However, after listening to the process, Najie Xitan raised the corners of her lips.

"So that's how it is... Please forgive me, Viscount. But please rest assured, I, Najie Xitan, can guarantee with my own personality that my friends are not the murderers who killed your daughter."


Sensing the seriousness in Najie Xitan's tone, the old man was stunned.

Mei and the others also looked at each other and smiled.

I don't know if it's Najie Xitan, but they all understand:

Chitong... No, among all the members of their former night raiders, no one likes to use this method to kill people.

After all, all members of the organization are Tegu envoys. If the target is an ordinary person who does not pose a threat, they will usually kill them by airborne or sudden appearance, and the methods are clean and neat.

For them, the so-called professional killers just need to kill all the people who find themselves, wouldn't it be enough?Need to take a long detour?

Mei and the others understood, but some people present did not understand.

"This... this is impossible! They must have killed them!"

Bruce, the second son of Seamo, insisted that it was Mei and the others.

"Then please produce reliable evidence, otherwise it is an insult."

Najie Xitan looked at him and said in a flat tone.

And the humanoid Teigu Susano took a step forward.


Feeling the oncoming terror, Bruce was sweating coldly, and his face turned blue and red.

The eyes did not stay on him for too long, and Najie Xitan looked at the silent old man again.

"On the contrary, it is my friend. I heard that the eldest son of your Ximo family plotted against him, and even harassed him repeatedly. Maybe he burned down their home yesterday... Are these facts?"

Facing Najie Xitan's burning gaze, the old man looked at the deputy captain Ken who was slumped on the ground.

"Ken Clive! What the hell is going on here?"

"Son, Lord Viscount..."

Ken quickly crawled over on hands and feet, but he didn't dare to raise his head.

"Say it!"

The old man's tone became more serious.

In this regard, Ken slowly raised his head and glanced at the second young master on the other side.

The latter winked secretly.

——If you dare to say it, you will die!

Trembling, Ken lowered his head again.

"Yes, it's Captain Willie! He, he said he wanted to avenge the housekeeper, so yesterday he took our third team up the mountain to find those bitches... No, it was for those ladies... He also burned the house himself , I persuaded him, but he didn’t listen to me! Lord Viscount!”

Hearing this, the old man's face became a little gloomy.

"Where's Willie?! Let him come out and confess!"

"Captain Willie, he...he..."

"What's up with him?!"

"He just died!"


At this time, Chi Tong nodded slightly.

"Yes, I killed it."

Facing Mei and the others' gazes, the old man's attitude suddenly made a 180-degree turn.

"Then, General Najie Xitan, today's incident is over, right? It's because I have been negligent in managing it. Fortunately, your friends are not injured. As for the house, our Ximo family will arrange a best house soon." I will give you my manor, ladies, what do you think?"

Seeing that Viscount Seamo, who was rumored to be famous, suddenly became so polite, Mei and the others looked at each other.

However, Najie Xitan will not be fooled by this.

"No, there are other business matters. You must know that we came this time under the order of the Supreme Council to resist the beast horde, but I just saw it from the sky, why did Seamo Town suffer so much? ?”

Hearing this, a trace of unnaturalness flashed in the old man's eyes.

Mei keenly captured this scene.

"That's because yesterday's beast horde was too ferocious, we couldn't resist it alone! General, you don't know, those dangerous species launched a sneak attack under the cover of night, bypassing our defense line and entering the town !"

"Because of this Viscount's negligence, many ordinary people were injured... This Viscount is willing to accept the justice of the Republic!"


Seeing the old man's sincere tone and regretful face, Najie Xitan was a little uncertain for a while.

"Right now we still need the cooperation of your Seamo family, this matter will wait..."

"Wait a moment!"

Just when Najie Xitan was about to let go, Mei, who had been rubbing her chin in thought, suddenly interrupted.


Facing everyone's suspicious eyes, Mei looked indifferently at the Ximo family and the group, and suddenly the corner of her mouth curled up, revealing a mysterious smile.

"'It's a bunch of nonsense', I will return to you what your son said before."


Chapter 283 Chapter 270

"Little girl, what do you mean by that?"

Hearing Mei's words, Viscount Seamo frowned, and the wrinkles on his forehead were like deep valleys.

"It's very simple." Mei smiled on the surface, but there was no warmth in her words, "It's not that you can't prevent the beast tide this time, but you have no plan to prevent it at all. Am I right? Lord Viscount."

As soon as her words fell, there was an uproar in the field.

"That's right! That's right! We've heard from other people along the way. When the beast horde came last night, your Ximo family's army and city guards had a good understanding and immediately guarded the mayor's mansion and other important facilities. , didn’t care about their lives at all.”

Kiyana nodded and sneered.

"Is there such a thing?!"

