"Of course, it's my pleasure."

The young man said with a smile.

Regarding this, Najie Xitan closed her eyes, and her whole person seemed to have changed.

"...Okay, when this incident is over, we can try that, um, date...?"

"Oh hoo!!! Really, really?!!"

"Call me General Najahitan."

"Okay! General! BOSS! Najie! From now on, you can call me whatever you want!"

So, on this moonlit night, a certain man in love finally "arrived".


Almost at the same time, Kiyana used her space ability to bring Mei and the others back to the wooden house...

To be precise, it is in front of the "former wooden house".


Looking at the half-collapsed, still smoking wooden building in front of them, the four froze in place almost simultaneously.

"Yes, did we forget to turn off the ignition before we left?"

Heitong stammered, his face full of disbelief.

"No, someone has been here."

Kneeling down to touch the faint footprints on the ground, Chitong's face was surprisingly calm.

However, everyone present could feel the astonishing murderous intent from these words.

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