And Chi Tong, who is an older sister, seems to have made a certain decision.

"Qiana, please send them to the place where Heitong and I live. Heitong and I have cleaned up the surrounding area thoroughly. There should be no dangerous species nesting and gathering in a short time."

As soon as her words fell, Mei and Qiyana both showed surprised expressions.

"Chitong, you..."

"We won't go back again." Chi Tong shook his head with firmness on his face, "In order to prevent more people from suffering because of this, we must eradicate the scourge of the Ximo family for Ximo Town today. The crimes of existence are ruined!"

"I understand."

Kiana nodded.

"Uncle, stand up, I'll give you a ride later, don't panic."


The hunter looked up puzzled.

Kiyana explained with a smile:

"I mean, we used to have a wooden house in the mountains. It's safe there. There are firewood and beds to keep out the cold. There's still some food left. I plan to send you there."

Hearing this, the hunter couple suddenly opened their eyes wide.

"This... benefactor! You have already saved our lives, how can we continue to accept such favors!"

"It's just a small matter, just accept it, after all, you still have to think about your children, don't you?"

Qiyana's face remained unchanged.

Sure enough, upon hearing the word "child", the hunter couple fell silent.

As a parent, even if not for yourself, you should try to seek benefits for your children. This is human nature.

Seeing this scene, the purple-haired little girl who had been hiding behind her mother also stood up, and said in a childish and firm tone, full of longing and admiration:

"Big sister! You are really good people! In the future, Shana will be as good as the big sisters and protect her parents and younger brother!"

Looking at this innocent and brave little girl, Kiyana smiled and bent down to touch her head.

"Well, Shana is so good, my sister gave you a gift, be sure to keep it well, take it out when you are in danger, it can protect everyone."

While speaking, Kiyana handed over a seemingly inconspicuous white bead.

"Gift? Well! Shanna remembered it, thank you big sister~!"

Holding the white bead firmly in the palm of her hand, the little girl's clear eyes almost turned into crescent moons.

Afterwards, Kiyana looked at the couple again.

"Okay, have you decided? It doesn't matter if you don't want to, just pretend that I never said those words just now."

Having said that, the hunter couple quickly smiled and thanked:

"No, no, no! To be honest, we don't know if the thatched hut is still there... Well, since it is a gift from benefactors, how can we not accept it? I, Karis, thank you very much. Dear benefactors! We will never forget this kindness!"

"Mina also thanked her benefactors! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Sana also thank you big sisters~!"

Seeing the happy appearance of this family, Mei and the others also laughed.

"Then get ready, I'll send you there right away."

Kiyana waved her hand and said.

"Send it? How?"

The couple was confused again.

"Stay where you are and don't move."

As soon as the words fell, Qiyana waved her hand.

The family of four suddenly disappeared in place.

Then, the girls didn't pay attention to the tiger carcass on the ground, turned around and looked at Ximo Town not far away, their faces became a little gloomy again.

"It's time for these innocent civilians to eradicate the entrenched cancer!"


Moving forward, Mei and the others found devastated farmland and dirty roads outside the town, and a large number of inhuman footprints verified the authenticity of what the hunter said.


"It seems that something really happened."

"Let's go and see..."


As soon as they entered the town, in the field behind, a bulging earth bump suddenly rushed towards the girls, and a protruding horn even smashed everything along the way.

Dangerous species are coming!

Chapter 280 Chapter 260

"It's an earth dragon!"

Seeing the group of "soil bags" galloping towards him, Chitong retreated to warn, while subconsciously assumed a fighting stance.

However, before she or Mei could make a move, Heitong rushed forward first.

"Sister, leave it to me!"

The girl drank coquettishly, and her low figure swept away like a gust of wind. Before the dirt bag came, she leaped vigorously, holding the black long sword tightly with both hands and stabbing down.

But the other party obviously doesn't like this.


Without continuing to move forward, a huge figure emerged from the soil, followed its plan, opened its bloody mouth and waited for the prey to come to the door by itself.

"Black pupil!"

Seeing this scene, Chitong pulled out the sword of white jade.

But in the next second...


Seeing that the girl was about to enter the beast's mouth, she twisted her waist, adjusted her body with extraordinary flexibility and strength, and pressed her heel against the long horn of the dragon's head.


At this moment, the slender legs seemed to erupt with infinite power, and they kicked off the long horn abruptly, and stepped the huge earth dragon back into the hole!

