"Stop talking, Kiyana, let's get started."

Mei suddenly said.

"All right……"

Shrugging, Kiyana closed her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Mei's body suddenly emitted a dazzling purple light, her long hair also began to be dyed purple, streaks of lightning appeared on it, and a pair of dark eyes gradually turned purple and the pupils turned red.


As she shouted softly, the form of Herrscher of God unfolded, and the evasion clothes automatically changed styles, covering the armor of a ghost warrior, with a fluttering cloak and double horns on his forehead.


The moment the Herrscher of God form appeared, a blood-colored beam of light emerged from Mei's body and pierced through the sky.

The next moment, the dark clouds all over the sky seemed to have encountered the "natural enemy", and quickly melted under the bloody light, and were wiped away like white mist condensed on the window.


At this moment, the turbulent air wave almost lifted the two Chitong sisters into the air, but fortunately, Mei seemed to have expected it, and fixed the two of them in mid-air.

The rain stopped.

The dark clouds dissipated and the sun shone, reflecting the dull and surprised expressions of the Chitong sisters.

"Mei, Mei, you...?!"

Looking at the girl with double horns on her forehead, wooden shoes, fluttering purple hair, and cold armor, the two sisters felt a sense of strangeness when they felt the strong sense of oppression and the mighty momentum that made their whole body stiff. and panic.

In this regard, Mei's purple eyes flashed a trace of gentleness.

"This is what I look like when I'm in full force, sorry for scaring you."

In this form, Mei speaks with a kind of indifference and arrogance that looks down on the world and condescends to all living beings. The Chitong sisters can only distinguish her heart at this time through the soft eyes and gain a sense of security.

"Is that so..."

"So handsome, so powerful!"

One of the two sisters was sluggish, and the other was jealous.

In fact, this is not the real complete form...

Opening her mouth, Mei finally didn't say the words, and turned to look at Kiyana on the other side.

As if feeling her sight, the latter slowly opened his eyes, but his appearance didn't change in any way.

"Qiana, you...?"

Mei just wanted to ask something, but Kiyana shook her head first.

"I'm ready, let's get started."

As soon as the words fell, she didn't wait for Mei to continue speaking, and suddenly raised her hand.



With Qiyana's order, the ground suddenly shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of Chitong sisters who were so shocked that they couldn't be more shocked and even a little numb, a huge high wall made of rocks rose up along the coastline, like a giant dragon waking up from a deep sleep.

"The next enemy is a bit unusual."

Seeing this scene, Mei began to explain to the sisters in a flat tone.

"Qiana and I brought you here, in fact, we want you to experience the battle between real extraordinary people, so that you can have a bottom line in your heart and prepare for your future path."

"We didn't force you to make any choices, everything depends on your own heart. After this incident, Kiyana and I will leave here and go to a place that you will never find, a completely different world. "

"Should we leave with us and work hard to become a true transcendent, or continue to stay in this world to enjoy the ordinary and peaceful, until a hundred years later turn into loess, I hope you can make a decision that conforms to your own heart."

The wall has been completed; the wave is coming.

A great war is about to break out.

Chapter 287 Chapter 270 VI


Nasty sunlight.

The kingdom of the ocean has always been dark and deep. On the bottom of the sea, the beings that can emit light are often very weak, or they themselves are a kind of pure bait, and only low-level creatures without intelligence will take the bait from beginning to end.

For the sea-dwelling dangerous species who are used to the darkness, light is completely unnecessary. They who have awakened their wisdom and rely on magic power don't bother to rely solely on the "eyes" organ to hunt.

Therefore, now that the storm has stopped and the dark clouds have been dispersed, the calm and constantly reflecting light of the sea makes them extremely violent.


Not long after the rock wall appeared, a large number of sea-dwelling dangerous species poked their bodies out of the sea.

The sun is shining brightly at this moment, and looking around, the sea is full of white flowers, densely packed.

They are huge in size, and there are so many types that they are too dizzying. One second, they looked like a group of swimming fish, but the next second they turned into a bunch of shrimps and crabs.

The details of the ocean, the power of the ocean, the mystery of the ocean... Even if what is revealed at this moment is just the tip of the iceberg, it is far beyond human imagination.

In front of them, these sea-dwelling dangerous species just stick their heads out, and their battles are enough to demoralize the most powerful army of the Republic.

The waves are bigger.


With a strange long sound coming from the bottom of the sea, a thin "long line" suddenly appeared on the distant sea level.

——It was a tsunami.

Maybe it was caused by the previous big earthquake, or some kind of unreasonable force was at work, but the tsunami finally arrived.It is like a movable "water wall", and it contains a huge amount of energy inside, curling the sea while pushing towards the land.

The mighty power of nature is always so shocking that mortals can only tremble and pray in front of it.

"Puff puff!"

On the contrary, the sea-dwelling dangerous species are cheering. I can see that they are constantly swinging their limbs and antennae, and spit out white foam from their mouths. The whole is like a crowded auditorium at a superstar concert, or ants around a corpse. , Surrounded by an atmosphere of joy and excitement.

Because the tsunami is the best "surfboard", dangerous species can use its power to go to the shore effortlessly;

At the same time, it is also a blue "Reaper", wielding a sickle, and leading the sea-dwelling dangerous species to spread death on land.


