
Chapter 289 Chapter 270

"Rumble rumble..."

Another earthquake.

There have been several landslides in the Harry Gott Mountain Range. The dangerous species that originally settled here escaped from their lairs like crazy, and headed north...that is, the human territory.

The beast tide appeared again.

At this time, Seamo Town is in danger again, but this time with Najehitan in charge, the situation is different.


The southern entrance of the town.

"On your marks - fire!"

Following Najie Xitan's order, the musketeers in formation pulled the trigger at the same time.

"Bang bang bang...!"

Amidst the hail of bullets, ferocious beasts fell one after another at the specially reserved entrance of the village, blood splattered and flesh flew all over for a while, the scene was very bloody.

Although the overall battles in this world are still dominated by cold weapons, ordinary hot weapons and even magic cannons have already appeared.It's just that the number of the latter is less than that of the former, and the cost of daily maintenance and training is very different, making it difficult for the latter to expand and popularize.

And this musketeer is actually the most elite group of Seamo's private army. Because Mei and the others were present in the previous battle in the small town, they had no chance to fight.

But now after successfully recruiting and surrendering, it is just right to use it to resist the beast tide.

"Bang bang bang...!"

The killing is still going on.It didn't take long before the entrance of the village was filled with corpses and minced meat, and the blood flowed like a stream, soaking the land.

While the concentrated firepower of thermal weapons is formidable, so are the logistical demands.In this case, the influence of factors such as bullet consumption and reload time is even more fatal.

In this regard, Najie Xitan has long been prepared.

"One group, add ammunition! Two groups, go!"

Following her order, the two groups of musketeers began to switch positions, with one team resting and the other playing, so as to ensure the continuity of firepower output.

But there are always surprises.


A house near the entrance of the village collapsed suddenly, and a dangerous species emerged from the dust, and then launched a surprise attack on the human line of defense from the side!

It is necessary to guard the village entrance and prevent surprise attacks... Obviously, a single team of musketeers cannot take care of both sides at the same time.

At this time, Tegushi needs to play.

"Hehe, this road is blocked!"

Lubbock, who had been waiting here for a long time, stretched out his five fingers with a smile, and pulled hard. The transparent screen that had been arranged in advance shrank along with his movements, and easily penetrated the body of the dangerous species.


The latter maintained a forward posture and fell heavily to the ground.That body, strong enough to resist bullets, shattered into pieces like this, and the transparent threads in the air that were sticking to the blood beads seemed to be telling something...

A colorless, silent, almost invisible, peerless weapon—this is one of the powers of Teigu's [Kaleidoscopic Cross Tail].

Not only Lubbock, but also the humanoid Teigu on the other side [Electric Stone Fire Susanoo] also slaughtered the dangerous species trying to sneak attack at a similar speed, but his method only relied on hand-to-hand combat, which seemed more For simplicity and brutality.

In this way, there were rotating Musketeers on the front, and two Teigu guards on the side. This time, the beast tide was almost blocked at the entrance of the southern village before it broke out.

The tragic situation of the day before yesterday will never happen again.


"What the hell happened over there?"

Raising her head, she looked at the constantly changing sky in the south and felt the slight vibrations from under her feet from time to time. Even though the situation was under control, Najie Xitan's face was still dignified.

At this moment, the communications soldier ran over excitedly.

"General! The Republic's reinforcements have arrived!"


South China Sea.


Amidst the thunder and lightning, the shadow faded, and an indomitable giantess appeared.

Her legs are like two huge pillars supporting the sky, she has long hair that hangs down to her thighs, the hair is like hooks shining with cold light, her facial features are blurred, her arms are divided into several long tentacles , with uneven body shape, and a metallic silver-gray skin.

At the same time as she appeared, all the remaining thin clouds in the sky dissipated in an instant, as if she was afraid of that terrifying coercion.

"Bring me back that fish, it's alive."

Mei turned over the eight chambers, and the tip of the knife reached the sea in the distance.

The giant moved.

"Wow...! Wow...! Wow...!"

"Boom...! Boom...! Boom...!"

In the past, just standing there gave people an indescribable sense of oppression, but now every time she took a step, it was as if she was stepping on people's hearts.

The earth trembled, and the splashes were tsunamis in themselves, and the rock wall was responsible for bearing them one by one.

This is the current 【Scorpio】.

As we all know, stage five gastritis are mutated from human females. Tens of thousands of biological genes are fused in their bodies. abnormal.

But now, this Scorpio, which was once defeated by Mei, has returned to its original human form under the reinforcement of Hachifang, which is simply incredible.

"She, she..."

If the appearance of Caesar's giant frog makes the Chitong sisters feel unbelievable, then the appearance of Scorpio is tantamount to refreshing their "three views".

Such a powerful existence is just a puppet?

For this, Mei did not immediately explain, but gave Scorpio a brand new title just like before:

"Please call her [Humanoid Apocalypse]."

