"Who?! Who?!"

The black pupils burst out immediately, the dark eyes were full of killing intent, and the body even emitted obvious fluctuations of the Houkai energy.

The wooden house in front of me is not only the home where the two sisters have lived for two years, but it was also built by the three of Mea and the others...

The meaning is extraordinary.

"Unsurprisingly, they are those people from yesterday."

Looking at the silver mountain, Mei's tone was a bit indifferent.

"Rumble rumble..."

It's just that there were bursts of muffled thunder in the sky, and the bright moonlight was suddenly covered by dark clouds.

The whole world seemed to be plunged into darkness at once.

"Black pupil."

At some point, Chitong stood up from the ground, gently rubbing the handle of the knife.

it is more than words.

And Heitong also gave a bloodthirsty smile, his face was completely gone from the innocence and cuteness before, and instead looked like a "blackened sick girl".

"Understood, sister! Kill them all tonight!"

One person, one knife, the two sisters shot together.

Massacre is by no means empty words.

But at this moment...

"Eat first, then sleep well."

Qiyana suddenly stopped in front of the sisters.


Facing their puzzled eyes, Qiyana didn't say anything, just smiled.

Then, with a wave of her hand, the invisible time domain spread out, enveloping the wooden house in front of her that was still emitting sparks.

next second...


Under the shocked eyes of the two sisters, the wooden house that had been burned down for most of it was restored little by little!The scene is like pouring out water and collecting it back little by little!

The power of time!


After the wooden house was completely restored, the sisters looked at Qiyana with a trace of awe in their eyes.

Mei is not surprised by this.

"Okay, I'm very tired today, and we'll talk about the rest tomorrow, anyway, no one can escape, right?"

After clapping his hands, Kiyana said in a flat tone.

However, there was a hint of gloom in those blue eyes.

It's all tomorrow!


Caught a cold, this chapter actually coded for a whole night!Squeezing toothpaste until the sky was dark and the sky was dark, the pain was extremely painful, and the state was extremely poor.

The update has to be postponed for a while, and take good care of your body, otherwise I'm afraid that my mentality will collapse and I won't be able to sustain it, please forgive me.

Chapter 276 Chapter 260 Six Seamo Brothers

"Kang Kang...!"

I am a strong tusk hog.

Since a long time ago, more than a dozen generations of ancestors have migrated and settled in this continuous mountain range. Their favorite thing to do on weekdays is planing tree roots, arching wild fruits and so on, and finding a place to dig when they are full. Sleep in the pit, and wander around when you are hungry.

Going up the mountain, going down the mountain, crossing the river, climbing a slope... I can do almost everything except climbing trees!Of course, the territory of those dangerous guys... definitely can't go, I don't want to be a big meal for them at a young age!

Compared with the mountains where we have to live carefully, my brothers and sisters seem to like to go to the human territory to forage. Those weak four-legged beasts are scared to shout and run around when they see us. It's ridiculous .

In the human territory, there is delicious food everywhere, we can run rampant and have fun wantonly... Over time, those human beings gave us an ugly nickname called "Red Devil".

But our great tusked boars don't care about this. Does the so-called "demon" have such strong limbs as ours?Have our sharp fangs?Can it topple trees and topple rocks as easily as we do?

Obviously not!It didn't even dare to show itself in front of me, Mr. Pig!

Cut, a four-legged beast is a four-legged beast. Not only does it taste bad, but it's also extremely stupid!

Sometimes I really don’t understand why such a weak species can reproduce and grow, and now it seems that their territory can be seen everywhere... Kang Kang, let’s not talk about it, I still want to continue to make out with my little flower, and lick it well Fat body, thick thighs, hiss!

Hehe, I actually have a wish, that is to give birth to dozens of healthy cubs with Xiaohua in the future, and when they grow up, their children and grandchildren will drive away the stupid tiger in the field on the right and kill all the cubs on the left. The stupid wolf on the river turned the entire forest into the territory of our tusked pigs!

There will be such a day, right?I believe that it won't be long before the entire mountain area is full of pigs...



Horror, the horrible guy has woken up!Run, little flower! ! !If you don't run, you will be eaten! ! !

(Beast tide broke out)

"Kang Kang...!"

The front is the territory of those four-legged beasts, don't be afraid of Xiaohua, they are very weak.

Look, those stupid tigers have rushed up!The stone nests built by humans are as brittle as sand piles!Let's do it too!Change the road and be careful of those sneaky stupid wolves behind you.

Ha ha!There are quite a few human beings here, and they are hiding in a little flower cave, are they afraid of Master Zhu?


"Ah! Help! It's a tusked pig!!!"

Hey!Look at their fragile bodies!It flips over with a light bump, and breaks with a bite, it is simply vulnerable!Kangkang, regardless of male or female, these four-legged beasts have pitifully little meat, and their mouths are full of brittle bones...