Hearing this, Najie Xitan's expression changed instantly.

At this moment, Viscount Seamo became the target of public criticism.

"You, can you believe those unscrupulous people? This is an obvious insult! It's a hateful rumor!"

He himself still tried to deny these, his face changed again and again, and his chest rose and fell again.

But this time it is no longer caused by grief. As for what it is, it is a bit intriguing...

In this regard, Mei did not intend to give up, but instead carried out a discourse of "chasing and fighting":

"Is it true? Just ask any resident and you will know?"

Hearing Mei's suggestion, Najie Xitan nodded with a serious face, then turned her head and began to scan left and right.

Sure enough, after seeing Najie Xitan began to investigate deeply, Viscount Seamo suddenly became very nervous, and even flustered.

"You...don't bully people too much!"

The viscount doesn't look too young anymore, and now he is panting heavily from anger, his face turns green and then pale, Mei and the others' behavior seems a bit "disrespectful to the elderly" in the eyes of others...

But in Hei Tong's eyes, this viscount is not a kind and kind old grandfather, but a jackal who has been driven to the end!

How flustered and depressed he is at this time, how arrogant and extravagant he is on weekdays!

In this regard, the best way is to put it to death!

"It's just bullying you, how about it? My sister and I have heard that your Ximo family is lawless in the past two years! The second son is extravagant, marrying and robbing by force, the third lady takes pleasure in abuse, and often bullies the common people. The Eldest Young Master is even secretly recruiting killers and recruiting troops..."

Turning his eyes, Heitong revealed the sins of the Seamo family in a surprisingly resentful tone.

In the end, Chi Tong, who was the elder sister, raised her head and looked directly at Viscount Seamo.

"Embrace yourselves, what do you want to do?"

The atmosphere suddenly fell to freezing point.

"Celeste Seamus, the Republic needs your explanation!"

At this time, Najie Xitan was extremely serious, and Susanoo beside her was even more ready to fight.

Facing the current desperate situation, Viscount Seamo's face was extremely gloomy, and his body even trembled slightly.

"General Najie Xitan, your friends have repeatedly offended and provoked our Ximo family. It is unbearable! Come, take them down for me!"

Hearing his order, the surrounding Ximo army quickly narrowed the encirclement.

The scene suddenly got out of control.

"I see who of you dares!"

At the critical moment, Najie Xitan shouted.

At this time, Lubbock, who had been acting very "honestly" and did not dare to surpass him at all, made a move.

"Hehe, if you move a little more, your head will fall to the ground, my lord Viscount."

Viscount Seamus was surrounded by transparent silk threads, and the cold light reflected Lubbock's evil smile.

"You, you...!"

Feeling the penetrating chill, Viscount Seamo turned pale immediately.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers who had originally surrounded stopped in their tracks, looking vacillating.

At this time, in order to preside over the overall situation, Najie Xitan, who had the highest "official position", stood up again.

"As early as when I was in the new imperial capital, I heard a little about the affairs of your Ximo family. However, the Republic was first established, and there are many things that need to be improved and resolved. I don't have time to interview you. But ..."

Having said that, her tone changed.

"Before I came, I specifically proposed in the council that if your Seamo family has dissent in this incident and doesn't obey orders..."

At this moment, Najie Xitan raised her head, her tone changed from low to passionate, and she raised her arms and shouted:

"Speaker George's charter! If there is any trouble, I, Zhennan General Najie Xitan, will have the right to take over Ximo Town on behalf of the Supreme Council of the Republic! From now on, everyone must obey my command! Otherwise, it will be dealt with according to the laws of the Republic !"

Hearing this, the surrounding soldiers... especially the city guards with special positions dropped their weapons one after another, and fell to their knees one by one.

"Please forgive me, General!"

The army was defeated like a mountain.

Seeing this scene, the private army that was originally loyal to the Seamo family also lost their will to fight. They either knelt down and surrendered or kept retreating in an attempt to escape.

Seeing this, Mei and the others smiled at the same time.

"Celester Seamus, as a hereditary viscount, you treat the civilians under your rule like this, and even harbor evil intentions and attempt to rebel. What crime should you be?!"

Najie Xitan snapped.

Hearing this, Viscount Seamo closed his eyes with a miserable smile on his face.

" turns out that the Republic didn't trust us from the beginning to the end. Back then, when your revolutionary army suffered setbacks in the south, who was the first to respond to you, help you out of the predicament, and open the way to the north? Now it's even revenge...forget it!"

"In that case, don't blame me for putting all my eggs in one basket!"

As soon as the words fell, the Viscount opened his eyes and poked his cane hard against the ground.

"Stop him!"

Almost at the same time, everyone shot.


Whether it was Lubbock's Teigu or Susanoo's attack, they were all blocked by a blue barrier.

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