Under the dumbfounded gazes of the commoners, the white-haired girl stuck out her tongue and smiled, striding forward to catch up with her companions.

Such a "human" side of the girl instantly shattered the "godhead" they had just formed in their hearts, but overall they were still full of reverence.

Of course, some malicious eyes also disappeared in place at the same time.

The girls continued to move forward, along the dirty streets, passing by most of the destroyed shops, healing the wounded along the way, and eradicating the remaining dangerous species, facing the awe and longing eyes of the civilians and some sneaky people fleeing The line of sight is advancing openly.

In the end, before arriving at the mayor's mansion, they were suddenly surrounded by a group of Simo troops coming from all directions.

"How dare you show up!"

The leader of the third unit of Seamo's private army, who was in a mess and had thick eye circles, apparently hadn't slept all night——Willie Peters yelled so loudly, followed by the deputy captain Ken Clive.

"What do you mean?"

Mei and the others kept their faces unchanged, calmly facing the soldiers who surrounded themselves and the others.

"What do you mean? You killed Lord Viscount's daughter, right? How dare you pretend to be stupid..."

The "advantage" is obviously on his side, and the deputy captain has also begun to "fake the tiger's power".

To this, Chi Tong vetoed it.

"We didn't kill people."

But the other party obviously didn't believe it.

"Hmph, I see, isn't it just burning down your dilapidated house? That's right! It's my uncle who burned it down! What can you bitches do to me?"

It seemed that the soldiers beside him had given him courage, or maybe he hadn't seen the strength of the girls just now. At this time, Willie was still complacent, even extremely arrogant.

But he didn't know what consequences his words represented.

"It's you……!"

Hei Tong's face was instantly gloomy, and he immediately put his hand on the hilt of the sword.

The murderous look on his face made Willie take a step back subconsciously, but he soon came back to his senses.

"That's right! It's me, your grandfather! I'm right here, come and kill me! Let me see what you, little bitch, are capable of!"


The soldiers who surrounded Mei and the others burst into laughter.

The so-called "the ignorant are fearless".


Seeing this scene, the corner of Hei Tong's mouth showed an abnormal arc.

At the critical moment, Chitong stopped her.

"Leave it to me this time."

"elder sister?"

Heitong immediately returned to normal, and moved away with a puzzled expression.

But Mei and Qiyana didn't make any moves from the beginning to the end, looking like they were watching a good show.

Seeing Chitong coming out, Willie seemed to think of something.

"You are the person that the eldest son likes, right? Don't worry, we will not kill you. At most, we will tie you up and send you to the eldest son's room. As for what will happen afterwards...we don't know hahahaha!"


The soldiers had an expression of "I understand", with sinister smiles on their faces.

Not paying attention to the "barking dogs" around him, Chi Tong calmly drew his knife out of its sheath, his eyes were as indifferent as water, and his aura was condensed and undisturbed.

At this moment, the figure of the ace killer who once resounded throughout the imperial capital and frightened the enemy appeared in front of Mei.

"This is you, Chitong..."

In her opinion, compared to conventional strength and speed, what is really scary about Chitong is the calmness and composure that seems to be born in her heart.

No matter what kind of danger she is in, no matter how powerful the enemy is, she will face it with chilling calmness, stabbing the point of the snow-white knife into the opponent's chest.

At this moment, facing Chitong's seemingly empty gaze, the human instinct reminded Willy:

Danger is coming!

"Wait, wait a minute!"

From the perspective of others, Willie, who looked fine at first, suddenly tensed up, his face was full of panic, there was even fine sweat on his forehead, and he faintly wanted to back away!

But is this useful?

the answer is negative.


No matter how he evaded, death finally came.

I saw a flash of the white jade sword blade, even though it was several meters away, no one else could see clearly, the sharp point of the blade still pierced Willie's heart.


Seeing Willie's unrepentant face, Vice Captain Ken was paralyzed with fright.

Facing the red pupil who appeared in front of him at some unknown time, his face was pale and trembling, all he could do was kneel down and beg for mercy.

Behind them, Mei and Heitong looked nostalgic.

"It's a long-lost mantra."

"Yeah, I haven't heard my sister say that for a long time."

Immediately afterwards, a large number of Ximo troops came upon hearing the news, including even the city guards, and brutally dispersed the crowd of onlookers.