No one is sitting still.

When the tsunami was about to land, and the sea-dwelling dangerous species had already started to "surf" through it, the space above them suddenly distorted, and more than a dozen spider-like "iron plates" slowly emerged.

"Plop! Plop...!"

Then, these seemingly inconspicuous "iron plates" fell directly into the waves or hit the heads of some dangerous species, and when their sound was obscured by the roar of the tsunami itself...

A torrent of energy emerges.


One... No, multiple bright blue light spheres began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye, colliding and merging with each other, annihilating all matter while performing the apocalypse of destruction.

At that moment, the huge dangerous sea-dwelling species was directly involved, and the hard body containing magic power persisted for only a few microseconds before being smashed into molecules or atoms by the torrent of energy, and the body "evaporated" together with the sea water instantly.

In addition, even the punishment of nature - the tsunami cannot escape bad luck, it is still liquid in essence, it also disintegrates and dissipates under the impact of energy at the same time, and loses the "intimate contact" with the rock wall Chance.

In just a few seconds, a bright blue "sun" appeared on the surface of the sea, countless seawater was evaporated instantly, and the sea level was no longer straight or wavy as usual, but a "hole" that was difficult to heal appeared. "...

This wave, this wave is the victory of human technology over the minions of nature!

At the same time, Kiana and Mei, who stood on the huge rock wall by the coast and created all this with their own hands, looked at each other, smiled tacitly, and said everything without saying a word.

"Products produced by the company must be high-quality products. The umbrella brand annihilation bomb is safe and pollution-free."

——If it wasn't for Mei's state of mind in the state of God's Herrscher, it would be difficult to make waves, and she would definitely make an "advertisement" like this at this time.

Besides them, the two sisters who saw this scene were also stunned, while the other was very excited.

"Gang, what were those just now?"

"Too, that's amazing!! Do you still have Mei?!"

In response, Mei shook her head, raised her hand and pulled Hachifang out of the void.

"Those just now are all I brought with me in the end. I haven't had a chance to use them all this time, and this time they can finally play a role..."

Having said that, she didn't pay attention to the disappointed black pupils, but looked at the dazed red pupils.

"This is the essence of human beings."

"Mei, you said...human?"

"Yes, humans from another world."

During the time when Mei and the others were talking, the energy annihilation balls produced by the explosion of multiple annihilation bombs also swelled to the extreme.

Looking around, the bright blue ball of light has covered more than half of the sea level in sight, and the battle results produced in the tens of seconds just now are horrifying, not only obliterating the tsunami that could cause a devastating blow to the land, but also At least two-thirds of the dangerous marine species were killed successfully.

After that, the sphere of light that swelled to the extreme disappeared instantly.

"Huh, huh, huh...!"

After a few seconds, the circular depressions on the sea surface began to be filled and repaired by sea water, and the remaining dangerous species were pushed upside down by the waves, and they were in a panic.

The first wave of attack from the sea was disintegrated in this way. From the beginning to the end, they didn't even officially land on the shore, let alone caused the slightest damage to the rock wall.

However, [the war] continues.

As the saying goes: "If the soldiers fall, they will stand up in the future."

When the sea-dwelling dangerous species began to revive and new companions emerged from the sea to supplement the loss of soldiers, a huge shadow suddenly appeared under the sea...

"Puff puff……!"

Accompanied by loud noises and splashes of water, tentacles covered with suction cups drilled out from under the sea surface, and hit the rock wall at a speed that ordinary people couldn't see clearly.


In an instant, blocks of boulders peeled off, and shocking marks appeared on the rock wall.

"Hmph~ The high wall built by the Herrscher of Rock won't collapse so easily!"

In this regard, Qiyana hugged her chest with a confident face.

In addition, the Chitong sisters on the side immediately grasped each other's hands and bent down slightly to avoid being knocked down by the impact.

Mei, on the other hand, raised her eighth room with a flat face.

"Has it finally appeared, then it's time for me to make a move."

At this moment, the enemy seemed to have discovered this group of "righteous masters", gave up the frontal attack on the rock wall, and instead aimed at Mei and the others.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

When the sound of breaking through the air came, thick tentacles followed closely, and the blood-red suckers attached to them looked like the faces of devils, which made people feel physically uncomfortable.

Almost subconsciously, the Chitong sisters wanted to draw their swords to fight back.


This time they are destined to be difficult to intervene.


It was not seen when Mei swung the knife, and all the tentacles that hit her broke off and fell into the sea. Bloody lightning flashed from the wound, preventing the self-healing ability from taking effect.

Attacking means exposing one's own strength.

In addition to corresponding to Mei, this sentence also includes the other party.

"what is that?!"

Following the eyes of the Chitong sisters, it was a huge pink monster lurking under the water like a legendary blue whale. Its head was covered with compound eyes, and a row of sharp teeth protruded from under the canopy. Countless Long tentacles replaced the lower body...

In short, this is a giant mutant octopus.

And I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but when Mei and the others’ eyes meet with it, they even feel a deep hatred for human beings from those monster compound eyes, which makes people feel absurd and at the same time can’t help but feel all over their bodies Cold.

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