"It seems that the impact of the erosion dragon breaking the seal is greater than we imagined."

"I just don't know if Seamo Town will..."

While talking, Mei and the others looked forward together.

At the end of the mountain road, the important town of the Republic on the vast plain - what happened to Simo Town?


After these two days of rest, the cold finally got better, and the whole person became refreshed.

Think about it carefully, today is December 12th, even if Yuanshen’s Zhongli can’t be drawn, and the resident pool is crooked sky weapons, six days later, on December 10th, Cyberpunk 2077 will be released, and you can experience it more than 50 years in advance It is really exciting to visit the legendary city that never sleeps.

Pushing back, on the 20th, the new version of Yuanshen will be launched, and the new wife Yeyang Wang Xiaomei Gan Yu can also try to smoke. After all, the bottom line is guaranteed. Ling Hua can also look forward to it.

Aside from Yuanshin, on the 25th, Bengsan and EVA are linked, wouldn't it be nice for Asuka to give her away for free?

Looking at it this way, the last month of 2020 is really full of expectations, and life is the same. I hope I can live with full of expectations in the future~ Come on!

Chapter 279 Chapter 260 Chapter Eight (4000)

"Is that Seamo Town?"

Walking along the muddy mountain road to the end of the forest, the vision suddenly opened up.

At this time, the girls were standing on the hillside. Down the slope was a gurgling river, which was clear and covered with bluestones; further ahead was an endless wheat field, colorful and colorful. Whenever the breeze blew, the layers of wheat waves would be scattered. It will continue to rise and fall, giving people a kind of peaceful atmosphere.

Apart from such a quiet scenery, the most important thing is the endless buildings in the distance.Gray bricks and red tiles, closely arranged, orderly streets...

Its scale is more like a "city" than a "town".


Chi Tong nodded, her face flat.

"As an important town in the south of the old empire, the size of Seamo Town was actually no less than that of some cities two years ago. It's just that a small town has always been easier to control than a city, and it's easier to paralyze officials...even if It's not small."

As soon as Chitong finished speaking, Heitong, who is a younger sister, added:

"In fact, the residents in the town know that Seamo Town belongs to a family, but if it is not a 'small town' but a 'Simo City', the Republic will probably send a sheriff to come according to the usual practice. Assisting in management, this is what the Seamo family does not want to see."

"Deliberately maintaining the status quo to prevent power splitting... It's just the petty thinking of those in power."

Mei finally made a conclusion.

"I see."

Qiyana looked stunned.

Afterwards, she came back to her senses and clenched her fists, and said energetically:

"However, secular rights and wealth are meaningless in absolute power. Let us start a revolution today!"

At the same time, in the wheat field not far from them, a few hurried figures suddenly emerged and ran all the way to the river.

"That is……?"

Kiyana was the first to spot them.

"Mina! Take Fenrisana and the others across the river! I'll lure them away!"

"No! Caris, don't do this! Please, let's go into the mountains together?"

"Daddy! Don't go! Don't leave Shanna!"

It was a family of four. The man was dressed in animal fur coats, held a bow and arrow, and carried a machete on his waist. He looked about 40 or [-] years old. Judging from his words and deeds, he looked like a hunter in the town.

The one tightly guarded by the man was a plainly dressed woman with dark yellow skin. Not only was she holding a sleeping baby in her arms, she was also accompanied by an eight or nine-year-old woman. purple-haired little girl.

At this time, the family seems to be fleeing.

"Get out of here!!! Leave me alone!!!"

Seeing that his wife and daughter were unwilling to abandon him and leave, the man dressed as a hunter couldn't help roaring anxiously.


The baby in the swaddle seemed to wake up with a fright, and suddenly began to howl.

And the woman seemed to be frightened by her husband, and froze in place.

"Let's go!!!"

Seeing this scene, the man looked angry and anxious. If his wife was not still holding the baby in her arms, he might have wanted to push the mother and daughter into the river by force.

But at this moment, there was movement again in the wheat field behind them.


As several ears of wheat were crushed, a ferocious and terrifying head poked out, and a pair of green vertical pupils were full of cruelty and ferocity.

It looked like a three-meter-long green-haired tiger with sharp teeth!

"Shushasha...! Rushasha...!"

Immediately afterwards, another... no, two equally huge tigers came out of the wheat field one after the other, forming a faint triangle shape and surrounding the family, pressing on every step of the way.

A total of three ferocious big tigers!

Seeing this scene, Mei and the others couldn't sit idly by.

"It's a sharp-toothed tiger! Heitong, let's go!"

"Well! Sister!"

Without further ado, the Chitong sisters pulled out their weapons together and charged forward.

Saving people doesn't need a reason.

From Mei's point of view, the two sisters ran down the hillside like a gust of wind, leaped lightly, leaped over the small river with a few stones on their toes, and rushed to the opposite bank quickly.

At the same time, the three sharp-toothed tigers had already surrounded the Orion's family, drooling and roaring continuously.

"Oh... Mom, I'm afraid!"