Meanwhile, Scorpio goes deep into the sea.

Her calf and heel were already submerged in the sea water, and a large number of dangerous species emerged from the sea desperately attacked her, but they couldn't cause the slightest damage to her metal-like skin, which made people smack their tongues.

In contrast, Scorpio completely ignored the yelling and gnawing of these "ants", and just walked slowly and firmly towards the goal step by step, with dull eyes.

Soon, the sea water had covered her thighs.

At this time, if one ignores her rather curious appearance, she looks more like a girl who is testing the water temperature in a swimming pool.

From another angle, Scorpio is like a human-shaped "island" in the eyes of Chitong sisters, towering and standing tall.

But the dangerous species seemed to think that this big guy was incapable of fighting, and began to surround her, looking for a place to bite, and even some amphibious dangerous species had already climbed onto her, playing "stacked arhat", trying to kill her overthrow.

"Why is she standing there?"

"No, she is still moving forward, but from our perspective, it seems to be still. In fact, her feet have already stepped on the deepest part of this sea area, and there are soft quicksands underneath."

Just when Mei and the others started discussing...


The shark-shaped super-dangerous species suddenly drilled out of the sea, its streamlined body jumped high, and its mouth full of sharp teeth opened its mouth full of sharp teeth. It bit at the neck of Scorpio, splashing huge waves.


Seeing this, the hearts of the sisters almost hung.

They seem to understand:

It's a conspiracy!The super-dangerous species first deliberately led Scorpio to the deepest sea area, and then let other dangerous sea-dwelling species entangle and restrict her actions, and then appeared in person to attack the vital points...

These dangerous species are indeed intelligent!

However, Mei raised the corners of her lips.

"it's time."

At the same time as the shark came, the slow-moving Scorpio suddenly changed!

Her sluggish eyes suddenly turned scarlet, her arms suddenly raised, and she hugged the giant shark in the way of catching a ball. The differentiated tentacles entangled with each other and deformed into a net, trapping the latter in a prison Firmly.

"Oh hoo~"

Seeing such an astonishing reversal, Qiyana couldn't help whistling, her face full of surprise.


This scene happened so suddenly, like lightning, the two sisters were stunned.

"Wow! Wow...!"

After being entangled in the tentacles' net, the super-dangerous shark slammed left and right unwillingly, and even opened its mouth to bite the cage. The sound of slapping the water surface resounded throughout the sea.

But Scorpio is unmoved.

While catching the "prey" in the net, her long, hook-shaped hair began to stretch, swell, and deform, and then the front end opened like a small mouth, piercing the shark's body together.


The latter fell silent immediately.

At this moment, if it could speak human words, it would definitely shout like this:

"You bastard is plotting against me!!!"

At the same time, the skin of Scorpio's exposed thighs and waists also cracked open, like mouths, swallowing and chewing the dangerous sea dwellers that were wrapping around him and attacking him one by one. broken.

The blood of the dangerous species seems to have become the second "sea" in the eyes of Mei and the others.

Only now did Mei start to explain:

"That's why I call it [Humanoid Apocalypse]. Let me tell you the truth, the human form is just an appearance. In fact, she can transform anywhere in her body, whether it is a sword, a gun or a hammer, it doesn't matter what she turns into. .I once doubted whether her essence is slime."


Looking at the giantess who started to walk back with the giant shark in her net, the two sisters felt tightness in their chests and couldn't breathe.

This level of battle is really not something they can easily intervene...

"That shark's aptitude is not bad, I plan to turn it into Hachifang's new puppet."

Not paying attention to the complex expressions of the two sisters, Mei spoke on her own, with a flat tone, as if she had expected the ending long ago.

The sun was shining, the girl's body was glowing scarlet, she held up the demon sword, and commanded the creature that seemed to only exist in mythology... Every move was full of unruly and free and easy, as if she had already taken the whole world into her own hands...

At this moment, Chi Tong never felt that she was so strange, so far away, and even... trembling.

In a trance, looking at that figure, Chitong spit out a word in a strange way:


Hearing this, Mei was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head and smiled coquettishly.

"Maybe. If the so-called gods are supposed to care about all beings and be loved. Then I... (glances at Kiyana), what about demons?"

Chapter 290 Chapter 270 IX This world is the strongest!The Ultimate Dangerous Sea Dragon Emperor

Following the defeat of the two "kings" of the sea, the squid in the deep sea and the mad shark in the angry sea, the dangerous sea-dwelling species seemed to know that there was no hope of landing, and began to retreat one after another. The South China Sea once returned to its usual calm appearance.

But all these are just appearances.

Sometimes, calm means a violent storm is coming.


On the rock wall, Mei held a knife in one hand, and looked at the sea with purple eyes.

The giant frog Caesar was lying on the beach below, his bulging belly trembling, as if he was trying to digest "things";

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