"This is……?"

Looking at the somewhat familiar barrier in front of them, Mei and Chitong exchanged glances.

Could it be...

"Hahaha! The town clan Teigu has been activated! After 1000 years, our Mo clan is finally going to dominate the world again!!!"

Inside the barrier, the Viscount laughed wildly, the crutch in his hand peeled off layer by layer under the washing of a huge amount of magic power, and finally revealed its original appearance——

It was like a metal stick similar to a joystick!


Almost at the same time, the ground suddenly shook.

"what is that?!!"

In the center of the town not far from Mei and the others, the original magnificent and outstanding Viscount's Mansion collapsed, and a huge "robot" appeared in the smoke and dust flying in the sky.

"Supreme Tegu?!"

The moment he saw the robot, Lubbock couldn't help screaming.

"No, it's not, it should just be an imitation."

But Najie Xitan shook her head, glanced at Mei who was lost in thought, and a trace of calm flashed across her face.

The next moment, as if to verify her words, the huge robot stepped out of the dust and began to move forward.

As we all know, the so-called "Supreme Teigu" refers to the first and strongest piece of Teigu manufactured by the old empire thousands of years ago. Destructive enough to level any city with ease.

And the "Zhenzu Teigu" in front of the Viscount's mouth, its appearance looks like an earth dragon, with green paint, and it can't be half of the Supreme Teigu just from its size, it is simply the latter's "brother"—— Or "shrunk version".

But even if it is so "hip-pull", it is no different from the brave and invincible Giant God Soldier in the eyes of ordinary people.

At the same time, a large number of Ximo troops poured in from all directions like a spring, and they surrounded the intersection where Mei and the others were.

"The Mo family will last forever!"

They chanted slogans, their faces were full of fanaticism, and regardless of their own safety, they wantonly slashed and killed all the lives in front of them...even the city guards or the Ximo army who surrendered before!There is no distinction between enemy and friend.

Such crazy behavior made Mei's mind involuntarily come up with a word:

dead man.

Of course, the so-called "dead warriors" do not refer to those human beings who have been eroded by the Houkai energy, but a kind of existence that has been brainwashed and eventually lost itself, reduced to only obeying orders, similar to the legendary religious fanatics.


"Mo Clan? That person seemed to call himself the Clan Clan yesterday."

Just as Mei was thinking about whether there was any connection between the two, Viscount Seamo yelled frantically:

"Keep killing! Kill! The more blood on the ground, the stronger it will be! Hahaha!"


Mei suddenly raised her head to look, and saw that the movements of the Zhenzu Teigu became more flexible, and her every move was no longer as stiff as before, and even made her feel more threatening than before. .

"It turns out to be powered by blood?! Then..."

As if thinking of something, Mei closed her eyes.

The perception unfolds, and it goes deep into the ground...

Not long after, some mysterious spells that had been seen on the ancient battlefield appeared in the field of perception.


Continuing to expand the field of perception, Mei was surprised to find:

It turns out that the entire Seamo Town is in a huge magic circle!

"I see. Outsiders think that the reason why Ximo Town has been stagnant and deliberately slowed down its development for so many years is just to confuse the upper officials so as to concentrate the power in their hands. In fact...they treat the whole town as a 'bioenergy'!"


Hearing Mei's murmur, the Chitong sisters closest to her opened their eyes wide with disbelief.

Among them, only Kiyana was aware of Mei's perception just now, so she understood her thoughts.

"According to what you said, Mei, the reason why they didn't take any resistance measures this time, and allowed dangerous species to massacre civilians in the town, is actually to 'cut leeks' and collect blood energy?!"

"...Maybe. Such a vicious plan."

Mei's face darkened.

Right now, Viscount Seamus was slowly lifted into the air under the protection of the magic barrier, looking down at the group of them, and the crazy laughter seemed to spread throughout the whole street.

Around them, the city guards and the Seamo army who were in charge of surrounding them but surrendered later were resisting the attack from the "dead soldiers". Susanoo and Lubbock had no choice but to join the battle. A delicate "balance".

But this is obviously only temporary.

As the town clan Teigu got closer, the shock from the ground and the sense of deterrence and suffocation brought by its huge body became stronger, not to mention that it itself was also passing by with time... or the death toll growing stronger.

And due to the existence of the magic barrier, ordinary swords and even Teigu cannot hurt the Viscount himself, let alone stop the footsteps of the town clan Teigu, so the Chitong sisters and Najie Hitan can only watch all this...

All in all, the situation is not good.

