"From the perspective of life strength, it is on par with the previous eclipse dragon."

Mei said so, with a flat tone.

Hearing this, Hei Tong immediately opened his eyes wide.

"Special, super dangerous species?!"

"Yes, super dangerous species. But so what?"

Kiyana nodded and smiled, with a look of indifference.


Seeing this, Chi Tong, who has always been cautious, just wanted to remind her not to be careless, but she opened her mouth but didn't know how to speak.

Feeling like an outsider...

"Don't worry, Chitong."

As if sensing her depressed mood, Mei suddenly turned her head and took a look.

"This guy is just an appetizer. The real enemy hasn't appeared yet. I can feel that 'it' has woken up. This time you all just watch carefully, stay by Kiyana's side, don't need to shoot, she will Protect yours."

Hearing this, Chi Tong not only did not relax, but even tensed up her nerves.

"There are stronger enemies?!"

"Of course." Meiyun smiled lightly, and raised Hachifang again, "Let's deal with this protruding guy in front of me first."

As early as when Mei and the others were still talking, the octopus-shaped super-dangerous species had already dived into the deep sea, and the rest of the sea-dwelling dangerous species also began to consciously disperse to both sides. Find another location to log in.

However, the existence that Mei will "summon" next will tell them:

Such behavior makes no sense.

"Teigu Liberation—"

Following Mei's order, streaks of black air began to pour out from Bafang's knife, and traces of black lightning kept flickering.

Suddenly, the sky became dark again.

Seeing this scene, the Chitong sisters held their breath in unison, as if they were afraid that they would disturb Mei's "casting".

Have you ever thought...

Mei suddenly turned her head.

"Hei Tong, do you still remember the puppet that you used to deal with all kinds of sundries and corpses?"

After being stunned for a moment, Hei Tong was lost in thought.

"A... puppet specially used to dispose of garbage?"

Not long after, she seemed to think of something, and suddenly opened her eyes wide.

"Could it be...?!"

Regarding this, Mei smiled slightly, didn't say much, just turned her head and waved Hachifang down.


An ominous black thunder fell from the sky and landed in the deep sea.

"Come out, Caesar!"


Chapter 288 Chapter 270 Chapter Seven

"Come out, Caesar!"

Following Mei's order, a strange black light suddenly radiated from the rough sea!


As if contaminated with something ominous, the black electric light exploded and spread at a certain point, and all dangerous sea-dwelling species that touched it turned into particles and floated on the sea surface like burnt charcoal.

"Huh, huh, huh...!"

Seemingly sensing a terrifying existence, the dangerous sea-dwelling species began to paddle the water with all their might, trying to escape from the eerie black light.


The originally relatively stable and heavy sea suddenly became a little "fragile" and even began to "wrinkle".

Obviously, the dangerous sea-dwelling species are desperately trying to escape, but the strange thing is that the sea surface seems to have "self-awareness" at this time, and it keeps "dragging" them to the center of the mutation.

At this moment, the dangerous species panicked. While screaming sharply, they swayed their fins or limbs vigorously, fleeing like wild deer on the African savannah, but the reality is that the "grassland" is killing them Send it to "Tiger's Mouth".

In this regard, many dangerous species could only let out a desperate roar, and then they were swallowed up by the "ocean".


From Heitong's perspective, a huge vortex like a "tiankeng" appeared on the sea surface. Many dangerous species of sea habitats had already swam to the edge, but they were still "dragged" back by the huge suction.

This situation, in the eyes of others, is like invisible "hands" in the sea, wantonly harvesting the lives of these dangerous species.

"It, it is Caesar? That stupid and ugly big frog? It caused all this?!"

Heitong stammered, gesticulating with his hands, as if he wanted to express something.

As the saying goes: "Seeing is believing."

But looking at the natural disaster-like scene in front of her, she couldn't believe it even more.


Yai nodded slowly, and put down the eight chambers that were held high.

"After meeting Epman, I think Heitong, you should have been mentally prepared."

"But, but... this change is too big, too incredible, right?! It used to be just a mobile trash can that I used to clean up the scene, but now..."

Looking at the huge vortex that was chilling like an abyss in his sight, Hei Tong still had an expression of disbelief.

Although it is a bit exaggerated to say it, but... since just now, the sea level has been dropping at a slow speed!

