Sister Chitong seemed to have something to ask.

In response, Najie Xitan shook her head.

"Don't call me 'BOSS' anymore. No matter what happened before, I am now the General Zhennan of the Republic. This time I am responsible for leading the troops to resist the beast tide in the south."

"Beast tide..."

Hei Tong's expression changed slightly upon hearing these two words.

"By the way, what happened here? Why did you clash with the guards in Seamo Town? And he..."

Turning her head to look at Willie, who was dying with regret, Najie Xitan frowned.

Seeing this, Mei and the others looked at each other.

Things got tricky...

In fact, they all understand that this beast tide is directly related to themselves and others, and the dead Willy is the captain of the Seamo army...

Najeshtan was right, no matter what happened in the past, the night raids are gone now.

No matter how you look at it, killing people in the street is an extremely bad incident, which is contrary to Mei and the others' current status as "civilians", but Najie Xitan is a real high-level official of the Republic...

The atmosphere suddenly fell into a stalemate, obviously it was a companion I hadn't seen for a long time, but I didn't know how to explain it.

At this time, as the only man present, Lubbock took the initiative to stand up and shout:

"That...Najie, don't you understand Chitong and the others? They definitely won't..."

Unexpectedly, Lubbock's obvious smoothing and supporting was interrupted by Najie Xitan with a serious face.

"Repeat, call me General Najahitan."


Hearing this, Lubbock choked on what he wanted to say, opened his mouth, and suddenly fell into a state of depression.

But Najie Xitan didn't care about these, just staring at Mei and the others closely.

"Of course I understand that Chitong and the others will never kill innocent people indiscriminately. But the public is the public, and the private is private. As the general of Zhennan personally appointed by the Supreme Council of the Republic, if he can't make the most basic distinction between public and private, wouldn't it be the biggest joke? ?”


From beginning to end, the humanoid Teigu Susanoo did not speak, as if he didn't know what to say or just wanted to obey his master's wishes.

And Mei and the others also fell into silence.

"Let them all go."

Glancing at the Ximo army who was tightly bound by the silk thread, Najie Xitan ordered so.

"As ordered..."

Lubbock took back Teigu with a helpless expression.

Immediately, the soldiers backed away with lingering fear on their faces.

The field has become empty, but the atmosphere seems to have become more tense.

"Chitong, you killed the man, right?"

Looking at the wound on Willy's body again, Najie Xitan said with certainty.


Chi Tong nodded slowly, with a flat face.

"No, it's none of my sister's business! I killed the man!"

However, as the younger sister, Hei Tong immediately stood up and protected her sister.

Seeing this, a trace of helplessness flashed in Najie Xitan's eyes.

"Hei Tong, I understand that you two sisters have deep feelings, but you can't lie to me about this kind of thing. After all, we used to be so familiar with each other... This knife was aimed at the heart without any hesitation. It was clean and neat. It was obviously Chi Tong's. style."

"I don't care! Boss, if you want to catch my sister, take me away! Even if I die, I will be with my sister!"

Heitong shook his head vigorously, and yelled like a fool.

Seeing this, Najie Xitan's face became a little indifferent.

"Hei Tong, you are making trouble for no reason!"

On one side are her former subordinates and companions, and they have an affair with each other; on the other side, she is committing vile murders in the street. Her behavior is tantamount to contempt for the laws of the Republic, which belongs to her official business...

As a general, Najie Xitan was actually caught in the middle, in a dilemma.

Susanoo and Lubbock also understood this point to appear so helpless.

Before her former partners were about to clash because of their different positions, Mei took a step forward, passed Kiana and came into everyone's sight.

"General Najie Xitan, what happened today is entirely the fault of that person. You don't know that that person used to think that he had a large number of people and relied on the powerful Ximo family behind him, so he planned to take Chitong away in the street. , to the eldest son of their family..."

"The most hateful thing is that yesterday he set fire to the house where the two sisters had lived for two years."


Lubbock's eyes widened suddenly.

The faces of Najie Xitan and Susanoo also softened.

Facing everyone's eyes, Mei continued to speak with her usual expression:

"You should know that Chitong has always been taciturn, keeping everything in his heart, and unwilling to say more. Although I don't know how the laws of the Republic are stipulated, destroying people's houses is tantamount to cutting off people's lives, let alone private property. Sacred and inviolable, isn’t this just one’s own fault?”

"Actually, during this period of time, the Ximo family has repeatedly sent people to harass the normal life of the two sisters. The day before yesterday, they even came to threaten them in person, intending to marry them by force! Disregarding the wishes of the parties, arranged marriages... This kind of thing must be in the law of the Republic Isn't that allowed?"

Having said that, Mei finally made a summary:

"All in all, today's incident is mostly because he provoked it first, and we just had to resist due to pressure. The murder was purely accidental. After all, if you didn't come, so many of them...the end may be unpredictable."

