
Looking at his elder brother's indifferent side face, the smile on Bruce's face deepened.

"Then...Brother, tell me, did they kill that slut Phyllis? Maybe they came after you, but who knows that Mr. Seamo is often accompanied by two masters, so they can only take Phyllis venting her anger..."

Want to throw dirty water on me?

Father is not an idiot like you!

After contemptuously in her heart again, Esther Heber turned around.

"That's enough, Bruce. No matter how much we guess here, it's useless. The top priority now is to resist the beast tide. If you have time to waste here, why not command the Seamo army to strengthen the defense of the mansion!"

As soon as the words fell, Esther Heber led the guards away without delay.

After the sound of footsteps went away, Bruce, who stayed where he was, straightened his neckline, looked out at the outside world through the window, his eyes were full of fierceness.

"You hypocrite, just wait! One day I will trample you under my feet and make you suffer so much before going to hell to spend time with that bitch Phyllis!"



There is still half an hour to draw the clock!Let’s start XDM, I wish you all a miracle in a single draw, and there will be gold in ten consecutive rounds!

Section 277 closed, false

A few words sum up the state and mood at this time:

The weather changed suddenly, it was cold overnight, and the cold has not recovered so far;

Zhonglichi's fifty-shot guarantee is seventy-seven, and Chang Yuchi begged for Yuheng star but couldn't get it, and then twisted the five-star weapon Sky Blade... All the original stones in the first version were in vain, blood pressure soared on the spot, his eyes turned black, and he was so angry trembling;

Undoubtedly, Calvin once again, obviously had a clear plot structure, but sat in front of the computer for five hours but only had [-] words, dizzy, and his hands and feet felt cold.


Shoot XD, people are already autistic.JPG

. . . . . . .


What can I say?

(bitter smile)

Chapter 278 Chapter 260 Seven New Days, Heading to Simo Town!

No matter how many things happen in one day, the day will eventually pass.

When the sun climbed the hills, a new day began again.

The world is still running.


"Time can restore it, but what has been done will eventually come at a price."

On the top of the mountain illuminated by the morning sun, a girl with white hair and blue eyes stood facing the wind on the edge of the cliff, looking down at the endless sea of ​​trees at the foot of the mountain.

There was neither happiness nor sadness on her face, it was as cold, ethereal and unpredictable as the mist in the mountains.

It's just that these words made the red-eyed girl behind her nod slightly.

"Although I made an oath in my heart at the beginning, from now on, I will stay away from the world with Heitong, never get involved in killing, and live this ordinary life..."

Having said that, the red-eyed girl gritted her teeth, lowered her head and tightly grasped the saber hanging from her waist, with a struggling expression as if she was struggling with her own heart.

"However, this incident has indeed touched my bottom line... Kiyana, you are right, everything has a price. Even though the wooden house has been restored, I can't treat all this as if it never happened. Today Be sure to ask them for an explanation!"

"For this reason, even if I break the oath with my own hands... I will not hesitate."

After finishing speaking, half of the girl's face was hidden under the shadow of her long hair, making it difficult to see clearly.

At this time...

"Stop talking, sister."

The black-eyed girl beside her took a step forward.

"I can't wait to kill all those nasty guys now!"

Even after one night, the younger sister with a pair of black eyes was still furious, and her tone was full of murderous intent.

Apparently, after what happened yesterday, the three girls have cast aside their pity and are ready to avenge the wooden house.

Just as the girls fell silent, the door of the wooden house was pushed open.


The three of them turned their heads one after another.


Gently closing the wooden door, Mei lowered her eyes, sighed slightly, then turned her head to meet the eyes of the girls.

At the same time, the home clothes on her body also changed into a set of light samurai clothes in a twilight.

"Everything has been packed," Mei said, her tone changed from calm to solemn, "Let's go."

In response, the girls nodded their heads.


Among them, Qiyana with white hair and blue eyes smiled slightly, black pupils with short hair and black eyes couldn't wait, only red pupils with long hair and red eyes...

"After this incident is over, we probably won't come back... So, where should we go in the future?"

Raising her head and taking a last look at the wooden house where she had lived for two years, the girl turned around and walked silently, a trace of loneliness flashed across her face.

The two sisters headed down the mountain first, while Kiana stayed where she was and held out her hand to Mei with a smile...


The breeze blew, and the weeds beside the steps swayed from side to side, as if saying goodbye to the girls' receding figures.