This means that the speed of seawater replenishment is actually lower than the speed of absorption by that "vortex"...

It was also the first time she saw that the sea, which has always represented "endless" in people's minds, would sometimes be sucked dry? !

"I've seen that frog-shaped dangerous species before. But...Mei, can it really swallow so much sea water?"

Chi Tong couldn't help asking.

In this regard, Mei's complexion is a little subtle.

"Maybe. As for how much it can swallow now, to be honest, I don't know. Maybe its belly is connected to another dimension... All in all, although Caesar is its previous name, it no longer means It now."

Speaking of this, Mei's eyes flashed a little thought.

"Now, let us call it [Great Mouth of the Abyss]."

"The mouth of the abyss?"

Chitong sisters carefully chewed this title.

While they were talking, the situation on the field changed again.

The super-dangerous octopus that chose to dive into the deep sea to find another way out because it failed to attack Mei and the others also showed its figure again under the absorption of Caesar Frog.

It's just that it looks very embarrassed at this time, dozens of long tentacles are desperately pushing back, it has no time to attack, it just wants to escape from this place quickly, and the compound eyes on its head convey a sense of anxiety.

To be honest, seeing this rather "funny" scene, Mei and the others couldn't help laughing.

But in the next second, the suction of the Caesar Frog increased again, the vortex continued to expand, and even the sand and stones slowly revealed on the shore were moving slowly. This scene was like a quicksand scene in the desert.

The sea level dropped again, and the sea level near the vortex was generally lower than the normal sea level in the distance, and the side facing the giant octopus even formed a "cliff"-like scene.

Gradually, through the exposed seabed of the shallow sea, the Chitong sisters saw a huge shadow...

It looks like a "frog" that looks like a giant ship.It keeps opening its abyss-like mouth, sucking in a huge amount of sea water and dangerous species all the time, but overall there is no change, as if its body is connected to a different dimension.

Under its suction, the octopus-shaped super-dangerous species that is equally huge and even superior in size alone can only swing its tentacles crazily. It wants to escape but cannot get rid of this suction at all. It can only drift with the current and gradually slide in. giant mouth.

"It's really... Caesar."

"It has definitely changed a lot, in every way."

The two sisters couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It didn't take long.

When the giant octopus was devoured by the Caesar frog, the latter immediately closed its mouth and swallowed the tentacles that were stuck to him, its bulging abdomen trembling.

The suction disappeared, the vortex gradually dissipated, and the sea water filled the gap again.

It's just that the attack power of the dangerous sea-dwelling species has also withered.

But it's not over yet.

Then, there was another tsunami that soared into the sky.


On the sea level in the distance, a terrifyingly large shark jumped out of the sea and then fell heavily, causing a huge tsunami.

The Caesar Frog squatting on the seabed was washed ashore immediately, its chubby body rolling over and over, and even buried in the sand.

"Rumble rumble..."

Rock wall, shaking.

Regarding this, Qiyana still had a relaxed expression on her face.

"The second 'General' is here. I decided to name the previous octopus [Yuanhai Squid], and this shark...is called [Furious Sea Shark]. Mei, how do I get it? ?”

"It doesn't matter."

As soon as the words fell, Mei raised Bafang again.

At the same time, Hei Tong tilted his head and thought:

"Let me guess, Epman... Caesar has appeared, so next... is it Destaguru's turn?!"

"That super dangerous species..."

Hearing this name, Chi Tong also seemed to remember something.

But to their surprise, Mei shook her head.

"No, that shark is not worthy of its appearance. The current Destaguru... To be honest, if he is serious, the ocean you are seeing now will disappear in an instant."


Hearing this, the sisters were stunned.

"Destaguru has become so strong?!"

"Don't worry, you will see later."

Mei made a fool of herself and smiled mysteriously.

Afterwards, she swung down Bafang again, and a black ominous aura emerged from the tip of the knife.

"Meet the legendary creatures from other worlds...it's your turn! Scorpio!"


The black thunder fell again, and what happened before was repeated here.

Only this time...

Thunder did not lose its voice after falling into the deep sea as before, but "stopped" directly between the sky and the earth, condensing into a black shadow.


Suddenly, the atmosphere changed suddenly.

The air pressure between the entire sky and the earth seemed to suddenly become heavy.

I don't know if it was a psychological factor, but the sisters suddenly felt a little difficult to breathe.

"That is……?"

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