"...Is that so? I understand. I will truthfully record and report this matter."

Najie Xitan breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, she just wanted an explanation in her heart, she wanted to understand the real situation, and she didn't intend to play a ruthless person to push the whole thing to an irreparable situation.

Now there is an "excuse", as for what the higher-ups think, that is a matter of the future, and has nothing to do with the present.

Besides, Susanoo at the side finally showed a smile.

"The offal is not as good as pigs and dogs!"

Looking at the trembling soldiers with disturbed faces, Lubbock gritted his teeth and said angrily.

The two sisters were happy and grateful.

"Mei-chan... I really like you the most!"

"Thank you, Mei."

As for a certain white-haired dumpling, he was proud and jealous.

"Hmph, Mei is still mine in the end."

"I'm not an item good or bad."

Looking at Kiyana's slightly raised mouth, Mei supported her forehead with a helpless expression.

But at this moment...

"What nonsense!"


Chapter 282 Chapter 270 Confrontation

"What nonsense!"

The atmosphere on Mei's side had just calmed down, and with a violent shout, more Ximo soldiers surrounded the girls from the direction of the mayor's mansion.

"Don't be rude, Bruce."

"Yes, father."

Hearing this conversation, Mei and the others turned their heads to look.

The leader was an old man dressed richly and full of energy. His green hair was combed meticulously, his expression was solemn, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he took firm and powerful steps step by step, giving people a kind of aristocratic temperament.

And the one who stopped them just now was a young man with a big belly and a haughty face—it seemed to be the second son of the Seamus family, Bruce Seamus.

When Najie Xitan turned his gaze, the old man at the head waved away the surrounding Ximo army, leaned over slightly and asked:

"Is it General Najehitan?"

His voice is thick and powerful, his eyes are piercing, which makes people awe-inspiring; but there is a faint smile on his face, and he looks amiable.

Solemn and friendly, very contradictory.

To this, Najie Xitan also responded with a polite smile.

"Are you Viscount Seamus?"

Seamus... Viscount?The current patriarch of the Seamo family? !

Mei and the others... To be precise, the eyes of the Chitong sisters suddenly changed.

Not paying attention to the sight around him, the old man leaned on an ancient and precious crutch and nodded, smiling slightly, his gaze was always on Najie Xitan.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. The Viscount has just received the letter from the Supreme Council of the Republic, so I didn't have time to host a banquet to welcome you. Please don't blame the general."

"Don't worry about this." Najie Xitan shook her head, her face did not change a bit due to the old man's flattery, "But I have something to ask you, I wonder if the Viscount can give me the answer?"

"Appreciate further details."

The old man is still watertight.

"Okay then, may I ask what mistake my friends have made to make your Ximo family repeatedly threaten or even bully you?"

Relying on her height advantage, Najie Xitan looked down at the old man's wrinkled face like a dead tree, and the fierce aura cultivated in her high position all the year round was crushed like a tsunami.

Standing behind the old man, the second master Ximo couldn't help but turn pale, and his fat body couldn't help taking a step back.

But the old man is like a rock on the coast, letting the waves beat me and standing still.

"Friends? Now, with all due respect to the Viscount, aren't they the murderers who killed the little girl? How could they be your friends, General?"

Glancing at Mei and the others, the old man said angrily.

"The... murderer who killed your daughter?"

Hearing this, Najie Xitan frowned, and also looked at Mei and the others, as if wanting an explanation.

This time without waiting for Mei to speak, Chitong took the initiative to explain:

"We are not the murderer. The real murderer died yesterday."

"The murderer is dead?"

The surrounding soldiers looked at each other.

"Full of nonsense!"

At this time, the second son Bruce came out suddenly and shouted violently again.

"I think you all want to shirk responsibility! You are clearly the murderer, but you want to fabricate false facts! General, they must be lying!"

"I did not lie."

Facing the eyes of everyone, Chitong said in a flat tone.

Seeing this, Najie Xitan looked at the old man again.

"May I ask, how did your daughter, Viscount, be murdered? What are the characteristics of the relevant process and modus operandi?"

Although he was puzzled about this question, the old man still slowly told what happened yesterday.

Omitting most of the conjectures and honorifics, the real process is roughly:

The murderer is an insider who has been pretending to be an actor in the theater for a long time. With his superb acting skills, he deliberately seduces the attention of the third miss of the Ximo family who likes to watch various dramas since childhood. Finally, yesterday he tricked her into a room and cruelly Kill and decapitate.

"...Crazy! Poor my Phyllis. She was kind all her life. She couldn't even bear to kill a jackrabbit, but in the end she ended up dead without a whole body!"

The viscount obviously doted on his daughter very much, his face was full of grief when he was telling the story, his eyes were bloodshot, and his chest was heaving and heaving until the last word fell.

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