The civilians were frightened away instantly. When they learned that the girls were the "murderers" who killed Phyllis, they couldn't believe it. Some of the benefactors even contributed to the flames maliciously, hoping that Mei and the others would be judged.

In this regard, the four of them stood back to back with no fear on their faces.

"It seems that today can't be good."

"That's good, isn't it? It's been two years, once the murderous heart is released, then this life is doomed to never return to ordinary life."

"Sister, Heitong will always be by your side!"

"Mei, I'll be with you too~!"

Just as a killing was about to start, a giant eagle suddenly flew in the sky.

"Stop everything for me!"

With an order, the Republic's Zhennan General and the former leader of [Night Raid] - Najie Xitan came.


Today is December 12th. Happy birthday to Her Royal Highness, the First Princess of Honkai, and the only "male protagonist" of this work--Qiana Kaslana~!

(There was a power outage at home, and it was cold and dark. This chapter was coded by the author in bed with his mobile phone. Please bear with me if you have any questions~)

Chapter 281 Chapter 270


The moment they saw Najie Xitan, both Chitong and Heitong were stunned, and even Mei was in a daze for a moment.


"What, what's going on?!"

"Bold! Let us go!"

When some transparent silk threads fell from the sky, binding all the Simo troops responsible for the encirclement together...

A name appeared in Mei and the others' hearts:


Facing everyone's gaze, a green-haired young man jumped off the eagle's back, landed gently beside Najie Hitan, and whistled quite frivolously.

"Hey~ It's been a long time, beauties, you are more charming now than before~ Oh, is that Mei? I haven't seen you for a few years, you really have changed a lot! How are you doing recently?"

The young man named Lubbock laughed and said hello to Sister Akahito and Mei respectively, with erratic eyes, slightly raised mouth corners, and a lewd look.

Seeing this, "Wife Protector" Qiyana frowned.

"Mei, who is he?"

While speaking, she moved her steps, standing in front of Mei like a child protecting food, with her hips crossed to block someone's sight.

"It's just a companion who was in the night raid before."

Seeing Kiana's "I'm jealous" look, Mei sighed and explained helplessly.

She understood that in the heart of the former, she wished that the whole world would be full of lilies, that girls would love each other, and that men who hated each other should believe in philosophy...

But no matter how you think about it, this kind of thing is a bit unrealistic, right?

As early as in the original world, she Raiden Mei tried to correct Qiyana's strange concept in the past, but so far to no avail.

Now she has already given up, even...

enjoying the moment?

"What about the other one?"

"He is Susano, a powerful Teigu in human form. The one in the middle is his current master, my former boss, and the leader of the night raid, Najehitan."


Meiyi introduced to Kiana one by one.

However, in the eyes of the "green-haired gentleman" Lubbock, the impoliteness and dislike of the latter...

But extraordinarily "cute".

"Oh~! Beautiful lady, in Rabbock, may I have the honor to know your name?"

Glancing up and down at the white-haired girl whose back was facing him, Lubbock suddenly became excited.

Hearing this, Qiyana, who was originally pouting and jealous, was taken aback for a moment, and then her face suddenly became gloomy.

"A man in heat... I can't take it anymore! Sure enough, he should be crushed to death like an ant?!"

In the face of Lubbock's "integrity" gaze, a certain white hairball seems to be about to explode.


At this moment, Lubbock was also confused by the coercion coming to his face, and his face was blank.

Is the response necessary to be so large? !

at this time……

"Okay, Kiyana, calm down."

At the critical moment, Mei stretched out her hand comfortingly, and pressed the tuft of standing hair on Kiana's head.

Immediately, the latter's anger disappeared in an instant, and he turned to enjoyment.

At the same time, Najie Xitan also finished observing the surrounding situation, and glanced at Lubbock intentionally or unintentionally.

The latter immediately became extremely serious, with the appearance of "I am a good man".

A farce disappeared into the invisible.

Then, Najie Xitan scanned Mei and the others one by one, with a faint smile on her face.

"Mei, Chitong, Heitong, long time no see."

"Well, long time no see."

Mei nodded in response.

"Boss, why did you come here...?"

"Yes, this place is not close to the emperor, is it?"

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