The eldest son's voice came again, his tone full of disdain.

At this time, Mei dispersed the barrier, and everyone suddenly found that the surroundings had become a pitch-black ruin. Except for the safe and sound foothold, the rest of the ground had been sunken. With lava flowing...

"This... I almost explained it here, it is worthy of being a maneuverable anti-army Teigu."

A drop of cold sweat trickled down Lubbock's head.

"Yes, if it wasn't for Mei..."

Nodding, Najie Hitan's face was full of heavyness.

In fact, apart from them, the Ximo army and city guards who had surrendered before also survived.

As for why...

Looking at the faint golden shield on their bodies, Mei turned her head and glanced at the girl beside her.

And the latter also seemed to have a tacit understanding, turned his head, and looked at her.

"I didn't expect you, Qiyana, to help them."

"They are innocent. In the situation just now, one can be saved. After all, it is easy to do."

Seeing the girl's embarrassed look, the corners of Mei's mouth curled up slightly, and she didn't say any more.

As for the city guards and Ximo soldiers who had brushed shoulders with death, they were in a daze at first, and then they all screamed like crazy.

"We survived... We survived!!"

"It's incredible, am I dreaming?!"

In this regard, Qiyana waved her hand, lifted the shields on them, and at the same time created a "bridge of light" leading to the rear out of thin air.

"Get out of here quickly, the current situation is beyond your control. I won't save some strangers twice in a row~"

Hearing her words, the soldiers immediately understood what was going on.

"Thank you, my lord! Thank you, my lord! Let's go now! Let's go now!"

I saw them all grateful, supporting each other, bowing to Qiyana to express their gratitude, and moving hard to escape the area along the Bridge of Light.

Seeing this scene, Najie Xitan and the others had a different impression of Qiyana.

However, 【Foundation of the Mo Clan】is still advancing.

"He actually killed his own brother..."

Chi Tong's face was a little gloomy.

In her opinion, blood relatives are the most important people in the world. She and her sister have lived together since childhood and know the importance of each other.

But the other party didn't think so.

"Brother, in this world, only power is the most important thing! Other things are waste products that can be used and discarded! Just like them!"

In [Foundation of the Mo Clan], Esther Heber, who was naked and wrapped in blood-colored tentacles, looked at the core of Teigu under his feet—a pool of blood while talking.

Among them, a human being is also bound by dense tentacles, constantly being sucked with blood, acting as a piece of "biological battery".

They are male and female, old and young, the only thing in common is:

No matter who they were, they were adventurers or butchers with more or less fame.

The swordsman Hayato Kikukawa and the giant ax Parker who appeared before seemed to be among them, with distorted expressions and dying.

"It's time for you to see the hole card of this Teigu! My undead army! Destroy them!"

Following Esther Heber's order, mummy corpses with all their blood drained emerged from the soles of the dragon-shaped Teigu's feet, and charged towards Mei and the others at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people!

"Hahaha! Anyone who contributed their blood to [Foundation of the Mo Clan] will be imprisoned forever in body and soul! They will become the most powerful army in my hands and will never be destroyed! No matter the army of the Empire or the Republic, They are vulnerable to a single blow!"

Hearing Esther Hiber's wild laughter, Mei and the others looked at the "Undead Legion" with a trace of pity in their eyes.

"It's really sad."

"Let's just give them a ride and let them go."

In this regard, the Chitong sisters pulled out their weapons one after another, jumped over the pothole lightly, and took the initiative to meet them.

Susanoo and Lubbock also followed closely.

From the current point of view, [Mo Clan Foundation] is obviously not capable of continuously firing magic beam cannons in a short period of time like Supreme Teigu, so this battle must end before the second round arrives.

Otherwise, greater casualties will be caused!

Deeply understanding this truth, Mei and the others started to act.

"Mei, leave that big guy to me, and let me show off my prestige!"

"Okay... I'll destroy the magic circle under the ground."

As soon as the words fell, thunder and lightning and holy light appeared in this world at the same time.

The incident finally came to an end.

Chapter 285 Chapter 270 Chapter [-] Tea Party Between Intermissions

Of course, there is no suspense in the final battle.

As Mei and Kiana shot together, whether it was the ancient magic circle underground used to draw blood and provide energy, or the huge Teigu on the ground that was still moving, they both suffered fatal blows and both exploded.

Without the support and control of the first two, the masters who had already turned into mummies were able to rest in peace. The undead army that Esther Heber had regarded as the "killer" collapsed like this, and even the town of Seamo from beginning to end. Never stepped out.

Not to mention the flattening of the Republic...

All in all, the demise of the Seamus family came so suddenly, but so logically, the residents of the town who had been oppressed for a long time were both excited, joyful, and at a loss for what to do.

That's right.

The disintegration of any system is accompanied by casualties and human pain. After all, no one knows how it will develop in the future.Because of this, many people are dominated by inner cowardice, unwilling to accept new things, and choose to stick to the old rules before the wave of reform arrives.

However, these have nothing to do with the two "outsiders" Mei and Kiyana, and it is not their turn to worry about how the world will develop in the future.

Now, they are preparing to accomplish what they first and last wanted to do in this world.


"You want to visit Tazmi and the others?"


The next day, in the original Seamo Manor.

