In addition, a certain green-haired man present "petrified" instantly after hearing Najie Hitan's words.

"Najie, didn't you... when we were on our way last night...?"

"Have it?"

Najiexi glared at him with a half-smile.

Immediately, the latter could only smile wryly and collapsed, lying on the sofa with an "unlovely life".

It seems that his family status after marriage is worrying...

After drawing a conclusion in her mind for a certain green-haired man with some gloating, Qiyana turned her head to look at the girl beside her.

"As expected, Mei is the best~!"


Looking at Kiana who was leaning against her and arching back and forth, Mei's face was full of question marks.

At this moment, Najie Xitan suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, the current first speaker of the parliament is Harry George, the former direct superior of our Night Raiders. It is precisely because he understands my style of conduct that he specifically assigned me to solve this incident. I would like to ask The more important thing is, do you have any clues about this beast tide?"


The girls sitting on a sofa suddenly froze.

Seeing this, Najie Xitan looked puzzled.

"what happened?"

Facing her gaze, Mei didn't know how to speak, Qiyana simply pretended she didn't hear, and the Chitong sisters were even more restless, full of anxiety.

Can they say that this beast tide is actually directly related to themselves and others?

In that case, the atmosphere will probably drop to freezing point!

But Na Jiexitan did not intend to give up, but became more and more serious.

"Let's talk about what you find. Last night, Susanoo sensed an extremely evil and powerful dangerous aura. Maybe it is the source of this beast tide. We must solve it no matter what!"

"Because once the influence of the beast tide continues to expand, the more people will be affected. By that time, Brand, who is opening a martial arts gym in the new imperial capital, Leone, who is in the tavern, and Ma Yin, Ta, who are far away in the village Zimi and the others will also be involved, so the situation will be bad."

In this regard, Mei and Akahito looked at each other.

"That dangerous species is dead."


Najie Xitan opened her eyes slightly.

"That's right! Boss, the beast tide won't happen again! Don't worry!"

Hei Tong raised his hand and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Najie Xitan frowned.

"How do you know..."

However, before she finished speaking, everyone's eyes were suddenly attracted by the shaking teacups on the table.

Immediately after...


Suddenly, another earthquake occurred in Simo Town!

At this moment, as far as the eye can see, the entire Harry Gotte Mountain Range... No, a violent earthquake has occurred in the entire southern part of the continent!

"What is it this time?!"

Chapter 286 Chapter 270 Five Disasters from the Deep Sea

Time went back to the day before yesterday.

At that time, the Corroding Dragon was killed by Mei after breaking the seal, and was accepted as one of the eight puppets, and its blood... the blood of the evil dragon that was enough to pollute the magic power, was "filled" with Kiana later. The move went upstream, following the leylines all over the world deep in the ground to the south of the mainland.

As we all know, the leylines are formed by the gathering of the essence of magic power. Long before the establishment of the old empire and the prosperity of the human species, it had penetrated the entire continent and nourished countless lives.

It is no exaggeration to say that the earth veins are a gift from Mother Earth, the source of life for all dangerous species, and an important part of maintaining ecological balance.

And as the blood of the eroding dragon enters the veins of the earth, its unique nature of corroding everything brings the unwillingness and resentment left by the body before death like "cancer cells", madly assimilating and polluting the original pure magic power, and along the way along the veins of the earth. tributaries flow into the sea...

Disaster happened from this.

With little to no knowledge, the ecosystem of the undersea kingdom has been devastated!Countless weak sea creatures and even dangerous sea creatures died one after another because they were contaminated or absorbed the polluted magic power, and all of them were dead under the seabed for a while.

Originally, in this world with a low degree of industrialization, the sea was the purest and most primitive ecological environment, but everything has changed now.

The magic power polluted by the blood of the corroding dragon flows through the entire South China Sea along the ground veins, and its corrosive power is infinitely magnified by the magic power itself, becoming a bomb that destroys everything and breaks the balance...

And this scene happened to be what the first emperor did not want to see thousands of years ago.

So far, yes, the mainland has not been polluted, but the innocent ocean has taken it all.

Sad, deplorable, but this is the truth.

At this moment, the vast ocean is about to launch revenge!Vent your anger to humans and to the entire continent!



Thunder and lightning.