I don't know how long has passed...

When the sun was three poles, Mei and the others walked to the edge of the forest.

The reason why she didn't choose to fly or teleport directly was because Kiana herself hadn't been to Simo Town and Mei said it didn't matter with a tourist attitude, the most important thing was that Heitong wanted to "test the sword".

Yes, as angry as her home was being burned, the girl still loves her new weapon even after a night.


On the lush gravel road, the short-haired girl passed by like a gust of wind, shouted coquettishly, kicked her legs and chopped off with a sword.


The venomous snake entangled in the branch and prepared to attack had no time to escape, and the body and the branch were cut off together, and the incision was extremely smooth.

"Huh~ It seems that as long as you use a little force, you can't even get blood on it! It's really amazing!"

Letting out a breath, looking at the still smooth and clear sword in his hand, Hei Tong smiled and praised, his big eyes almost bent into crescent moons.

Chi Tong, who is the older sister, nodded.

"Well, it's really good. But my white jade sword is not bad either."

Regarding this, Qiyana, who was standing behind, covered her forehead with a helpless expression.

"Okay, you two sisters, almost twenty animals have been killed by you along the way? Can you stop the meeting? Are we on the road or are we engaged in mass extinction?"

"Although I'm not as impatient as Qiyana, what she said is right. I also think we should speed up. If we waste too much time, we may not be able to finish today's work."

Nodding, Mei put her hands on her chest and proposed.

"What?! Mei, don't talk nonsense, I'm super-be patient!"

As soon as Mei's words fell, Kiyana retorted without any surprise.

"Yes, yes, Kiyana is the most—patient."

Without any intention of arguing, Mei went on speaking.

It's just that there is a feeling of coaxing a child...

Seeing this, the Chitong sisters looked at each other.

"Okay... I'll go pick up snakes, and I should be able to sell them for some money in the town later, and buy some barbecue."

As the younger sister, Heitong ran to the tree and skillfully packed her spoils in sacks while talking.

"give it to me."

Mei took the initiative to walk over and put the sack into the soul space.

Seeing this scene, Qiyana came to Chitong's side.

"Actually, I wanted to ask yesterday, are you short of money?"


After being stunned for a while, Chitong looked at the doubts on Qiyana's face, and began to explain seriously:

"Actually, when Night Raid was disbanded, each of us received some compensation from the BOSS. For ordinary people, that was indeed a lot of money, but now that two years have passed, that money has almost been spent. It's over..."

"After all, Qiyana, you know that Heitong and I have unusual appetites every day."

Hearing this, Qiyana was stunned.

"So it is."

"In the past, every time our sisters and I went to the town, apart from purchasing some necessary daily necessities and condiments, we went to the store to sell the dangerous species we hunted in the mountains, in exchange for some pots and pans and change for storage. .”

Chi Tong added so.

Qiyana seemed a little surprised by this.

"Sell dangerous species? Does anyone dare to accept them?"

The bodies of dangerous species possess more or less magic power. Either they are huge, or extremely agile, no matter which aspect they must be skilled in.

Among them, the dangerous species as powerful as an eclipsing dragon has the terrifying power to slaughter cities and countries...

In her opinion, human beings in this world have never been the rulers, and any existence of a super dangerous species or even above it would be a disaster.

Facing Qiyana's doubts, Chitong continued to explain:

"Just like the fang pig the day before yesterday, we eat its meat, but the hard parts such as bones and teeth can be regarded as materials, and shops such as blacksmith shops and jewelry shops may urgently need them to complete a certain work."

"Really, I thought the humans in this world were strong enough to sell dangerous species as commodities."

Not paying attention to Qiyana's relieved look, Chitong seemed to think of something, and his face was a little gloomy.

"It's clear that Heitong and I have kept ourselves safe in the past two years and have never provoked anyone. Why do they want to destroy my home and Heitong's home? I don't understand..."

"Human nature is like this, it's not your fault."

At this moment, Mei and Heitong came over.

"Go ahead and make those people pay for what they did!"

Hearing Mei's comfort, Akahito nodded firmly.


"However... do you feel that there are fewer and fewer dangerous species along the way?"

Mei asked suddenly.

Heitong nodded and agreed: "Yeah, there hasn't even been a decent attack. My sister and I didn't come so easily before. Is it because yesterday..."


The four looked at each other.

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