The original mayor's mansion has long been reduced to ruins.After the destruction of the formerly overshadowing Ximo family, Najie Xitan formally took over the city defense of Ximo town, spent a whole day arranging out the city guards and Ximo army, and set up the surviving manor as a temporary general's mansion .

All the former servants here have been dismissed, and the remnants of the Seamo family have been imprisoned. Today, there are only a dozen city guards in the manor responsible for patrolling and standing guard. Order.

"The army sent by the parliament has already set out, and it will arrive at the surrounding areas of the Harry Gott Mountain Range at the latest the day after tomorrow to support the affected towns."

"Unfortunately, I can't go back with you. Because apart from Simo Town, there are several towns in the surrounding area that have been attacked by beast hordes. I must command the soldiers to complete this resistance and rescue mission. This is the Republic of An order issued to me by the Supreme Council."

In the magnificently decorated living room by the original owner, Najie Xitan, who was sitting on the main seat, explained in this way, with a somewhat serious tone.

"Parliament of the Republic..."

On the expensive animal skin sofa, Qiyana took a sip of hot tea, and then fell into some kind of thought.

Seeing this, Lubbock, who was sitting on the opposite sofa, seemed to be interested.

"You seem a little curious, Miss Kiyana. Don't tell don't know?"


But Kiyana just ignored him without even raising her head.


Just when Lubbock was embarrassed, Mei who was sitting next to Kiana spoke.

"Don't worry, Qiyana has always been like this. She usually ignores unfamiliar people of the opposite sex."

It's just the opposite if it's a beautiful and lovely woman—Mei didn't say this.

Hearing Mei's explanation, Lubbock quickly nodded, laughed and laughed.

"I see, I understand, I understand, after all Miss Kiyana is so beautiful, she should..."

Before he finished speaking, he was glared at by Qiyana again.

The former disappeared immediately.

Seeing this scene, the Chitong sisters who were sitting on the same sofa with Mei and the others couldn't help but suppress their laughter.

The former members of the night raid present here are very familiar with Lubbock's unscrupulous character, so they are not surprised.However, I am very happy to see the appearance of the former who has been deflated and hit a wall many times.

Seeing this, Mei changed the subject empathetically:

"Actually, about the parliament, it's not just about Kiana, I'm also a little curious. After all, after we defeated the Supreme Emperor Tegu and the Minister of Swordsman, the Revolutionary Army seemed to be busy repairing the damage caused to the imperial capital by that battle. I have never heard of it. To form a so-called parliament..."

"Mei is right."

Chi Tong and Hei Tong, who had lived in seclusion in the mountains for a long time, also showed curious expressions.

"Is such that."

Najie Xitan sat up straight with a smile on her face.

"After the overthrow of the empire, the revolutionary army abolished the hereditary system of the throne for thousands of years. After a series of discussions, the representatives of the multi-party revolutionary army believed that the new country should actively listen to public opinion and avoid dictatorship, and decided to disperse power in everyone's hands. Parliament The system came out of it..."

"And after the last emperor was sanctioned by the people, the empire has officially become a thing of the past, and the new country will be built and governed by everyone. This is the Republic."

After listening to her words, everyone present, including Lubbock and Akahito sisters, smiled from the bottom of their hearts. Only Kiana and Mei, who had lived in the modern world and witnessed several worlds with their own eyes, were very dull.

"Indeed. Compared with the rotten empire in the past, where the people were dying, such a republic may be a good start. At least people can rely on the law to protect themselves."

Nodding, Mei gave her own evaluation.

"However, cancer like the Seamo it a legacy problem?"

Kiana added so.

Regarding this, Najie Xitan sighed and nodded slightly, her face a little dignified.

"Well... the Republic was not long ago, and there are still many similar problems, and I still need to wait and work hard to solve them."

Hearing this, Lubbock suddenly tensed up.

"Najie, I heard that you haven't had a good rest for several days. Is it necessary to push yourself so hard? Your body..."

"I'm all right, Lubbock."

Najie Xitan shook her head with a smile, a trace of exhaustion appeared on her face.

"Actually, sitting here with you like this is already a rest for me. The situation in Seamo Town is still not impressive, and the impact of the beast tide is still spreading... For the sake of those who are suffering all the time, I really have nothing to do. There is no way to stop, please understand.”

This time, since there were no outsiders around, she did not put on the airs of the General of the Republic.

Seeing the exchange between the two of them, Mei and Chitong's eyes also changed.

"It seems that the rumor is true..."


Facing the ambiguous and narrow gazes of the girls, one of the parties involved was embarrassed, while the other was bewildered.

"What rumor? About me?"

Najie Xitan asked suspiciously.

"Well, when I attended Tazmi and Maine's party last time, Leonai said it after drinking. She said, BOSS, you and Lubbock are already dating."

Heitong said "inner ghost" without holding back his mouth.

It was too late for Chi Tong to stop her.

Najie Xitan was stunned for a moment, then tilted her head and narrowed her eyes.

" could it be? She must be talking nonsense after drinking, don't take it seriously. "

At this moment, she is very kind on the surface, her tone is flat, as if she is discussing other people's affairs, but in her heart...

Leonai...hehe, I remember you.

At the same time, the blonde blonde girl who was still persuading someone to drink in a certain tavern in the new imperial capital suddenly shuddered.

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