At this time, the southernmost tip of the mainland is like a dark night, with layers of white waves crazily beating against the coastline, strong winds stirring up the dark clouds in the sky, and heavy rain pouring down, as if announcing the coming of the end of the world.

The previous earthquake was just a signal, and everything had just begun.

"Go back! Go back!"

"We must get back to shore!"

On the rough sea, a small fishing boat was struggling in the waves. The fisherman and his wife paddled the oars desperately despite the heavy rain.

But how can the power of nature be countered by human beings?Following a photograph of a giant wolf like a city wall, the boat disappeared immediately.

"Save the child! Who will save my child!"

On the shore, the endless rain caused floods, and the thigh-deep flood flooded the fence. The woman squatted on the roof holding the baby and shouted in despair. The cold rain wet her hair and back.

Misfortune never comes singly.


The already fragile mountain body became softer under the washing of rainwater, continuously entering air and rainwater, disintegrating the support points, and finally succumbing to gravity, and began to slide down with heavy rocks.

The sudden landslide blocked the villagers' way to enter the mountain, and the spreading and advancing mudslides pushed this small fishing village to a dead end.

In addition, the terrifying tsunami has accumulated energy on the sea surface, and soon it will represent the purest and most primitive anger of the sea, swallowing all the buildings and creatures on the ground.


Finally, the dangerous species that live on the bottom of the sea all year round are ready to move. When the creatures on the mainland suffer heavy losses, they will go ashore for the final harvest.

This is an act of revenge against the entire continent!

They have decided to clean the entire continent!

However, the reality will not be as they wish.


A golden light flashed, and the space distorted.

At this moment, whether it was the fisherman couple struggling on the sea, or the mother and son squatting on the roof waiting for rescue, they all suddenly disappeared out of thin air.


The thunder fell, and the mud and rocks blocking the road were blown out instantly.

"God bless! God bless!"

"The gods have appeared!"

While shouting excitedly and kneeling down, the villagers began to drag their families into the mountains to seek refuge.

However, "Reaper" still did not let them go.


I don't know if it was startled by the thunder just now, or it was caused by the erosion of the rain, a huge rock on the mountain fell down again.

And its landing point is the crowd in migration...

"Leave it to us!"

Suddenly, a pair of sisters rushed out from the crowd, drew their weapons and jumped lightly.


I didn't see when they swung their knives, but they heard the sound of piercing the sky and splitting the clouds and rain, and the boulder instantly turned into gravel and scattered all over the ground.

The next moment, two girls, one black and one white, also appeared beside them out of thin air.

"You two did a good job."

"It's far worse than Kiyana and you."

"Yeah, my sister and I's black obsidian and white jade are also very good! Just now I thought it would not be able to support it, but I didn't expect it to be damaged at all... It's too powerful!"

"It's a bit special."

Those who came were Mei, Kiyana and the two sisters Chitong and Heitong.

"Benefactor, these four are our great benefactors!"

"Thank you benefactor for saving me!"

"thanks, thanks!"

At this time, the villagers whose migration was interrupted knelt down one after another, regardless of how dirty the ground was, while the woman kept bending down to thank her with the child in her arms.

Although the rain is heavy, their enthusiasm is better than the warm summer sun, which is moving.

"Everyone, hurry up and go to the mountain! It's just a matter of little effort for us to save people, so you don't need to thank you."

Shaking his head, Mei said so.

"Yeah, everyone, go into the mountains, we will solve all this soon, I promise!"

Kiyana patted her chest and smiled.

"It's still dangerous here, please leave quickly..."

Seeing this, Sister Chitong also began to advise.

"Good good..."

"We will never forget the kindness of adults!"

The villagers stood up one after another, supporting each other and marching towards the mountain.

"Have the civilians been evacuated?"

Looking at their backs, Mei suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Chi Tong, who was wearing a raincoat, nodded.

"Well, Heitong and I asked them just now, and there should be only this fishing village within a hundred miles around here, and there are no other people."

"Yes, that's fine."

While speaking, Mei turned around and faced the sea.

"What the hell happened here? Why, Mei..."

Chi Tong also turned around, looking like she wanted to ask something.

In response, Kiyana smiled and shook her head.

"Don't worry, you will know later~."

It is worth mentioning that there seems to be an invisible barrier between her and Mei, and when the rain falls on them, it suddenly disappears.

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