Damn, I'm not those hyenas who like to eat bones!

"Kang Kang!"

Go on!little flower.

See how timid they are, running away as soon as they see us, is it useful to yell?If it wasn't for that scary guy waking up, Master Zhu was in a hurry to run for his life, how could he have the heart to come to you?Wouldn't it be nice to nest in the nest and make piglets with Xiaohua?

Ouch, did you call your companions to come with you?useless, useless...

"Whoosh, whoosh—!" (Sound of bow and arrow)

No! ! !little flower! ! !

Insidious and cunning human beings, they murdered Xiao Hua with sharp wooden sticks! ! !

Give me my life! ! !

But, damn it!Actually set a trap...

If I can't beat it, can't I still run away?You wait for me!Eat my pig by leaps and bounds!

"Kang Kang—"

"Not good! That tusked pig broke into the inner palace!"

"Don't panic! Master Konoe has come out!"

A mere four-legged beast, still want to stop Master Pig?Go dreaming!When Master Pig recovers, he will come back and turn this place upside down!

Um?Some more?

"Kang Kang—!"

it's useless!Get the hell out of me, Mr. Pig!Don't think that you can scare people with a broken branch...


Branches... when will they breathe fire?

"Times have changed, beast."


You don't talk about Wude!

Fall to the ground, pawn.


"It's finally resolved."

Seamo Town, Viscount Mansion, Esther Heber Seamo, the eldest son of the majestic Seamo family, stood in front of the magnificent window sill, silently watching the commotion in the courtyard that had just ended.

"What a bunch of trash! It's just two fangsed pigs who broke into the manor, and they lost so many people. In the end, they even forced the guards in the mansion to use firearms... Those guards are a group of idiots, big eater!"

Beside him, Bruce Seamus, the second son of the Seamo family with a beer belly, cursed in a low voice. The thick and short hand like a pig's trotter was ravaging the breasts of the beauty in his arms, causing the latter to make noises from time to time. His voice was low and his face was flushed.

Hearing this, Esther Heber turned her head slightly and corrected without changing her expression:

"You can't say that, Bruce. All soldiers who are willing to die for my Seamus family are good soldiers, and their sacrifices should be worth remembering."

"I see, brother."

Bruce nodded, but a look of disapproval flashed in his eyes.

"But there are so many things happening today. First, Phyllis was killed in the theater, and then there was a wave of beasts..."

Hooking the corner of her mouth, Esther Heber shifted her gaze.

"Yeah, our viscount's mansion is alright, with the family's private army and city guards guarding it heavily, but looking at the whole town... not only the fang pig just now, but also the sharp-toothed tiger, bloodthirsty wolf, earth dragon Even the extremely rare magic sound bats appeared together on weekdays, the situation should not be optimistic."

He sighed like this, with a worried look, combined with his own handsome appearance, his whole person exuded a melancholy temperament from the inside out, for a moment, even the beauty who was being favored by the second young master next to him was shocked It looks a little crazy.


After a sentence of contempt in his heart, a chrysanthemum smiled on Bruce's fleshy face.

"Hahaha, don't worry, brother, you worry too much. With your father in charge, how can those beasts make trouble?"

As he spoke, he deliberately increased the strength in his hands.


Immediately, the beauty's face turned pale, but she bit her lips tightly and dared not make a sound, her pulsating eyes were full of pain.

In this regard, Esther Heber, who looked like a handsome boy, turned a blind eye.

"That's what I said, but as sons of man, we should find a way to relieve father's worries."

"...Yes, brother is right! Get lost, you bastard! Don't be an eyesore here!"

As soon as the words fell, the second son Bruce pushed the concubine in his arms to the ground, looking moody.

"Yes Yes!"

And the latter also seemed to be saved, nodding frantically and crawling away, completely ignoring his happy and disheveled appearance at this time.

Seeing this, an imperceptible scorn flashed in Esther Heber's eyes, but she didn't say anything.

"Women are troublesome things, don't you think so? Brother."

Seeing the back of the woman running away in a hurry, Bruce clapped his hands and came over suddenly.

"By the way, the second brother heard that you fell in love with two wild women who lived in the deep mountains, and that you did not hesitate to ask your father's housekeeper to go up the mountain to be a matchmaker. I wonder if you can do it now?"

Hearing this, a fierce light flashed in Esther Heber's eyes.

Pretend, continue to pretend!This matter has already caused a lot of trouble, and you are still playing stupid for me here?

Seeing his younger brother's face smiling like a chrysanthemum, he resisted the urge to slap hard, stepped back half a step without any trace, and turned his head away with his chest in his arms.

"Hmph, don't worry about that, Bruce, they're not as simple as those women you replace every day, at least Captain Willie returned empty-handed with a whole team of Seamus troops up the mountain today, I warn you not to Look down on them."

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