"It's okay, sister, it can't do anything to me."

As soon as she landed, the girl smiled slightly at her sister.

But at the next moment...

Frustrated, the earth dragon came out of the ground again. Extremely angry because of the injury, it no longer used its mouth this time, but used its sharp claws, trying to tear the little one above it into pieces.

The triumphant girl didn't notice the monster's sneak attack, so she died on the spot with her eyes wide open—of course, the above is just an assumption, and a certain "soldier of love" does not exist.

As a matter of fact, Hei Tong used to be one of the ace killers, and lived in the Harry Goth Mountains full of dangerous species for two years, so he knew the characteristics of many dangerous species very well.

According to the girl's words, "If you don't remember these things clearly, it will be a bit troublesome to eat enough every day."


When other people grabbed their hearts because of this, Heitong himself bent down calmly, just avoiding the oncoming sharp claws.

Dilong still didn't give up, twisted his huge body, and swept his long tail towards the girl with the sound of piercing the air.

These two blows... Let alone ordinary people, even adventurers will suffer if they don't pay attention.

But Heitong seemed to have foreseen this scene in advance, and when the earth dragon launched an attack, he jumped lightly, avoiding the sweeping attack by a hair, and the body of the golden ratio drew a beautiful arc in midair.

Then came to the top of the earth dragon again.


The girl rolled her body with the help of gravity, swung the long sword in her hand and slashed down.

Dilongzhan, who had just finished wagging his tail, was beheaded before he could stand still.

"Papapa! As expected of Heitong, perfect!"

Seeing this scene, Kiyana couldn't help clapping her hands and applauding.

Then she turned her head and looked in other directions - there, several earth dragons who sensed the death of their companions were rushing towards here at a high speed, with a threatening aura, raising smoke and dust soaring into the sky.

"It's my turn next...Hey!"

I saw Kiyana raising her hand, as if imitating Mei's movement, and lightly grasping it, the power of the [Rock] Herrscher was activated, covering all the earth dragons running on the ground and drilling underground...

Seemingly predicting the ending, Mei turned around.

"Come on, Chitong, let's take a look inside the town."

"……it is good!"

Chi Tong, who happened to be neither drawing the sword nor retracting the sword, came back to his senses and nodded slowly.

"Eh?! Wait, wait for me! Mei!"

Looking at Mei's back, Kiyana, who was just about to show off her skills, opened her eyes wide, waved her hand, and hurriedly followed after losing her strength.

And then...

In the eyes of Chi Tong who still couldn't let go, the earth dragons that attacked turned into rocks one by one... and then burst into pieces.


Seeing the two figures, one black and one white, in front of them, the two sisters looked at each other, and they both saw the same thing in each other's eyes.


Obviously I can't see the shadow of Teigu, but those two girls can display such a powerful strength...

Where does their strength come from?

However, Mei and the others didn't care about these things.

As soon as they entered the town, they were shocked by the devastated scene in front of them.

The extremely messy streets, the scattered limbs, the almost dried up blood... and the devastated residential area all spoke of the hellish scene last night.

"It seems that what the family said just now is true, the city guards actually let the dangerous species into the city to slaughter... Damn it."

When the red pupil sisters who followed saw this scene, their faces became extremely gloomy.

And Mei and Qiyana also looked at each other, the latter didn't say anything, and stepped forward to heal the nearby injuries.

The Herrscher of Death is in charge of life and death, and its power is divided into two. It can not only cause all things to dissipate into dust, but also use the power of creation to rescue all living beings.

Under the light, the wounded healed quickly, the sick returned to health, and the dead were able to rest in peace...

The white-haired saint walked among them, causing the revived civilians to bow their heads in worship.

"My Lady of Saintess!"

"Thank you, Lady Saint, for your kindness!"

On the way, the remaining dangerous species launched a surprise attack, and Mei and the others wiped them out one by one.

"Let's go directly to the mayor's mansion."

Looking at the white-haired girl who was widely appreciated by everyone, Mei suggested with a smile.

"Well... let me lead the way."

Chi Tong recovered and nodded.

At this moment, in her heart, the mystery of the combination of Mei and Qiyana has risen again.

It's just that Mei and the three of them had just taken a step, and a certain saint who had a holy and solemn face suddenly "broke her power".

"Huh?! Where are you going? Wait for me!"

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