Chapter 284 Chapter 270 Chapter [-] The End of the Seamo Family

Just as the situation became more and more anxious and everyone was at a loss, Najie Xitan and Chitong sisters looked over at the same time, their eyes full of hope.

"You must have a solution, right? Mei."

This remark sounds more like a "request" than an "inquiry".

That's right, they are begging Mei to help!

"That's right! Ms. Mei, you have a way to deal with the Supreme Teigu in the past, but now this 'Little Green Bug', which is much smaller than it, should be fine, right?"

Lubbock turned his head and laughed, but his tone contained deep admiration.

"With the strength you displayed at that time, there must be no problem."

Susanoo was also sure of that.

At this, Mei frowned.

"Uh, did I say that before? Please don't use this rude title again..."

Halfway through the conversation, facing their expectant eyes, she finally sighed, nodded, and a trace of nostalgia flashed in her eyes.

"Well, I do have a way."

Hearing this, except for the only insider, Qiyana, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good……"

"What does it matter, think about it, which one of our night raids was not rescued by you? The title of Big Sister Ace must belong to you!"

Lubbock gave a thumbs up and smiled cheaply.


Mei couldn't complain anymore.

But Kiyana became interested.

"I didn't expect you, Mei, to have such a title..."

"That's all in the past, Kiyana, don't bring it up again. Let's get down to what's in front of us now."

As if unwilling to waste time on this topic, Mei ignored the former's dissatisfied eyes, raised her foot and took a step forward.

Chitong and the others consciously stepped aside.

First of all, that conspicuous guy in the sky...

Mei raised her hand, and lightning flashed between her brows.

"The empire has been destroyed! The Supreme Teigu has also been destroyed! Today, no one is destined to stop the revival of our Mo clan! No one!!! Hahaha...uh!"

A certain viscount smiled and ushered in the trial of the judgment thunder.

The bloody thunder pierced through the magic barrier, instantly reduced it to ashes, and disappeared with the wind, leaving behind not even the crutch that was suspected to be the controller.

"The guy who sits in a well and watches the sky."

Mei withdrew her hand expressionlessly, and turned to look at the advancing Zhenzu Teigu.

It's just that the latter also stopped suddenly. I don't know if it was because the manipulator, Viscount Seamo, had died and fell into a "downtime" state.

"It seems that I don't need to make any more moves."

Mei said lightly.

She is no longer what she used to be now, the so-called town clan Teigu is no different from a child's toy in her eyes, and Viscount Seamo's series of actions are like a "clown" performing on the stage to his heart's content, which makes her wonder. Not the slightest will to fight.

This is also true for Qiyana.

However, this kind of "crushing" that was extremely normal in the eyes of the two of them made it difficult for others to accept.


Lubbock froze.

"Although I knew before, Mei, that your strength is unusual, I didn't expect that..."

There was something indescribable in Najie Xitan's eyes.

But Mei didn't care about these.

"It's grown a little bit over the years."

"No, it's not over yet."

Chi Tong reminded suddenly.

Hearing this, everyone immediately turned their heads.

I saw that the town clan Teigu who had been "downtime" actually started to move again!

at the same time……

"Thank you for killing that old man, now the control of this Teiju [Mo Clan Foundation] is in my hands!"

A male voice that was completely unfamiliar to Mei was uploaded from the [Mo Clan Foundation], resounding throughout Ximo Town.

"This is the voice of the eldest son of the Seamo family, Esther Heber Seamo."

Chi Tong explained in this way, with an indifferent expression.

"I just said why didn't I see the guy who dared to covet my sister just now, so he has been in Teigu all the time!"

Hei Tong was stunned.

"Brother! Help me!"

At this time, the second son Bruce Seamus, who was wounded and lying in a pool of blood in the previous battle, stretched out his hand to ask his elder brother for help, his face was full of excitement, and his eyes were full of hope.


A brief silence.

When the Teigu called [Mo Clan Foundation] suddenly received a mighty wave of magic power...


Mei instantly deployed the electromagnetic barrier, enveloping the surrounding friends.

But the Second Young Master, who was outside the barrier, could only watch the scarlet beam descend...

At that moment, he opened his mouth subconsciously, as if he wanted to say something, but his consciousness completely dissipated in the next second.


After the light disappeared, his whole body and the intersection were flattened, even the dead soldiers of the Seamo family were no exception.

What kind of power is this?besides……

How cold-blooded?

"Trash. Don't think that I don't know what's going on in your heart. You still want me to save you now? Let the old man go to hell and dream!"

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