Facing the ferocious sight of the tiger, the little girl immediately shrank behind her mother, and the latter also looked at a loss as she hugged the infant tightly.

In this desperate situation, the hunter, as a father, guarded his wife and daughter. Although his whole body was trembling and cold, his right hand still subconsciously fished it into the arrow basket behind his back...

It turned out to be empty.

No more arrows!

At this moment, the man's heart was ashamed.

Looking at the three fierce tigers walking around, for some reason, a surge of anger suddenly surged in his heart.

"Damn beast! I'll fight with you!"

The man roared, and smashed his useless bow at one of the tiger's heads, and at the same time drew out the long knife at his waist, preparing to protect his wife and daughter with his life.


Almost at the same time, the three sharp-toothed tigers were also enraged by his sudden action, they lowered their bodies one after another, and swooped over with their mouths wide open.

At this critical moment——

"Don't move!"

The Chitong sisters arrived in time, one holding a knife and the other holding a sword, and slashed at the sharp-toothed tiger that was rushing.

In an instant, there was no blood splatter, but the bodies of the two sharp-toothed tigers were separated or severed from head to tail.

Seeing this, the surviving sharp-toothed tiger seemed to be frightened. After bypassing the two sisters, it went crazy and ran towards the Orion family, waving its sharp claws and roaring, as if it wanted to "die together" with the humans in front of it.



Looking at the approaching bloody mouth, the purple-haired little girl couldn't help screaming while holding her head.

And the woman turned around immediately, and while holding the baby in her arms tightly, she closed her eyes and used her body to block the girl, leaving her not wide back to the tiger's mouth.

At this moment, the brilliance of maternal love is so dazzling!

"Death to me!!!"

Recovering from this sudden change, the hunter, as a husband and father, unleashed his potential and swung a knife at the sharp-toothed tiger with all his strength...

Facts have proved that dangerous species are dangerous species, and ordinary people cannot fight against them at all.


I saw that the machete usually used to split the bushes was smashed by the tiger's claws.

At this moment, time was almost frozen in the man's eyes, he could only watch helplessly as the blade shattered and the shadow of the tiger rushed straight towards his wife and daughter...

"Do not!!!"

At this moment, the man was about to burst into tears.

This is the furthest distance in the world.

Seeing that the sharp-toothed tiger is about to succeed, and the life and death of the mother and daughter are hanging by a thread...


When a bloody light flashed, accompanied by a thunderous bang, the sharp-toothed tiger that was still running wildly turned into ashes in an instant, and disappeared with the wind.

At the same time, Qiyana also appeared in front of the family, and the white light radiating from her body shone on them, healing the wounds.


This series of changes happened so quickly, the four members of the family froze, and none of them reacted.

Not long after, when the Chitong sisters put away their knives, Mei turned around, and Qiyana stopped healing, the man dressed as an Orion suddenly fell to his knees on the ground.


The rest of the women and little girls also wanted to kneel when they saw the situation, but were stopped by Qiyana.

"It's just a little effort, there's no need to do this. By the way, are you from Simo Town? Why do you want to run to the mountains? Don't you know that the mountains are dangerous?"

"No, no, benefactors, now the town is more dangerous than the mountains!"

Facing Qiyana's gaze, the hunter didn't even dare to lift his head, he just knelt on the ground and answered truthfully.


Mei and the others suddenly opened their eyes wide, and couldn't help but look into the town.

No wonder they always felt that the neighborhood was a bit too quiet...

Seeing this, the hunter's eye sockets suddenly became moist, and he began to explain in a trembling tone:

"The benefactors don't know yet, right? There was a beast horde here last night. The city guards and Ximo army guarded the mayor's mansion, granary, and bank all night, but they didn't care about the lives of us civilians!"

Hearing this, Sister Chitong's complexion suddenly became a little ugly.

And the hunter went on to say the following:

"Our neighbor has a family of five, all three children were snatched away overnight by dangerous species, my wife was torn in half by bloodthirsty demon wolves in front of my eyes, my brother... well, he hasn't slowed down until now. Come here! Listening to the cries of the neighbors, we haven't slept all night!"

"We finally waited until dawn, and our family didn't care about anything else. We sneaked out of the town and wanted to hide in the mountains. We thought that after a night, those dangerous species would probably disperse, but we didn't expect that we would be killed by those dangerous species just after we left the town." The animal found out...Thank you benefactor for saving me!"

"Thank you benefactor! Thank you benefactor!"

The woman just kept holding the little girl beside her and bowed to Mei and the others, and the whole family burst into tears.

Seeing this, Mei and the others looked at each other.

"This... but even if you go into the mountains, where can you go?"

"My benefactors don't know. In fact, our family has been hunting near the Harry Goth Mountains for generations. My grandfather once built a thatched hut in the valley. It is located in the upper reaches of the river. There are no dangerous species. I want to try it this time. It's better than staying in town and waiting to be eaten!"

In order to survive, he had to run into the mountains...

How sad is this?

Hei Tong's face was almost so gloomy that water dripped out.

"Those guys..."

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